Beatles Rock Band standalone 30% off at Borders


Okay, so I'm not sure if this is YMMV but...
I work at Borders Books, Music, and Cafe, where the only game related things we usually carry are Strategy Guides. However, for the Beatles Remastered Release, we got in copies of The Beatles Rock Band standalone in stock at my store. And now, there is a coupon for 30% off one item for Borders Rewards members. So essentially it is roughly 18 dollars off. It's free to be a member (just need email and phone number). Make sure to say you saw a 30% of one item coupon because there are also 30% one book coupon (which obviously won't apply). If you don't have the coupon in hand, make sure you ask because technically we aren't suppose to just "give" customers coupons.

Also changed on original post, but I'm in Arizona, and the coupon should work. CDs and DVDs work with "one item" coupons, so they should work. Electronics applies to actual electronic devices. I'm not sure what constitutes an electronic device though because I "think" I recall ringing in a customer with a coupon for one of those electronic dictionaries...
There is another coupon out...there is a link provided by PenguinoMF below

Heads up: One, most likely the people who work there will not know that they have the game. Just politely ask them to check the Beatles display for it. This is the first time we have ever gotten any games, and so the automatic response for employees is "no." Two, just politely ask and see if they can try the coupon. It should ring through fine. If you are polite, but adamant, they should let it go through. You want to at least have them scan it because the computer should automatically take it off--I know some people have had employees have to manually discount, but that should be rare. If the scanning doesn't take it off, then it depends on the "happiness" level of that employee at the time.
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I'm a Borders Rewards member and the only 30% any one item coupon I have received in my email expired on 9/9/09. Is there another?
Thanks, OP! I doubt my local Borders got any in but on your word I think I'll spend an extra seven minutes in the car tomorrow and make an additional little trip!
Meiskru what state is the borders you work at? Anyone know of any NJ stores that might carry this? The site says its not available in stores.
Also changed on original post, but I'm in Arizona, and the coupon should work. CDs and DVDs work with "one item" coupons, so they should work. Electronics applies to actual electronic devices. I'm not sure what constitutes an electronic device though because I "think" I recall ringing in a customer with a coupon for one of those electronic dictionaries...
Just got back from Evanston, IL store, they had them in stock (360, PS3, and Wii). Picked up without what appeared to be any over rides for use of the coupon. As OP stated "electronics" is different from software. Price before tax was $42 (w/ tax $46). This was much more convenient for me than the Microcenter deal since I can walk 2.5 blocks to take advantage of this deal. So it appears the deal is live!!! Of course I only saw a few copies so I would say the bigger YMMV is the limited stock than IF the coupon will work. It looks like the only reason they have them is it was part of a package deal that a Borders opted into, since no other games were in sight.

I was going to wait a while, but I'm not sure if when/if we will see a significant price drop since the Beatles are involved.
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[quote name='rapsodist']I didn't realize there were Borders stores that still sell video games.[/QUOTE]

I guess it's special for this promotion. My local Borders has never had video games since the day they opened over a decade ago yet they had a small handful just for Beatles: Rock Band. The display itself was minuscule and they only had about three on display each for the PS3, 360, and Wii.

I was able to get mine (360 version) with the 30% off, no problem, but the cashier had to do a manual override since the coupon was not working on it otherwise. Make sure you hit up a friendly cashier or one who knows you well, just to hedge your bets! ;)
[quote name='PenguinoMF']Here is the coupon for 30% off an item.

It says no electronics so you might run into a hassle imo
Might have to try using it and see if they take it for electronics as well, if they do its a sweet deal.
Gonna try this in a little bit as I also have $15 in Borders Bucks on my rewards account. That makes this deal a no brainer.
Worked like a charm, although the checkout lady did seem to have a little trouble at first inputting the 30% coupon. With that and my $15 Border Bucks combined, walked out of the store with the PS3 version of the game for $29.xx. Nice deal! Thanks OP and Penguino for posting the coupon.
Worked for me in the Princeton, NJ store. Looked like they had 3 for each system (display near the entrance, didn't check the back of the store where they usually have music and DVD's) and I was the first to grab one for Xbox.

Coupon scanned but the discount wasn't taken off automatically. Cashier had to punch a few keys but it shows up on my receipt as a 30% off coupon, not a manual override. No manager assistance needed.

Thanks OP!
Unfortunately did NOT work in Akron, OH. Cashier said the coupon would not go through and that the item counted as electronics.
If they try to give me shit about it being "electronics" I will point out that the entire item is made of fucking plastic and some paper.
[quote name='Blackwing17']Unfortunately did NOT work in Akron, OH. Cashier said the coupon would not go through and that the item counted as electronics.[/QUOTE]

I've found that, at least previously, even those coupons that exclude "electronics" tend to go through with no problem for CDs and DVDs. If your Borders is a local one perhaps another try tomorrow might be beneficial, especially if you bring a cheap CD up to the front with you to see if the coupon works on that.

My (potentially flawed) reasoning being that if the coupon works on the CD or DVD and not on the game you might have a leg to stand on if you disagree with their definition of "electronics."
After striking out at Microcenter, I have renewed hope in not paying full price for this. Anyone have any luck in California? I'll have to wait until tomorrow unless they're open late tonight, since I'm at work still.
For those of you having problems you might want to bring a printout of the product page. It's clearly classed as a DVD on the page, not Electronics.
[quote name='Redeema']After striking out at Microcenter, I have renewed hope in not paying full price for this. Anyone have any luck in California? I'll have to wait until tomorrow unless they're open late tonight, since I'm at work still.[/QUOTE]

Worked for me in Sacramento.
Went to the local Ann Arbor location and they tried to say it was a electronic after a couple minutes of conversation they sided with me and took the 30% off. It's clearly not an electronic so if you need to ask for a manager I am tired of lame coupons that are not worth the paper there printed on retailers need to knock the shady advertising off !!!
It's like that with department store coupons as well. Usually stores like Macy's have half the coupon space with fine print saying what the coupon excludes, it is ridiculous. It would take up less room to say what the coupon is good for since half the store seems to usually be excluded with those coupons.
We don't have a Borders, but if we did I bet I'd get the exact same run around about the validity of the damn coupon. Taking into account the gas, the time, and then the hassle, there's a slightly better deal in just grabbing this in Best Buy's Buy 1 Get 1 Half-Off sale. I picked up Beatles: Rock Band and Batman: Arkham Asylum for what evens out to be $46.80 each shipped.
[quote name='cranky2']Taking into account the gas, the time, and then the hassle, there's a slightly better deal in just grabbing this in Best Buy's Buy 1 Get 1 Half-Off sale. I picked up Beatles: Rock Band and Batman: Arkham Asylum for what evens out to be $46.80 each shipped.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but that's only for PS3.
[quote name='windtek']Went to the local Ann Arbor location and they tried to say it was a electronic after a couple minutes of conversation they sided with me and took the 30% off. It's clearly not an electronic so if you need to ask for a manager I am tired of lame coupons that are not worth the paper there printed on retailers need to knock the shady advertising off !!![/QUOTE]

I might try my luck at another Borders nearby. I could tell it just wasn't gonna fly with the cashier I had, and she even radioed the manager who apparently agreed with her assessment of the coupon situation.
[quote name='BABETOOTH']Any in NYC ? Will check after work.[/QUOTE]
I might try Columbus Circle tomorrow, not sure if I'm willing to make the trip from the Bronx though.
They had 4 of each in West Lebanon, NH this afternoon. Cashier had to punch in the code but it went through fine. It also seems like they might have more than 4 of each since the cashier mentioned she had picked up the Wii version from the store already.
Im a pretty big Beatles fan, but this game got boring after the second day. I got it for $49 total, this game should really be priced around $30.
I tried to get a copy. Went to the store. Looked all over for a display or something for the game. Couldnt find anything. Asked a sales rep, they said that they do not carry video games. They did have the cds though. Didnt want to leave empty handed so I bought a cook book.
[quote name='Diad']I tried to get a copy. Went to the store. Looked all over for a display or something for the game. Couldnt find anything. Asked a sales rep, they said that they do not carry video games. They did have the cds though. Didnt want to leave empty handed so I bought a cook book.[/QUOTE]

I got the same reply until I went to the actual table where they had the beatles stuff (games, cds, dvds, books, etc.)
[quote name='Bacomonk']I might try Columbus Circle tomorrow, not sure if I'm willing to make the trip from the Bronx though.[/QUOTE]

The one next to MSG had 3 left for the 360 so I bought one. Got my rewards card and coupon worked just fine. The guy was really nice and before I showed him my coupon he was looking for one to apply to my transaction anyway. I also got an offer to join their wine list and get 6 wines for $7 each with free shipping. I will check this out as well...
Cashier had to enter coupon manually she went to remove the security feature came back second guessed herself, called up the manager. Manager said its a video game not an electronic. Got my game. Thank you very much for the info OP.
After striking out on Sunday, they had a couple in the Columbia, MD store this morning, where I got one. Thanks, OP.
How rude of me not thanking the (op meiskru). Thank you so much for posting this. What makes it even more special (besides being a big fan of the Beatles) is that my daughter asked for this game for her upcoming 8th birthday. That fact alone I would've paid full price making this even sweeter. This is the only game I could honestly say my whole family will be familiar with every song and will have a blast playing, and although I know some will say this game lacks challenge, am in it for the fun factor. I could only wish The Rolling Stones and U2 were next. Thanks again OP.
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I got shot down at my local Border's. I tried to point out that it's no different than a CD or DVD but the guy said something about he saw the invoice when it came into the store and it said it was an electronic. I didn't really feel like arguing with the guy and since I was buying other stuff anyways used the coupon on that. I'll try another store tomorrow.
I called the store they said they don't carry games. I said I read that you will have this one game so he checked and said yes I will hold it for you.
Coupon worked no problems, they did ask for my membership card which I did not have but my email worked.
Thanks op, my husband wanted this and I was happy to save some $.
Thanks OP!

It worked for me without any issues. I might come back and use it to buy the remastered box. I wish they had the mono version.
I went to a different Border's and it worked without even a strange look. Guess I know which one to go back to next time.
bread's done