BEST BUY? Let's discuss.


I would like to share my expirience at Best Buy with everybody today. It's a little long, but please stick with it. I would like some feedback about them.

I recently recieved the latest Target flyer with Starwars Battleground, Paper Mario, etc. on sale for $39.77. So, I took a trip yesterday, as I usually do. Tried to pricematch both games, but the girl would not do it because the sale did not start until today. So, I had to drive 35 miles back home, and return again today. Upon my arrival today, I grabbed the 2 games, price matched them and went to use the Gamer's Gift Card $5 coupon, like I usually do, BUT, some douche came over and wouldn't let me. Okay fine douche bag. So, I snagged 2 gamer gift cards, put a penny on each of them and drove my happy ass to Circuit City.

Upon my arrival at CC, I snagged the 2 games, pricematched them, and tried to use the GGC. The girl at the register wouldn't let me, so I asked her to get her manager. He came over and said there were no problems what so ever and go ahead and do it. He informed the girl that it is policy to accept competetor's coupons. So, Paper Mario = $33.75. StarWars Battleground = $33.75. Not bad at all. (Price match + 10% of the difference + $5 off coupon)

I then had the bright idea of going back to Best Buy and picking up some more GGC. They had 13 left. So, I figured I would put a penny on each of them and use the coupons when I needed at CC. $.13 to save $65. Well, when I got back to Best Buy, I snagged the 13 GGC's and headed to the register.

When I got to the register, the girl there looked at me and I said I wanted to put a penny on each card. She responded: "I don't think so. I know what you want these cards for. You want them for the coupon." I told her that it wasn't any of her business with what I did with the cards. At that point she got on the phone and put the cards under the register and called her manager over. So the big lumbering douche in the big blue shirt comes over and asks me what my problem is. I said I wanted to purchase the cards and she was refusing me. So she tells him he's just trying to get the coupons. "So what?" I said. At this point, they are both looking at me very disgusted and the manager says to me: "If you want these cards, you're going to have to put at least $1 on each of them and we WILL NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES honor those coupons. I looked at both of them and with a smug grin on my face I said that was fine with me.

I think he was trying to deter me from buying those cards. The poor little douche had to ring them all up separately because I asked her to, just to be a dick, and get 13 reciepts , so I could take 13 surveys on how crappy their service is and how bad they treat their customers, and get 13 chances to win a $500 gift card for their crappy, overpriced store. And next time I buy something there, they have at least 13 gift cards to swipe.

Anyways, Has anybody else been having a hard time with Best Buy lately? They used to be cool, and I never had a problem, but lately, they have been treating people like me (CAG) with indignity and disrespect. I decided today, I will no longer shop there. Anytime I see someone at the customer service, they are giving the customer a hard time. They should figure that some people like to save money. The stupid little douches in their blue shirts should understand that when they only make minimum wage, right?

Anyways, thanks. It was nice to get that off my chest.
That sucks. I've never had a problem like that at Best Buy.
I just recently ordered a CD online and the shipping was so fast that I got the CD before they could email me and tell me that it had shipped.
Well, the funny thing is, I have 2 friends that work there and it's seems that they have been brainwashed by the blue shirted douches. They tell me: "Dude, it's not right to use those coupons. We have sales goals to meet." WTF?
Way to abuse the GGC. 13? I think the people at BB handled it the wrong way, but you and people like you are the reason they are phasing it out. Buy them when you need them. There's no need to buy 13 of them at once. And so what if they want you to put more on? You'll be buying something well over $5 regardless. Just put a few bucks on each and don't buy them in bulk and you won't piss anyone off.
The purpose of buying them WAS because they are phasing them out, AND to use them at CC when I need them, not BB. I buy roughly 2-15 games a week, depending whats on sale. So, I go through them pretty quickly.
Whenever I buy them I put $5 on them because I'm going to spend that much anyways, and I only buy the number of GGC's that I am going to use at that particular time.
[quote name='Ledhed']Way to abuse the GGC. 13? I think the people at BB handled it the wrong way, but you and people like you are the reason they are phasing it out. Buy them when you need them. There's no need to buy 13 of them at once. And so what if they want you to put more on? You'll be buying something well over $5 regardless. Just put a few bucks on each and don't buy them in bulk and you won't piss anyone off.[/quote]

exaclty. whats the point of putting a penny on them besides to show off? i put at least $10 whenever i buy them. its not like ill be buying anything cheaper anyway.
It's absolutely pointless to just put a penny on them. Besides, I've seen several times you're supposed to put at least $5 on 'em.

Thanks, really. It WAS a great deal until people stopped thinking.

I'm also guessing you've never worked retail.

P.S. That's a real asshole thing to do to that cashier.
Its reasons like that that they changed the coupon on the GGC. I buy one at a time, I use one and I buy one. I put $1-5 on it.

Go ahead keep buying those GGCs for a penny. I can't wait until your next thread when you bitch about how your Best Buy stopped carrying them at all. People abusing things like that is how return policies and raincheck options get changed.

And are you really that surprised that someone would at first hesitate to give you a pricematch and a coupon discount? That has ALWAYS been YMMV, some places/clerks consider it "not valid with any other offer", some don't.
Well, looks like their new plan is working then, if you're not going to shop there anymore.
It's not the fact of using them at Best Buy. I guess you guys didn't catch that. The purpose was to use them at CC. What good is a BB gift card going to do me when I am using the coupons at CC?
Seeing how they now identify customers as either "angels" or "devils" I think you are definitely a devil in their eyes and BB is actively trying to rid themselves of the devils.

....and you kinda did overdo the GGC thing. I usually buy one or two at a time and throw 5 bucks on each - the cash goes toward the game anyway so what the hell.
I may be wrong, but I think they were also right in not letting you price match and use the coupon. The coupon says not valid with other offers, and some may consider pricematching an offer...
A penny on each card?!?!?!?!

Are u aware that some BBs no longer even allow the sale or use of the GGC due to abuse by customers like you?

The BB GGC is not a right, it is a deal -- abuse it and it goes the ay of the Dodo, and then ther eis no deal for anyone.

It is people like you who shaq-fu a deal for everyone else...
[quote name='gdw3877']It's not the fact of using them at Best Buy. I guess you guys didn't catch that. The purpose was to use them at CC. What good is a BB gift card going to do me when I am using the coupons at CC?[/quote]

Like we've already said: combining a PM with GGC is extremely YMMV, so you should be thankful that it's worked for this long. I'm sorry your luck almost ran out recently, but I think you need to cool it. They were a little rude, but so were you. I don't see how they crossed the line.
best buy sucks man. but that's a good idea. i didn't know CC redeemed competitor's coupons.

i used to frequent best buy quite often for music, until one day the punkass security guy "busts" me for trying to steal. the thing was, i wasn't stealing at all. i was looking at a cd, and the tracklisting was covered by the little sensor sticker. so i didn't peel the sticker off, but i pulled it back a little so i could see behind it. THEN i decided to BUY it, but then i started to walk back towards the video game area so i could check out the games. all of a sudden, the big best buy goon yells out for me and stops me and GRABS my arm because i didn't realize he was calling for me, and tells me i had to leave because he caught me trying to steal. not only does this violate protocol for apprehending shoplifters, but this has to be some sort of violation of the law.

i hate the people at best buy. i think they brainwash the employees there. i have a close friend who got a job there, and she gets crazy defensive of the company when i complain about them.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I may be wrong, but I think they were also right in not letting you price match and use the coupon. The coupon says not valid with other offers, and some may consider pricematching an offer...[/quote]

This is correct.
I think the thing that ticked them off was the fact that you were putting $0.01 on them, which is the cheapest possible to put on them. According to multiple people at BB, the "accepted minimum" is $5.

Anyone want to bet that he gets a Persona Non Grata letter in the mail soon for being a disturbance in the store?

13 cards at once? Sheesh, stuff like that will kill the deal dead dead. And $0.01 to boot? Be glad they didn't toss you out of the store for being a jackass, since you were walking a very fine line with that one.
My OP, how the tides have turned huh? I bet you were expecting a flood of, "Way to stick it to those asshats at BB!"

Way to overdo it.
[quote name='shrike4242']I think the thing that ticked them off was the fact that you were putting $0.01 on them, which is the cheapest possible to put on them. According to multiple people at BB, the "accepted minimum" is $5.

Anyone want to bet that he gets a Persona Non Grata letter in the mail soon for being a disturbance in the store?

13 cards at once? Sheesh, stuff like that will kill the deal dead dead. And $0.01 to boot? Be glad they didn't toss you out of the store for being a jackass, since you were walking a very fine line with that one.[/quote]

Can you explain how putting more or less money on the card makes any difference?
God damn, you really are a fucking asshole. The more I read this thread, the more pissed I get. fuckING ASSHOLES like you ruined the best thing about BB. A PH for $15 was such a great deal. I hope you crash your fucking car the next time you are driving to CC.
I think he was trying to deter me from buying those cards. The poor little douche had to ring them all up separately because I asked her to, just to be a dick, and get 13 reciepts , so I could take 13 surveys on how crappy their service is and how bad they treat their customers, and get 13 chances to win a $500 gift card for their crappy, overpriced store. And next time I buy something there, they have at least 13 gift cards to swipe.
That's fucking great. :applause:

I shopped at Best Buy more in previous years than I do now due to their bottom-of-the-line customer service. Coincidentally, I've got a few products from the past that I have extended warranties on. Whenever, I notice the slightest problem with any of my items, I take them back to Best Buy to get them fixed, replaced, or just to waste the time of some customer service folk.
Obviously, people are starting to get touchy. The point is that the GGC deal is dead as of 12/31/04. It has been and will be once that time comes. My friends who work there said that they were getting rid of the GGC since the beginning of the year. So, obviously, thanks to me, I have ruined the GGC for the whole world. Sheesh- give me a break.
[quote name='jmcc']Can you explain how putting more or less money on the card makes any difference?[/quote]

Like he said, the "accepted minimum" is $5. Why go out of the way to look suspicious? If he had just put $5 or $10 on each and only grabbed a few as opposed to 13, they wouldn't have had any argument against him.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']My OP, how the tides have turned huh? I bet you were expecting a flood of, "Way to stick it to those asshats at BB!"

Way to overdo it.[/quote]

Well, since no one else give it to him, I will:

Way to stick it to those asshats at BB!
[quote name='bignick']God damn, you really are a shaq-fuing asshole. The more I read this thread, the more pissed I get. shaq-fuing ASSHOLES like you ruined the best thing about BB. A PH for $15 was such a great deal. I hope you crash your shaq-fuing car the next time you are driving to CC.[/quote]

Yeah, that seems proportional.
That's not very nice Bignick. What if your mama was in the car with me? And take your fat ass to target. All PH = $14.77.
[quote name='gdw3877']That's not very nice Bignick. What if your mama was in the car with me? And take your fat ass to target. All PH = $14.77.[/quote]

For a week's time. Or as long as the rainchecks might allow.

Unless you plan to buy all of them at once this sale week, then it's a finite deal.
[quote name='gdw3877']Obviously, people are starting to get touchy. The point is that the GGC deal is dead as of 12/31/04. It has been and will be once that time comes. My friends who work there said that they were getting rid of the GGC since the beginning of the year. So, obviously, thanks to me, I have ruined the GGC for the whole world. Sheesh- give me a break.[/quote]

The GGC isn't ruined, at least, unless we don't see them for quite some time. Until that happens, it's alive and well, just under closer scruitiny.
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='jmcc']Can you explain how putting more or less money on the card makes any difference?[/quote]

Like he said, the "accepted minimum" is $5. Why go out of the way to look suspicious? If he had just put $5 or $10 on each and only grabbed a few as opposed to 13, they wouldn't have had any argument against him.[/quote]

I don't care about what the accepted minimum is. If it's not a stated rule then you can't hold people to some imaginary standard. That's not my question anyway. It was: how does the amount you put on the card make any difference? Seriously. I'm not trying to cause trouble, I just don't see how it makes any possible difference. You get the coupon regardless. I guess there's a point where it doesn't pay for the material the card and coupon are printed on, but other than that, what's the incentive to Best Buy?
[quote name='gdw3877']The purpose of buying them WAS because they are phasing them out, AND to use them at CC when I need them, not BB. I buy roughly 2-15 games a week, depending whats on sale. So, I go through them pretty quickly.[/quote]

Actually, they are phasing them out because of ppl like you. I don't agree with them not letting you PM and use the GGC initially but I really don't think you should've bought 13 of them. Give other people a chance to use them.
[quote name='jmcc']I don't care about what the accepted minimum is. If it's not a stated rule then you can't hold people to some imaginary standard. That's not my question anyway. It was: how does the amount you put on the card make any difference? Seriously. I'm not trying to cause trouble, I just don't see how it makes any possible difference. You get the coupon regardless. I guess there's a point where it doesn't pay for the material the card and coupon are printed on, but other than that, what's the incentive to Best Buy?[/quote]

I see your point. It really makes no difference in revenue for BB. In a roundabout sort of way, they profit when he puts a penny on there, because he isn't likely to bother redeeming it. But still, putting a penny on there is going out of your way to look suspicious.
I just noticed this. Whenever someone makes a post on this site, people argue. You all are some angry CAG'ers.
Did you really have to get all 13 of them? I can see grabbing one or two extras, maybe three... But grabbing 13 just being a dick.
[quote name='jmcc'][quote name='shrike4242']I think the thing that ticked them off was the fact that you were putting $0.01 on them, which is the cheapest possible to put on them. According to multiple people at BB, the "accepted minimum" is $5.

Anyone want to bet that he gets a Persona Non Grata letter in the mail soon for being a disturbance in the store?

13 cards at once? Sheesh, stuff like that will kill the deal dead dead. And $0.01 to boot? Be glad they didn't toss you out of the store for being a jackass, since you were walking a very fine line with that one.[/quote]

Can you explain how putting more or less money on the card makes any difference?[/quote]

I was curious about the people who put $0.01 on the card, and asked one of the more intelligent customer service people at the BB I frequent the most and asked him about that very point. He said the system will allow to put just $0.01 on the card, though the "accepted" minimum is $5, and he was curious to wonder why anyone would put $0.01 on a card. Of course, I didn't specifically mention the GGC, just to be safe.

I used to put $15-16 on the card, though I decided to just put $5 on the card, in case I returned it, BB would only have $5 of my money permanently. They say that $5 is the "accepted" minimum, then that's what I'm going to do. It's in the rules, so I'm not raising any flags to them.
[quote name='gdw3877']I just noticed this. Whenever someone makes a post on this site, people argue. You all are some angry CAG'ers.[/quote]

Not always...there's a happy fun time thread that's all positive vibes.
[quote name='gdw3877']I just noticed this. Whenever someone makes a post on this site, people argue. You all are some angry CAG'ers.[/quote]

They argue when their opinion is in conflict with others. Example: the Vs board (naturally). Otherwise, it's usually smooth sailing (the OTT threads for example). I wasn't trying to demonize you. I just think you're going about this the wrong way. The fact of the matter is BB can refuse service or remove coupons/sale specials for whatever reason they damn well please, and they will hte more they see the abuse of said programs. Just be a little more sensical about the GGC, and noone will jump on you, including BB.
Cool, what's it called so I can check it out. I need some ultra positivity today after being called an asshat and wished that I crashed my car.
On the coupon, it states that it can't be combined with any other offers or deals. In plain English on the back of the coupon. So, any chance of using a PM with the GGC is completely YMMV. If you get it to happen once, don't asusme it would happen again. Relying on it is fooling yourself.

And if you plan to funnel the coupons from BB to CC, eventually someone will look at the back of the coupon and decide that they can't do the PM with the GGC. Then your problem would be there as well. Would you be complaining about CC then?
bread's done