Best NES mod ever

It's cool but it's not my favorite by any stretch. The NES computer is way better, IMO, because it can play every NES game ever and looks just like a plain old NES. I'm not even sure this one would stand up if someone put a cart on top.
Curious as to what your series favorites were?

I grew up playing Ultima 1 - had a lot of fun trying to kill the king, get the key and rescue the princess. Also, stealing for weapons was pretty epic too. Never got far in that game.

Ultima 3 was pretty amazing for the time. I think the first time I saw a moongate was pretty impressive. It also came with a ton of packaged materials (which I still have)

Ultima 4 was outstanding but I still heap the majority of my praise toward Ultima 5(V). Simply, the largest and most deep RPG I had played at that time. In some ways it still holds that title. The little skiffs you could launch from your main ship for lakeside and river exploration (or hasty retreat should your ship be downed). Sailing through the vast oceans, just to see the distant beam of a lighthouse. The magic carpet casually sitting on Lord Britishs' floor. Learning all of the runic alphabet to translate gravestones and random signs. The first time I ran into a Shadowlord who had taken the town under his influence. The critical importance of learning the passwords for the Resistance and Opression. Being captured by Blackthorn and refusing to give-in (pretty gnarly). And especially following Lord British's doomed voyage in the Underworld, while reading their journal on my lap.

And finally, casting In Vas Gav Corp.

I played six - which was pretty cool - but the graphics were starting to get a little garish (to me) at the point. And then my interest started petering out. Never tried Ultima online or Ascension... although I still would like to try a copy of it. Wonder if it works better now that system requirements shouldn't be such an (infamous) issue.
Fake. Look at the controller ports. They're either from a Sega Genesis or an Atari 2600. It's probably one of those 100 in 1 controllers stuffed into a cart. Nice try though.
[quote name='Access_Denied']Fake. Look at the controller ports. They're either from a Sega Genesis or an Atari 2600. It's probably one of those 100 in 1 controllers stuffed into a cart. Nice try though.[/quote]
Looks like the ports are turned on their sides.

[quote name='Vinny']Super Bros... 5?

What the fuck is Super Bros and how is it that there were 5 of them?[/quote]
Heh, I hadn't noticed that.
[quote name='Access_Denied']Fake. Look at the controller ports. They're either from a Sega Genesis or an Atari 2600. It's probably one of those 100 in 1 controllers stuffed into a cart. Nice try though.[/quote]

If you read the article, you would know that it is in fact the NES on a chip from the 100 in 1 controllers. Searching Google would turn up a plethora of people who have converted these things to play carts.
Concept is cool, but it's definitely not as cool as either of these:

Nestar! - The handheld NES/Atari

NES Micro
Actually, it appears to be a FamiClone - one of the more recent NES-remakes that take actual cartridges. Its not one with pre-loaded games, but, judging from the Famicom cart that's attached, its probably a bootleg compilation cart.
bread's done