Battlefield: Bad Company 2 | (30 Sep.) Mp. Gameplay Trailer

[quote name='enufs8d']thanks 8bitartist. i finally got the stationary rpg on conquest - desert. i was jumping for joy when i got it. it was the only obstacle i had to getting platinum.[/QUOTE]

Congrats ! I'm stuck on two (it's not easy finding friends to )
That was one of my first trophies that I got with Hito. I've shot down maybe 4 helicopters on one specific map playing Rush. We were being terrorized by a helicopter and my mortars weren't hitting it even though I tagged it twice. I was sniping on a roof next to a stationary RPG so while doing my best to hold off the horde that was incoming straight for us, we were both bitching about the chopper. I think the conversation went something like this between me sniping and spotting:

Me: Somebody should take down that chopper.
Hito: Why don't you take it out?
Me: Now you're asking too much of me. Let me try something.
Hito: What are you doing? I don't even want to know.

Me: Holy crap! I just took out the chopper with a rocket!
Hito: You did what?
Me: Ooohhh I even got a trophy.

Hito then went on to snag his own chopper kill several downed choppers later.
madder - have you sniped a helio pilot yet? i always hear about it happening. and i seen and been in a few myself. you notice them because the chopper suddenly nose dives forward. if you're in one, you gotta check an eye on the chopper list. once the pilot is out, you gotta man the controls.

i can admit that i suck as a sniper. i probably wont ever get that type of kill. heck, im forced to use the sniper riffles as pistols to level them up.

well, i have gotten the platinum yet. i need two more friendly knife kills and some story intels. but i was stressing about the stationary rpg for a while.
If anyone would want to trade a knife kill, if you see me on an opposing team, send a msg on PSN and we can try to do it (I'm usually playing Conquest, more map space to try to get stuff done) I'm working on Demo (20 kills) and Knife five friends

usually on after 10pm
[quote name='enufs8d']madder - have you sniped a helio pilot yet? i always hear about it happening. and i seen and been in a few myself. you notice them because the chopper suddenly nose dives forward. if you're in one, you gotta check an eye on the chopper list. once the pilot is out, you gotta man the controls.

i can admit that i suck as a sniper. i probably wont ever get that type of kill. heck, im forced to use the sniper riffles as pistols to level them up. [/QUOTE]

Haven't sniped the pilot yet although one round I sniped two gunners and a passenger off a blackhawk that retreated back to the spawn after that happened. Hito is somewhat of my crazy luck charm, since I seem to do stuff like that when he's around.
[quote name='enufs8d'] have you sniped a helio pilot yet? i always hear about it happening. and i seen and been in a few myself. you notice them because the chopper suddenly nose dives forward.

I've done that many times, especially with those controlling Apaches. Those pilots just stay straight when going for a strafe-run. Blackhawks are even more easier due to their slow speed and pilots usually hovering.
I sniped a pilot once in the demo, never again in the actual game. I have recon class fully maxed out but only 20 or so kills with a sniper rifle. : ) The rest have come from me using the M1 or a shotgun.
Just unlocked the M95. So far I really like it. Seems a bit slower between shots than the M24, but is definitely more powerful.
I swear Madder, Kefka and I were with a bunch of people who did not care about winning last night. When Kefka gets the first plant and then only him and I plant on the second objective....what the heck...I know Madder was sniping, but do we really need 9 snipers to go along with a medic and an assault class to play Rush?

Had to type that....and I suck at sniping as well...although I'm getting better.

And I think the stats are off a bit....I have the tracer gun unlocked and hit about 6 or so Helis & Tanks last night....
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I have been using this website to track my progress for the last 2 trophies I need (knife 5 friends/20 demo kills). Yes the stats are jacked up for some reason, I should have some pins already but oh well.

So far I have 3 friend knife kills and just 7 demo kills. Its brutal getting the demo kills but I'm sure the knife kills will be taken care of this weekend. Add me please, I'll be off and on randomly starting tonight but if i see you online I'll try and join your game.
[quote name='jmbreci']
I swear Madder, Kefka and I were with a bunch of people who did not care about winning last night. When Kefka gets the first plant and then only him and I plant on the second objective....what the heck...I know Madder was sniping, but do we really need 9 snipers to go along with a medic and an assault class to play Rush?

Had to type that....and I suck at sniping as well...although I'm getting better.

And I think the stats are off a bit....I have the tracer gun unlocked and hit about 6 or so Helis & Tanks last night....[/QUOTE]

I got Kefka into sniping, I had to school him in the art but you can expect he'll be sniping and mortaring for a good while. And yeah, I apologize about that rush match, once I start getting sniped I go into counter-sniping mode. I wasn't really much help but I did take out the most annoying snipers I could find and do a fair bit of spotting.

I'm really more of a support and anti-sniping type person in BC2 and I'm pretty good at it, so I'm not really bothered by that but that's usually why Hito drops off ammo to me and leaves, since he knows I'll be causing all sorts of trouble he doesn't want to be around. Once I start getting in close things tend to go bad for me unless I picked up an assault or engineer kit. I die in close quarters 9 out of 10 times because the only secondary I can switch to is a handgun unlike MW2 where you aren't completely screwed.

If you want to learn the art of the snipe, heh, I'll teach you but it's something that requires a little bit of balls, a lot of sneakiness and two cups of 'STOP FIRING YOUR GUN NEXT TO ME YOU IDIOTS!'
no offense dude, but how can someone be a good sniper with a .71 KD with the kit (yeah yeah kd doesnt matter, but snipers should always have a positive KD)
[quote name='8bitArtist']no offense dude, but how can someone be a good sniper with a .71 KD with the kit (yeah yeah kd doesnt matter, but snipers should always have a positive KD)[/QUOTE]
I do a lot of crazy things that don't revolve around sniping all the time. Look at my stats if you like, 4 out of 5 kills are all headshots with my rifles, I also get killed because people see my spot, move there then start shooting next to me like a bunch of idiots, it happens and I've had to yell at people for that. I also have no problem having fun by getting into a vehicle, making a mad dash for an objective and getting killed along the way. I'd be more than happy to play a game with you if you think that I'm not a good sniper based on my stats but my deaths from sniping are far fewer than my deaths from simply having fun and being an idiot.
madder - I was not complaining about you playing recon....just the fact that we never saw any of our other teammates going for the objective. Our squad was fine, 1 recon, 1 medic, and 1 assault. The fact that I think we had 8 other recons on our team is what I was annoyed with. :)

I did get my first good recon action the other night...still not prolific or anything like that.....6 kills and 3 headshots in 1 run as a recon before someone flanked me. Still not sure how knifing really works here.....seems really slow - and I am not comparing it to MW2. Just saying that if I catch a guy coming up on me, I should be able to pull & swipe one.
I'm usually on every night if anyone wants to play. I play every Recon and Engineer mostly depending on what the game calls for.
[quote name='jmbreci']madder - I was not complaining about you playing recon....just the fact that we never saw any of our other teammates going for the objective. Our squad was fine, 1 recon, 1 medic, and 1 assault. The fact that I think we had 8 other recons on our team is what I was annoyed with. :)

I did get my first good recon action the other night...still not prolific or anything like that.....6 kills and 3 headshots in 1 run as a recon before someone flanked me. Still not sure how knifing really works here.....seems really slow - and I am not comparing it to MW2. Just saying that if I catch a guy coming up on me, I should be able to pull & swipe one.[/QUOTE]

If you ever get real good with recon, you can get 20-30 kills a match. The GOL is your best friend, not as much bullet drop as the others.
[quote name='jmbreci']madder - I was not complaining about you playing recon....just the fact that we never saw any of our other teammates going for the objective. Our squad was fine, 1 recon, 1 medic, and 1 assault. The fact that I think we had 8 other recons on our team is what I was annoyed with. :)

I did get my first good recon action the other night...still not prolific or anything like that.....6 kills and 3 headshots in 1 run as a recon before someone flanked me. Still not sure how knifing really works here.....seems really slow - and I am not comparing it to MW2. Just saying that if I catch a guy coming up on me, I should be able to pull & swipe one.[/QUOTE]

I never worry about you complaining about me, it's just I know sometimes I'm really not contributing as much as I could because of other peoples tactics that force me into a role I didn't want to play. I really want to get into my medic and assault classes but opponents lately have been deciding to be sniping whores. That's really where it sucks too, since I have to snipe I'm not getting experience with my assault or medic to open up the 4x scope on it to make it a lil more useful. Same frustration as you, just different view of it.
I feel your pain SynGamer, I might be on later today or this week. I'll send you an F/R, have my time split between school and had my time tied up with other games so I haven't had time to play BFBC2 lately.
A bunch of us from the Red Faction thread will be squadded-up and playing BFBC2 tonight at 10pm EST.

Any other CAGs who want in are welcome to join us!
is it me? or the 3rd station in port valdez is getting insanely hard to break through on the attackers side. a good hind pilot will pin down your vehicles. then theres fucking snipers all over the place so you can run left, right, middle or swim across.

i havent got past the 3rd station in while or let anyone pass. today as a defender, the other team kicked our ass. they stole the hind!!! and every other vehicle. it doesnt help that you end with a 4 digit score and everyone can't make a 1,000 besides this other guy.
It depends on the team. I don't find it too terribly difficult if the team is working together and actually attempt to take them. Though as you mention, if the defenders have a excellent pilot, they can keep your vehicles out of commission but that doesn't happen too often.
anyone want to work on getting the knife 5 friends, and 20 destruction kills trophy? those are the only 2 I have left
[quote name='nakanenui']I got a used copy, damn vip code was already used. What exactly does the VIP access allow. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

VIP unlocked the limited edition content I believe and gave you future downloads for free. You can buy a VIP code from the EA store in the shop they have there I think too.
[quote name='nakanenui']I got a used copy, damn vip code was already used. What exactly does the VIP access allow. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

it unlocks "new" maps. so if you dont have the VIP code and the next game is a map you dont have, youll get kicked out to the main screen. to buy a VIP code costs $15, so if you bought the game for anything more than $45, you were better off buying new.
Good matches tonight ya'll. That round against that clan, L2D or something, was tough. They know all the places to sit back and hit the stations with tanks or rockets right out of reach from the defending team. Luckily we swiped their tank at the end and won the match!
damn i missed it.

get your shotty, m60s, gustav and attack helio kills asap.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 update changelog:

* Increased the base range of all Automatic and Semiautomatic weapons for more consistent close range combat.
* Slightly increased the damage of Semiautomatic rifles over long range for more consistent damage output.
* Increased the zoomed burst accuracy of LMGs and decreased LMG accuracy when moving to reduce LMG run and gun.
* Decreased the base damage of the M60 and XM8 LMGs to bring them in line with the other LMG damage values.
* Decreased the damage of the PKM over long range to balance it with other LMGs.
* Increased the base damage of the Type88 LMG to balance it with other LMGs.
* Slightly reduced the base damage of the M16 and G3 to balance the increased range.
* Slightly increased the damage of the AEK971, F2000, AN94, and AUG over long range to balance them with other Assault Rifles.
* Reduced the lethal blast range of the 40mm grenade and M2CG to highlight their role as a secondary weapon against infantry.
* Slightly Reduced the max range of the 40mm shotgun to balance it with other shotguns.
* Slightly increased the base damage of shotgun rounds and reduced their range to clarify ideal shotgun combat distance.
* Reduced the base damage of the PP2000 to balance the increased range.
* Increased the damage of the 9A91 over long range to balance its lower magazine size.
* Increased the damage and range of the M9, M93 pistols to make them more desirable as a secondary weapon.
* Increased the range of the MP443 pistol to make it more desirable as a secondary weapon.
* Increased the damage of the MP412 over long range to balance its low rate of fire.
* Slightly reduced the rate of fire of the M1911 pistol to balance it with other pistols.
* Increased the repair and overheat speeds of the Power Tool. Now overheats sooner but repairs the same amount before overheating.
* Increased the maximum number of Motion Sensors that can be carried from 2 to 3 and increased the speed which new sensors are acquired from ammo boxes.
* Significantly increased the speed of the Tracer Dart projectile to make it more effective against airborne targets.
* Increased the reload time of the Mortar Strike and reduced the damage it does to heavily armored vehicles.
* Decreased the range of Bolt Action Sniper and Pump Shotgun Slug rounds when using Magnum Ammo for better Kit Balance, especially in Hardcore.
* Slightly increased the Health of soldiers in Hardcore for better Kit Balance.
* Increased the benefit from the Medkit Heal+ specialization to make it more desirable as a Specialization.
* Decreased the benefit from Vehicle Reload Speed to balance it against other Vehicle Specializations.
* Slightly decreased the benefit from accuracy specializations to balance the changes to range and accuracy tweaks.
* Fixed a bug where the BMD3 would take extra damage to the front armor.
* Reduced the explosive damage from Attack Helicopter cannons.
* Increased the damage of AA guns against all targets. The AA gun should be much more effective against infantry on Port Valdez.
i read that some people fake out a tank by tossing an amno pack at close range causing the spooked driver to jump out.

i cant get enough mines. lol. im up to gold star 8? they also account for a large percentage of my deaths. i need to work on sneakily planting mines. And I discovered that you use them to blow up Micoms and jetskis/patrolboats. haha.
[quote name='NamPaehc']Good matches tonight ya'll. That round against that clan, L2D or something, was tough. They know all the places to sit back and hit the stations with tanks or rockets right out of reach from the defending team. Luckily we swiped their tank at the end and won the match![/QUOTE]

Was that the group of level 40-50 dudes that we were up against at Arica Harbor? They were really looked like they were going to best us when it got down to the last 2 M-COM stations and they still had 80 tickets left.

Good times.
how can there be m comm stations and a team with 80 tickets? you start with 75.

also, i cant fucking wait till shotguns are nerfed. so tired of practically getting sniped with them. i platted my gustav and m60, so i dont care about any of the other stuff.
LOL I got the 5 friend knifes the first night I played with Zenprime. I just kept stabbing any CAGs on the enemy team and got it within the hour :)

also if you are doing demo 2.0 kills, do it on white pass. I just played conquest there for a few hours one day and only used c4/extra explosive damage and sat across the street waiting for someone to enter and boom the bottom floor. I was assault and just refreshed my c4 and did it again in another building. Lots of snipers like to hide on the top floors and use can get tons of demo 2.0 kills there.

No need to boost any trophies in this game :)

8bit how many goldstars do you need to plat a weapon? thanx.
you get platinum on weapons after gold 9. its a nice xp boost too. 5,000 for each gold star and then 10,000 for platinum.

i can't believe i still need to get 2 friendly dogtags, 15 mcoms and 50 houses to blow up for platinum. i did all the hard stuff. but im just lazy to get the rest.
[quote name='enufs8d']damn i missed it.

get your shotty, m60s, gustav and attack helio kills asap.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 update changelog:

I asked EA support about the issue with the WWII weapons not properly registering kills and the rep said that should be fixed in the next patch, so hopefully no more bronze star issues :)

Now if they'd just fix the custom soundtrack option to work online...
[quote name='Velo214']8bit how many goldstars do you need to plat a weapon? thanx.[/QUOTE]

yeah, basically 10 gold stars ='s a platinum. also, guns need 1000 kills for the plat and secondary weapons like grenade/rocket launcher need 500 kills for the plat.

not getting the new camo outfits and guns yet is annoying as hell. especially considering THEY ARE ALREADY ON THE FREAKING DISC. hahahaa
So did they fix the ww2 weapon stats and the select to target enemies to work better? They said they would fix it with the patch, but you know how often vidgame spokespeople tell the truth (i.e. saints row 2 exclusive trophies, tekken 6 free dlc, etc lol)
bread's done