Best PS3 Deal?


I'll be moving at the end of the month, so money will be tight until I find a job, but I'm still strongly considering getting a PS3. I decided if I can find one for under $100, I can probably talk myself into getting one. Is that possible?

maybe craigslist. You can typically find them under $150 on cowboom as well, but prices fluctuate and it might be best to wait until a flash sale. This is all assuming you are ok buying used, as a new PS3 for $100 is extremely unlikely to find. And lastly, with the new consoles coming out later this year you might be able to get an insane deal around the holidays. I'm not sure how long you are willing to wait, but I'm sure stores will want to move as much stock as possible then and will no doubt have a bunch of crazy prices.

Just some food for thought, good luck in your search :D

Try your local Target stores. Some of them were blowing out the original Playstation 3 slims for half off or better. Admittedly that started last month or so, so most of the stores likely got rid of them by now.

The one store by me still has a Playstation Move PS3 bundle with the original version slim and it's still ringing up $299.99 unfortunately.

bread's done