Battlefield: Bad Company 2 | (30 Sep.) Mp. Gameplay Trailer

I thought single player was pretty fun, although I only played the first two missions. Multiplayer was tons of fun, as expected. I love the UAV. I got 7 kills in a row with one before I got shot down. I just wish there was a secondary fire.
[quote name='Brownjohn']I thought single player was pretty fun, although I only played the first two missions. Multiplayer was tons of fun, as expected. I love the UAV. I got 7 kills in a row with one before I got shot down. I just wish there was a secondary fire.[/QUOTE]

There is an vehicle alt fire perk which you will need to unlock 1st. But it gives you a machine gun on the UAV, and tanks I know for sure.
is there a trick to getting a uav? i have trouble finding the damn computer. and when i do find it, someone else is always hogging it. when the next one spawn? can i repair the computer to get one faster?

sometimes i feel like "knife" the person to stop hogging the machine.
I wanted to make a thread to find other fellow CAG's to get into a squad on Battlefield Bad Company 2 . If you just post your PSN name on this thread I will put it on the list . I will see you on the Battlefield .

1. AndrewsAwesome
2. ill-will
3. Microshock
4. TctclMvPhase
5. Frankied14
6. jdioutkast
7. Ashimbo
8. DJ_Pyra-C
9. CLP-radar
15.vampirehunter R
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In single player, do the difficulty trophies stack?

Id rather play through on hard and get them all in one go, but if they dont I might as well run through on normal the first time.
Man, I just played this until 4:30 AM, didn't even realize what time it was.

Add me if you play late at night (or anytime, really) and you want someone to play with, I think I'm alright.

Off to sleep -.-
This is really my first Battlefield game,so take that as you will.I'm on the east coast and online through out the day.
PSN = ill-will
[quote name='enufs8d']im getting decent. and i almost got my paddles for reviving.[/QUOTE]

awesome. whats your PSN? Mine is the same as it is here :bouncy:

You can add me if you want, although I won't have the game for another day or two.

whats your PSN as well?

Doing the 4 person squad mode, it seemed the other 2 players on our team had no idea what they were doing and would get maybe 4 kills between the 2 of them. My friend and I were netting 40-45 kills between the two of us. I think we wound up winning like 8 games in a row before the game booted everyone and we couldn't connect for like 10 minutes. Finally got the red dot/reflex for the SMG. Its SO much easier to long range. I generally use 1/2 the amount of bullets or less (about 6 now)
[quote name='enufs8d']is there a trick to getting a uav? i have trouble finding the damn computer. and when i do find it, someone else is always hogging it. when the next one spawn? can i repair the computer to get one faster?

sometimes i feel like "knife" the person to stop hogging the machine.[/QUOTE]

The UAV Hud is always in the attacker's current base location. It is usually in the back. I'm afraid if you want one, you'll have to get to it first because people will be in there all day until the helicopter is destroyed. At that point there is a respawn timer for the UAV to come up unless the station is blown up. Its just better to move on anyway, since those people are easy to knife/teabag before C4ing the computer. If your going for the dentist trophy, then these people are perfect candidates.

M1 Garand owns btw. :cool:
I'm on Rank 7 and ever since I started the game, I've had this white box near my name. I've seen a few others with it but no one else really.

Apparently it's for Battlefield Veterans?

Anyway, this game is terrific. The SP is annoying at times due to enemies only needing to get a few shots on you to take you down but the vehicle sequences are nice especially when you drive.

MP, when you have a decent team, is...orgasmic.

Someone start a CAG clan, I want to play with people who have microphones and know how to play. I'm always the team medic

PSN : Microshock
ill will, if it's your first BF, spend a lot of time learning how to take down objectives and basically learn the game. It's not a one sided thing like MW2.

Add me to the squad PSN : Microshock
Leave your PSN i.d, add each other and we can squad together. Hopefully with communication we can actually accomplish something.

[quote name='TctclMvPhase']In single player, do the difficulty trophies stack?

Id rather play through on hard and get them all in one go, but if they dont I might as well run through on normal the first time.[/QUOTE]

the only trophy you get for doing it on hard is beating the last mission, so play through on normal and then play the last mission on hard.

last night i had a game of 6440. it was hilarious. went 48 and 16.
Mine wont be in for a few more days, but I have a Mic and im up for a squad. Im still a bit rusty with the controller as Im new to console FPSs.
im a huge battlefield player. Played the last bad company to death. add me to the list. Frankied14

you should try to get a cag clan going
Add me as well. Getting better by the game. Started out horrible since Team Fortress via pc is the only fps I ever stuck with. Psn name is CLP-radar.
After playing for about 3 hours on mp I'm kinda surprised my best class is recon with the shotgun. I find it pretty intense throwing the motion sensors to ur destination.
DAMN I had only 2 member this morning then I get back on tonight and now about 16 . SWEET . If I posted someones name wrong just reply to the thread and I will fix it . Keep on Gaming!!!
What would you all say is the best MP mode for Battlefield noobs? I'm coming from COD and while I get that I can't just run and gun and just dominate, I tried out Rush and got my ass handed to me. I thought there was a smaller version of Rush? I didn't see it in my MP options menu when I started.
[quote name='Chroma914']What would you all say is the best MP mode for Battlefield noobs? I'm coming from COD and while I get that I can't just run and gun and just dominate, I tried out Rush and got my ass handed to me. I thought there was a smaller version of Rush? I didn't see it in my MP options menu when I started.[/QUOTE]

Can't help too much as I haven't gotten the game yet... but you could check this out. It may help (it may not).
[quote name='Chroma914']What would you all say is the best MP mode for Battlefield noobs? I'm coming from COD and while I get that I can't just run and gun and just dominate, I tried out Rush and got my ass handed to me. I thought there was a smaller version of Rush? I didn't see it in my MP options menu when I started.[/QUOTE]

There's a squad rush mode, which is a 4v4 version, however, its only available to gamestop preorders right now. It'll open for everyone in a month.

My favorite mode is conquest, but I've been playing that since battlefield 2, however, if you're coming from CoD, squad deathmatch might suit you best. Either of those are probably more friendly to newer players than rush mode.
God, there's nothing more frustrating than a four man squad on guy quits and the remaining two are BOTH playing as snipers (not Recon CLASS mind you) and hanging back and picking people off from spawn on attack while I have to lone-wolf it to even get a chance at planting charges. The other team was organized, used all the vehicles and wiped the floor with us. The same two idiots never even changed classes once. I had to use all my patience not to just quit. Mind you, defense was more of the same: One sided ass-kicking. I can't wait til all the CoD players get bored and leave. NEWS FLASH: Objective based games are not team deathmatch!

Send me a friend request if anyone wants to play: RaptorXD
Yea, but it's not mutually exclusive either. My friend is awesome at fps, so he always has some stupid kdr like 30 and 10 while also playing towards blowing or defending objective too. People will either adapt or quit. Some people just don't know better but if you can communicate with them people will listen and learn what to do.
[quote name='carbontiger']God, there's nothing more frustrating than a four man squad on guy quits and the remaining two are BOTH playing as snipers (not Recon CLASS mind you) and hanging back and picking people off from spawn on attack while I have to lone-wolf it to even get a chance at planting charges. The other team was organized, used all the vehicles and wiped the floor with us. The same two idiots never even changed classes once. I had to use all my patience not to just quit. Mind you, defense was more of the same: One sided ass-kicking. I can't wait til all the CoD players get bored and leave. NEWS FLASH: Objective based games are not team deathmatch!

Send me a friend request if anyone wants to play: RaptorXD[/QUOTE]

some game modes, especially conquest, are horrible when you have a crappy squad. the team benefits become nonexistent. i found out that if you have crappy team, you have the option to leave squad. theres the option to "join squad." unfortunately, it puts you in the same fucking squad.

in a couple of games of rush, we were pinned down to the last checkpoint. i busted out my paddles and went to work. i think i had 5 revives in a row.
[quote name='Thongsy']Yea, but it's not mutually exclusive either. My friend is awesome at fps, so he always has some stupid kdr like 30 and 10 while also playing towards blowing or defending objective too. People will either adapt or quit. Some people just don't know better but if you can communicate with them people will listen and learn what to do.[/QUOTE]

I agree, if you can kill as a means to suppress the enemy and allow your team to advance then it makes sense. But on a team of three, two people cannot camp at spawn and try to snipe all the enemies. That's just stupid.

[quote name='enufs8d']some game modes, especially conquest, are horrible when you have a crappy squad. the team benefits become nonexistent. i found out that if you have crappy team, you have the option to leave squad. theres the option to "join squad." unfortunately, it puts you in the same fucking squad.

in a couple of games of rush, we were pinned down to the last checkpoint. i busted out my paddles and went to work. i think i had 5 revives in a row.[/QUOTE]

Ha! I didn't know you could do that...hmmm *rubs chin evilly*
I still have to earn my paddles but its gonna be sweet when I do...revive teammates and shock people to death.
I was all up for gettig this game, till I learned that you can only talk with your squad.....


Also, if you get a team of almost all snipers, don't spot anybody for them. It'll discourage them to sit in 1 spot the whole game.
Anybody else having problems with the game freezing up. It happened 3 times to me yesterday. Today once each for two of my friends and again for me. Agh...
[quote name='combatrhombus']Anybody else having problems with the game freezing up. It happened 3 times to me yesterday. Today once each for two of my friends and again for me. Agh...[/QUOTE]

Might try restoring the file system?
bread's done