Become a Test Subject for an ARG

Why is everyone pretending they don't know what the thing is? The author of this thread provided to a link to a website that tells you EXACTLY what you receive.
[quote name='tankyroo']After some "research" i found that they are these thing that were dropped over the bonaroo(Spelling) music festival this year.

And further "research" makes me 50% sure it's for the 5 Gum cobalt. (Note only 50%, Because on the website they mention games a lot, So it might be for a game.)[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the insight, it's still kinda creepy how they're going to be sending us paper helicopters with bug shaped lights. Can't imagine this being gum, so I wonder who's sponsoring it. Guess we'll have to wait! :)
I don't think is for Gum guys.. seriously. This is heavy stuff by 42 Entertainment.

42 Entertainment has made a name for itself in recent years by running some of the best movie ARGs ever. It’s the company behind the quintessential viral campaign for The Dark Knight, as well as the recent (and extensive) TRON: Legacy campaign.

There has been a lot of speculation as to what The Human Preservation Project could possibly be viral for, with 5 Gum, video games, and The Dark Knight Rises in the running. After laying low, the viral has become active again. Today I received a mysterious package from the preservation project and its contents were just as mystifying. I can tell you now that this has nothing to do with gum.
When you sign up it says, "By submitting this information, you will be receiving in-game communications including email, direct mail and phone messages." So it definitely seems to be some kind of game and not gum.

Anyways, I signed up and am interested to see where this goes!
Guys, it's an Alternate Reality Game, as in, a video game IRL. 42 Ent. made the ARG called ilovebees. Where it had tons of players participating in the promotion for Halo 2. Here's the best part, the participants got to go to a cinema to play Halo 2 before it's release and also got some swag. Read about it HERE
Since my mom is usually the one who gets the mail, I wonder what she is going to think when i get something from the "Human Preservation Project" XD

Also, It could be for halo, (I'm going to hide it in a spoiler because it might be kind of spoiler-y)
Because at the end of halo 3, Didn't master chief go into a cryogenic(spelling) preservation chamber thing? Just a thought, Also i wouldn't know exactly because I didn't play through halo 3.
[quote name='sirerosennin']ARG? Flashing light might be morse code?

I think I'll pass on this...for now[/QUOTE]

morse code? sounds very likely. I'll try and google how to read it later..
[quote name='tankyroo']Okay, I signed up, Still creeped out and not sure if i should have or not. And i agree with the8055, I would like to see some pictures.

Edit: And for the headshot pic i put this

Edit2: I was looking at that article and someone posted their picture of it:[/QUOTE]

Did anyone scan that qr code that's on it? I'm interested in this.
So am I gonna get sucked into the screen or be hypnotized? I made it half way through and quit cause it was making my head hurt doing the questions in a dark room.
Definitely a nerdgasm of a long-shot, but I hoped for a bit that this might be for the Dark Knight Rises telling us that Mr. Freeze and Firefly would be villains along with Bane. I mean, "Icefly"? That totally could have worked. But, alas, it's most likely for the stupid gum...
I don't think its for Gum

This is a worldwide sign up and the 5Gum company do not allow registrations outside of Aus/Can/US

I'm in UK.

Edit. Well, that sucks.. I scanned the QR code and it brought me to the site :(
[quote name='tankyroo']Since my mom is usually the one who gets the mail, I wonder what she is going to think when i get something from the "Human Preservation Project" XD

Also, It could be for halo, (I'm going to hide it in a spoiler because it might be kind of spoiler-y)
Because at the end of halo 3, Didn't master chief go into a cryogenic(spelling) preservation chamber thing? Just a thought, Also i wouldn't know exactly because I didn't play through halo 3.

Very true! And if this is the case, this thing is going to be freaking awesome. Spoiler talk for Halo 3 and 4 below.
Also, we saw in the E3 Halo 4 trailer that Master Chief has clearly/finally been awakened by Cortana. This would make perfect sense considering the name of this ARG, but maybe it's just the Halo fan in me hoping for something epic. XD
[quote name='Mr Dude65']Definitely a nerdgasm of a long-shot, but I hoped for a bit that this might be for the Dark Knight Rises telling us that Mr. Freeze and Firefly would be villains along with Bane. I mean, "Icefly"? That totally could have worked. But, alas, it's most likely for the stupid gum...[/QUOTE]
I literally had the exact same thought! But I think it's for gum, too. :cry:
Is there a reason it just can't be a cross promotion? I'm thinking something like that Game Fuel flavor of Mountain Dew they did for Halo 3.
[quote name='MattCatt']Is there a reason it just can't be a cross promotion? I'm thinking something like that Game Fuel flavor of Mountain Dew they did for Halo 3.[/QUOTE]

because that would be kool? Did MD do a whole viral thing I just remember them having the soda
Anybody check out the mission icefly page with the countdown? It gives locations to where the whole thing is going down. Looks like I won't be able to participate because I don't live anywhere close to citys well hope I don't miss out on much. It also says one package per person and after checking out the Mission Icefly V2 video found here, there is a clip with John Locke (a LOST charcter) at the last few seconds of the vid and he seems to say something. I think this is just a little bigger than gum.
[quote name='CrystalBadass97']If someone was trying to kill a large amount of people they would've been shut down by now[/QUOTE]
Why would they shut them down if they were going to do an attack? There is no proof this is an attack and doubt they even know about it to even think about checking into it. It shocks me how many people think the gov is god like and knows everything before it happens.

I doubt this is one but if it was man it would for sure hit the history books. You never know these days. I am tempted to send this to a old friend that used to like to steal my things.

I could not fill nothing out the thing locked my firefox at the end of the video after i got a chart and script locked for 10+ mins....
bread's done