Best Buy: Vanquish PS3/360 $19.99 YMMV


there was a big yellow sticker on a TON of games in my best buy, with an override code EOL-BJ. I picked up the last copy of Vanquish for ps3 at 19.99. I would have to say there are about 10 titles with this yellow sticker. It may be happening in all best buys, since my best buy is very prude with their sale prices.

Also brutal legend was 9.99, Mortal Kombat vs DC was 9.99, Alpha protocol was 14.99, Create was 9.99 and more.

BB in west hartford, CT btw.
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it rang in as 39.99 but it had a big yellow sticker and she had to get a manager to override but he had no problem because of EOL-BJ the code.
It's not; I've seen what you're talking about, and that's just at the West Hartford store. They don't even have the same titles on sale at the Manchester or Berlin Turnpike ones, and it definitely is not a chainwide thing.

Edit: Seriously, do not get your hopes up guys, it's specific to this one store. The same games aren't even on sale for both platforms at that location, lol.

This should probably be moved to the regional section of the forums.
I saw clearance games at my BB too, but didn't browse. I think all BB are putting games; it's just dependent on their actual stock.
For any in Southwest Chicago, Burbank has both the 360 and PS3 in their clearance bin. $40 with 50% off, so $20 total.
The yellow stickers are generally store specific clearance items dependant on supply stock. If you buy it at one store and another has the same one on sale they will price match though. Vanquish should be getting closer to the perm. $20 MSRP
[quote name='Enuf']The yellow stickers are generally store specific clearance items dependant on supply stock. If you buy it at one store and another has the same one on sale they will price match though. Vanquish should be getting closer to the perm. $20 MSRP[/QUOTE]

What makes you say that the game will drop down to $20 permanently?
well for one its a single player game thats getting pretty old, and its not exactly known for its replay value, so $20 is a reasonable price.

so can anyone else confirm vanquish being $19.99 at their best buy? my store rarely does anything ymmv, which is disappointing, but good for you if its nationwide.
A yellow EOL sticker on it means that the item is "End of Life" which should be consistent accross all Best Buys but it doesn't mean that they clearance them all the same. I'll stop at my local BB that I know has an EOL section to see if Vanquish pops up and let you know. Right now, it doesn't sound like it is a nationwide deal.
[quote name='mrsilkunderwear']What makes you say that the game will drop down to $20 permanently?[/QUOTE]

Several factors
1-Short game
2-No long multiplayer mode to add replay value
3-Total sales to date only 560,000 for a game released during the 4th qtr. 10/19/10. Sucky sales considering it had black Friday & the holidays. If this game has a chance to reach 800,000(being optimistic) sales it's gonna need a $20 price point. A sale "milestone" of this might be the only way this game gets a sequel.

Link:To total world sales chart

Look at some of the titles released last year that it'll be sitting next to
Both Darsiders & Bayonetta released 1/5/10 sold around 1.7 mil each, Dante's Inferno 1.54 mil & Lost Planet 2 1.26 mil all $20 now...Vanquish will never touch any of these sales totals even at $20 if it had released at $40 1 mil lifetime would be possible.

Kane & Lynch 2 740,000, Dark Void 490,000 & Bionic Commando 550,000 are all "sales flops" don't think they moved many units at $60 or $40 MSRP.

Mindjack dropped to $40 MSRP b/c it's sold 40,000 TOTAL see you around $20 or less on the clearance rack.
In contrast, RDR and Naruto UNS2 respectively have sold very well and just recently dropped to $40 MSRP.

I liked Vanquish but I'm glad I bought it at $40 w/a coupon that gave me 10% of my total sale purchase back in a instant giftcard. If there's a sequel the
game can succeed with a much much longer story mode & some multiplayer mode.
Vanquish was an awesome game. It suffered mostly because the demo didn't introduce the combat well causing most people to just think it was another cover based shooter (unless you went into the training mode), and it launched in October during one of the heaviest release windows in recent years.
I'll check my Best Buy out. I played the PS3 demo was awesome and the graphics were really well done. It's on Amazon for $27 (so only $5-6 more than Best Buy if you factor in CA sales tax), but hey, cheaper is cheaper right?
[quote name='the_ENEMY_']will they price match another best buy? i can post a photo of my receipt.[/QUOTE]

Yeah they price match themselves
I hope this helps, it just says 20.00 discount

edit: of course i cut off the top that says best buy. meh. make them call the store and verify, the phone number is there!

I can confirm that Vanquish is now EOL, I picked it up for $20 yesterday as well at BB. Took a 50% override though so it is not nationwide.
I'm gonna go check a central NH best buy today.
I've wanted this game for a long time, price is right at $20.

Will confirm. Maybe its just east coast?
Well, I was at the West Hartford store yesterday that the OP was talking about, and I wrote down pretty much every game I felt was notable, at least at the prices they had them for:

BlazBlue: Continnuum Shift $14.99 360 (One Copy Left)
Clash of the Titans $9.99 360
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce 360 $19.99
Shaun White Skateboarding 360/PS3 $5.99
Vanquish 360/PS3 $19.99
Transformers: War for Cybertron 360/PS3 $19.99
Quantum Theory PS3 $9.99
Alpha Protocol PS3 $14.99
Atelier Rorona PS3 $29.99
Trinity Universe PS3 $19.99
3D Dot Heroes PS3 $14.99
Create PS3 $9.99
Last Rebellion PS3 $5.99 (I bought the only remaining copy of this)

If a game is multiplatform but I only listed one console, they either didn't have copies on both consoles for me to check, or only one was on clearance.

Hopefully this helps one of you
[quote name='lolwut?']Well, I was at the West Hartford store yesterday that the OP was talking about, and I wrote down pretty much every game I felt was notable, at least at the prices they had them for:

BlazBlue: Continnuum Shift $14.99 360 (One Copy Left)
Clash of the Titans $9.99 360
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce 360 $19.99
Shaun White Skateboarding 360/PS3 $5.99
Vanquish 360/PS3 $19.99
Transformers: War for Cybertron 360/PS3 $19.99
Quantum Theory PS3 $9.99
Alpha Protocol PS3 $14.99
Atelier Rorona PS3 $29.99
Trinity Universe PS3 $19.99
3D Dot Heroes PS3 $14.99
Create PS3 $9.99
Last Rebellion PS3 $5.99 (I bought the only remaining copy of this)

If a game is multiplatform but I only listed one console, they either didn't have copies on both consoles for me to check, or only one was on clearance.

Hopefully this helps one of you[/QUOTE]

You didn't buy Trinity Universe? At that price it is a steal. I'm sure there are a bunch of CAGs that would buy it off of you.
Went to Best Buy in Sacramento last night.
Game rang up as $39.99, but was stickered. It was literally impossible to find an employee competent enough to understand what the sticker was for. When I told them about the deal, they replied "yeah, the game was $60, now it's $40"
I said it's been $40 for months. After another minute trying to explain, I just left. The look of utter contempt for me in the employees eyes for breaking up their little conversation session was enough to make me never go into that particular BB again. makes a ton of sense to hate one store location for the actions of a select few employees that most likely will only work there for a few months at best.
[quote name='Enuf']Several factors
1-Short game
2-No long multiplayer mode to add replay value
3-Total sales to date only 560,000 for a game released during the 4th qtr. 10/19/10. Sucky sales considering it had black Friday & the holidays. If this game has a chance to reach 800,000(being optimistic) sales it's gonna need a $20 price point. A sale "milestone" of this might be the only way this game gets a sequel.


Because everyone thinks Call of Duty and God of War is superior to Vanquish and Bayonetta respectively, in reality, it's the complete opposite for people who value technical gameplay. Platinum Games doesn't do sequals even if one of their titles sells couple million copies.
[quote name='lolwut?']Well, I was at the West Hartford store yesterday that the OP was talking about, and I wrote down pretty much every game I felt was notable, at least at the prices they had them for:

BlazBlue: Continnuum Shift $14.99 360 (One Copy Left)
Clash of the Titans $9.99 360
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce 360 $19.99
Shaun White Skateboarding 360/PS3 $5.99
Vanquish 360/PS3 $19.99
Transformers: War for Cybertron 360/PS3 $19.99
Quantum Theory PS3 $9.99
Alpha Protocol PS3 $14.99
Atelier Rorona PS3 $29.99
Trinity Universe PS3 $19.99
3D Dot Heroes PS3 $14.99
Create PS3 $9.99
Last Rebellion PS3 $5.99 (I bought the only remaining copy of this)

If a game is multiplatform but I only listed one console, they either didn't have copies on both consoles for me to check, or only one was on clearance.

Hopefully this helps one of you[/QUOTE]

PMed you about Trinity Universe.
[quote name='MPoWeRM3']Because everyone thinks Call of Duty and God of War is superior to Vanquish and Bayonetta respectively, in reality, it's the complete opposite for people who value technical gameplay. Platinum Games doesn't do sequals even if one of their titles sells couple million copies.[/QUOTE]
The producer did say there were some ideas from this game left over that he would like to include in a sequel or somthing (i think) such as the robot dog companion.
OP, you might want to add YMMV to the title, since someone might just look at the title and go hit up a Best Buy to get it for that price and be very disappointed.
Pretty good price for a game that's around 5 hours. I think if Vanquish would have been $40 or $30 when it came out it would have sold a lot better
[quote name='kube00']Pretty good price for a game that's around 5 hours. I think if Vanquish would have been $40 or $30 when it came out it would have sold a lot better[/QUOTE]

5 hours campaign to play like how you would with any other shooter. However, Vaquish should not be played like that. Play the missions and you know your campaign skills are not valid.
[quote name='MPoWeRM3']Because everyone thinks Call of Duty and God of War is superior to Vanquish and Bayonetta respectively, in reality, it's the complete opposite for people who value technical gameplay. Platinum Games doesn't do sequals even if one of their titles sells couple million copies.[/QUOTE]

Not everyone, I have MW 1/2, BO, GOW 1-3. I beat GOW 1 on PS 2 & all the other games are sealed in the backlog. Bayonetta was hot I was hooked after seeing the demo & it reminded me of DMC. Vanquish could've really succeeded if it was 3x longer.
BB in Springfield VA had Vanquish for 360, rang up full price (40), no sticker and no discount. Didn't even look for the PS3 version, figured it would be the same if they had it.
[quote name='MPoWeRM3']Because everyone thinks Call of Duty and God of War is superior to Vanquish and Bayonetta respectively, in reality, it's the complete opposite for people who value technical gameplay. Platinum Games doesn't do sequals even if one of their titles sells couple million copies.[/QUOTE]

Truth +1 right here. :applause:

Bayonetta & Vanquish are a blast. :bow:
[quote name='Brother Daz']Thats a amazing price for TU!![/QUOTE]

I know. I've been looking for it for a while now. Need to get that and Hyperdimension Neptuna.
[quote name='Enuf']Not everyone, I have MW 1/2, BO, GOW 1-3. I beat GOW 1 on PS 2 & all the other games are sealed in the backlog. Bayonetta was hot I was hooked after seeing the demo & it reminded me of DMC. Vanquish could've really succeeded if it was 3x longer.[/QUOTE]

When I said everyone, I meant the vast majority. You can clearly see from their sales each iteration. So sad that there are so many zombies these gaming days and hardly any player appreciate true technical gameplay like the good old days.
[quote name='MPoWeRM3']When I said everyone, I meant the vast majority. You can clearly see from their sales each iteration. So sad that there are so many zombies these gaming days and hardly any player appreciate true technical gameplay like the good old days.[/QUOTE]

My bad

I think it comes down to people overthink games...there "games" enjoy them. Mirror's Edge is another good game that didn't get the credit/sales it should've. To bad the games that takes risks don't get rewarded with great sales but there's still people complaining about too many remakes/sequels.
[quote name='MPoWeRM3']Platinum Games doesn't do sequals even if one of their titles sells couple million copies.[/QUOTE]Have they ever gone on record as saying that they wouldn't do sequels? Platinum has only been around a couple of years, they haven't really had an opportunity to produce sequels yet. Given enough time I'm sure they'll start churning out sequels once they find enough IPs that stick.

Isn't Platinum run by ex-Clover guys? They made a sequel to Viewtiful Joe. It's probably only a matter of time before we see Bayonetta 2.
bread's done