Best Car Starter?


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Hey guys. I'm not looking to spend much money here (at the very most $150), but anyone know of any real good car starters? I saw some DIY online. Would those be pretty good? Here's what I'm talking about:

I thought it was pretty good, but I didn't see any reviews on it either there or (where it actually sells for cheaper, but Amazon tends to provide more info). I was looking at Best Buy first because I have a $50 gift card there, but I'm not sure. Can you guys recommend any? Thanks!
hmmm....i thought you were referring to an actual starter for a want a remote guessing that with a device like that unless you have some sort of background/experience in electronics you shouldn't DIY and you should also check the legality of remote start in your state/area (i know it is illegal in some places)...and it is an extra big pain in the ass if your car isnt an automatic
The car is automatic ('99 Toyota Camry), and I don't know why a remote starter would be illegal. Best Buy sells car starters both in store and online. That's what I'm looking for.
Some states/cities/etc. have pollution or auto theft laws that may deem it illegal. That being said. Have you considered one that also is an alarm? I've seen Fry's have them on sale every so often with free install.
Well, I live in Iowa, a state that doesn't have a Fry's (nor a Circuit City). I'm looking for a place near Des Moines. I'm willing to buy it online if the installation is real easy, but I doubt it will be. So, basically, I'm thinking of getting it inexpensive someplace and getting a basic install either at Best Buy or someplace else. That's my goal, anyway. :D
If you have car experience and electrical experience it's not super difficult to wire it yourself but it also isn't the easiest thing ever like installing a radio. If you do not have experience with either don't bother.
Well, does anyone know of many big chains with automotive departments that offer inexpensive (but quality) basic installation? I could always buy it from one place and install it there.
I would suggest giving Best Buy a call or stopping in there. I checked with them last year on a remote starter for my wifes mini-van. They had an ad for $199 last year. That is only the basic kit (installed) and usually requires a kit (additional cost) for the specific car (or whatever). I'm also thinking about researching it again this year for my wifes Christmas present. I will let you know if I find anything helpful to you.

With that said, I would contact a local Toyota dealership and ask if they offer an install (maybe expensive, but who knows) or they might point you to the garage who does their installs (a lot of dealerships farm that out). Hope that helps.

Without alot of experience don't do it yourself. I checked into this myself and basically the reason not to is the airbag is in the steering and if you were to touch the wrong wire you could set it off accidentally. I am sure it would not be cheap to fix if that were to happen. DIYer's proceed at your own risk on this one.

Here's the word on the legality of remote car starters. I am going to buy one myself, and have learned that if you want the warranty to be valid, have it put in professionally.


a word on remote starters

all factory remote start systems, an 99.9999% of all aftermarket remote start systems will kill the vehicle if the brake is pressed without the key in the ignition, and in the "run" or "on" position (where it ends up being right after cranking). Being as the brake is the only way to shift the vehicle out of park, this eliminates the possibility to hop in and drive off in a running vehicle with remote start.
That, and most remote starts will ONLY start the vehicle after the LOCK button has been pressed.
just a little heads up to the people wanting to know about remote starters- they've adapted to comply with the law fully.
— Alan Wilson, Pekin​
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