Best bang for buck video card?


CAG Veteran
I'm looking to build a gaming pc for 1000 without monitor. Should I go intel or amd? And what is the best bang for buck video card for around 200-300?

Also what is the best site yo buy this type of pc that's not located in California so I don't have to pay sales tax? Newegg and cyberpowerpc are all in California.

For a processor, I'd go with an i7.

The 1GB GTX460 (the 768MB model isnt so hot) is one of the best "bang for your buck" cards on the market right now.


Oops, saw you didn't want a place in Cali. TigerDirect may be worth a shot, however their prices can be a bit higher at times. Not sure if they're based in Cali or not though. ZipZoomFly is worth a shot as well, although they suffer from higher prices at times much like TD.
Depends on how much money you want to spend, do you want to save some, or waste every cent? If there's a Microcenter in CA close enough to you, you can get some good deals. Or on craigslist sometimes, although depends if you want to risk it.

The 5850/GTX 460/465 1GB or higher versions.

Don't you still have to pay taxes even if the store is out of state? Or am I wrong here..
[quote name='MYFIREMANISHUGE']Don't you still have to pay taxes even if the store is out of state? Or am I wrong here..[/QUOTE]
Only if the store has a distribution center in the state from what I understand.
if you're talking bang for your buck, you might look into an AMD proc.
No doubt Intel is on top, but the AMD X6's are pretty nice.

But right now, the GTX 460 is probably the best bang for the buck vid card out there. Although if AMD is forced to bring their prices down, the 5850 might be worth looking into. As it stands now though, they're still ~$100 bucks more than the 460's
The i7s are beasts though. If someone can spare the change there's absolutely no reason why they shouldn't go with it.

That being said I would probably go with that Phenom II X6. You can save 50 by going with an X4, but the extra 2 cores can come in handy.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']As far as Core I7 I think it's overkill, and if you want the best bang for your buck you NEVER go with Intel.

Before anyone asks i'm not an AMD fanboy. I'm currently running an Intel Quad Extreme QX6700.[/QUOTE]
Lol you talk about an i7 being overkill, but use a quad core. GG?
[quote name='SEH']He's got a grand to spend though, there's no reason to not go i7.[/QUOTE]

Sure there is because AMD will give him the best bang for his buck. He won't have to skimp anywhere. If he goes Core I7 and doesn't have a Microcenter near by he is going to have half his budget in processor and motherboard. Add in the video card and that's around three fourths of the build price. He still needs a hard drive, optical drive, case, psu, ram, larger heatsink/fan (if he is planning on overclocking any) keyboard, and mouse or trackball. I prefer to not skimp anywhere on my builds.

One other thing which is not huge but, still something to consider by buying AMD he is supporting competition in the PC processor marketplace. Intel is not going anywhere but, if AMD bit the dust, Intel would have a stranglehold on the PC market which is not a good thing.
I can heartily recommend the i5 750. Quad core and none of the bullshit. For a few more bucks, you can get the i5 760, but it just came out, so I don't know how it compares to the 750. It's not that much more of a boost in clock speed, but for $15 more on Newegg, if it's good, it's good.
I have a gts 250 1GB... cost $112 from

just got a second for SLI..

2x in SLI is faster than a GTX 285...
[quote name='Spenceryuan']Thanks guys much appreciated. I didn't know micro center had great prices. I will look there[/QUOTE]

Yes, Microcenter usually has best prices for processors. Very competitive with other components as well. Newegg or Tiger can occasionally beat them with their bundle deals.
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