Best deal on Sim City DS (besides the TRU B2G1 deal)


1 (100%)
This TRU deal looks to be a bust for me. Gotta get my hands on Sim City by other means. Are there any cheapass deals?

What's this I hear about $15 off at the EA store? Is that long gone?
1. Call your local Circuit City and ask if they've got Sim City DS in stock.

2. If they don't, then go up there and ask for a $20 gift card (as they did mention having it in the flyer). Then you'd have to come back and get it some other time but it would knock off a potential 20 bucks..
3. If they do have it, then well...I don't know
I tried to pricematch it at CC. Twice. No deal.

CC's pricematch policies technically don't allow this. The stores that have let people do it are the exception, not the rule.
I was thinking the Game Crazy extra 50% trade in deal would be a good way to pick the game up.

Basically you probably won't find much of a deal ($10 or more off) on this game for at least 5-6 months.
I tried to pricematch it at CC. Twice. No deal.

CC's pricematch policies technically don't allow this. The stores that have let people do it are the exception, not the rule.

True, but it depends on store and manager on duty. You could also try Wal-Mart and Best Buy.
[quote name='freshzen']Basically you probably won't find much of a deal ($10 or more off) on this game for at least 5-6 months.[/quote]

Well, you never know nowadays. That Chocobo Tales game just came out about three months ago, and it's already going for $17.
Welp... I made a last ditch effort and took an hour-long-plus trek to a CC in the 'burbs today, and they pricematched it. Yay.

I'm thinking that big box electronics stores in urban locations are generally just under a lot more pressure. Their customer base has less expendable income than a suburban crowd, the threat of theft and general dishonesty is lower than in the 'burbs, and the people they deal with tend to be pushier, more demanding and less patient. Therefore, they're more on guard when it comes to sidestepping customer demands and shutting down bogus requests, so they have a much better knowledge of things like official store policies. Or maybe it's just pure luck.

Anyway, for everyone who's still stuck in the same situation I was before I hit up that CC today, I guess the good news is that I saw a Best Buy with about ten copies of that game and a CC (one that denied me) with about 6 copies. Excess stock combined with a relatively nerdy, inaccessible game mechanic and less-than-stellar reviews probably mean this will be a clearance item hard and fast.
I'm thinking that big box electronics stores in urban locations are generally just under a lot more pressure. Their customer base has less expendable income than a suburban crowd, the threat of theft and general dishonesty is lower than in the 'burbs, and the people they deal with tend to be pushier, more demanding and less patient. Therefore, they're more on guard when it comes to sidestepping customer demands and shutting down bogus requests, so they have a much better knowledge of things like official store policies. Or maybe it's just pure luck.

Good theory, and I used to think so too until I moved to where I lived now. The CC in the more preppy, affluent areas are much less flexible with price matching while the one in a very poor area will pricematch me sometimes even from what I say alone.
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