Best deal on Windows Xp??

Dok Diamond

Well since my mother is getting her income tax check or whatever she finally decided to upgrade to Xp (probably the only people who hasnt).

So anyone know any good deals??
People actually pay for windows?

Just kidding.

XP Home Full - $199
XP Home Upgrade - $99

XP Pro - Full - $299
XP Pro - Upgrade - $199

The above prices are standard almost anywhere.
[quote name='Dok Diamond']Whats pro for, im not a big computer person so dont mind the ridiculous questions.[/quote]

Pro adds more networking options and file encryption. Most likely your mom will only need the XP home upgrade.
[quote name='Indiana']Buy a new computer... Get XP Home for free.

Seriously why buy an OS.[/quote]

your not getting it for free, its built into the price of the computer.
lol.....yeah..if you are planning on upgrading the machine maybe an e-machine maybe the best way to go for your mother.

if not the OEM will be great in the long run for an existing comptuer
[quote name='Dok Diamond']Whats Oem, and i really wish we could afford a new computer but you know money is to tight for that.[/quote]

OEM is software that is bundled with new hardware (usually), doesn't come with boxes or manuals. I'm surprised NewEgg can sell OEM Windows. But really thats all you need. I doubt the retail box comes with much more.
By chance are you going to school? A lot of school's have deals with Microsoft to sell Windows/Office at heavily discounted prices.

When I was in school I picked up a copy of XP pro (the full version) and Office XP for $30 each at the on campus bookstore because the Cal State schools had a deal with Microsoft. I know lots of schools have a deal like this.
Man am I glad I don't pay for this shit. I'm registered as a student developer with MS, they have a site where I can download free ISOs of all of their major software releases. It's great.

Then again, that all becomes rather useless soon, since I'm going to make the switch to OSX.4 when it's released.
[quote name='msdmoney']By chance are you going to school? A lot of school's have deals with Microsoft to sell Windows/Office at heavily discounted prices.

When I was in school I picked up a copy of XP pro (the full version) and Office XP for $30 each at the on campus bookstore because the Cal State schools had a deal with Microsoft. I know lots of schools have a deal like this.[/quote]

They sure do. My campus (University of Cincinnati) sells XP for $5.99, Office for $5.99, Mac OSX for $34, and Frontpage for $3.75. Of course, you have to be a student.
Is it better to get a student window xp professional w/sp2 (full installion) for $89. I bought one at my college and office for $79. Who goes to cal state long beach?
Linux distributions are free, reliable, and more secure than windows.

Sorry somebody had to play the Winblows sux. linux owns card.
get it at a school...

Or do the Newegg deal. Thats where I got mine and I dont regret it.

The full version comes witha nice shiny box and a big ass manual. Most every bit of help you need is built into the operating system (OS) or can be found easily online.

Thats your two least expensive options.

I would have done the school thing if I had known.
If you know someone who got a Dell computer with a Windows XP disk, just install form that disk on your own comp. It will let you install Windows on multiple PC's. I built my comp but needed an OS so I figured I would try a friend's disk and see if it worked, and it did. I don't think I registered Windows or whatever, but why would I even need to, I can still download the updates from their live update etc. The only problem with this will be if your computer crashes and you need to reinstall or use the Windows boot disk.
Actually, you can just find a friend with Procorporate, I believe that can be installed on as many machines as the purchaser wishes, legally.

Someone call me on this if I'm wrong.
If anyone wants to help a brother out and buy a cheap copy of XP from their school .. I'd pay, plus shipping etc. Working on building my own PC and right now OS is the most expensive piece ($149 at newegg). PM me if you can help! :)
bread's done