Benefits of the Vietnam War?


8 (100%)
Alright I have a paper due tomorrow and I have about a half a page left to write. I need some benefits on the Vietnam War and so far I have
  • The war became a standard of comparison in situations that might involve U.S. troops abroad
  • The war formed dissent towards the President.

Can you guys think of any more or elaborate on my ideas?

Thread sucks

I'm gone a week and it seems like the stupid level has gone up 1000 fold while I was gone...
Its alright I already got some information now. Thanks for the help

[quote name='RedvsBlue']Thread sucks

I'm gone a week and it seems like the stupid level has gone up 1000 fold while I was gone...[/QUOTE]

uhhhhhh cool...
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Thread sucks

I'm gone a week and it seems like the stupid level has gone up 1000 fold while I was gone...[/QUOTE]

hes askin a question to get some info for a paper, why you gotta be a dick about it
What you consider benefits depends on your political leanings but from an anti-war perspective here are some.

1. It ended the draft which had been in effect during both war and peacetime for most of the time since WWII (except for a small period before the Korean war I believe).

2. It led to questioning the government in all areas, especially in foreign policy. It also made this publicly acceptable, even expected of individuals.

3. It led to a decrease in American Adventurism over seas. Not until the first Gulf War did we have a large scale military operation overseas and not until 2001 did we have an invasion designed to last more than a week or two. I would also point out that our general non interference in foreign affairs didn't bring the world crashing down around us as some today believe it would, it actually led to an era of relative peace and the fall of the Soviet Union.

4.This is a stretch but our newfound reluctance to use violence may have caused us to wait out the Soviet Union thus causing its fall. Many times since the Vietnam War the U.S. could have used military force against the Soviet Union or its proxies if it were energized and confident in the ability of military might to solve its problems. One such example is the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in which the U.S. considered intervening. Had it done so it may have resulted in another quagmire at best and at worst set of a series of events that would lead to global nuclear war. In any case a war against the U.S. even by proxy would have strengthened the communist hardliners and prevented or delayed the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.

From a pro-war perspective I can't think of any benefits as Vietnam is generally viewed as a mistake and a case against war. These would be interesting to hear if anyone has some.
[quote name='Murcielago77']hes askin a question to get some info for a paper, why you gotta be a dick about it[/QUOTE]

Ok, for one the "research" part of the research paper is the OP's responsibility. Sure he's not asking someone to write it for him but doing the research for a paper is part of the work that goes into writing the paper. This is one of those situations where a teacher/professor would say "well, in the business world you can't get other people the give you information and expect to be able to pass it off as your own" or something along those lines.

Secondly, this is a video game message board. Asking about the benefits of the Vietnam War on a video game message board is just dumb.

Thirdly, well Myke already nailed it with his quoting of you but I'd take it further cause your entire sentence is a mess.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Ok, for one the "research" part of the research paper is the OP's responsibility. Sure he's not asking someone to write it for him but doing the research for a paper is part of the work that goes into writing the paper. This is one of those situations where a teacher/professor would say "well, in the business world you can't get other people the give you information and expect to be able to pass it off as your own" or something along those lines.

Secondly, this is a video game message board. Asking about the benefits of the Vietnam War on a video game message board is just dumb.

Thirdly, well Myke already nailed it with his quoting of you but I'd take it further cause your entire sentence is a mess.[/QUOTE]

so what if this is a video game message board, im sure you of all people have read and posted in that OTT thread, or rather that sub-forum in general, so you know the kind of random shit people talk about on here.

thats ok if my sentence was a mess, at least i know i dont spend my days on an online message board correcting 16 year olds on how they type online, im sure youre proud of yourself with your contribution to the world, but i guess theres nothing else you have to do being 24 and living in minnesota
It unified Vietnam as a communist state, ousting the South Vietnamese Republic of Vietnam...

bread's done