Best Game Value 2007


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Using the above voting system, cast your vote for Best Game Value.
What was the 2007 game that was most worthy of its full retail price?

*New category for this year's awards
I'm inclined to say Orange Box, but all the offline content put together still doesnt match the length of a regular RPG. 2 of them were already old too.

Remember there is value to be had on the lower end of the MSRP spectrum:

Contra 4 (DS) 29.99 (includes the original Contra and SuperC)
King of Fighters XI (PS2) 14.99
Taito Legends 2 (PS2) 14.99
I am torn between "The Orange Box" and "Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure", but I am going to go with "Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure" because as soon as I got it I could not stop playing it. As for the "The Orange Box" I have only completed "Portal." In addition, "Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure" came out for only $40 to begin with! Great value a game with so much fun and creativity.

My nomination: Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure
Orange Box, even though I have not played much... the value is there and it will be one of those games that stay with the system till the end of its life.
I assume this means no price drop on the game causing a lower price (a game at its full release price).
Assuming that, I have to say Orange Box (especially considering the PC version was released for just $45).
This category was made for The Orange Box

Portal is the most unique game in years, it alone justified the $50 IMO. Combine that with Team Fortress 2 and one of the years best FPS's and it wins easily. Add in Half Life 2, and Episode 1, which are still better games than many other FPS's released this year, and The Orange Box wins, not contest.
Super Mario Galaxy, especially considering you could get a $25 GC from TRU or Best Buy along with it to boot. That has to be the best full retail release value I've ever seen.
Fire Pro Wrestling Returns (PS2) - $14.99
Just get a CB/AR/GS to transfer saves and a second memory card, and you had a nearly limitless supply of detailed and accurate CAWs at your fingertips.

EDIT: Oh what the hey, I'll give some PSP love:
- I second Puzzle Quest: That game is just chock full of addictive gameplay.
- Sega Genesis Collection: Sure it was released in late 2006 and it's a retro collection, but put it up against the year's Virtual Console pricing of the same Genesis games, and the games in this collection start to look look like a very good deal.
- Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness: The famous PS2 SRPG comes to the portable in full form, with some extras. I mean, the game itself will probably take dozens (possibly over 100) of hours to finish all the way through, especially with multiple endings, a heavy focus on grinding and side-things like the Dark Assembly and Item World.
- Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles: Two great Castlevania classics, both emulated perfectly. One, Rondo of Blood, was only released in Japan on the Turbo CD, and fetched quite a price on the open market. Symphony returns too with plenty of upgrades, restoration, and a somewhat needed re-dubbing.
This is a great category but I think it should be offline and online. Orange box is a great offline deal (team fortress is great but the way it's set up doesn't create any way to progress so it feels shallower than it is) and Halo 3 has eaten at least 100 hours of my life over the past few months. Me and my roommate even purchased a second live account so we we could play ranked games on the same system.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']It seems this is close to just being a GOTY nomination. Can we just make it that instead?[/quote]
Why? If it were GotY, I'd bet there'd be more Bioshock, Mass Effect, MP3, and other nominations instead of mostly Orange Box.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Orange Box, no question.[/quote]

No question at all.

Though Super Mario Galaxy runs a close second....but the TRU GC might be skewing me thinking there.....
Well, I bought Orange Box for 40 bucks during that Best Buy sale. At 40 dollars, it's well worth it's price. However, I vote Call of Duty 4; which I paid 60 dollars, just 'cause I wub it more. :mrgreen:
Three words: Super Mario Galaxy.

No game gave me more enjoyment over the long haul and had more innovation.
Rock Band by far and away. At $169.95 MSRP, its the most expensive new title of the year, but the parties and hours of fun I've had with my friends this year piles on the value. I've dropped about $40 in DLC for it, too and its worth every penny.
Never played Half-Life 2 before, so that plus Ep 1 plus Ep 2 plus Portal plus Team Fortress 2 make The Orange Box the best game value.
bread's done