Best PS3 Game...Post your opinion


My personal choce is Assasians Creed it looks hella dope. Kind of like the assasigns guilde in Oblivion but 20 times better.
MGS4 is my answer obviously, maybe you should say "Best PS3 Game Besides MGS4"?

Besides MGS4 I would say that Heavenly Sword or whatever its called.
Heavenly Sword and that one shooter... Can't remember what it's called though. I know it's got aliens in it though... I think.. Bah!

MGS4 actually isn't up there, but I'm not a fan of the MGS games.

And RE5 is actually at the top of my list, but I'm going by games that were just unveiled.
Can you even really call RE5 or Assassins Creed PS3 games? RE5 is multiplatform, and people were saying that Assassins Creed was announced for 360 back before they had come up with the name Assassins Creed. I mean they will be on PS3 too, but a 'PS3 game' or a 'Wii game' to me suggests exclusivity.

Anyway, it's definitely MGS4 for me.
Probably MGS4 for me, but it's not even playable so I can't get too excited about it.

The only other thing I've seen that even slightly interests that is exclusive to the PS3 is Resistance: Fall Of Man. Looks to be pretty good, but with all the good looking FPS on 360, I'll be able to forget about it easily enough.

I really don't like how Untold Legends is looking for the PS3 and I can't get excited about Heavenly Sword when God of War 2 is still coming out for the PS2.

I don't know, it's really hard for me to get excited about these games with the PS3's price. It may be getting old to talk about it, but it definitely has an impact on my view on some of these games that I would be borderline interested in. At this point, I'm just hoping for a 360 port of MGS4.
out of the playable demos on the floor it's a tossup between warhawk and heavenly sword. I guess they're 2 diff genres so ...
Out of the playable games, I'd say it's F1 2006. As it's the most polished of the playable games, but it was fun playing the QA testers on Resistance: Fall of Man. I had a lot of fun with VT3, though that was easy and the graphics were pretty bad because it was only about 20% done.

As for trailers, MGS4 is easily tops and Assassin's Creed was near the top.
Nothing impressed me enough to put it above the others. Resistence is pretty neat, but it's another WW II-era FPS, albeit with aliens. Warhawk looks sweet, but I worry about the non-flying portions. Heavenly Sword is cool, but I didn't feel like I had enough control. I didn't see Assassin's Creed. Alone in the Dark and Coded Arms have potential, but I only saw them in trailer form. Sonic I don't care about, and Full Auto 1 disappointed me too much on 360.
bread's done