Bet you never noticed this in Back to the Future III before

[quote name='hufferstl']I wish I had a Delorean so I could go back and unsee that creepy kid do that.[/QUOTE]

I saw one over the summer, at a rest stop on vacation. It was totally beat to shit and sounded horrible.

The guy loved it though.
how could anybody have noticed that makes you wonder what other odd shit you can see in movies or thats been overlooked. aside from the usual disney movies, 3 men and a litle lady , wizard of oz suff.
[quote name='burritoman']I saw one over the summer, at a rest stop on vacation. It was totally beat to shit and sounded horrible.

The guy loved it though.[/QUOTE]

I would love one. John DeLorean was a god.
[quote name='fart_bubble']still not as bad as the guy in Teen Wolf with his dick hanging out[/QUOTE]

Thread title made me think of this
i think someone edited that in....I dont ever recall seeing that in the movie.... I think the movie is on DEMAND so someone should be able to really see if its in the real movie ... i be shocked if it was
yeah the teen wolf wang is legit its on how hell do they not catch that in editing and beyond that why would someone do that during filming?
question is... when the main action in the scene is going on several feet to the left of the kid, why was someone looking at that kids crotch.... because the only way you would have seen that is if you were staring at that kids crotch the whole scene.
[quote name='davo1224']I feel dumb for not getting it[/QUOTE]

[quote name='lokizz']how could anybody have noticed that makes you wonder what other odd shit you can see in movies or thats been overlooked. aside from the usual disney movies, 3 men and a litle lady , wizard of oz suff.[/QUOTE]

If you mean Three Men and a Baby, the "ghost" isn't a ghost. In The Wizard of Oz, no one hangs themselves. It is an large bird from a local zoo that they used in the forest scene.
I don't think the sound effect was there in the original. Lucas put it in to hide his pisspoor directing skills. The "I meant to do that." tactic. I watched that movie more times than I can count when I was a kid and NEVER noticed it.

There's another one where when R2-D2 first shows Leia's message to Luke, C3PO falls off the step he's standing on.
I've seen this movie at least 600 times, and my mind is blown.
My favorite easter egg about Back to the Future is that at first the mall is called The Twin Pine Mall but when Marty is back in the 50s you see him back up over a tree and knock it down and when he gets back in to the 80s to stop the Bolivians from killing Emmitt you see the mall is called The Lone Pine Mall.
[quote name='Maklershed']My favorite easter egg about Back to the Future is that at first the mall is called The Twin Pine Mall but when Marty is back in the 50s you see him back up over a tree and knock it down and when he gets back in to the 80s to stop the Bolivians from killing Emmitt you see the mall is called The Lone Pine Mall.[/QUOTE]

:shock: *Runs off to watch BttF again*
[quote name='Maklershed']My favorite easter egg about Back to the Future is that at first the mall is called The Twin Pine Mall but when Marty is back in the 50s you see him back up over a tree and knock it down and when he gets back in to the 80s to stop the Bolivians from killing Emmitt you see the mall is called The Lone Pine Mall.[/QUOTE]


You mean Libyans.
Haha holy crap I can't believe I had never caught that before! I have seen all the BTTF movies about 50 times and I can't believe I never caught that or the before mentioned mall screwup in BTTF 1.
[quote name='cgarb84']Haha holy crap I can't believe I had never caught that before! I have seen all the BTTF movies about 50 times and I can't believe I never caught that or the before mentioned mall screwup in BTTF 1.[/QUOTE]

Its not a screwup, its intentionally making a joke/easter eff about how Marty changed the past by running over a tree which cause them to name the mall differently in the future.
Calling a joke that's pretty obviously front and center an easter egg is a pretty liberal definition of the term.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Its not a screwup, its intentionally making a joke/easter eff about how Marty changed the past by running over a tree which cause them to name the mall differently in the future.[/QUOTE]

Ah yes good point, I hadn't thought of that before.
A real easter egg is when they first mention Clint Eastwood. On the side of that building are two posters of his first movies.

Man, Verne just creeps me out...
bread's done