Battlestar Galactica: Complete Series (new packaging) for $133 at Amazon

[quote name='Lord_Kefka']So, no Caprica and no "Face of the Enemy" webisodes. Putting out this question to BSG fan/owners of this set. How much does that bother you?

This show has been on my "to watch" list for some time but I never got around to it. I've gotten I think all of it from digital sources. I plan to start watching it and make my call as to whether or not to get the Blu-rays. I won't get that deep into it, so I'm looking for gut reaction here.[/QUOTE]
Watch the webisodes online they weren't that good anyways and really had 0 impact on the storyline

as for caprica why? it is a completely different show it would make absolutely no sense to add it, the set is perfectly fine but i personally prefer the original box set with the figure i know alot of people bitch about the packaging but i like the way it looks
looks like this is back alive at $135 - i missed it last week and convinced myself that it was a good thing, trigger finger is now pretty itchy...
[quote name='ToddManG']looks like this is back alive at $135 - i missed it last week and convinced myself that it was a good thing, trigger finger is now pretty itchy...[/QUOTE]

Do it. I can promise it's one of those shows you won't mind re-watching, so it's definitely worth owning.
[quote name='paz9x']I see a mini-series sold seperately, is that included in this set?[/QUOTE]

The "mini-series" is just the first 2 episodes of the show. The mini-series was essentially a pilot/stand-alone. After they saw the positive response from it, they fleshed it out to a whole series.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']The "mini-series" is just the first 2 episodes of the show. The mini-series was essentially a pilot/stand-alone. After they saw the positive response from it, they fleshed it out to a whole series.[/QUOTE]

Thank you, my set arrives today or tomorrow.
Got mine yesterday and watched the mini-series. Probably the 7th or 8th time I've watched it (everytime I get someone new into BSG I end up watching the mini-series with them) but definitely the best. It's gorgeous in HD, and the blu-ray is really well put together (menus, etc). Anyone on the fence on this should definitely go for it.
[quote name='bvharris']Got mine yesterday and watched the mini-series. Probably the 7th or 8th time I've watched it (everytime I get someone new into BSG I end up watching the mini-series with them) but definitely the best. It's gorgeous in HD, and the blu-ray is really well put together (menus, etc). Anyone on the fence on this should definitely go for it.[/QUOTE]
Got mine and I've made it through the mini-series and 33 so far. The mini-series looked and sounded pretty good, but 33 looks and sounds even better. If this is what I can expect from the rest of the episodes I'll be in heaven.

I'm still struggling with whether I sell my DVD copies, or continue to lend them to friends.
I got my set in the mail today! I've only watched the miniseries so far, but it's quality is pretty damn good, and I remember reading (In the HD-DVD reviews of S1) that the series looks even better, so I look forward to re-watching the show.

The Best Buy pricematch is dead, and Amazon has raised it's asking price by a whopping TWO dollars, so that might as well be dead, so I suppose you all are out of luck then. Sorry guys.


Just kidding of course, even at $136, this set is a goddamn steal. Even if you haven't seen the series, you should seriously consider this, as it's one of the best shows of the last few years (I will not say it's better than Dexter, and I'm on the fence on if it's better than Lost, but nothing else compares.) Buy it already, people!
[quote name='ItsaMeMario']holy crap... $245 is about$30 more than retail, lol... it was $214 at fry's last time i checked

amazon i am dissappoint[/QUOTE]

thats best buys instore price.
bread's done