Best racing game for the cube


6 (100%)
We went from a xbox to a cube for the kiddies and I'm really missing my Burnout and rallysport games. Whats the best that the cube has to offer?????

F-Zero and Mario Kart are the obvious ones. I don't know anything about those other 2.

Also consider:

1080 Avalanche
Kirby Air Ride

BTW, Burnout and Burnout 2 are on Gamecube.
Doubel Dash!! is great. I've read online at several places, however, that Burnout 2: Point of Impact for the GC is really good; the problem is, you're not gonna find it new anywhere unless you're willing to pay an insane amount from someone on amazon...
Good topic, I was actually gonna ask about this at some point.

How about the Need for Speed series? I've been tempted to pick one up, but they keep coming out with a new iteration so I've held off.
Mario Kart Double Dash is an obvious choice. Midway Arcade Treasures has San Francisco Rush 2049 on it so you should definitely pick that one up as well. F-Zero I find is a good game but it's too hard for most people. It IS a marvelous graphical showcase for the cube though so that and XG III (a personal favorite of mine) are good futuristic racers to pick up. I also enjoyed the sequel to XG III, XGRA. The most current burnout on GameCube is Burnout 2 so if you really wanted a Burnout game, you could get that but I know how hard it is to go back to inferior gameplay.

It's slim pickins but hey, with a few friends and double dash, sometimes it becomes easier to forget :D
NFS Hot Pursuit 2 is really damn good. Don't know how it plays specifically on GCN as I have it for PS2 (I think the Xbox port wasn't up to snuff), so take a look at that.
[quote name='b3b0p']F-Zero and Mario Kart are the obvious ones. I don't know anything about those other 2.

Also consider:

1080 Avalanche
Kirby Air Ride[/QUOTE]

Gotta disagree on that one... Maybe there's something great about Kirby's Air Ride that I'm just not seeing, but from what I've played, I gotta say thumbs down.. It's too simplistic with no real challenge or thrill of competition. The one-button control concept really hurt the game.

As for some of the other titles that have been mentioned so far that I've played:

-- F-Zero cranked the difficulty up a little too high
-- Mario Kart Double Dash!! was probably the worst in the series
-- 1080 Avalanche isn't really a racing game and wasn't that great anyway
-- Need For Speed Underground seemed kind of boring to me

Never played Burnout... just kind of gave up on the prospects of good racing games on the 'Cube.
There is fine racing on the GC. Burnout you should play.

F-Zero is insanely hard, but then just don't play the story mode. Easily solved. I ahted the revieewers I read for it when they gave it a bad grade because it's hard. That's lame.
As stated, Burnout 2, or the original Burnout. Both are on Cube. B2 is one of the greatest ever, seriously. Me and a friend (Jenus) put dozens of hours into that game. Also, the music in Burnout 2 is infinitely better than the soundtracks in B3 and Burnout Revenge. It's actually, you know, original music, not liscensed crap.
Burnout 2 is a really good game. It's kinda hard to find but I bought it for $17.99 used at a GameStop. Sadly, I've never played Burnout 3 so I don't really know how it compares.
Mario Kart DD is overrated, I honestly don't think it's worth all the praise some people give it. The two characters per kart was a joke and the levels were just bad. F-Zero GX is excellent but the problem with that is the difficulty. Burnout 2 is actually a very good game.

The GC really doesn't have any stand out racers but I'm surprised that nobody mentioned Wave Race Blue Storm...

The only GC game I consistently played throughout the life of my Cube. My wife, a non-gamer, dug it, and pretty much anybody who visited and saw it out wanted to boot it up "just to see." Then they'd wind up racing a bit.

This game catches a lot of hell from people who hold it up against other Mario Karts. I agree that this game did not live up to its potential, however, it's still a heckuva game. The controls are so freaking perfect--they are the best karting controls of any of the Mario Karts IMHO. In fact, I'd say the reason that I replayed MKDD so much was because of those controls. Couple that with a wired controller, and the karting controls in MKDD are pure sex. (It'll be easier to mini-turbo with a wired contoller.)

On other thing: I guess this response depends on your def'n of a "racer." Some people exclude karters from this category. If you're among those folks, then you're probably looking for a Burnout or maybe a F-Zero.
I'm a Nascar fan and I really enjoy Nascar Thunder 2003. The 'Lightning mode' was a great addition to the franchise. They put you in famous, or notorios, situations to see if you can repeat the actions of the involved drivers or change the couse of 'history'. It also looks crisper with much better textures and draw distance on the Cube than on the PS2. Too bad there's no online / LAN play, though. It's definitely a simulation, not an arcade racer, though.

Burnout 2 is great, as mentioned before, but nothing compared to 3 or Revenge but you take what you can get on the Cube. And I really did not like NFS hot pursuit 2 either on the cube or the PS2. I'm just not a fan of the series.

Edit: Forgot Hot Wheels World Race. Great arcade racing fun !!
I know someone mentioned Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2, but i would definitely recommend against it. The PS2 version is absolutely amazing, and I've played through the whole game, but the cube version is terrible. I'd go with something else like F-Zero, especially if you want a good challenge
Burnout 2 is a very fun and enjoyable game on the gamecube...i was thrilled with how fast it was yet the controls were nice
[quote name='Scobie']Gotta disagree on that one... Maybe there's something great about Kirby's Air Ride that I'm just not seeing, but from what I've played, I gotta say thumbs down.. It's too simplistic with no real challenge or thrill of competition. The one-button control concept really hurt the game.

As for some of the other titles that have been mentioned so far that I've played:

-- F-Zero cranked the difficulty up a little too high
-- Mario Kart Double Dash!! was probably the worst in the series
-- 1080 Avalanche isn't really a racing game and wasn't that great anyway
-- Need For Speed Underground seemed kind of boring to me

Never played Burnout... just kind of gave up on the prospects of good racing games on the 'Cube.[/QUOTE]

I never said they were super duper games nor did I say they are genuine hard core racing games. I just said you might want to consider a look or a try.

Some people enjoy them, like myself, but not everyone. I would say they are good games, but not great. I also think Mario Kart Double Dash!! blows chunks compared to Mario Kart 64, but it is not a bad games. I like 1080 more then SSX. Kirby Air Ride is dumbfoundingly easy, but still enjoyable to me. F-Zero is pretty fun, but is pretty difficult. It is addictive to try and get 1st place in every race though and can take lots of practice.

ALMOST any game that has a start, an end, and you "race" to the finish is a racing game to me.
I just got the game call Pro Rally for cube (after picking up Kuon and Echo night from GS) nothing else to pick up for the buy 2 get 1 free... how is this game? haven't even heard of it... but the case look nice and it has 'only nintendo' i was like oh what the heck... since it's free anyway..

anyone has experience with it, it got luke warm review around 6-7 point...
[quote name='Vinny']Mario Kart DD is overrated, I honestly don't think it's worth all the praise some people give it. The two characters per kart was a joke and the levels were just bad. F-Zero GX is excellent but the problem with that is the difficulty. Burnout 2 is actually a very good game.

The GC really doesn't have any stand out racers but I'm surprised that nobody mentioned Wave Race Blue Storm...[/QUOTE]

If anything, Mario Kart:DD is underrated. I always hear people saying how it is the worst in the series. It has the most depth by far out of any in the series, and the racing courses are the best in the series by a long shot as well. The battle courses are horrible, but the Bobomb blast mode amounts to some very frantic fun.

F-Zero GX was hard, but not much harder than Ninja Gaiden.
[quote name='David85']Double Dash should not even be Mario Kart because it's that fucking bad.[/QUOTE]
Way to back that one up. It's pretty clear to me that you haven't played enough of DD--and most likely many of the other MK titles--to be able to make this kind of statement. Had you have done so, you'd tend less to exagerration.

Thanks in part to the GC controller, MKDD handles better than any other MK title. At least IMHO. The controls are tight, and the controls are comfortable (and those who've tried to do serious time trialing in MKDS can tell you that comfort counts for something).

The brush-off that MKDD gets from gamers is as knee-jerk and unsubstantiated as the sissified outcry about "snaking" in MKDS. The main thing both complaints have in common is ignorance: just as the people who complain about snaking don't realize that it's something that's been possible since N64, the people who whine about MKDD haven't played the game enough to appreciate the incredible control. The karting control is honestly good enough to make you forget about whatever other greivances you have against the game.

My suggestion is that you play it some more. I have a feeling all that you'd need to get into the game is a sound ass kicking--a statement as absurd as yours suggest to me that you need to learn2kart. (Don't believe me? Go here and find out how you stack up: My guess is you haven't even scratched the surface on the game. The depth of control alone in this game deserves much more respect than what it gets.
[quote name='racthamp']I just got the game call Pro Rally for cube (after picking up Kuon and Echo night from GS) nothing else to pick up for the buy 2 get 1 free... how is this game? haven't even heard of it... but the case look nice and it has 'only nintendo' i was like oh what the heck... since it's free anyway..

anyone has experience with it, it got luke warm review around 6-7 point...[/QUOTE]
I really like it. Now, it is a 4-year-old game, and it sometimes looks and plays like one. It ain't Rallisport Challenge or Colin McRae. But it is a very deep game and the best rally racer for the Cube. There's a lot of car tweaking you can do, the courses are varied, each car handles differently, there's a nice dashboard view, the co-driver is very accurate. If you like rally racing (it's my favorite racing genre), I think you'd enjoy it.
Burnout 2 is definitely good. One of my favorite racers on the cube. I played FZero for a bit before I got tired of it. MKDD is good, but like others have said, not the best of the series.

You can also try R Racing Evolution. It's a pretty fun game and you can probably find it cheap on ebay.
I'd say F-Zero GX is one of the best racing games ever. If you're into futuristic racing that is... It's got tons of drivers (40), plenty of courses (20), and special endings for each driver. Plus there's even a story mode. F-Zero GX is pretty easy to pick up and play, but if you're sadistic (like me) you can attempt to finish the game on every difficulty... and I assure you that's not something you're gonna do overnight. I played the game for quite some time and still go back and play through with another racer from time to time. Easily my favorite racing game for this gen's systems.

I'd also give Mario Kart DD a try. It's more fun with two players, again there's a good amount of racers and a decent amount of tracks, difficulty and replay value. Many argue that Mario Kart 64 was better, and I'd have to agree with them for several reasons. First, I think every track (except Toad's turnpike, unless it was the mirror version) was done exceptionally well in Mario Kart 64. The weapons in the 64 version were done better as well, as Double Dash is more about how well you use the weapons than how good of a racer you are. Finally, the battle mode in Double Dash was horrible. The great 3-D environments in Mario Kart 64 are gone, there's no double-deck or block-fort here. However, you can race with a partner on the same team, and that's rather fun.
Wow... the "handling" in DD is better to bad the levels are blah and pointless. The "carts" are nothing of the sort. The two person carts is really just lame and was obvious that Nintendo had no clue what to change in DD.

I have played all the MK at length (except the DS) and "owned" all of them (except the DS)at one time. It is very blah and unexpireing. It would have been better if they just updated the N64 one.

Hell I wished Nintendo would port the arcade MK to the GC, that way we at least get one good MK per system.
[quote name='David85']It is very blah and unexpireing.[/QUOTE]
I was once so hungry that I ate the only thing left in the cupboard: old anchovies. I discovered a few hours after consumption that they were neither blah nor unexpireing.
[quote name='David85']Wow... the "handling" in DD is better to bad the levels are blah and pointless. The "carts" are nothing of the sort. The two person carts is really just lame and was obvious that Nintendo had no clue what to change in DD.

I have played all the MK at length (except the DS) and "owned" all of them (except the DS)at one time. It is very blah and unexpireing. It would have been better if they just updated the N64 one.

Hell I wished Nintendo would port the arcade MK to the GC, that way we at least get one good MK per system.[/QUOTE]

Right on... MK: DD was one of the biggest disappointments for me from Nintendo this generation. One of the other biggies was the lack of miniature golf in Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour... but that's another topic for another time.
Some good gamecube racers:

Mario Kart Double Dash (although single player becomes stale pretty quickly)
F-Zero GX
Burnout 2
1080 Avalanche
-Burnout 2: Point Of Impact
-4x4 Evo 2 (the Gran Turismo of off-road racing. A large selection of trucks and the courses are HUGE)
-Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
-Dakar 2: The World's Ultimate Rally (the sequel to Paris-Dakar Rally on the PS2, and fortunately, MUCH better)
-NASCAR: Dirt To Daytona (lots to do here)
-Street Racing Syndicate (pretty decent NFSU clone)
-Wave Race: Blue Storm (yeah, I know the OP was looking for auto racing stuff, but I'm still surprised nobody's mentioned this yet)
-Midway Arcade Treasures 3 (featuring San Francisco Rush: The Rock, San Francisco Rush 2049, Hydro Thunder, Super Off-Road, Badlands, Race Drivin', S.T.U.N. Runner, and Off-Road Thunder)
-Need For Speed Underground 1 & 2, Need For Speed Most Wanted (the PS2 and Xbox versions are better, but the Cube versions hold up pretty well for anyone who's limited to that)
Sonic Riders looks great because it's made from the team that made F-Zero.

But in less than 6 months it will be $20.
bread's done