Best Game Value 2007

Mario Galaxy.

I felt a bit screwed by the Orange Box honestly. I paid $50 for HL2 and $20 for Ep1 and then Value decides to give those two games to me again in the Orange Box (and don't start with that BS "you can give it away to a friend" shit because everyone already played those two games). Basically for me, I had to pay $50 for Ep2 and Portal but luckily, BestBuy sold it for $25 on BF (PC version) which worked for me.
I bought the Orange box for TF2 (which is the best shooter I've played in years) and stumbled into Portal, one of the best games I've ever played.

Can't beat it.
what- no zack and wiki? I'll vote for mario galaxy, due to the entertainment value (read: loads) and the length. Seriously, getting
stars is a hard task
Happy to see Fire Pro nominated, even if 95% of the people here have never seen it. I'll take that over TOB. I already had some of the stuff in there, I don't need to buy it again even if it is at a "special price."
I know everyone's crazy for the Orange Box, but in terms of hours per dollar I got about the same amount of playtime out of Picross as I did with the half life stuff and for only $20. The fact that you can play it anywhere meant I pumped waaay too much time into that awesome puzzler.
Man this is a tough one. Bioshock is definitely out for me. Awesome game but too short IMO to be considered the best value. COD4 and Halo 3's multiplayer can extend play time indefinitely... Puzzle Quest is awesome and pretty long.

In the end I went with Picross because it's damned addictive, lots of puzzles included plus you can dowload customs and it's cheap.
bread's done