Best Buy Labour Day Sale


1 (100%)
It's time for another one of those online-only, after hours sales at Best Buy. It starts on Sunday September 5th at 9 pm till September 7th at 10 am. The usual 10% off Select games, but it does have 20% off Select accessories, might include Wii/DSi points cards or Microsoft points or Live Gold cards.
Is shipping free over $29.99? I'm not sure if they still offer it and at what price.

I have a Wii points card and a USB to LAN adapter, getting 30% off both so far. Hopefully it will process.
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']Is shipping free over $29.99? I'm not sure if they still offer it and at what price.

I have a Wii points card and a USB to LAN adapter, getting 30% off both so far. Hopefully it will process.[/QUOTE]
Free shipping over $39.
i got my 2nd order through finally. Not a bad haul tonight...

3x 2800 Point cards (finally I can buy all of the DLC/XBLA games I've been waiting to experience) ~ 30% off

12 month Gold Card ~ 30% off

PS3 Controller + Resistance 2 bundle ~ 20% off
[quote name='TripleQ']Man, if this is the labour day sale I hate to see what's going to happen on boxing day this year with the new site.[/QUOTE]
I guess the shipping is looked at before the discounts, it said shipping was free.

I wanted Valkyria Chronicles 2 for PSP, but OOS. Now my order won't go through since the points card is OOS. Looks like the update button is my new best friend!
[quote name='Solid-Snake-Eyes']Wow, still not working![/QUOTE]

Yeah. I gave up and decided to finish watching a movie. Came back, and was almost able to complete my order, it just kicked me out again when I tried to edit the shipping address so it would go to my sister's. Looks like I might just end up waiting until the east coast is asleep. Maybe I'll have better luck getting through then.

On a related note. Has anyone whose been able to place an order, received their email confirmation yet? I haven't got one yet for the order I placed for myself a couple hours ago.
[quote name='Mr.']Please wait while we process your order... *crosses fingers*[/QUOTE]
Gateway -- OMFG! :(
I just now got all the way through on both BB and FS to the part where you enter your credit card CID number and submit it's supposed to complete the order, times out while processing.
I got two emails for my order. The first saying they got the order (9:16 pm) and the second saying it was successfully processed (10:11 pm).
[quote name='Solid-Snake-Eyes']I just now got all the way through on both BB and FS to the part where you enter your credit card CID number and submit it's supposed to complete the order, times out while processing.[/QUOTE]

same here twice in the last 10min.
[quote name='Fuzzy']I got two emails for my order. The first saying they got the order (9:16 pm) and the second saying it was successfully processed (10:11 pm).[/QUOTE]

Just got mine too, actually. Well the first one anyway, saying they received my order. At least I know it didn't get lost in all the site issues.
[quote name='cswloo']Just got mine too, actually. Well the first one anyway, saying they received my order. At least I know it didn't get lost in all the site issues.[/QUOTE]
Hrmm, got my 1st email at 9:38...still haven't gotten 2nd one yet. Hahaha...I'm sure I'll be fine :D
I finally got one order completed according to BB website. I'll I have to wait for that email for that order to be finalized. I got XBL 2800 points but on back order for $28.80 they take 10% off then the 20%. Same thing for 12 month gold but I didn't order as I'm good till next winter.
if anyone was like me and kept timing out once they hit "Submit Order" you may want to keep an eye on your order status via the BB site. I noticed even though they timed out and didn't go through (provide a confirmation number) they actually did go through as I just checked my order status list and found 4 orders for the same thing dating as far back as 9:15 tonight (3.5 hours ago and they just showed as active)

had to cancel out 3 of them

I feel bad for whoever is going to process all these orders as they're going to wake up to one hell of a headache very soon
Best Buy took the Move controllers out of the sale. On the main PS3 page it still says "Save an extra 10% on this product when you add it to the cart" for Move though. These guys don't know what they're doing.

Okay I just got all the way to the "Verified by Visa" part on Futureshop, entered my password and it timed out on the next screen but the order shows up under my order history. I guess that counts.
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Oh snap! I'd forgotten all about adding my Reward Zone ID to my account/purchases after signing up a few days ago. Is this something a call to their support line can get fixed? (missed their call hours tonight) I could just cancel the Reach preorder and add my ID to a new purchase, but I don't really want to lose my place in the shipping queue. :p
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After you get the items you will have a transaction code or something on the receipt and you can go into the Rewardzone website and enter that in to get points.
Oh, sweet! That makes things simple. Thanks Snake!

Wait, I might still need to get it adjusted for the 800 point preorder bonus before I get a receipt, or maybe the transaction record will account for that? It's good to know that they're willing to adjust things after the order's made in any case! That's what I was looking for
If you already have a rewardzone account the bonus points should go into it automatically. I've purchased things that had bonus points that I wasn't aware of and then I looked back at the reward history and saw them in there, I didn't have to do anything. For regular purchases though if you didn't provide your card or code at the time of purchase you go to the site and go under Get Missing Points and it will ask you for a code at the top of your receipt. I assume that the online order receipts have the same code.

I found an old BB store receipt, the code they ask for is at the top and is called a Contract ID. I'll see if I have an online store receipt somewhere and make sure they have a contract ID as well.

I guess I had nothing else to do so I found an online receipt and can't find the code on it. I went to the Rewardzone site and they said that the code is on your in-store or online receipt. So I don't know, maybe you should just call them up.
I couldn't find anything on an online receipt labelled "Contract ID" or a number as long as the IDs on the sample receipts on the rewardzone page, either. I'll give them a call tomorrow and see if I can find out what they need for that. Hopefully they're open on Labour day :) Thanks again Snake!
did anyone else do a pre-order ? its not showing the 10% off or the bonus reward zone points and im getting this when i try to pay
The following errors occurred:
  • We're sorry. Our system is unable to process your request at this time. We’ll keep the item(s) in your cart to purchase later. Please select 'Return to Cart' above and try again later to complete your purchase. (0134)
*edit got it to go through and it didn't apply any discount at all to the sale
[quote name='seed84']did anyone else do a pre-order ? its not showing the 10% off or the bonus reward zone points and im getting this when i try to pay
The following errors occurred:
  • We're sorry. Our system is unable to process your request at this time. We’ll keep the item(s) in your cart to purchase later. Please select 'Return to Cart' above and try again later to complete your purchase. (0134)
*edit got it to go through and it didn't apply any discount at all to the sale[/QUOTE]

Is it Halo Reach? BB is not offering 10% off for this pre-order.
Thanks OP I got 2 1400 cards last night. Had no problems at 10:30PM that's when I remembered I was suppose to do something at 9PM.
I finally managed to get my sister's order through last night around 11pm PST. Funny thing is, her order shows up fine in my 'Order Status', but mine shows up as having issues retrieving it. I've received 'your order has been processed' emails for the both of them, so I'm assuming everything is ok with mine, and that the site is still having issues.
Baw. They used to allow in-store pickup for their online-only deals, but the option is shut off for this sale. There's plenty of Xbox Live/Point cards at my store, but they're not eligible for the discount. =\

Tried to make an order last night, but the site wasn't having any of it. This morning, everything is sold out.

Oh well. There's always the next sale.
Don't they have the PlayStation Move bundle (controller + cam + game. Not console bundle) at Best Buy? I can't seem to find it.
[quote name='ldsdrive']Don't they have the PlayStation Move bundle (controller + cam + game. Not console bundle) at Best Buy? I can't seem to find it.[/QUOTE]
I think it's been off their site for a while.
[quote name='retro.elite']Is it Halo Reach? BB is not offering 10% off for this pre-order.[/QUOTE]
nope medal of honor
[quote name='ldsdrive']Don't they have the PlayStation Move bundle (controller + cam + game. Not console bundle) at Best Buy? I can't seem to find it.[/QUOTE]
Is it this one? Link. FS has it with 10% off.
[quote name='Solid-Snake-Eyes']The Move controller is back to 20% off, late last night it was taken out of the sale but now it's back.[/QUOTE]

i'm tempted but theres not enough coming out for it to make me really care just yet. I'm really expecting the Move/Kinect to be ancient history by this time next year. I'm hoping I'm wrong and they put out something decent on the systems but I don't have high hopes
i have not been able to place order from BB at all - i tried last night and have tried thoughout the day but I am gettting a runtime error - server error

I assume it was everyone but noticed alot of you are getting orders in, anyone else having these problems?
[quote name='kyle071785']i'm tempted but theres not enough coming out for it to make me really care just yet. I'm really expecting the Move/Kinect to be ancient history by this time next year. I'm hoping I'm wrong and they put out something decent on the systems but I don't have high hopes[/QUOTE]
Sony first party will continue to support it if nothing else, and that alone will be good enough. I don't care about Kinect but I see no reason to think Move will be history, it's a huge feature and it's gonna be getting a lot of 3rd party support in my opinion.
Move might get a bit more support than Kinect at first because it will be easier to port awesome stuff from the Wii like this
I doubt either will ever become very popular, although the Move has the potential of getting me to buy it in the future just from some of the games they have now. But it would have to be a bit cheaper.
Fixed my billing information this morning and my Move order last night successfully processed...this afternoon :whee:

Hopefully this is the start of a beautiful journey which will not end January 2011.
...and hopefully future Move games don't skyrocket to BS $60-70 ranges (like this).
Does anyone else have this problem? The BestBuy website won't retain my address. I have to type it in every time, and I check "remember this address" every time, and then it always makes me fill it in. And then if I do that and proceed to the final confirmation page and choose Edit Address it goes to a screen of address choices and they're all the same address I keep entering and saving from all the previous times. I don't understand it. It's saving it (and re-saving it every time) but never letting me actually use it.
FYI just ordered a wii classic controller pro, it was stacking the 10% + 20% discounts. Also would've worked on a lot of the wiimotes and 3rd party accessories.
[quote name='Solid-Snake-Eyes']Sony first party will continue to support it if nothing else, and that alone will be good enough.[/QUOTE] While I am getting Move, I'm not sure if Sony will have continued support. I remember when PS Eye was first released, they had a number of games for it, but then support just dried up. It might be due to Sony shifting people over from Eye to Move development, but it's still sketchy. Now I mainly use my PS Eye as a mic.
well now that I'm done shopping and this sale is almost over I can officially say I won't be buying another damn thing until the holidays...

Damage from BB:
3x 2800 XBLA Point Cards ~ 30% off
Resistance 2 + PS3 Controller (red) bundle ~ 20% off
12 month XBL Gold ~ 30% off

Damage from FS:
Pre-order Reach Legendary ~ 10% off + $5 off coupon
Pre-order Reach XB360 Console bundle ~ 10% off


dear god if I didn't pick up a ton of extra shifts at work over the next 3 weeks (working 15 of the next 19 days) I'd have been crying right now :lol:
True about the Eye, but that was just introduced as a specialty accessory. They're pushing Move like there's no tomorrow and treating it like a permanent and integral feature of the PS3. I believe they will stick by it, and it'll be popular with 3rd parties as well. Just my opinion.
Missed the 20% off on the move bundle at BB, but ended up grabbing the bundle at FS for 10% off. Took advantage of the 20% off at BB and garbed an extra motion and sub controller. I hope the $170 investment will turn out to be worth it.
[quote name='Mr.']While I am getting Move, I'm not sure if Sony will have continued support. I remember when PS Eye was first released, they had a number of games for it, but then support just dried up. It might be due to Sony shifting people over from Eye to Move development, but it's still sketchy. Now I mainly use my PS Eye as a mic.[/QUOTE]

that is a huge difference.

the Eye on its own never sold well in N.America, thus it lost support here, similar to Singstar, although singstar sees a decent release schedule.

They became huge in Europe and both have received monumental support over there.

The Move is a whole different beast. Personally this is part of PS3 and in my opinion PS4 as well. THey have true 1:1 motion and really not much needs to change. They have devs already supporting it and in my opinion its much more useful for the core gamer like the people strolling through this site. THe Wii games don't cut it and Kinect is very much geared in the Wii's direction. Sony is trying to take two fronts and won't be successful doing it. Its too late to capture the Wii market but it will be successful if the core market buys it up.
bread's done