Battlefield 2 > MW2


CAG Veteran
Should I sell my MW2 for Battlefield 2? Tanks,helicopters,no b/s kill streaks.

What do you guys think?
To be honest, it's really difficult for me to go from an Xbox 360 controller to a PS3 controller for FPS games (my 360 is RR'd and I don't have the cash for another one right now) but after being able to try both on the system I'd say BF2 is a ton of fun with a hell of a lot more options than "shoot guy 1 then shoot guy 2."

There's a lot more variety but the combat doesn't seem as fluid in MW2. The vehicles are what make it more fun for me, though.
battlefield has destructible buildings, worthwhile vehicles, perks that arent bullshit, no akimbo shotguns, you only hear your squad and if an annoying 13 year old is in your squad you kick him out, no nukes and most likely a way better single player experience.

so yes. i would sell it.
I played the beta of bc2 (liked it a lot) and the new demo (not so much). they did something because the controls are shit now.
If youre pressed for cash, I likely would. The multiplayer is of a different breed though. If you arent used to it, it can be hard to find the fights on some of the larger maps. I think the vehicles do force a more team oriented approach to the multiplayer, as without the proper support units it only takes one good tank driver to take out a group of lone wolf types. The amount of destruction also has some unique (and in my opinion, postive) rammifications for multiplayer. The maps become more balanced because even the best of spots can simply be blown apart.

I personally prefer the variety offered by the series and enjoyed the single player more than MW. It looks as though this iteration has a more serious tone, but the previous installment had genuinely funny moments mixed in with some cool set pieces.
This game looks like it could be extremely good, but I think I might wait it out for some more reviews/gameplay footage/etc. A lot of recent games have looked good but there turned out to be problems when they finally came out. I really hope this game turns out as good as I think it will be.
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']If youre pressed for cash, I likely would. The multiplayer is of a different breed though. If you arent used to it, it can be hard to find the fights on some of the larger maps. I think the vehicles do force a more team oriented approach to the multiplayer, as without the proper support units it only takes one good tank driver to take out a group of lone wolf types. The amount of destruction also has some unique (and in my opinion, postive) rammifications for multiplayer. The maps become more balanced because even the best of spots can simply be blown apart.

I personally prefer the variety offered by the series and enjoyed the single player more than MW. It looks as though this iteration has a more serious tone, but the previous installment had genuinely funny moments mixed in with some cool set pieces.[/QUOTE]

That person has jennifer connely in his avatar, so just go with whatever he says.
[quote name='Diad']I played the beta of bc2 (liked it a lot) and the new demo (not so much). they did something because the controls are shit now.[/QUOTE]

for some reason, i think the demo is a past build from the beta. the beta had micro damage (use engineer tool to drill a hole in a wall and shoot out it) and that wasnt in the demo. i remember them making a deal about this in an interview.

also, as the maps are big, you arent playing on the whole map the entire time. the huge map is really 5 little maps in one. you really only stick to whatever part of the map youre objectives are located in.
Well I have decided to pre-order the limited edition of this game which isn't nothing special just a few added down loadable content like extra guns and such.Also, I will keep Modern Warfare 2 just to have in my collection and because of the fact that it was a game that really blew my mind with its awesome single player mode and fun but camper friendly online.

The demo for Battlefield 2 really won me over with the tanks,helicopters and blowing up of pretty much everything in sight.I see it as an online experience for myself and not to be played with friends like Cod2.It seems as though everyone is out doing their own thing and won't be room for any friend to friend enjoyment as oppose to Cod2.
I play with my friend all the time, even though everybody is out doing their own thing, teamwork will win out in the end. I like taking the tank or him being in the tank and being the gunner, or if we take the apache. It's fun solo and with friends, really looking forward to the whole game.
Going from a much more tuned shooter like MW2 to BF:BC2 is kinda like driving a high end sports car and then getting into a 2000 Ford Escort.

The controls aren't anywhere near as sensitive, the running is funky to me, the melee attack takes forever and a day, lag is incredibly noticeable and you won't get a OHK shot on a sniper rifle if its not a headshot, especially if it's a neck shot. Can't lie prone, jumping is just weird and not really natural, the gun sights are crappy when aiming down them, having pull the bolt and ready the next shot on the M24 after every shot while is a realistic touch, having to manually do it is retarded, where as the Intervention just isn't. The multiplayer radar is pretty awful, explosions don't do enough splash damage so you have to actually hit a person with an anti-tank round to get a kill and the tracer dart isn't a homing dart, just an aid for the increased chance to hit with the RPG compared to what one of the trailers showed. I couldn't leave a squad nor mute one annoying player, so that just sucked since I had to listen to him prattle on the entire session. Having to swap out your whole kit instead of just taking a gun in place of your primary/secondary sucked too.

The gameplay in multiplayer seems lacking, I'm hoping it's because it's not the final product, I have it preordered at Gamestop but we'll see where it ends up. MW2 may have spoiled me too much, I want a war game, not a glorified HALO replacement. Hopefully this won't be the case.
I know it's the "cool thing" to bash Modern Warfare 2 nowadays, but honestly I think it all comes down to whether you think the game is fun or not.

I find MW2 to be fun, so I'm still going to play it no matter what other people say.

I'll try BF:BC2, and if it is fun I'll play it as well -> again without care of what other people think.

There's really no point to this thread or getting other people's opinions of what they think if at the end of the day you still aren't having fun.
Me and Smoggy sort of had a chat about focusing on one shooter at a time... Which I tried to keep to, but I don't think I can do it any more.

Nothing does enough right to keep me in one place which makes me a little sad. Isn't like the old days when I HAD to play Socom and nothing else was even on the radar.

These days you have to pick and choice what kind of experience you're up for. All the shooters do something really well, while lacking here and there, only to have its faults picked up by another title.

So you might end up skipping around, like me. I don't think there is anything wrong with owning a couple of shooters and popping in the one you're up to for that night.

>>>P.S. Jettone let ME drive the tank next time! (you got us fried to many time lol).
It's what I do. Actually I prefer being the gunner on tanks and the apache so I don't have to worry about driving. You don't want to spawn on me if I'm in a chopper though, I will definitely crash that and flip it upside down. I'm kind of getting used to the controls on that now.
I think it simply comes down to two questions.

Are you bored/tired of MW2 and wouldn't mind not playing it for a while?
Did you enjoy BC2 and would like to play the full version of the game?

I enjoy both games for what they are. But , they are not really the same thing.

For all the cheap weapon combos and killstreaks, MW2 is polished. The gunplay is outstanding. I am never wondering how or why something happened. I enjoy the game because I do well (by my standards), I have learned the maps inside and out, and I have found weapons I enjoy using.

BC2 is not. The combat is very floaty and imprecise. I am constantly wondering how/why shots are or are not hitting their mark. The game does not run as fluid, the frame rate stutters at time, which is not something you want in an FPS. Yet the classes, vehicles, and destructible environments are a blast. I enjoy this game as well, but at a different approach. I have to go into it with a more casual "lets blow crap up" mindset.
[quote name='gargus']That person has jennifer connely in his avatar, so just go with whatever he says.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='BadLTD']Should I sell my MW2 for Battlefield 2? Tanks,helicopters,no b/s kill streaks.

What do you guys think?[/QUOTE]

It sounds like you want to do it, so go do it.

Your money, your time, your game, your choice.
[quote name='Mad39er']Going from a much more tuned shooter like MW2 to BF:BC2 is kinda like driving a high end sports car and then getting into a 2000 Ford Escort.[/QUOTE]

this was how i felt playing MW1 then playing Warhawk and Resistance1 MP. it just felt cartoon-ish and didn't run as smooth. i haven't played BF:BC2 so i can't comment on that particular game, but i couldn't play those other games after playing COD:MW1.
[quote name='Mad39er'] having pull the bolt and ready the next shot on the M24 after every shot while is a realistic touch, having to manually do it is retarded, where as the Intervention just isn't.[/QUOTE]

I really love that though. You can release from the scope and he'll do it. Or You can keep aiming and when you are ready hit fire again and it'll also automatically do it.

I love bolt actions. Makes you focus and try not to miss as much, plus the added stopping power. The simple action to set the next round adds to the experience for me.

I don't know... The people not liking this, all I can think is "you aren't playing it right."

It is hard to put a finger on but MW is more a speedy shooter, and this is better balanced and paced.
[quote name='NamPaehc']
I don't know... The people not liking this, all I can think is "you aren't playing it right."


All of a sudden are we all the BORG? Like the majority of us have different parents and different tastes. I don't recall seeing people bad on DAO vs Demon's Souls (which I think is far superior - but that is IMO).

BF2 is not my cup of tea...didn't care for the first one...played about 4 hours of that after my friend left it for me and it has sat there since. Downloaded the BF2 demo and played it twice....something about it just doesn't sit right with me. Maybe too much MW2.

I am not saying it is a bad game, just not for me. If someone likes it, great. If someone doesn't like a game I do, then that is their opinion and choice - not necessarily because they "aren't playing it right."
Wow, did you really just take offense to what I said???


Maybe too much MW2.

That kinda is what I was getting at.

I HATED Halo. Because I was playing it like Socom. It is a totally different game, and once my friends got me up to speed on "how to play" it was more enjoyable. Halo you just zoom around blasting people and it is fun.

The pacing of Socom was so different and what I was used to, changing my play habit to fit Halo wasn't enjoyable at first. But with time it grew on me. Which took more then 2-4 hours.

So that is all I meant, so have a cookie on me.
[quote name='NamPaehc']

I don't know... The people not liking this, all I can think is "you aren't playing it right."


Agreed. You really have to get out of your favorite game's mindset and delve into the new shooter you're trying out with a different mindset.

Think about why they do things differently and what satisfaction that gives you. After playing it for awhile.

like cheapman said, I thought the Battlefield series was horrible, til I really gave it a shot and the realism and destructible environments hit me and I got used to the pacing.
I tried the BC2 demo last night for the first time. Why does the character run like he's about to drop a deuce in his pants? Seemed like it had potential but I was getting killed every 3 second or so so I turned it off.
No, I did not take offense to what anyone says, life is too short. I just don't think people should go around judging how others have played the game. I just did not like the first BF game and did not like the demo of the second one. My point was it had nothing to do with *how* I was playing it, I just did not like the game. I played 4-5 hours of the first one before I got MW2.....just did not like it. If I play 4-5 hours of a game and it does not have my attention, I'm probably not going to spend more time with it. There are numerous other games out there.

Same way with Killzone 2 - just didn't like it. I thought Farcry 2 was a far better game (SP) and kept my attention more. Not saying FC2 was great, but > Killzone 2 IMO.

Better yet, your point would be like someone telling me the reason I think Avatar sucks is because I do not understand the movie. Great special effects, but the plot sucks and was as predictable as the Nets losing this year. I'd rather watch Zombieland twice than see that thing again.

No offense taken...hope none was given. My MW2 comparison was only to the BF2 demo...something about the graphics in BF2 turned me off majorly...that was my big complaint and I cannot finger what it was.
[quote name='Cardiff Giant']...I was getting killed every 3 second...[/QUOTE]

you and me both, buddy, you and me both
@OP - Have you considered MAG? I havent played it yet, but to me it sounds like you get a lot of the great community aspects associated with SOCOM, but lower barriers to entry.
[quote name='exRounder']you and me both, buddy, you and me both[/QUOTE]

It's weird too because I stank at MW2 when I first got it but within about an hour I was doing ok. I also use to be really good at the various Ghost Recon titles (the first GRAW online was a blast) and the original SOCOM. So I'm used to the more tactical type games. If anything I thought I'd like this better than MW2 but so far no dice.
I would keep both...for variety
Battlefield 2 is great and all...but if ur team really gets on your nerves (sniping is alright to do...but if that is all you do when base A is about to be blown up...sigh)
I'm sick of MW2, B:BC2 will be more realistic, IMO

I ran across this yesterday, hilarious stuff. Foul language alert
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Pong is better than both of them. If you want to play a shooting game that doesnt suck try killzone 2, uncharted 2, or gta. Those games shit all over MW2 and battlefield.
[quote name='Neo-Nut'] If you want to play a shooting game that doesnt suck try killzone 2, uncharted 2, or gta. [/QUOTE]
:roll: Lmao, that is just too funny.
[quote name='Supplice']:roll: Lmao, that is just too funny.[/QUOTE]
Just a wild guess but I'm pretty sure you never learned how to play those games. GTA no auto aim, killzone no boosting, and uncharted 2 deathmatch is the best thing since sliced bread
You ever kill a guy midair in gta with a napalm mid flip? Ever stab someone and stomp on there corpse for 10 seconds? Ever play killzone after the high precision aiming patch and the 6 new maps? If not then you don't know what I'm talking about.
bread's done