Best gaming magazines? Edge, play, gameinformer?


5 (100%)
Now that egm is gone and i'm sure my sub till 2011 is done, i need a new magazine to read on the shitter.

I've heard Edge magazine is really good but its $75 bucks which is making me hesitant to pull the trigger.

I've also heard Play magazine is good.

How is the official xbox magazine?


I dont need up to the second new information or the most unbiased or anything, just some nice pooping material. EGM was good in that. Good articles and pictures and big page numbers are a plus.

Any recommendations?
really? I like how there based in the Midwest, generally I agree more with their reviews then lets say IGN or EGM even. And as everyone said great crapper material.
Problem I have with Game Informer is many of the reviews don't really point out the faults as much as it should (like say a 6 rating) and they only give it a paragraph or two to discuss negatives. Even if they do, it's somehow done in a small box where the review feels more like playing for cheap laughs then discussing what's really at fault in the game. Also those big name titles always seem to get higher scores then they should and never have anything bad to say when they really should (Assassin's Creed comes to mind). That and well, not to sound like a fanboy, but alot of their scores I can't help, but feel some kinda bias toward first party Nintendo games. I Couldn't believe they gave Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door a 6 and were bitching about how it was more a kids game and no real adult would find entertainment from the game.

Good previews though, but other then that...Their review crew is total garbage.
None of them. They've all been horrible for the past several years. I only used EGM as toilet fodder reading, but it was the last decent videogame magazine that went to shit a few years ago.
[quote name='bardockkun']Problem I have with Game Informer is many of the reviews don't really point out the faults as much as it should (like say a 6 rating) and they only give it a paragraph or two to discuss negatives. Even if they do, it's somehow done in a small box where the review feels more like playing for cheap laughs then discussing what's really at fault in the game. Also those big name titles always seem to get higher scores then they should and never have anything bad to say when they really should (Assassin's Creed comes to mind). That and well, not to sound like a fanboy, but alot of their scores I can't help, but feel some kinda bias toward first party Nintendo games. I Couldn't believe they gave Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door a 6 and were bitching about how it was more a kids game and no real adult would find entertainment from the game.

Good previews though, but other then that...Their review crew is total garbage.[/quote]

Agreed. They've given some incredibly low scores to decent games, and some undeservedly high scores to higher profile titles. Of course, for the less "important" games it could simply be a matter of one writer's opinion, but it still isn't very consistent.

That, and we've been spoiled by the internet where articles can be as long as they need to be without worrying about accommodating other articles.

I kinda miss getting GI, but never thought incredibly high of it.
Well, I only get GI (and only for the Edge card), but it's a tolerable read. Then again, I like the editorials/other items in the mag (especially their look at older games to see how they hold up, more than once, they'll review something that's in my collection, and I'll want to go back and try it again).

So, it's not the best mag, but it should suit your needs (price/entertainment). For up to date news/etc, you really can't beat the net for gaming news.
Edge is generally excellent, if a little pretentious. I had a two-year subscription which ended recently. Don't think I'll renew it, but I'll definitely still pick up the magazine every now and again. Considering the price, you might want to pick up an issue at your local Borders to see if you like it before committing to a subscription.

I recently picked up an issue of another UK magazine called GamesTM, based on recommendations. Haven't read much of it yet, but it's got a lot of content, and their retro section is one of the nicest I've seen in any mag, the aforementioned RetroGamer notwithstanding, of course.

Also, avoid Game Informer.
Game Informer isn't bad, its not that good either. $15 for a magazine that is tolerable and an Edge Card is a pretty good deal IMO.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']None of them. They've all been horrible for the past several years. I only used EGM as toilet fodder reading, but it was the last decent videogame magazine that went to shit a few years ago.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mykevermin']それです。[/QUOTE]

I was thinking


Which, by the way, IS NOT THAT THAR DIRTY TOJO TALK. It's nice, CLEAN, traditional Chinese....the most efficient of all..languages.
I dun undurstaynd these scribbly fonts!

GI - if only because it comes with the edge card. Play is nice if you like nice illustrations (and hilarious reviews.)
[quote name='mykevermin']それです。[/QUOTE]

I understand that and I still don't know what the fuck you're trying to tell me. :rofl: Unfortunately, I don't understand Chinese so Reality's Fringe could be telling me to fuck off and I still wouldn't understand it, but he's on my friends list, so he'd never do that, right...?
[quote name='Dead of Knight']None of them. They've all been horrible for the past several years. I only used EGM as toilet fodder reading, but it was the last decent videogame magazine that went to shit a few years ago.[/QUOTE]

*wishes he wouldnt have read that post* Your wrecking my thought that girls dont poop!

Anyways ill second this. Only reason I had EGM was because it was free and game informer I only have because its $1 an issue and I figured for $1 an issue its good toilet read material or car ride material.
if all you want is something to occupy you while occupied, play is fine. They often get great art and it's a very upbeat mag.
The internet has undermined the meat of most gaming mags (previews and reviews) and the american market hasn't really adjusted to provide something unique. Still the writing and viewpoints in any of them are at least as good as time or newsweek.
I would suggest something else, like paste.
I like the official Xbox magazine. Probably the one I read the most. Maybe because I have an Xbox;)

The Official Playstation Magazine (or whatever PSN changed to) is pretty good too.

Game Informer is a waste of paper. Im not sure what it is about it but theres very little of interest in it. Go through it in one sit on the toilet.

Nintendo Power... unless youre a 13 year old girl I dont think you will get much out of this.
Ha, everyone forgets about GamePro. That and Game Informer are the last two multi-platform gaming magazines in the US.
[quote name='mykevermin']:rofl:

Don't let her know that.[/QUOTE]

I had initially added more emphasis with 那難以置信地性感

But I decided to go a little less creepy....or is it More?

[quote name='Dead of Knight']I understand that and I still don't know what the fuck you're trying to tell me. :rofl: Unfortunately, I don't understand Chinese so Reality's Fringe could be telling me to fuck off and I still wouldn't understand it, but he's on my friends list, so he'd never do that, right...?[/QUOTE]

I'd never say that, DoK. :D

But the above....., oh's yes!:hot:
Is gamepro any good? The last one I read had Donkey Kong Country 2 on the cover....

I get Game Informer, through the edge card. The previews are good, reviews not so much.

I also get PC Gamer, which is good, not great, as it replaced CGW/GFW when it died.

Anyone have sugegstions? I have never even heard of PLAY or EDGE.
[quote name='Rouzhokuu']Playstation: The Official Magazine is pretty good. ;)[/quote]

I thought that went away a long time ago.
Honestly, I really enjoy OXM. Probably because my Wii just sits there and I don't have a PS3. I'm subscribed to EGM, OXM, and Nintendo Power. Egm's gone and I just got my last NP and I'm not resubscribing. The last Gamepro I had was probably around BlueScrote's DK2 cover so I don't know about that.

So, yeah. OXM is my one and only toilet read now.
I found the best overall magazine to be a combination of EGM and GameInformer.

EGM's "previews" (if you could call them that) were either non-existent or so short they were pointless. GameInformer has much more detailed previews (and more of them), not to mention they actually know how to put together a cover story, something that EGM screwed up more often than not.

EGM has the better reviews due to much more honesty, although switching from numbers to letters is rather pointless and dropping their reviews to only one person for most releases was quickly shortening the lead they once had on their competition.

I know a lot of people hate on GameInformer since it's run by Gamestop, but it packed more info on games that EGM and EGM's once legendary review crew became nothing but a shell of its former self, much like the magazine in general.
Looking forward to the next issue of EDGE Magazine (Europe).

Hits news stands on Jan. 15th!

Might see a familiar face there. ;)
Why does everyone hate Game Informer, other than its affiliation with Gamestop? I think it's easily one of the better magazines around, with only Edge above it - but at four times the price than Game Informer, it better damn well be.
Edge is the best.

GamesTM isn't bad.

Retro Gamer is A+ if you like that kinda stuff.

US magazines are dead. Play has Dave "batshit insane I love lair and Sonic 2006" Halverson working the controls. GamePro is for those who feel the need to use diapers, regardless of age- Just in case.

And Game Informer is a GameStop advertising rag.

EGM was the last good US magazine, unfortunately.
I really sorely missed GMR. Anyone remember that? It was EBgames in house magazine, like Game Informer, except it was better. Then Gamestop came in EBgames and ruined everything, including that magazine by cancelling it.

Not everyone agrees with me on GMR, but I thought it was fantastic. What does everyone think? Same thing for the Official Dreamcast Magazine. I thought they were pretty well done.
Official Dreamcast Magazine was amazing. I'm still trying to collect all the issues. It kills me to think subscriptions were only $15 and included demo discs, which were really useful since broadband barely existed at the time. I think it was also a smart move to make the magazine bi-monthly, and during the holidays where a lot of games were released, they went monthly temporarily.

GMR is aesthetically similar to ODM (including big screenshots that took up half a page) and featured a lot of games that would have been right at home on the Dreamcast, so it's no surprise that you liked it. I loved it myself, and James Mielke (editor-in-chief of EGM and GMR) paid it a huge tribute with EGM's "Japan" issue in Spetember.
I'll have to try to get ahold of that tribute issue. September 2008?

And I am possibly missing one issue of ODM. I need to research that, actually. I think I am missing one or two demo discs. The dummy that is me decided, when I was 13, to take apart the cardboard sleeves the demo discs were in and jam them in CD jewel cases. I thought I was badass, but I'm pissing I ruined the sleeves. I've started to re-collect discs, but only managed to get four of them so far.
Yeah, September 2008. It's the one shown here:

I don't know how big of a Dreamcast fan you are - maybe you're just a Sonic fan? - but there's a British magazine called Games TM and a few people even mentioned it in this very thread. Well, issue 77 (features Halo Recon on the cover) has a huge 30-page Dreamcast feature. I think it's November 2008, but it should be just hitting US retailers now, so grab it if you want it.
[quote name='Viperx116']I thought that went away a long time ago.[/quote]
I think you're thinking of Official PlayStation Magazine (OPM) that was shut down shortly after the PS3 launch. PlayStation: The Official Magazine is the new official version of PSM.
[quote name='whitereflection']Yeah, September 2008. It's the one shown here:

I don't know how big of a Dreamcast fan you are - maybe you're just a Sonic fan? - but there's a British magazine called Games TM and a few people even mentioned it in this very thread. Well, issue 77 (features Halo Recon on the cover) has a huge 30-page Dreamcast feature. I think it's November 2008, but it should be just hitting US retailers now, so grab it if you want it.[/QUOTE]

Huge DC fan. I'm not sure where I would go for an import mag, but I'll check for Games TM. I've always wanted to read it.
And I just checked my shelf and I have EGM 08. I looked, but didn't find it. Do you recall what page it was on?
Haha... when I said it paid tribute to GMR, I meant they shared a very similar editorial style, covering games most people wouldn't have heard of and other things you wouldn't expect from a mainstream magazine, like the murder in Akihabara or the interview with Kenji Eno, who made a game for blind people which included flower seeds, or another that came with a condom (at used game stores, the condom was still intact). Sorry for the misunderstanding.

You could find Games TM at Barnes & Noble or Borders. It would be like $10, but the paper stock is good and comparing it to a US magazine, the difference is like night and day.
The only magazine I cared about in recent years was Tips and Tricks, and that's not because of the cheats or whatever, but because of the terrific Collector's Corner articles. How I miss them. :(
I still wish Ultra Game Players was around. That was may absolute favorite as a kid. I also liked Gamefan. They did alot of import articles.

The only gaming magazine I still recive is Nintendo Power, and only because I get it for free. Like always the problem with the reviews is them being biased.
[quote name='Rodimus']I also liked Gamefan. They did alot of import articles.[/QUOTE]

Gamefan was the shit. I remember it seeming so genuine. I loved the way that, especially in the early 90s, the pages were so crazily thrown together, and really specialized (for example, SOTN review. It felt very handmade.
bread's done