Best Facebook reply ever


22 (100%)
This is why I pretend never to have heard of Facebook at work. I know at least one of my bosses uses it and would want to add me if she ever found out.

Oh yeah and the stupidity of some people never ceases to amaze me.
:lol: That's plaaaayed.

But that's so dumb. I never add anyone from work.. not even co-workers. Can't trust people with shit.
I lol'd.

However, this is why I made a fake email for anytime job applications request an email. No need them finding all my forum accounts and such.
lmao and that is why I stay away from social networking sites and such. I am very good with computers and technology but am smarter than that. If anything, I think you are just setting yourself up for something to happen with facebook, twitter, myspace, etc. Especially on myspace where there are groups like Best Buy Sucks or just best buy in general. Employees go in there and vent about customers its funny but it can get them in trouble.
Looks like she carries her fuckups home from work.

Anyone know the site that shows Facebook comments similar to this? I can't remember the site name but it's stupid things people post on Facebook.. it's a pretty hilarious site.
Idiot kids and their Facebook, MySpace, texting, etc. Mike Judge is a fucking prophet.

[quote name='Scorch']
Anyone know the site that shows Facebook comments similar to this? I can't remember the site name but it's stupid things people post on Facebook.. it's a pretty hilarious site.[/QUOTE]

textsfromlastnight is kinda similar. Some funny shit on there. Here's the "worst nights of all time"
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Idiot kids and their Facebook, MySpace, texting, etc. Mike Judge is a fucking prophet.[/QUOTE]

...but....but... they have electrolytes!
[quote name='cletus']This is why I pretend never to have heard of Facebook at work. I know at least one of my bosses uses it and would want to add me if she ever found out.

This. I purposely pretend ignorance of Facebook and other social networking sites just so I don't have to worry about coworkers or customers spying on me in their spare time. I work a county job, so sooner or later, it would only be a matter of time for some dumbass to notice some random comment I made on a social networking site and take it totally out of context. Its also why I never access my personal email or post anything on websites from work either. Its one of the trade offs I accepted when I started working at a public library. The library district supervisors will look the other way if a library patron is looking at online pr0n free courtesy of our county's tax dollars via public access computers, but suddenly the internetz becomes serious biznez should they catch an employee venting about their workplace on it.
Reminds me of every teenage girl I've ever worked with, always complaining about the "stupid shit" their boss makes them do while they're trying to text.
[quote name='cletus']This is why I pretend never to have heard of Facebook at work. I know at least one of my bosses uses it and would want to add me if she ever found out.[/QUOTE] don't add them.
You should try getting ones from middle aged housewives in Idaho telling you that they're going to name one of their new kittens after you.
[quote name='Xevious']That can't be for real. Nobody is that stupid....(?)[/QUOTE]
If you're talking about the one about the boss/co-worker...YES, THIS SHIT HAPPENS EVERYDAY!!!!

I work at a retail store where everyone is facebook friends with everyone. I was going after this one girl there and she added me. That resulted in 5 other co-workers adding me. I really didn't want people at work knowing what I do in my everyday life but fuck, I decided to allow it because you'd be awkward to NOT add them (nothing serious, but you know....i like to leave work at work and i always get mad when people don't do that)

This led to my department manager wanting to be added. I was REALLY in a bind because I always help her with technology and her cell phone and shit so you know...she certainly would know if I didn't add her. This transitioned into me having to ensure my profile was on limited view because fuck, she's a blabber-mouth and the last thing I want is her to start yapping about the girl I got on my page or the drink I'm holding.

And oh yea, the human resource manager is on there...well, all the managers!

And yes, they yap about each other publicly. About hours, about wanting to go home. About...EVERYTHING.

Hours got cut so I noticed I had a 7 day gap in my schedule a few weeks ago. So I took 10 days off and went home. Called in for 2 days saying I was sick and got a doctor note from the free clinic. All my facebook friends took pics of me from back home those days and I had to untag myself because I realized it would be obvious that I wasn't sick.

Basically, to make a long story short....NEVER, EVER, EVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVER ADD CO-WORKERS!!!! It's too hard to maintain your life, or at least for me. I wish I could remove them all honestly.

I can easily believe that girl wanted to vent online to her friends and forgot she had the boss added. I'd never do such a thing because I don't talk about work at all publicly...but I can see how that stupid bitch forgot
People do know about the privacy settings in facebook don't they? You can customize it for what friends see what. :/

The few co-workers I have added on mine don't see my status updates and certain photo albums. Problem solved for me.
i do not think there allowed to fire you just because your complaining about your boss , on your own time , that has to be illegal or something.
your not saying it during your work time , its like complaining about shitty your high school teacher is on facebook, they cant give you detention for that
Pretty funny, I'd imagine that boss is getting themselves in their own hot water with that sorta response though.
bread's done