Best Buy $2 Clearance: CAG State of the Sale


Staff member
91 (100%)
The least secretive clearance sale in internet history is about to start tomorrow and by now every user of any video game website has their lists printed out in hopes of scoring the improbable haul of cheap games at Best Buy tomorrow.

But just how likely are you to score big when the doors swing open tomorrow? Mrs. Shipwreck and I headed to our local Best Buy today to check on the state of the sale. Our plan was to pre-buy a couple of games that we had seen the night before in hopes that we could beat the rush and get a price adjustment on the items at a later date. Well, we arrived about 10 minutes after opening today and we were not the only ones to have this plan (or the lists of games in hand).

Immediately upon arriving in the games department, we spot another customer in the Xbox aisle pushing a cart with around 10-15 games already stacked up and inquiring as to whether they had King Kong for Xbox 360 (they did not). Now knowing that my chances of cheap Xbox and Xbox 360 games were slim to nil, I hurried to the PSP section and relievedly grabbed the last copy of Ultimate Ghosts n' Goblins. There was still hope, as I was obviously the first to hit anything past the Microsoft aisle.

I quickly handed the list of highlighted PS2 games to the Mrs. and hurried to the Gamecube section to see if they had any Mario Party 7's. No dice... in fact, the Gamecube selection was very small to begin with, so I moved on to Gameboy Advance and DS. My eyes lit up as I grabbed for Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and after some digging I found Harvest Moon DS. Other than that, just about all the other games on the list had been long sold out.

About this time, my wife had finished with the PS2 section with Chronicles of Narnia and Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2 in hand. She then took the PSP list and headed off while I decided to go see if cart guy had left anything in Xbox land. He was still looking through the Xbox games and I could see he was grabbing multiple copies of everything on the shelves. By this time, he probably had around 20 games in his cart and I quickly grabbed a copy of King of Fighters: Neowave while it was still on the shelf. As I reached past him, we exchanged some pleasantries and he asked me if that game was on the list that I had. I told him that it was and he proceeded to pick up a copy and then turned the corner to head to the PS2 aisle.

I finished flipping through the Xbox games knowing that there would be little chance of anything remaining (I was correct). The same was true with the 360 section: nada. Mrs. Shipwreck struck out in the PSP department as well, but we decided to just double check through some of the sections again to make sure we didn't miss anything.

Mrs. Shipwreck found some of those bargain "Christmas wrapped" games along the back wall and we picked up a couple of those as I thought they might be included in the sale. She also found a copy of Monster House for the Game Boy Advance which we bought as it looked like it might be fun. After that we were ready to leave as I was happy with the few games that I was able to find. I noticed by this time, cart guy had somewhere between 25-30 games in his cart including the PS2 and PSP games that I had passed on.

Overall, I ended up spending around $250 for 13 games. I can't even imagine what that other guy's bill was going to look like.

So, how are your chances tomorrow? Probably not very good if my local experience is any indication. Most games on the list have been out of stock for weeks and I have to imagine that with how quickly the word on this sale spread, that a lot of people went out to buy games today in hopes of getting the prices adjusted tomorrow. Now, there are certainly deals left to be had out there, but expect a lot of competition for very few games. I'd expect there to be multiple people waiting in the parking lot when Best Buy opens tomorrow and it only takes one "cart guy" to wipe an entire store clean.

Well, the best I can tell you is good luck tomorrow and may the cheapness be with you.

UPDATE (2/26/07):

Well, I just got back from a different Best Buy and here's the latest of my tale. I arrived around 10 minutes after they opened and I decided to do some shopping before getting my purchases from the previous day adjusted. There were already 2 other guys there that had about 10 games in their hands, so I knew there wasn't going to be much left.

I saw a friendly Best Buy employee that I had spoke with on previous visits and he knew why I was there. I asked if they had any of the 360 games and he told me that they hadn't carried any of them for months. I knew this was true, but was hoping for a random King Kong siting. I thanked him and proceeded to look through the Xbox section and I picked up a few random games (the price cards had all been updated to the new prices).

I then proceeded through the rest of the sections and grabbed some more odds and ends including Astonishia Story for $1.99 which I didn't remember seeing on the list.

After I had made my initial pass, I started talking to the employee again and he pointed out some more games and items that had dropped in price. One of these was the Xport for the 360 which I picked up for $29.99.

After all was said and done, I purchased the following:

Xport - $29.99

187: Ride or Die - $1.99
Dinotopia - $1.99
Marc Ecko's Getting Up - $1.99
Painkiller: Hell Wars - $9.99
SNK Vs. Capcom SVK Chaos - $1.99

Astonishia Story x2 $1.99

Animaniacs $4.99
WWE Day of Reckoning 2 $1.99

I then took that bag of goodies back out to my car and brought yesterday's purchases back into Best Buy. I returned the Dragon Ball Z game that I had mistakingly bought and then proceeded to have customer service check the rest of the games that I had bought for price drops.

It was quickly apparent that the "Christmas wrapped" games that I had assumed were on sale were ringing up full price, so I went ahead and returned those as well. I was able to get the price adjusted on the rest of the games without any problems. So from my previous haul, I left the store with the following:

King of Fighters Neowave - $4.99

Ultimate Ghosts n' Goblins - $4.99

Harvest Moon DS - $9.99

Chronicles of Narnia - $4.99

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - $1.99
Monster House - $4.99

So in total I picked up 15 games for $61 before tax and the Xport for $30 although I'm not 100% sure that I will end up keeping the Xport.

Good luck to all today!
I managed to hide some stuff behind some shit that nobody will ever buy... I got kinda lucky at my stores and managed to actually find some things (unfortuantely, nothing that I personally wanted) because I was there right when the stores opened this morning. All I wanted was Fire Emblem for the Cube, but that ended up being a wish unrequited at the stores I visited. I didn't see anyone with lists, but then, this area has really never been problematic for finding stuff at these clearances. We are an uninformed city.
[quote name='Chacrana']I managed to hide some stuff behind some shit that nobody will ever buy... I got kinda lucky at my stores and managed to actually find some things (unfortuantely, nothing that I personally wanted) because I was there right when the stores opened this morning. All I wanted was Fire Emblem for the Cube, but that ended up being a wish unrequited at the stores I visited. I didn't see anyone with lists, but then, this area has really never been problematic for finding stuff at these clearances. We are an uninformed city.[/quote]
what games did you find?
good work... sucks how public this is, but what can you do.

Also, smart of you to print the list... most people I bump into never bring a list thus giving me the upper hand (I always carry a list on me with the itesm I want bolded).

again, a well deserved congrads.
[quote name='mrblinG22']nice, most people managed to get nothing. whats that psp game on the side of the second picture?[/QUOTE]

Ultimate Ghosts n Goblins, which was pretty much the main reason I went today. I would have been happy just to get that alone.
[quote name='shipwreck']Ultimate Ghosts n Goblins, which was pretty much the main reason I went today. I would have been happy just to get that alone.[/QUOTE]

same here... Me and My Katamari and G&G are my main needs.
did you try trading with cart guy in store? he probably didn't know the difference between ps2 jampacks and advance wars ds, but you might have gained some xbox ground with some of the other games you had already gotten.
[quote name='mrblinG22']what games did you find?[/QUOTE]

Found 2 copies of Mega Man X collection for the PS2, 2 copies of TR Legends for the PSP, 3 copies of Drill Dozer, 2 copies of FF Crystal Chronicles, literally 10 copies of Nanobreaker, 2 copies of GTA SA and... I think that's it. So I found a lot... just not what I actually want.
[quote name='shipwreck']Ultimate Ghosts n Goblins, which was pretty much the main reason I went today. I would have been happy just to get that alone.[/quote]

ah, i see. well congrats!
[quote name='gaelan']did you try trading with cart guy in store? he probably didn't know the difference between ps2 jampacks and advance wars ds, but you might have gained some xbox ground with some of the other games you had already gotten.[/QUOTE]

No, but from what I could see, he didn't have much that I would've wanted. He was buying multiple copies of games like Fight Night Round 3 (Xbox version not 360 version) and some other sports games for the original Xbox.

The only thing that upset mrs. shipwreck was that he grabbed the last copy of Shadow the Hedgehog for PS2 because I had only highlighted that one for Xbox.
My Best Buy was holding a special event tonight for reward zone members. I went and was kinda glancing around the game section. I noticed that a whole family was on the hunt, with the dad having a list and telling his kids what to grab, and he himself looking in other areas for other games. I struck up a conversation with him and said that I'm pretty sure most of the good stuff was gone, because I had gone the night before. He still managed to find a large stack, but mostly of King Kong for PS2 and a few others. I've got one other Best Buy that I'm hitting up tommorow morning, but I doubt I'll find anything there.

However, I have to say that I love you, Shipwreck. I had totally forgotten about those Christmas-ey games, and I hope that the other guy didn't notice them.
I spent all day driving around to 5 stores, and I found mostly nothing!

All the good games have been sold out for ages, and the few I found... didn't really care for. Among the better gems: Ultimate Ghosts n Goblins (PSP) & MM Maverick Hunter X (PSP)....

I also found a couple of DBZ Budokai games (1, 2, 3) for the PS2 and bought the latest 2... but this wasn't a big find since these games have multiple prints in the GH category of the stores!

Capcom Mini Mix (GBA) was strangely $10 in one BB and $15 in another!!! I couldn't pass it up at $10, since I've seen it as high as $20 in some stores...

Other than those... this sale was mostly a waste of time. I can't believe I spent the day driving around for a few DBZ games (they're a dime a dozen) and a Capcom GBA game...

I can't begin to say how pissed off I am at CAG for getting us all hyped about this crazy awesome deal that's not really going to pan out for ANYONE!

I didn't join the site just to have my hopes brought up and crushed before me!!! I think people are better off getting the deals on eBay.

And screw the HOARDERS and EMPLOYEES who are d*cking everyone on this deal!!!!:bomb:
[quote name='iceblast21']I spent all day driving around to 5 stores, and I found mostly nothing!

All the good games have been sold out for ages, and the few I found... didn't really care for. Among the better gems: Ultimate Ghosts n Goblins (PSP) & MM Maverick Hunter X (PSP)....

I also found a couple of DBZ Budokai games (1, 2, 3) for the PS2 and bought the latest 2... but this wasn't a big find since these games have multiple prints in the GH category of the stores!

Capcom Mini Mix (GBA) was strangely $10 in one BB and $15 in another!!! I couldn't pass it up at $10, since I've seen it as high as $20 in some stores...

Other than those... this sale was mostly a waste of time. I can't believe I spent the day driving around for a few DBZ games (they're a dime a dozen) and a Capcom GBA game...

I can't begin to say how pissed off I am at CAG for getting us all hyped about this crazy awesome deal that's not really going to pan out for ANYONE!

I didn't join the site just to have my hopes brought up and crushed before me!!! I think people are better off getting the deals on eBay.

And screw the HOARDERS and EMPLOYEES who are d*cking everyone on this deal!!!!:bomb:[/QUOTE]
If it wasn't for CAG in the first place your dumbass would have never known about the sale.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']If it wasn't for CAG in the first place your dumbass would have never known about the sale.[/QUOTE]

But he's doing us the honor of giving us 70+ posts during his tenure at CAG... he's practically earned the right to get whatever he wants.
I made myself a shopping list of about 30 games, not a single one was at BB in the mall. The guy there claims that someone from used game store was most likely the suspect for taking absolutely everything on clearance. At least we'll get to see these games really cheap online somewhere. Probably Ebay or craigslist.
[quote name='sandrokstar']I made myself a shopping list of about 30 games, not a single one was at BB in the mall. The guy there claims that someone from used game store was most likely the suspect for taking absolutely everything on clearance. At least we'll get to see these games really cheap online somewhere. Probably Ebay or craigslist.[/quote]

stake out the store tomorrow morning and wait for the guy that comes in with a santa bag full of games for price adjustment...then kick his ass and get his games when he is in the parking lot.
At least my city got about 10 inches of snow the last two days so hopefully that thwarted off most hoarders and since I work overnights I'll leave work with ample time to get to my location right about when they open since I didn't have enough extra funds to go ahead of time and buy stuff full price to get it readjusted.
[quote name='Chacrana']bit late for that, Rolento...[/QUOTE]

well, initially the sale sounded great, then the word of mouth really had a backfiring effect on it...
OMFG! That is a sweet table and wood that you have there!

Anyways, $250 for 13 games...doesn't seem quite right...

How much were each game?
Shipwreck, that's the wrong DBZ. The one on the list is Budokai 2, you got Budokai Tenkaiitiejsafdafjnadkichi 2 (ok, I forgot how to spell it.) Good game, though.
[quote name='Kromis']
Anyways, $250 for 13 games...doesn't seem quite right...

How much were each game?[/quote]I think that is the price before adjustment.

Nice job on the writeup!
I was able to get Onimusha 2, Sega Classic Collection, Siren, and GTA San Andreas at the Pinole, CA Best Buy. Plus I got FFVI for GBA ^_^, as this game deserves every $30 of it.
Got 18 games (not a single duplicate), all PS2. 12 are for me, the other 6 will eb up for trade after a price adjustment. I went to my usual BB and they had nothing (I know they had some last week, so I think they were pulled. Will find out tomorrow). I went to an out of the way, but new BB and sure enough I found quite a few things I was looking for. Will be heading back over there tomorrow to pick up any leftovers that some people wanted and price adjusting what I have. Lucky for me there are 4 BB within 20 miles of my house or work so I had a good chance of finding something. :D
[quote name='SOSTrooper']I was able to get Onimusha 2, Sega Classic Collection, Siren, and GTA San Andreas at the Pinole, CA Best Buy. Plus I got FFVI for GBA ^_^, as this game deserves every $30 of it.[/QUOTE]
I hope you remembered to use GGC and paid $25
mother nature decided to bury me under snow during the night, thus making me not wanna risk limb and car for a couple games-oh well.......
[quote name='reibeatall']Shipwreck, that's the wrong DBZ. The one on the list is Budokai 2, you got Budokai Tenkaiitiejsafdafjnadkichi 2 (ok, I forgot how to spell it.) Good game, though.[/QUOTE]

Yep, thanks for the heads up. That one will be going back today as I'm not a Dragonball fan, but for $2 I figured it was worth trying out.
If anyone gets Extra's of Harvest Moon DS or the Megaman collection games i will trade or buy for em. Pretty much all I want from this sale.
Bah......No reason for CAGs to get into a tizzy........not much on these lists that :\
A) They Don't already own

B) Most wouldn't touch with with a 10ft. pole.....even at 2$ ......(See Bad Boys : Miami Takedown or American Idol) ....The gas you burn getting there is worth more than those games.


C) The ones that you would want....not a snowball's chance in hell they were even in stock to begin with....(See KILLER 7 for PS2 or PSYCHONAUTS for XBOX)....Yeah right.

P.S. Loved the Typo on --> THE CODFATHER Collector's Edition for XBOX.......

Mafia Fish.....what a concept!!!
Well thats not entirely true. I've found some games like Advance Wars DS, Painkiller (Which is damn fun), Harvest Moon magical melody, etc

So there are random good games that are WELL worth the price. Its just few and far between sadly.
Anyone think this could be the beginning of the end of Best Buy's Price Adjusting policy, at least in it's current state? The widespread abuse by hoarders and today's totals for price adjustments skyrocketing is sure to set off a few red lights at BB corporate.
Just got back from the Midtown Manhattan store. Nothing much there. Absolutelty zero GBA, GC, or DS games. I didnt notice any PSP either. They had a handfull of Xbox and PS2 titles, but they were all shit. One guy ahead of me grabbed the last copy of 'Trapt' which I would have bought. I saw some people with copies of Flatout, and Star Ocean III GH, but I have those games already. There was actually a very helpful employee there pointing out which game they did have in stock, but Im not paying $5 for Amercan Chpper, ya'know? lol

As far as getting upset, Im not upset at all. 90% of these games havent been in stock for months anyway. I would be happy to have found anything. At least this way I save some money.
Just got back myself, saw a few PSP copies of ATV Offroad Fury going at 4.99, enough to make me know it was true, but they didn't have ANYTHING even empty racks or spaces to show that someone got there ahead of me. Walked in at opening time to with like, 5 other guys looking for the same stuff. I over heard "Dude...did we get hosed?" and I barely kept myself from laughing.
[quote name='Comic']Just got back myself, saw a few PSP copies of ATV Offroad Fury going at 4.99, enough to make me know it was true, but they didn't have ANYTHING even empty racks or spaces to show that someone got there ahead of me. Walked in at opening time to with like, 5 other guys looking for the same stuff. I over heard "Dude...did we get hosed?" and I barely kept myself from laughing.[/quote]

I had a similar experience with the 2nd store I went to, but I did manage to get a copy of the castlevania double pack and dawn of sorrow.

Well, I just got back from a different Best Buy and here's the latest of my tale. I arrived around 10 minutes after they opened and I decided to do some shopping before getting my purchases from the previous day adjusted. There were already 2 other guys there that had about 10 games in their hands, so I knew there wasn't going to be much left.

I saw a friendly Best Buy employee that I had spoke with on previous visits and he knew why I was there. I asked if they had any of the 360 games and he told me that they hadn't carried any of them for months. I knew this was true, but was hoping for a random King Kong siting. I thanked him and proceeded to look through the Xbox section and I picked up a few random games (the price cards had all been updated to the new prices).

I then proceeded through the rest of the sections and grabbed some more odds and ends including Astonishia Story for $1.99 which I didn't remember seeing on the list.

After I had made my initial pass, I started talking to the employee again and he pointed out some more games and items that had dropped in price. One of these was the Xport for the 360 which I picked up for $29.99.

After all was said and done, I purchased the following:

Xport - $29.99

187: Ride or Die - $1.99
Dinotopia - $1.99
Marc Ecko's Getting Up - $1.99
Painkiller: Hell Wars - $9.99
SNK Vs. Capcom SVK Chaos - $1.99

Astonishia Story x2 $1.99

Animaniacs $4.99
WWE Day of Reckoning 2 $1.99

I then took that bag of goodies back out to my car and brought yesterday's purchases back into Best Buy. I returned the Dragon Ball Z game that I had mistakingly bought and then proceeded to have customer service check the rest of the games that I had bought for price drops.

It was quickly apparent that the "Christmas wrapped" games that I had assumed were on sale were ringing up full price, so I went ahead and returned those as well. I was able to get the price adjusted on the rest of the games without any problems. So from my previous haul, I left the store with the following:

King of Fighters Neowave - $4.99

Ultimate Ghosts n' Goblins - $4.99

Harvest Moon DS - $9.99

Chronicles of Narnia - $4.99

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - $1.99
Monster House - $4.99

So in total I picked up 15 games for $61 before tax and the Xport for $30 although I'm not 100% sure that I will end up keeping the Xport.

Good luck to all today!
Well i just got back from the Hamburg, NY store. Their were about 3 people their for the beginning of it and the worker asked me if i was their for the clearance games. A few more people showed up later on.

i got
Open Season DS
Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth
Tomb Raider Legends
Ultimate ghost goblins
and ridge racer 6

Wasn't too much to pick from but hey better then nothing at all
I have to say that I'm surprised that this writeup made it to the front page of CAG.

Am I the only one who think what Shipwreck has done is shady and shouldn't be advertised to the public? Is this what we want outsiders think that CAG is all about?

What he did was legal, so I guess I can't complain. It just seems sort of desperate. Luckily there was someone else at the store doing the same thing as him (on a very slightly larger scale) so it didn't look as bad to the average reader.

Moderator or not, I don't think hoarding (enjoy your copies of Monster House, Animaniacs, Dinotopia, etc.!) and taking advantage of store policy loopholes is cool, nor should it be advertised on the front page.
[quote name='Gator']Am I the only one who think what Shipwreck has done is shady and shouldn't be advertised to the public? ... Moderator or not, I don't think hoarding (enjoy your copies of Monster House, Animaniacs, Dinotopia, etc.!) and taking advantage of store policy loopholes is cool, nor should it be advertised on the front page.[/quote]A winner is not you. I think you may be the only one who thinks that purchasing a game and then asking the store to match their own price reduction is a shady practice. Not to mention, he is not hoarding.... From what I can tell he grabbed one copy of like 13 games. Not 10 copies of each. Eh.. just my opinion. And as far as front page goes... a HUGE BB $2 clearance isn't newsworthy enough? Not sure you're on the right boards, mate.
[quote name='averageguy']Well i just got back from the Hamburg, NY store. Their were about 3 people their for the beginning of it and the worker asked me if i was their for the clearance games. A few more people showed up later on.

i got
Open Season DS
Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth
Tomb Raider Legends
Ultimate ghost goblins
and ridge racer 6

Wasn't too much to pick from but hey better then nothing at all[/quote] Were the games marked at the discounted prices or should I take my list? (Here in Cali they will not be opening for another hour).
bread's done