Best Component Cables?


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I was just wondering what you all thought is the cheapest best component cables for the Wii were. After searching through numerous threads about them i can't decide. Any advice? I was leaning toward Penguin United component cables but read by 1 user that their products were crap. If someone can give me direction on this it would be helpful. I have a 23inch HDTV so i dont need high high quality cables. thanks.
Be prepared for no conclusive response from this thread. There are going to be people who tell you the more expensive or 1st party cables are the best, while others say cheapies are just as good.

I say pay what you can afford. If you have the $30 bucks (or cheaper if you hunt/find GCO retailer), then of course buy Nintendo brand cables. If you only want to spend a few bucks, then buy the cheap ones.

I personally can't see the difference being discernable than to anything other than an untrained eye.
I had heard a while back that some of the third party cables were having issues running the VC stuff when set to progressive. I'm not sure if that's still the case, if it's a specific brand or type, or just a fluke one person expierenced.

For what it's worth, I've got the Official cables and they work perfectly. A nice, clear picture on my LCD TV. I certainly wouldn't spend more on them (Please don't ever buy Monster Cables for anything. I've never seen such insane markup.).

Normally any cable request thread should end with the second post being a link to, but as we're dealing with a proprietary connection on the Wii, that's sadly not an option. You've got a vote here for Official cables, but it seems likely to me that there are 3rd party options available for less that are just as good. I just have no expierence with any of them, and be warned of the aforementioned (perhaps isolated) problems.
[quote name='BackInBlack']Thanks guys, ill definitely just find a deal on official nintendo cables. I'd rather just play it safe, since i can afford to.[/QUOTE]

Then that, my friend, is the right thing to do. May your games progressively scan for years to come.
I have reviewed about 5 or so different component cables for the Wii. The cheap ones work just as good as the official and expensive ones. The ones I like best are the multi-component cable. Penguin United have good component cables for cheap prices.
I have these from Play-Asia.

$9.99 + $3.40 shipping.

They work just fine, never had any issues.

The ONLY complaint that I had is that you cannot separate the individual cables any further, so you need to make sure that your audio & video connections are close together. Before I got my new receiver I had to run extentions for the audio cables.
I hate to bump this up, but i wonder what you all use for remote covers, ive already banged mine up some and wondered what the best were, hori is going to release some soon but they cost 14.99 from play asia.
I use the Gameboy Micro Socks. (no that's not my auction, i just couldn't find an image anywhere else)

2 for each Wiimote, 1 for each nunchuck, 1 for each classic controller. I store everything in a hard sided leather box that I picked up at Target.

You can likely find these on clearance at TRU for 70 cents per pack of 3.
Another thing to consider when buying component cables is the seller's return and warranty policies. Mad Catz actually has a redeeming quality in that department, boasting a 5 year warranty for their Wii component cables.

Penguin United has a 3 year warranty on their "premium" component cables and a 1 year warranty on all other cables.

Keep this in mind in case of the off chance that your cables might malfunction somewhere along the line.
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