Battlefield: Bad Company 2 | (30 Sep.) Mp. Gameplay Trailer

I started playing the original Bad Company again to get myself prepared for this. If anyone wants to play BC1 or the BC2 demo, add me. My PSN ID is Ashimbo.
I got bored and made an improvised way to take out tanks or groups as a sniper. Whenever you get a chance, before taking an ATV, slap some C4 on it, and ride to your target. Get out and then detonate. Its fun lol
I'm really enjoying the demo, the map is much better than the beta one (lot of open spaces for sniping, many alternate routes to the objectives for the stealthy approach and a lot of cover when going with the assault class)
[quote name='Supplice']I got bored and made an improvised way to take out tanks or groups as a sniper. Whenever you get a chance, before taking an ATV, slap some C4 on it, and ride to your target. Get out and then detonate. Its fun lol[/QUOTE]

I just saw a video of some guy blowing up objectives that way.

Can a UAV missile take out an objective that's out in the open?
[quote name='Frank Deluded']I just saw a video of some guy blowing up objectives that way.

Can a UAV missile take out an objective that's out in the open?[/QUOTE]

You can damage it with the UAV. So feel free to start striking "B" at the beginning as an attacker.
Here's the Trophies/Achievements for the game. They look a lot more fun, and less punishing, than the first one. Pulled from
I knew we'd make it
Campaign: finish Operation Aurora

Retirement just got postponed.
Campaign: finish Cold War

It's bad for my karma man!
Campaign: finish Heart of Darkness

They got all your intel?
Campaign: finish Upriver

Salvage a vehicle.
Campaign: finish Crack the Sky

Alright, here it is.
Campaign: finish Snowblind

Nobody ever drowned in sweat
Campaign: finish Heavy Metal

Ghost rider's here!
Campaign: finish High Value Target

Sierra Foxtrot 1079
Campaign: finish Sangre del Toro

Thanks for the smokes, brother!
Campaign: finish No One Gets Left Behind

Save me some cheerleaders.
Campaign: finish Zero Dark Thirty

Turn on a light.
Campaign: finish Force Multiplier

P.S. Invasion cancelled, sir.
Campaign: finish Airborne

It sucks to be right.
Campaign: finish Airborne on Hard

New Shiny Gun
Campaign: find 5 collectable weapons

Guns Guns Guns
Campaign: find 15 collectable weapons

Link to the Past
Campaign: destroy 1 satellite uplink

Communication Issues
Campaign: destroy 15 satellite uplinks

Complete Blackout
Campaign: destroy all satellite uplinks

Ten Blades
Campaign: 10 melee kills

Campaign: drive 5 km in any land vehicle

Campaign: destroy 100 objects

Destruction Part 2
Campaign: destroy 1000 objects

Campaign: demolish 1 house

Demolish Part 2
Campaign: demolish 50 houses

Assault Rifle Aggression
Campaign: 50 kills with assault rifles

Sub Machine Gun Storm
Campaign: 50 kills with sub machine guns

Light Machine Gun Lash Out
Campaign: 50 kills with light machine guns

Sniper Rifle Strike
Campaign: 50 kills with sniper rifles

Wall of Shotgun
Campaign: 50 kills with shotguns

Multiplayer Knowledge
Online: reach Rank 10 (Sergeant I)

Multiplayer Elite
Online: reach Rank 22 (Warrant Officer I)

Assault Expert
Online: unlock 3 weapons in the Assault kit

Engineer Expert
Online: unlock 3 weapons in the Engineer kit

Medic Expert
Online: unlock 3 weapons in the Medic kit

Recon Expert
Online: unlock 3 weapons in the Recon kit

Battlefield Expert
Online: obtain all unlocks in any kit or all Vehicle unlocks

15 Minutes of Fame
Online: play for 15 minutes

Mission... Accomplished.
Online: in a round do one kill with the knife, the M60 and the RPG-7

Pistol Man
Online: get 5 kills with every handgun in the game

Online: roadkill an enemy with any helicopter

Et Tu, Brute?
Online: knife 5 friends

Demolition Man
Online: get 20 demolish kills

Careful Guidance
Online: destroy an enemy helicopter with a stationary RPG

The Dentist
Online: do a headshot kill with the repair tool

Won Them All
Online: win a round in all online game modes

Squad Player
Online: obtain the Gold Squad Pin 5 times

Combat Service Support
Online: do 10 resupplies, repairs, heals, revives and motion mine spot assists

Award Aware
Online: obtain 10 unique awards

Award Addicted
Online: obtain 50 unique award
StarkKat, the last game we had was so epic. The 'B' objective in that house had like one side of the wall up and all it needed was a little nudge to destroy it and we kept it up with them having around 30 reinforcements?

So fun. I finally got my firing touch back with the game. I tried flying the helo and did horribly with it.

Also, the chat system in-game is weird. Everyone sounds so muffled.
I had a great game with my clan friend. Throughout the whole game (as attacker) we were fighting near death every inch of the objectives (tickets down to less than 10) when we finally pull them. What matters worse was the teams were uneven as time went on when it became 7 vs 12, and two members from the other squad were just sniping so it was 5 vs 12. I wish it was like MAG where I could talk to the other squad, but my friend and I decided to be the whole offensive front. We stole one of their Apaches and rained rockets before parachuting to the last objectives. He went to take "B" and I went to take "A." He managed to get B easily, but I got stuck with a tank and 6 other enemies. I managed to sprint to the AT stationary weapon to blow the tank, before my friend came in to help me mop up the other enemies. Then I planted a charge on A and we held up our last stand on the opposite house. We finally managed to pull an upset with a win once it blew. Woot!

[quote name='Frank Deluded']
Also, the chat system in-game is weird. Everyone sounds so muffled.[/QUOTE]

Hmm, voice chat seems fine and clear to me.
Yeah voice is weird. Everyone sounded like they were underwater. :(

Explosives can blow up the stations... C4 for sure. Not sure about RPGs/grenades. If you look at them there should be an orange bar telling you how much more damage they can sustain.

Also, everyone remember, you can earn points by doing things other then killing.

Tap select to tag an enemy right before you shoot at them and you might pick up a spot bonus. In case you don't get the finishing shot, might want to see if you can make that a habit.

As an assault or medic, hit right and drop down a supply/medic crate as you run around. I think you can only have one or two at at time (think one...) but you never know who might come along and use it so drop them often They affect an area (can't pick them up) so just stand by them to get more ammo/heal more quickly btw.

You also get an EXTRA bonus when you supply/heal your squad mates compaired to healing just teammates so stick close to the green arrows.

I'd suggest joining a squad for all the little XP boosters. Like if you have the best squad at the end of a round I think you get an award which equals rank XP (like 100-200 points).

There is also a way to get extra for killing near the objectives as defender but I haven't worked out all those details.

Reviving falling comrades = 50 points!

When in a vehicle, you also get points when whoever is inside with you gets a kill.

All of that adds up towards your overall rank. Which means universal unlocks, like the shotty in the demo.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 confirmed maps so far as well as which game mode types they will be available in. Link.

Panama Canal
Port Valdez
Valparaiso Village
Laguna Alta
Isla Inocentes
Atacama Desert
Arica Harbor
White Pass
Nelson Bay
Laguna Presa
[quote name='NamPaehc']Yeah voice is weird. Everyone sounded like they were underwater. :(

Explosives can blow up the stations... C4 for sure. Not sure about RPGs/grenades. If you look at them there should be an orange bar telling you how much more damage they can sustain.

Also, everyone remember, you can earn points by doing things other then killing.
Do you mean I can plant C4 on the objective to destory it? I've been running around trying to make the building fall in on it. Haven't been able to since I always end up getting shot and killed before I can set it off.

Yea, I will drop down ammo or aid, when I'm near guys and they'll pick it up. Every little bit helps. I'm always in a squad, if for nothing more then to spawn on a squadmate. This game is exceptionally fun, I always have a negative kdr at the end, but I'm always in the top 3 on my team since I'm running around doing more then just trying to kill.
Yeah, place C4 on the objective--it will cause some significant damage to it when all the charges are blown.

I had a great game as a front line sniper (providing mobile sniper cover for teammates and using C4 on objectives). I actually managed to snipe a driver in the apache while in the air (he was trying to kill me because I probably got tagged). At the last set of objectives, I took out the driver in the blackhawk shortly after the driver got in which allowed my team to take it.
my thoughts on the demo:

- new map is awesome. might like it more than arica harbor.
- when a game ends and the teams were uneven, EVEN THEM OUT NEXT GAME. the one game finished 5 on 12 and the next game was still freaking 5 on 12.
- 870 shotgun is way to powerful. instant deaths from way to far away. nerf it.
- the game should put you in a squad automatically. there is no reason to go solo in MP. none.
- good to see they made the drill overheat now. they need to do the same with the defib pads though too.
- assaults grenade launchers should at least damage tanks a little bit.

the beta was nice cuz everything was unlocked, but i can see why they locked most of the guns in the demo.
[quote name='8bitArtist']my thoughts on the demo:

- new map is awesome. might like it more than arica harbor.
- when a game ends and the teams were uneven, EVEN THEM OUT NEXT GAME. the one game finished 5 on 12 and the next game was still freaking 5 on 12.
- 870 shotgun is way to powerful. instant deaths from way to far away. nerf it.
- the game should put you in a squad automatically. there is no reason to go solo in MP. none.
- good to see they made the drill overheat now. they need to do the same with the defib pads though too.
- assaults grenade launchers should at least damage tanks a little bit.

the beta was nice cuz everything was unlocked, but i can see why they locked most of the guns in the demo.[/QUOTE]

Yeah they can tweak a lot of that.

As for going solo. If I'm not playing with friends or don't need the extra points, I'll play a sniper and not get in a squad. Mainly because I like to hear whats going on around me and random people spawning on me throws me off when I hear footsteps.
EA has launched a new Bad Company 2 website called the Tactical Field Manual. The website features all the latest game information on vehicles, weapons, maps, and strategy. However, the website is restricted to players of Modern Warfare and Battlefield who have accumulated enough experience points. To see if you have what it takes to get access, checkout the new Tactical Field Website Here.


Been looking through it, I noticed there are two guns that were not listed in the PS3 beta. The G3 and the Enhanced MOD M14. Anyway, at least this allows you to get a sneak peak at the map layouts.

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EA has launched a new Bad Company 2 website called the Tactical Field Manual. The website features all the latest game information on vehicles, weapons, maps, and strategy. However, the website is restricted to players of Modern Warfare and Battlefield who have accumulated enough experience points. To see if you have what it takes to get access, checkout the new Tactical Field Website Here.

Been looking through it, I noticed it has a two guns that were not listed in the PS3 beta. The G3 and the Enhanced MOD M14.

Hi all Bf:BC2 mates, just got the demo and have a few questions (also just got the '3 so being used to the 360 online may color my experience with the '3...) I find myself getting kicked out of the demo quite often, is that natural or just a quirk of my ISP? It happens at least 1 out of every 2 games. Also, does anyone use the headset in this game? I rarely hear anyone talking online, maybe 1 out of every 5 games, is it common for the '3 people NOT to have a headset when online? thanks, playa l8tr...
I never get kicked from the game. Are you getting signed out of the PSN or just kicked from the match? I have a headset but I don't use it unless it's with friends. The PS3 community is kind of weird like that, even though people may have headsets they won't use it. But it seems they're a lot more prone to typing if it was an option.
thanks for the reply, guess that answers the headset question, but no, I am getting dumped out of the middle of matches, don't know if its the server or my isp, guess I have a crappy isp...
if youre going into a random squad, chances are people wont be using mics unless they know each other.

my friend and i joined some random squad and when they saw we had mics and were talking, they both turned their mics on.

i get kicked from games but only once in awhile. not every 2 games.
[quote name='gkargreen']Hi all Bf:BC2 mates, just got the demo and have a few questions (also just got the '3 so being used to the 360 online may color my experience with the '3...) I find myself getting kicked out of the demo quite often, is that natural or just a quirk of my ISP? It happens at least 1 out of every 2 games. Also, does anyone use the headset in this game? I rarely hear anyone talking online, maybe 1 out of every 5 games, is it common for the '3 people NOT to have a headset when online? thanks, playa l8tr...[/QUOTE]

Hey, I had the same problem when I first got my PS3 slim. It took forever to download patches, kept getting kicked offline, I almost threw it out the window. I did some research and someone suggested that I turn off media sharing( it is turned on by default when you get it) and all of my connection problems went away. Try that and see if it works, you access it in the settings. I have played the demo a lot and haven't gotten kicked off yet, knock on wood.

This game is awesome, would love to join up with some of you Cags and play.
Hey guys, thanks! I'll give that media setting a go, that should help, and thanks for the heads up Nampaehc, looks like Bf:BC 2 is gonna be in my tray, that $20 is tasty!
For those that care about reviews.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Game Informer Review

The heavy use of particle effects in the desert sandstorms and mountain peak blizzards adds a wild card elements to firefights.

From head-rattling explosions to the clatterof bullet cassings hitting the ground, this is the best sound design in the genre.It's so detailed you can hear the footsteps of soldiers approaching from behind.

Smoother aiming and tightened vehicle controls improve the moment-to-moment experience, and the new health regeneration system greatly aids the pacing of the single-player campaign.

A vastly improved single-player campaign complements some of the best tactical multiplayer action on the planet

Replay value

Scan 1
Scan 2
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Here is the text he linked to for those who don't want to watch the video.

1. Learn to Spot and Do It Always

While Bad Company 2 does support in squad voice chat it’s only with your 3 squad mates. It’s imperative that you quickly let everyone on your team know where the enemy is hiding, flush them out and fix ‘em from all angles. Do this by placing your sights on an opposing player and pressing the Back/Select button. Yes, THAT button. We know it’s not normally reserved for gameplay and its usual job is to pause, bring up a menu, and sometimes even “go back” or “select something”.
Just press it!
You hear your character saying “There’s a douchbag hiding in the rocks with a radioactive twinkie!” or something similar? That audio cue is accompanied by a small bright red arrow above your enemy’s head. This indicator also appears on screen for all of your teammates for a limited time allowing them to turn their sites to the enemy and start blasting away in concert with you.
Congratulations! You just contributed far more than you ever did playing Battlefield before. Now do this ALL THE FREAKIN’ TIME even if it means practicing daily finger yoga to prevent your left thumb from coming off of the left stick. It’s important!
2. Know Your Role

“I’m a Sniper! I’m a Sniper! I’m a Sniper!”
No, you’re not a Sniper. The closest thing to being a Sniper in Bad Company 2 is the Recon class. Yeah, it looks like you’re a sniper; you’ve got a high-powered rifle with a high powered zoom and a sick-ass ghillie suit to hide in the brush but there’s more than meets the eye.
In fact, there’s more to each class than what the title lets on. You need to know how to use all of them properly and don’t try to do stuff that’s too far outside the strengths of your class. Yeah, it’s a no-brainer but you’d be surprised how many times people whine “How do I get the machine gun? There’s no Heavy class!”
Here’s what you need to know:
Assault: Shoot people in short bursts only at medium to long distances. Use your grenade launcher when bad guys bunch up. Refill your teammates supplies if you hear them ask for it. It’s not fucking ambient noise, they need more ammo to kill bad guys and they’ll say so when they’re running low.
Engineer: Hide most of the time, engage enemies at short range in short bursts. Hide some more, pop out and send an RPG at the side or back of a tank and other armored vehicle. If a friendly vehicle is near by magically repair it with your impact wrench thing.
Medic: Throw med-packs on the ground near buddies to heal them. Hit dead guys (who look like lightning bolts on your HUD) with the Defibrillator to revive them and gain back reinforcement tickets. Most importantly, stand your ground and light muthafucka’s up with your machine gun. Fire in sustained bursts without losing much accuracy.
Recon: Shoot people from far away while hiding. Run up to tanks and plant explosives on them. Calmly run in the opposite direction when encountered by anyone who’s not holding their dick.
3. Don’t Be a Pussy But Don’t Waste Tickets Either

In Modern Warfare you can be a pussy and get away with it.
Much of the time even the good players are camping behind a refrigerator or in a bathroom stall. Conversely, there’s really very little downside for shit players to run out with guns blazing. If you get shot and killed, you come back in a couple seconds with full ammo and re-enter the meat grinder.
Chances are that someone on your team will get hot and order a tactical nuke meaning that you win AND you got to eat a bowl of Lucky Charms. Not so for Bad Company 2. Having only one really good teammate means you still lose. Battlefield is more like the Electric Slide than a breakdance.
Your teammates need you to balance cowering like a little pussy with running out into the open and taking ground or objectives when necessary. When you need to take over a building, advance on the enemy, or sacrifice yourself to blow up a high value target, do it. If things go well someone will revive you. If not, they’ll see you on the other side.
That said, there are 2 punishments associated with dying and you should avoid subjecting yourself to both. 1. You have to wait to respawn. While waiting the enemy can do bad stuff to you like steal your ride or blow up your apartment. 2. If you’re on offense you have a limited number of tickets; each ticket representing a new life. When your ticket count reaches 0 the game is over and you lose.
4. Think Before You Spawn

After dying you can respawn either at your current base or on (literally ON) one of your squad mates. Before selecting your birthplace check it out. Is there a brand new tank gleaming in the desert sun at your base? You should be the proud owner of it.
Is a teammate arming a bomb and needs help defending it? Pop out of his ass and heal him. Likewise, if he’s in a no-win situation don’t subject yourself to instant death too. This isn’t Thelma and Louise.
The choices you have for spawning after death boils down to one thing that you just won’t get in other games: spawn camping is 99 percent fixed. It’s not perfect, but it’s the best respawn mechanic you’ve ever used in an FPS.
5. Use Everything At Your Disposal

A lot of people play “their style” of play and never deviate from it. In Bad Company 2, as in real war, you don’t get to decide you’re going to fight one way all the time. In fact, there’s lots of stuff to do that’s not running a mile to a bomb and desperately trying to arm it.
You can and should also:

  • Pilot a radio controlled helicopter (the UAV) to Spot enemies from the air
  • Ride on the back of a Quad bike to quickly flank your opponent
  • Shoot a mini-gun out of a fast moving Apache attack chopper
  • Position a tank with a long barreled gun on a hill and rain death down on your enemies
  • Transport your buddies while mowing down trees to increase line of site to the target
  • Lots more stuff that you will figure out by hitting buttons when you get into a vehicle
You should do these things not because you’re bored of walking but because you will win if you do them in moderation. Large explosions from tanks and Hellfire air strikes can blow walls (and people) out of structures and you can rack up lots of points by just spotting, spotting, and spotting some more runners for your mates on the ground to exterminate. Try swooping down with the UAV and bowling through an entire enemy squad. It’s fun and effective!
Lastly, if you don’t do these things you will complain that people on the other team are cheap when they do them to you, and that would make you a noob.
6. Yes, the UAV is an RC Helicopter

You’ve probably seen UAVs in other games, movies, or since the United States has been fighting 2 wars for the last 8 years, in real life. You may not have seen one that looks like a mini-Apache helicopter. This one does, get used to it. To pilot the UAV find the computer monitor with the anti-glare hood over it near your base.
On Xbox 360, the left trigger and button make it ascend and descend. The right trigger calls in a Hellfire strike (hold the reticle over your target until its good and dead!) and the right button fires a machine gun which is effective in short and long bursts if you lead your prey.
Don’t forget to Spot, avoid enemy fire and hard objects and yes – you can blow up an airborne Apache helicopter using the UAV. If you do you will yell in excitement.
Lastly, if the opposing team is hurting you something fierce using their UAV then send someone to go kill the operator or better yet, light up the entire computer terminal like its Christmas at the Griswold’s.
7. Aim High and Be Patient

Everything is affected by gravity. It’s just a fact of life. This includes bullets and other projectiles. It also means that you can shoot stuff that’s far away by aiming high. It will take a little effort to forget the false science that Modern Warfare 2 has taught you but you’ll eventually get used to it, especially if you spend a lot of time manning the gun on a tank.
Oh, and don’t complain that your bullets don’t reach their target instantly. While alarming and a little frightening at first you will soon find that having to wait for bullets to travel super long distances adds to the realism and suspense of Bad Company 2.
8. Switch Kits

When you kill an enemy he’ll drop what looks like his gun. It’s not actually his gun. It’s MORE than his gun. It’s his soul contained within an magic idol that looks like a gun. Picking it up will cause you to “switch kits” but retain your existing outward appearance (i.e., your ghillie if you spawned as a Recon).
You should do this not if you have a mid-life crisis and get tired of playing as your current class, but you should do it when it’s to your tactical advantage.
For instance, let’s say a firefight just took place between an enemy Medic and your buddy the Assault. Alas, both have died. Fear not, pick up the dead enemy’s Medic kit, revive your buddy and switch back to being an Engineer and erectin’ dispensas.
What else? The Ghillie suit is good for hiding and the Engineer’s silenced SCAR is quiet. Together they might make a nice combo for hiding amongst the weeds.
Think devilishly and pick up fallen kits when it makes sense.
9. Use the Back Button for Other Things Too

You know that the Back button is used to Spot and how important that is. That Back button is used for other things too, chiefly to communicate with your squad mates to tell them things like “I need ammo”, “Attack Bravo”, and “Hey, I just got shot in the face and need a serious Band-aid”.
Point yourself at various things and press the Back button to find out more.
Also, don’t forget to use it to SPOT!
10. Don’t Take It Lying Down

Speaking of Band-aids… (read this section as quickly as possible):
You can’t go prone like in Modern Warfare 2. You can stand and you can crouch. No, it’s not realistic but this is a video game and its supposed to be fun. Now quit yer’ bitching and go play Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
Well looks like EA is at it again. "VIP codes" for new purchases only again that'll get you access to their content.

When you buy "Battlefield: Bad Company 2" early next month, each new copy will include a "VIP" code which will allow you to access the game's downloadable content. I spoke with Patrick Bach, the senior producer on "Bad Company 2," to find out just what sort of DLC plans the developers had in mind. Here's what he had to say:
"We want people to insert the code they get when they buy the game to get access to [DLC content]. It's connected to your personal account, more or less, and what we want to do is give you something extra, added value, for that. In the future you will get more content, for free, if you have this VIP code."
Bach went on to confirm that the system is similar to that of the in-game "Cerberus System" used in "Mass Effect 2," which also offers free DLC.
Once you enter the code in "Bad Company 2," you'll be able to access an in-game store which lists all current and upcoming DLC in the near future. This includes free DLC that will be available on launch day, which will be a set of new multiplayer maps.
It appears that the VIP code will be attached to your account, which is something that caused a bit of headache surrounding the launch of "Mass Effect 2," since it's a separate system from Xbox Live and PSN. Hopefully some of issues that came about will be worked out before the launch of "Battlefield."
As for folks who purchase "Battlefield Bad Company 2" used, they'll have to pay for VIP access (again, just like "Mass Effect 2"). That price point isn't locked down yet, but $15 seems to be the standard that EA has set for these sort of codes.
Haha, I love those Hitler videos.

Truthfully, after playing MAG and MW2 so much. I forgot the other team can steal your tank, so awhile back I basically drove a tank to their base and they took it to rape the squad I was in.
Do any of you guys camp spawn site (well moving around...if you camp you'll prolly die); I sometimes do this when I'm a defender and the attackers vehicles are doing a bit too much damage (ie, killing UAV operator, blowing up tanks, use the tank on suicide mission to take out enemy at spawn point).
When planting C4 at base site as defenders, do the explosion consequently damage your base too (or will it only hurt the enemy thats trying to bomb it)?
I won't directly camp the spawn site as a defender, but down the road so they can actually get out of their base and have a chance. I will sometimes head to their base if I'm in my own tank or a chopper and take one of their tanks if it's there. I think I have been in only a couple of games where a team camped the spawn site. Really a bitch move.

I didn't know about all those "noob tips," I'll have to start tagging enemies now and aiming a little higher, makes sense and actually explains why some of my shots as a recon missed.
I haven't decided which game mode I want to focus on 1st, what about ya'll?

I like the rush modes because it is a bit more structured compared to conquest. I can just see chaos happening when you can go to any flag you wish. And with the potential influx of new players to the series, I'm thinking I might focus on the smaller squad matches to begin with.
Rush, because GS can go fuck themselves with their 30 day hold on Squad-Rush. Conquest will just have spawn-campers at the flags again.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Is Gold Battlefield: Bad Company 2's development is apparently complete. According to lead game designer and writer David Goldfarb, the game went gold today.

"Gentlemen and women, start your engines, we are gold!!!!!" tweeted Goldfarb. The news was echoed by lead online software engineer Jesper Svennevid: "We are now gold on all SKUs, time to celebrate with some good food and beer!"

This doesn't mean they think the game's perfect or anything like that. The PC beta will continue until February 25th, along with the PS3 and Xbox 360 demos, so they're still looking for issues to tweak and fix.

OP & title need to be updated =|
*edit* apparently if u equip shotgun to an assault class you get c4, gonna try this later today

This game gets better and better so far...
recons should really try moving up to the front lines (with a shotty equipped), instead of sniping.

Tips I have come up with for recons
- Spot
- Drop motion mines
- Use C4
- Switch classes as necessary (ie. you ran out of C4 then you should swap classes with a dead assault drop some ammo then switch back to recon)
as defenders (i don't really like using recons as defenders)...
- Drop motion mines at crates
- Use C4 near crates (set it off when u see an enemy trying to rig it; word of caution is that the C4 actually damages your base too)
- C4 vehicles whenever you can
as attackers...
- drop some C4 while rigging crates and you can use the c4 when enemies tries to defuse it
- rig atvs with C4 and have fun ^^ (usually best to blow up crates)
- if moving on foot drop motion mines to where you're going to spot any enemies hidden
- if enemies are camping crates then use c4 to open a new way for team mates
- try surprising enemies from above (ie. go up the roof and drop c4 in a hole where enemies are and set it off)
-all in all use C4 as attacker, they are very effective if used correctly

im still trying to get used to other classes but so far my favorites are recons (with shotgun) and medic (only if squad/team is competent) as attackers and for defenders i like being engineers or assault.
any of you guys have tips for other classes?
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Info on the "Free" maps at launch.

Here is "Day 1" video.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 will unlock two multiplayer maps on launch day, free to players that input a "VIP code" included with new copies of the game (think: "Project Ten Dollar"). VIPs will also gain free access to a second map pack, which developer DICE will airdrop later in March. If you purchase the game second-hand, you can access the VIP code separately via the in-game store (think: $15). We can already see a repeat of the Mass Effect 2 account confusion coming from five klicks away, so make sure your affairs are in order before you redeem the code.

BC2 Senior Producer Patrick Bach claims, "These first two map packs are just the beginning. We're planning ongoing support for the community by always keeping the experience fresh and ensuring the best possible gameplay experience." This is where Battlefield 1943 fans wipe the tears from their faces as they march toward a more modern battlefield.
Eh I hate map being exclusives, though this shouldn't be as big a deal early on. I just hate how it might divide the community into those with the map packs and those without. That is what has happen to MGO.
i really dont see a problem with this. i can see why EA wants to do this since they lose so much with used games. if games did this more, id actually keep more games. take uncharted 2 for example, if they did this, id keep the game, but instead, im giving it to gamestop for $37.50. same thing with borderlands. id have kept that game if i got a code knowing id get all the dlc for free cuz i bought the game at full price.

also, i dont think the map packs are going to divide the people as much as one would think. cuz lets face it, the people who buy the game new will always be way more than the people who just buy the dlc maps.
[quote name='8bitArtist']i really dont see a problem with this. i can see why EA wants to do this since they lose so much with used games. if games did this more, id actually keep more games. take uncharted 2 for example, if they did this, id keep the game, but instead, im giving it to gamestop for $37.50. same thing with borderlands. id have kept that game if i got a code knowing id get all the dlc for free cuz i bought the game at full price.

also, i dont think the map packs are going to divide the people as much as one would think. cuz lets face it, the people who buy the game new will always be way more than the people who just buy the dlc maps.[/QUOTE]

Wait, no... Not ALL of the DLC will be free with the code. They are keeping back content from the full release and offering it to people. After that I'm sure the future DLC will cost money for everyone.

Uncharted 2 I think did have few content updates which you didn't need a code for, and thus EVERYONE (new or used) could download that... Borderlands too perhasps.
[quote name='Thongsy']Eh I hate map being exclusives, though this shouldn't be as big a deal early on. I just hate how it might divide the community into those with the map packs and those without. That is what has happen to MGO.[/QUOTE]

I don't think of it being as much of a big deal as other people. If you buy a NEW copy you get the code for the maps if you buy used you don't. It will cost you 59.99+tax to get them or 55.99+tax+15. I would imagine that you should be able to find the LE on shelf's for a while until they sellout and restock with reg ed.

You avatar makes me sad every time I see it I loved LIFE it a great show.
RIP Captain Winters.
Add me on the PSN (StarkKat) if you want to squad up. I'll be working on recon mostly, but when I want to join a squad I'll be a medic and hanging back as a spawn point.
Add me also if you want to play together. I don't have a mic yet but will in the next week or so. Im ok judging from the demo. More of a team player. Psn name: CLP_spaCeman
Anyone that wants to can add me as well. I ordered it from, so I likely won't have it on launch day, but when I do I'll be playing a lot.
bread's done