Battlefield: Bad Company - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='LinkinPrime']I didn't see where you could select class...I was playing the Gold Rush gametype I think...I had to destroy their gold and they had to protect it.[/quote]

When you're selecting your spawn point, I believe the options are listed at the bottom. One of which is X to change equipment or something to that effect.
[quote name='whiptcracker']To select class you have to press the X button between spawn times or when you first jump into the game.[/quote]

[quote name='Draekon']When you're selecting your spawn point, I believe the options are listed at the bottom. One of which is X to change equipment or something to that effect.[/quote]

Thanks...I'll check that out.
I really am on the fence on this one, the graphics and the whole fact that you can blow everything up are awesome, while the gameplay is just so clunky it's very nerving.
[quote name='thehuskerfan']I really am on the fence on this one, the graphics and the whole fact that you can blow everything up are awesome, while the gameplay is just so clunky it's very nerving.[/quote]

The Battlefield series is a little slower paced than games like Call of Duty, so that may explain the "clunky" feel if you're used to more of a run-and-gun FPS. Of course, it's hard for me to tell how much of that they've carried over from the PC since I'm still adjusting to the controller. I'd just say stick with it for a while. It took me a long time to become decent on the PC.
Well I've put about six hours into the game so far and like it a lot. I wouldn't judge it after only a few games... it takes awhile to figure everything out. Also, do yourself a favor and turn off "head bobbing" and crank up the sensitivity before you play.

My two main complaints are that the infantry controls are sluggish (even at high sensitivity, you turn too slow) and all guns besides the sniper rifles and shotguns are underpowered. Other than that, I love it. I hope the full game has the normal conquest game type though because this gold rush stuff is too linear. And oh yea, the helicopters' rockets and cannons are far too weak and the controls are difficult (I wish I could set it so the left stick only controls strafing, not elevation).

One question: how is the laser designator supposed to work? So many times I'll paint up a tank with it only to have the bomb miss completely. It seems like you can control the bomb in the air a little bit but it's not responsive at all. Do you even have to steer the bomb in order to hit the target? I was able to destroy a few tanks but felt like it was just luck.
Wow people are insane. You can't judge a battlefield game from 10- 20 minutes. This game is much better than COD 4 and Halo 3. Those games are good but they don't try anything new
[quote name='slickkill77']Wow people are insane. You can't judge a battlefield game from 10- 20 minutes. This game is much better than COD 4 and Halo 3. Those games are good but they don't try anything new[/quote]

I agree that you can't judge it right away, but I wouldn't call it "better" than CoD4 or Halo 3. I'd call it unique. The destructible environments and awesome vehicle combat set it apart. CoD4 (in particular) and Halo 3 have much, much better infantry combat though. Although the huge maps in this game make sniping a lot more fun than in the other two.
They may but what have those games done that other games havent??? That is my point. Cod 4 was fun but its nothing but the same bullshit all the time. This game is unique and trys things that other games wont. This will be the best 360 IMO
Played about an hour last night and no freezes. I thought it was pretty fun despite the poor framerate (it IS a beta release afterall). I had several problems with distinguishing friend from foe and everybody kept stealing the copters before I could get in one. I didn't think there was voicechat enabled since no one was talking or responding to me until finally 1 person starting talking.

Aleman, what is "head bobbing" and I found the sniper rifle to be way underpowered or inaccurate since I popped about 5 rounds directly into an enemy and he didn't even flinch.
[quote name='slickkill77']They may but what have those games done that other games havent??? That is my point. Cod 4 was fun but its nothing but the same bullshit all the time. This game is unique and trys things that other games wont. This will be the best 360 IMO[/quote]

I guess that depends on what other games you've played then, because this sort of gameplay is not new either (see Tribes or Battlefield 1942 on PC). The only truly new thing is the destructible environments (but they're awesome!). The gold rush mode is kind of cool I guess, it's like a staggered attack and defend, but I still like the old conquest game type better.

[quote name='woodcan']
Aleman, what is "head bobbing" and I found the sniper rifle to be way underpowered or inaccurate since I popped about 5 rounds directly into an enemy and he didn't even flinch.[/quote]

Head bobbing is when the camera shakes when you move. It makes it harder to see things.

Regarding the sniper rifle... it's almost always a one-hit kill for me if you hit the head or torso. Maybe you were getting lag?
I'm kind of liking Gold Rush so far. It's kind of like Titan mode except you're destroying consoles the entire round instead of just at the end, with a little bit of ticketing mixed in via the reinforcements system. I don't totally understand how that works yet, but it seems like it could strike a good balance between the respawning from Conquest and Titan mode. I'm not a huge fan of tickets, but having infinite respawns available tends to promote more brute force tactics (and, god forbid, C4 spammers :bomb::bomb::bomb:).
I now this isnt "new" because I played Battlefield 2, but I mean having a game with destructible enviroments and vehichles and what not. That could have been a recipe for disaster...

If your getting this game send me a Friend Request because I will play the hell out of this game just like I did with Battlefield 2
[quote name='slickkill77']

If your getting this game send me a Friend Request because I will play the hell out of this game just like I did with Battlefield 2[/quote]

Will do. I also played the hell out of BF2, BF1942, and BF Vietnam.
[quote name='slickkill77']Wow people are insane. You can't judge a battlefield game from 10- 20 minutes. This game is much better than COD 4 and Halo 3. Those games are good but they don't try anything new[/quote]

QFT, Maybe Ill finish this group project Im working on sometime soon and can get some game time in. If the people in my group are screwing me over to play BC Im going to be pissed.
I dont know, I thought it was fun and all, but I couldnt help but feel like, Ive played this game a million times. Sure the destrucable environments are nice, canned, but nice, they are just another gaming novelty no one will notice after playing the game for month.

Also fro a military shooter it takes way to many shot (not to the head) to take someone down. It almost feels like Halo to me at times, and to me that a big tunroff.
MajorNelson is giving away codes:
I just got my hands on 100 codes for the Battlefield Bad Company beta that kicked off this week. I was going to give them away all in one shot, but to make it fair for people that don’t visit the blog every hour of every day here is what I am going to do: I am going to award 10 codes a day for the next 10 days. Since the beta will run until April 25th, that should everyone plenty of time to get in on the action.

How do you win? Simply send me an email (major at Xbox-dot-com) with BFBC Beta in the subject line and include your gamertag in the body of the email. Each day, I’ll choose 10 random emails and reply with a code to get you on the battlefield. No need to send me a new email every day. One entry is enough to be put into the running for the length of the contest. This opportunity is open to everyone who has Xbox LIVE. I’ll start sending out emails with codes tomorrow…Good luck!
P.S.You’ll need to have a gold membership to participate in the beta program.

Good luck to those of you who still want to get in on this...
Roffle at people calling this game "new and unique" It's just Battlefield with a new engine that has destructible environments....but not everything is even destructible.

I loved BF 1942 and BF2, but this? Just not feelin' it.

Also, to people complaining about hit detection, I think it's because the guns seem to lack any oomph. For a series that prides itself on realistic guns, it seems to fail. On the assault class, using whatever the default gun is, it shouldn't take more than like 10 bullets to take someone down who's 10 feet in front of you.

I'm going to play this more today to give it a more time, but I doubt I'll change my mind. Sad. I was super excited for this game too when I saw the first trailer.
It definitely does not suck... it may not be as good as the PC Battlefield games but it's still a lot of fun.
Yeah, it's far too early for people to have already written this off, even more so since it's still a beta. I played for maybe a couple hours and feel like I only understand the basics. I'm looking forward to getting back on and trying some different classes. It would be nice if there was a local server option so I could play around without getting shot at or screwing my team, though.

Never imagined I'd end up defending this game.
[quote name='JC Monkeyballs']wow, have the vehicle controls (or lack thereof) been discussed yet?[/quote]

HEY! I like flying the helicopter with two sticks.
[quote name='JC Monkeyballs']wow, have the vehicle controls (or lack thereof) been discussed yet?[/quote]

The vehicles control fine. You just need to learn how to control them. The only thing I don't like is that the tank gun takes forever to turn and there is no alternate fire (at least I am not aware of any). I understand why they did that though (since the tank in Battlefield really is a beast and I guess with no planes they wanted to minimize its effectiveness).
[quote name='CaseyRyback']The vehicles control fine. You just need to learn how to control them. The only thing I don't like is that the tank gun takes forever to turn and there is no alternate fire (at least I am not aware of any). I understand why they did that though (since the tank in Battlefield really is a beast and I guess with no planes they wanted to minimize its effectiveness).[/quote]

Yep, they take awhile to get used to but once you do they're not so bad. I agree that the tank turret turns too slowly. One thing that took me awhile to figure out is that L1 is reverse.

Helicopters are a little tricky but after flying in them about 10 times I got pretty good. The rockets are too weak though.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']The vehicles control fine. You just need to learn how to control them. The only thing I don't like is that the tank gun takes forever to turn and there is no alternate fire (at least I am not aware of any). I understand why they did that though (since the tank in Battlefield really is a beast and I guess with no planes they wanted to minimize its effectiveness).[/QUOTE]

There's no crosshairs on vehicle 3rd person view, not sure if that's intended or not.
ugggghhhh I'm a veteran of Battlefield 2 on PC and there are some things pissing me off.

1. Why oh WHY does it take nearly a clip to kill a dude? It takes away from the freaking tatics of the game if people can just run around and you can only put half a clip into them cause they ran too fast.

2. Not the games fault, but damn the control pad sucks for controlling this game. I'm dying for a mouse and keyboard setup.

3. At first the destruction seemed fun and now it's just sorta lame. I feel like this is the same old EA story, meaning "We promise you BIG BIG BIG things, but when it comes out the game is sorta half assed and the BIG thing? Well we sorta just went halfsies on the idea, but give us our MONEY!"
[quote name='Maynard']
3. At first the destruction seemed fun and now it's just sorta lame. I feel like this is the same old EA story, meaning "We promise you BIG BIG BIG things, but when it comes out the game is sorta half assed and the BIG thing? Well we sorta just went halfsies on the idea, but give us our MONEY!"[/quote]

To be fair, it's probably a technical limitation. With current consoles it would probably require too much CPU power to do a full physics simulation for everything. I'd much rather have this toned down version than no environmental damage whatsoever. The craters are especially cool. But I'll agree, they did make it sound like it would be better than it is.
[quote name='sasukekun']There's no crosshairs on vehicle 3rd person view, not sure if that's intended or not.[/QUOTE]

That is standard for the series.
[quote name='whiptcracker']I hope that add the ability to open doors in the final version.[/quote]

A workaround is to just hit Y. The knife breaks down doors in one swipe.
i went over to the battlefield website and i seen this not sure how many people have so i thought id share it here

"Thanks to everyone for your participation in the Beta - you're raising some really interesting issues which are greatly appreciated and really help us improve the game! We can't address all of your concerns, but we're working hard to deliver the best experience possible. In the time to the release of the Beta we've been busy increasing the overall quality of the game, and lot of the issues that are coming up have already been addressed for the main game. However, you're providing invaluable data and feedback, so please keep it coming!

Here's a list of some of the major issues that we've seen arising in the Beta that we've now addressed for the main game:

· Brightness - some of the light settings on Ascension are very dark, particularly inside buildings. These have now had a major overhaul, so you won't be running around in darkness.

· Server stability and performance - this is something that we're using the Beta to test - we need to have thousands of players in to stress them, and the data we've been recording really helps. We'll be tweaking server settings during the course of the Beta, and may need to take them down from time to time to make changes. We'll try to keep disruption to a minimum, and will give prior notice of times wherever possible.

· Framerate - we've been working hard to increase the framerate and minimise tearing - this should be significantly improved for the release game.

· End of round crashes - there are stability issues at the end of round event which are fixed.

· Fall damage - in the Beta you take a lot of damage for low fall heights - this is now tweaked.

· Squad spawn - the squad spawn in the Beta is not functioning correctly - we've tweaked and bugfixed some parameters, and works much better now.

· Team colours - we're tweaking colours to make sure we minimise confusion for colourblind players (an issue close to our hearts as some of us are too J)

Some other notes:

· Vehicle controls - we've seen that some of you are finding vehicles and helos tricky to control - if you go into the options menu you can reconfigure to stick control and invert your flight choice to suit your preferences.

***SERVER NOTICE - we'll be testing some new settings on a limited number of servers over the next few days - some of you may experience performance drops, but we'll strive to keep this to a minimum***

Again, thanks for your participation and feedback, we'll continue monitoring the forums and get back to you soon.

- DICE dev team"

I cant believe how fast they are realizing and responding to beta testers complaints. Its very refreshing. I still have a few complaints though, mostly that it takes a full clip to kill someone. The guns just dont have any oomph to them. The recoil is minumum. I doubt that will be fixed but glad the devs are listening.
they have some good fixes listed there.. Now if they could only up teh speed by 20% overall to make the game a little faster, I would love it...
[quote name='Aleman']A workaround is to just hit Y. The knife breaks down doors in one swipe.[/QUOTE]

Yep, noticed that. Towards the end of a round there's normally enough holes in the walls to just walk though anyhow.

Sounds like they fixed my major problem-end of round freezing. It's sad that the first thought whenever a game freezes is 'Is my Xbox dying?'.
How many time do you have to hit a tank with a bazooka to destroy it? Is there a area I should be aiming at so it doesn't take 4 damn shots?
There is a Battlefield: Bad Company boycott in progress.


Battlefield: Bad Company is coming to the PS3 and Xbox 360, but carries with it a somewhat troubling DLC plan. EA and DICE are making certain weapons available for purchase.

Five weapons will be available free through pre-launch promotions (and after the game releases), but another five will only be available through the "Gold Version" or paid DLC.

SarcasticGamer is calling for a boycott of the game and is trying to start a campaign to put a stop to DLC like this.

DLC is great when it's true bonus content like additional multiplayer levels, extra story arcs and locations, or new characters. When we're talking about weapons that even EA admits "do not create an advantage/disadvantage for players who do not opt to buy new items" we run into an ideological problem.

EA wants you to buy these weapons to customize your character to your playstyle, but then admits that your money doesn't buy you an advantage. We agree with that aspect, but then question why we're paying for these weapons.

Would you pay for new weapons in a multiplayer game?

So, basically, EA wants us to pay full-price for a game with features they locked/held back in an attempt to charge us more? I understand charging for new maps. Maps are new or retooled content that did not exist prior to a game's release. However, what EA is doing is wrong. This is not how DLC was supposed to be, and should not be how DLC is handled.
[quote name='jlarlee']How many time do you have to hit a tank with a bazooka to destroy it? Is there a area I should be aiming at so it doesn't take 4 damn shots?[/QUOTE]

Heavy Tanks

*These 60 ton behemoths are vulnerable in the rear however, so watch out for taking them into built up areas…

I usually can destroy a tank with 3 shots with my AR's grenade launcher or 2 shots from the missile launcher by shooting the rear. On Oasis run to where the sniper go up on the hill, wait/hide until the tanks start to roll by, and shoot them in ass, LOL.
[quote name='chasemurata']There is a Battlefield: Bad Company boycott in progress.

So, basically, EA wants us to pay full-price for a game with features they locked/held back in an attempt to charge us more? I understand charging for new maps. Maps are new or retooled content that did not exist prior to a game's release. However, what EA is doing is wrong. This is not how DLC was supposed to be, and should not be how DLC is handled.[/QUOTE]

Mmm. Normally I'd agree. But with them quoting EA on: "we're talking about weapons that even EA admits "do not create an advantage/disadvantage for players who do not opt to buy new items""

I don't see why people would boycott it. You don't have to buy it if you don't want to. Yeah, it's lame that they wouldn't just put the guns in the game, but you also don't have to have them.
There's a boycott? Seriously? I looked at the stats for the locked weapons and they're pretty much the same as the weapons we already have to play with. It's not like their super weapons that are vastly superior than anything else in the game, just more standard weapons.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I looked at the stats for the locked weapons and they're pretty much the same as the weapons we already have to play with. It's not like their super weapons that are vastly superior than anything else in the game, just more standard weapons.[/quote]

BF2 and 2142 both had unlocks whose stats didn't seem to be significantly better than the default weapons, but in both games a few ended up being far and away superior and people end up using those most of the time. Looking at the number of times I've been killed by someone with the assault kit in 2142, more than half of those times they were using one of the two unlocks. It goes up to about 75% when I count deaths from both. And that's just one kit.

I have very little confidence that all the guns in BF:BC will be as balanced as they say. Hopefully the ones that give significant advantages will be the ones unlockable in-game and not the ones you have to pay extra for.
Wow a boycott...That'll work.....People complain about that but no one says a thing about Ubisoft releasing Rainbow Six 1.5. BTW I hate rainbow 6 vegas 2 but I liked 1
bread's done