Best Buy @Gamer Coupons expire 10/6 Mass Effect 3 $10, Lollipop Chainsaw $20 360 PS3

I got my copy of ME3 for a nice zero out of pocket. The kid scanned the game and coupon and was like wow and just stared at the screen for a second as if considering the deal himself. I'm glad I held out this long. It was hard.
I don't do any trade-ins at bby, so I don't think that's it. I do use gift cards for almost every purchase though. I buy bby gift cards at my grocery store and earn 2-4x fuel points with them. Win win for me
Got Lollipop Chainsaw for $20 @ the 44th street bb in Manhattan. Should be a quick funny mindless romp.
[quote name='paayter']people always bitch and complain because they arent patient. bb always pull through and you know what even if @gamer, brought out six months straight worth of crap coupons, i think we can all say we got some pretty damn good deals off the unlocked program and the magazines. WAAAAAY better then the power up rewards program, hence the reason why gamestop is getting aggressive with select stores offering bigger bonuses, and recently gamestops 100 percent hardware bonus trade in.[/QUOTE]


I think some people are bitching and complaining because they've been spoiled by the good run of deals in the past year + or so, and so if it isn't an instant "FREE GAMEZ" the first day of the sale they're disappointed.

As with many things, patience pays off. This isn't the first time there's been a sale or permanent price drop while the coupons are active, and it likely won't be the last.

Oh, and I almost forgot... THANKS OP! :bouncy:
Should've gotten a GCU while the $20 with preorder for Borderlands 2 was still up, but nonetheless, I got one today. Picked up ME3 and Lollipop which both cost a little less than $50 together with the GCU subscription. Still debating on whether to bite on the BF3 or Prototype offers.

As others have pointed out, I was able to get that CoD magazine free after I noticed they charged me for it and asked about it. Turns out that wasn't the regular October edition after all, lol.
A blanket YOU ARE WELCOME for the many thanks.

[quote name='thegame956']Same here .[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Kyden139']Count me for the random silver upgrade too.[/QUOTE]

I haven't been upgraded. I missed it last year by $200. This year I am $800 away. I wonder what the qualifying conditions to be upgraded are.
I just got back from BB about an hour ago. Got my mass effect 3 price matched since I bought it right when the coupons went active. Lucky I bought it on 9/2 and now it's 10/2 so I caught it on the very last day since I didn't notice it till late last night. Then I decided to pick up lollipop chainsaw as well. Can't wait till I get to play it. It won't jump to the front of my backlog but maybe past a few.
Did anyone have any luck price matching prototype 2 at Wal Mart? I tried but they said they only accept "manufacturer coupons". Are the people who got them to price match really REALLY lucky ? The help is much appreciated, thanks.
[quote name='Flacksguy']Picked up Lollipop Chainsaw last night.....traded it in tonight.
Didn't think it was all that funny.[/QUOTE]
lmfaooo I'm on the same boat. Played the first two levels and just can't get into it. Don't get me wrong, I loved No More Heroes and Shadow of the Damned and I "get" games like these but for some reason this one is just ehhh..will be trading it on tomorrow as well
[quote name='shadowkast']Did you read his post?! He said the balance was used shortly after to buy a. IPhone according to the history[/QUOTE]

I've read it and understood that, however given how the system works in the store and online, part of that card he possesses would have to be scratched off on the back. The card itself would have to be present in store (as it cannot be typed in) or it was used online by typing the entire gift card number in. I was suggesting following the bread crumb trail back from the gift cards usage to its issuance to find out more than simply what was bought. This ensures the gift card handed to him wasn't an old used one while the person processing the trade in kept the newly issued one. When and where info can help pinpoint what happened given the limitations of how they can be used. If he received a gift card where the entire code (or even part) on the back was scratched off then it obviously fault falls with the person who processed the trade in.
[quote name='kinney_bmx']I wonder whats with the Silver upgrades. Mine got extended a year from 2013 to 2014.[/QUOTE]

Me too! I was planning on doing the cell phone deal soon, but wonder what that was all about... has to be a glitch, but won't complain!
Picked up ME3. I think it might be time to start playing ME1. I held off from Chainsaw. It usually is my kind of game but I can hold off due to backlog and hoping it might go cheaper.
[quote name='Brother Daz']Ok so I just received a email telling me congratulations I'm am now a silver rewards member. The thing is I'm still about $1k away from the $2500 and I haven't purchased a cell phone from them. Anyone know why I was upgraded? Looking on the rewards site, it says I'm a silver member though 2014.[/QUOTE]

I just got upgraded to Silver through February 2014 myself and was short of spending $2500. 60 day price match window and free expedited shipping is the only thing that caught my eye. Not too sure about the personal shopper thing but I think Enuf mentioned that it's great to use if your local stores are out of a particular title.
[quote name='paayter']yes just do a return rebuy...technically they have a price match promise, they should be matching this....and since its bb, i dont think they are in any position to turn any customers away. just be cool and courteous. just make sure it was within 30 days. if you are silver reward member you get 45.[/QUOTE]
Thank you!

Got my $20 refund today. Customer Service rep tried to do a pricematch first ... but since I had used a $15 RZ cert (making it $15), they couldn't get the $20 back pricematch to work.

Luckily, I had another ME3 coupon with me and when she said she would have to do a return/rebuy, I knew that would work. $15 RZ cert back in my account, $5 back on my credit card and out the door.
[quote name='flix1']Thank you!

Got my $20 refund today. Customer Service rep tried to do a pricematch first ... but since I had used a $15 RZ cert (making it $15), they couldn't get the $20 back pricematch to work.

Luckily, I had another ME3 coupon with me and when she said she would have to do a return/rebuy, I knew that would work. $15 RZ cert back in my account, $5 back on my credit card and out the door.[/QUOTE]

yup! no problem, same thing happened to me, i learned as a consumer never be afraid to fight for what is rightfully yours, just take the time to logically explain your situation. however be courteous and play a little dumb, it comes off as non threatening, but shows exactly what you want. better than demanding and ordering them around. this will go a long way, you being courteous to people. u burn bridges and u will NEVER get good service again.
Upskirts, Pom Poms, hot bitches killing zombies with a chainsaw...Thanks OP used my coupon and picked up for free with my $20 RZ gift card I had left over .. now if I can only stop playing Borderlands 2 long enough to get into this more haha
[quote name='ZildjianKX']Picked up Mass Effect 3 for $9.99, thanks! Good luck selling the Wii U version for $59.99.[/QUOTE]

It will sell, you have to think about the WHOLE NEW consumer demographics the game will be introd too. All those kids who never got to play me3 will whine and beg for the game hearing wonderful things about it. Its kind of like when ps3 fanboys who teetered about xbox exclusives, went out and paid full price for me2, even though me2 was a lot cheaper on the xbox. the same situation pretty much applies here. plus keep in mind the wii u version will have the from ashes dlc, plus the new endings all included on disc, and since it hasnt even shipped yet they may add more attractive goodies, maybe the leviathan dlc. thats how they got ps3 owners to buy me3 at a near retail price, packed it full of stuff while the xbox version is bare. cheers!
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']the question is will your store let you reuse the coupon if you dont have one anymore.[/QUOTE]

they technically should or else you should call corporate, its a price match promise, and they promise hassle free...u dont even physically have to have the coupon, they just have to reapply the sku number on the coupon.
[quote name='Kenshindono']How am i spreading false info? Its a fact. Thats what iw as trying to tell them at the desk. Yes, it SHOULD work fine if they did a full return and exchange. They wer etelling me it wouldn't work that way for some reason, the system was locking them from doing it right. I dont know if everyone at the counter was an idiot or if the system just doesn't allow you to do it anymore without overides but the fact was i was in that damn store for an hour doing one price adjust and one magazine renewal. The majority of the time was doing the price adjust exchange

I was very lucky that i had brought my magazine to get ME3 and still had my copy of one for Lolipop chainsaw. If i didn't have my coupon it would not have worked seeing as how they had no more magazines. Thats ridiculous really. Im just warning people of the huge hassle I had. Like i said, I did this in the past with no issues, but it seems to be a problem now. It should have at the very worst been a quick return/rebuy, but they couldn't even seem to do that!

^_^x KD[/QUOTE]

again its not a fact because they were processing it as an exchange, it was probably seeing 2 coupons on ur process. and if i misunderstood you, its still not a fact because they were able to process it fine, it does not make sense it works with one POS and it dosent work with another POS. that means its a "user" error on behalf of the employee, not hear to fight, and wasnt meaning to offend, but dont scare off cagers and say that its because people are abusing return/rebuy etc. just sayin, cheers.
When the heck did ME3 drop to $29.99? I just bought the thing at $39.99 a few days ago...sheesh. Well it looks like I'll be heading to my local store either tonight or tomorrow for a price match. Thanks for the update, OP. I never would have known otherwise.
Thanks OP, picked up my store's last ME3 CE last week for $49.99 (before @Gamer coupon). Went back in last night and price matched it down to $29.99. Stoked to land a CE for $10. Picked up Lolipop Chainsaw while I was in last night too.
Went in last night to grab a Gamer Mag and ME3, luckily they were out of the mag so they just gave me the discount anyway without having to buy it.
After trading in Transformer:WfC I came away with the N7 Collectors Edition for $2.
So, my local Best Buy threw out last month's mag but I'd really like to grab LC for $20 and ME3 for $10. Last time this happened, they just looked to verify that I'm an Unlocked member then just manager overid the price but now, they won't budge.

Is there anyway someone can email me their digital coupons or something? Or is that a no go as they have specific barcodes? The other Best Buys around here are few and far between and I don't want to drive out to one only to be rejected again.

Also, forgot to mention that I never received the magazine at all.
[quote name='Brother Daz']Ok so I just received a email telling me congratulations I'm am now a silver rewards member. The thing is I'm still about $1k away from the $2500 and I haven't purchased a cell phone from them. Anyone know why I was upgraded? Looking on the rewards site, it says I'm a silver member though 2014.[/QUOTE]

I was a silver member a couple years ago and for some reason they gave it to me this past year even though I only spent like $200 there for the year leading up to it. Its best not to question these things :D
Argh, just realized that I threw out the coupons the other day when I saw that LC wasn't going to drop any further. Sonuva!
[quote name='barrit']Yes, I've platinumed the game lol.[/QUOTE]

While I get what you're trying to say, I was hoping for a more solid source.
[quote name='dramasetter929']lmfaooo I'm on the same boat. Played the first two levels and just can't get into it. Don't get me wrong, I loved No More Heroes and Shadow of the Damned and I "get" games like these but for some reason this one is just ehhh..will be trading it on tomorrow as well[/QUOTE]

Same here...I sent it right back to Amazon. I played through the tutorial stage and "Stage 1". There were moments in the presentation / story where I felt "wow, this could actually be a very nice campy D-Grade mock horror film type game". Then at other times, they push the boundary so far in favor of japanese fan service that it loses my interest.

Not to mention that I think the controls / combat are abysmal. That tutorial stage made me feel like I was playing a PS2 game.

If you're going to batter me over the head with rainbows and least make the gameplay stellar like Bayonetta did.
Didn't know people were expecting a Bayonetta out of LC. One big difference between the two is that you have to unlock the combos/special attacks in LC, but they are mostly available from the start in Bayonetta. At the beginning of LC you are very limited with the attacks until you unlock more. I remember I had to leapfrog like crazy and use hit and run tactics in the prologue, especially when you get to the 3rd student you save.
I purchased Mass Effect 3 for $10, walked out the store, took out the disc and traded it in for $14.70 It's like they paid me to open their merchandise :lol:
Could anyone please post a scan of the ME3 coupon? Or possibly PM me one? My local store only has the October COD issue out and I can't find this coupon anywhere :\
[quote name='barrit']Didn't know people were expecting a Bayonetta out of LC. One big difference between the two is that you have to unlock the combos/special attacks in LC, but they are mostly available from the start in Bayonetta. At the beginning of LC you are very limited with the attacks until you unlock more. I remember I had to leapfrog like crazy and use hit and run tactics in the prologue, especially when you get to the 3rd student you save.[/QUOTE]
I played it for a bit and started regretting ever buying it, but about 2 hours later I'm starting to enjoy it now that I've unlocked more combos.
Hmmm...probably going to wait on Lollipop Chainsaw as it will eventually hit $20 anyway, and maybe even lower. Plus, it's not like I'll have time to play it with all the fall releases coming out (and my welcome coupons will expire in November, so I'll want to use those to buy even more games).
[quote name='Zorn']Could anyone please post a scan of the ME3 coupon? Or possibly PM me one? My local store only has the October COD issue out and I can't find this coupon anywhere :\[/QUOTE]

Sorry, not kosher to scan coupons and abuse them like that here on cag
[quote name='Zorn']Could anyone please post a scan of the ME3 coupon? Or possibly PM me one? My local store only has the October COD issue out and I can't find this coupon anywhere :\[/QUOTE]

Yeah, if anyone could send out the digital coupons or scan the Lollipop Chainsaw and Mass Effect 3 coupons, that would be awesome. All of the Best Buys around me threw out last month's issues already and I never received the magazine.
[quote name='barrit']Didn't know people were expecting a Bayonetta out of LC. One big difference between the two is that you have to unlock the combos/special attacks in LC, but they are mostly available from the start in Bayonetta. At the beginning of LC you are very limited with the attacks until you unlock more. I remember I had to leapfrog like crazy and use hit and run tactics in the prologue, especially when you get to the 3rd student you save.[/QUOTE]

I definitely wasn't expecting Bayonetta...what I was expecting was gameplay that was fitting of the genre. It's an action game. I don't expect a game to require several stages / hours of play to become "fun". What good is an upgrade system if you're not having enough fun to actually want to upgrade, lol.

I love the art direction in the menus / load screens / menu screen. I think they did great w/ those segments. The game almost feels like a campier, japaneseier, fan servicier, version of the Scott Pilgrim movie.
[quote name='Zorn']Could anyone please post a scan of the ME3 coupon? Or possibly PM me one? My local store only has the October COD issue out and I can't find this coupon anywhere :\[/QUOTE]
You are GCU and haven't received the mag or you are not even GCU?
[quote name='KryllFood']I definitely wasn't expecting Bayonetta...what I was expecting was gameplay that was fitting of the genre. It's an action game. I don't expect a game to require several stages / hours of play to become "fun". What good is an upgrade system if you're not having enough fun to actually want to upgrade, lol.

I love the art direction in the menus / load screens / menu screen. I think they did great w/ those segments. The game almost feels like a campier, japaneseier, fan servicier, version of the Scott Pilgrim movie.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I get what you mean. That's a valid point. I just kept up with the game before release and knew it designed for multiple playthroughs, so I knew exactly what I was getting into. Especially if you want to unlock all the costumes or at least all the costumes that interested me.. it was going to take a lot of platinum coins. Once you unlock all the good combos, you can wipe out a group of enemies with one successful higher-level combo (on Normal).
[quote name='jza1218']Argh, just realized that I threw out the coupons the other day when I saw that LC wasn't going to drop any further. Sonuva![/QUOTE]

I guess that's why you always keep them until they expire, lol.
Is this from the last @gamer and if I go to Best Buy and get the subscription to the magazine will I be able to pick up that issue if they have it in store?
[quote name='danishmaggot']Is this from the last @gamer and if I go to Best Buy and get the subscription to the magazine will I be able to pick up that issue if they have it in store?[/QUOTE]
Yes and yes.
bread's done