Best Add-ons for Firefox and Opera?


234 (100%)
With the recent release of Firefox 3 and Opera 9.5 , I was wondering what good and recommended extensions , add-ons , widgets and plug-ins there are for these two browsers? I would also be open to mentions for IE and Safari but I don't think either of them support extensions , nor do most people recommend using them.;)

The only recent thread I found that seemed relevant to the topic was here:

but I thought with it being over a year old , that things might have changed by now. I just want to try and make my web browsing experience as smooth and productive as possible.:)
What I have installed for general use:

AdBlock Plus
Delicious Bookmarks
Download Statusbar - unobtrusive download manager
Fission - puts the loading progress bar in the address bar, like in Safari

For Web dev stuff:

Autofill Forms
Firebug - Indispensable. I wish this had existed 10 years ago.
IE Tab - Runs IE's rendering engine in a FF tab. It still sucks and is totally buggy, but at least it's in the same window!
Unicode Input Tool/Converter
Web Developer
bread's done