Beyond Good & Evil 2 in pre-production!

I hope this is good but I'm not going to buy it at full price. We all know it's going to end up in the bargain bins by the next spring.
[quote name='depascal22']I hope this is good but I'm not going to buy it at full price. We all know it's going to end up in the bargain bins by the next spring.[/quote]
With this attitude, its rather fortunate that there is a sequel at all.

At least I have an excuse for not buying it, I dont own (and wont own) any of the platforms that it is on.
You goddamn better believe I'm buying this shit on day one. And I haven't bought a full-price game on day one since Viewtiful Joe.
[quote name='depascal22']I hope this is good but I'm not going to buy it at full price. We all know it's going to end up in the bargain bins by the next spring.[/QUOTE]

Congratulations - you're doing your part to ensure this will be the final entry in the series.

[quote name='CoffeeEdge']You goddamn better believe I'm buying this shit on day one. And I haven't bought a full-price game on day one since Viewtiful Joe.[/QUOTE]

I would too, but I don't have a PS3 or 360. :cry:
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']I would too, but I don't have a PS3 or 360. :cry:[/QUOTE]
I'd be really surprised if it didn't come to PC, as well...the first one did.
[quote name='ananag112']Well, it was released during the holiday season when it had a lot of competition and was a new and under hyped franchise. [/quote]

Unfortunately, it's been over hyped for the last number of years. And the second game equally so, no doubt.

I'm already getting sick of hearing about it, and I'm the one who made the thread!
[quote name='Strell']Theoretically it could be, but the problem is that the trailer is devoid of the things that you'd actually find in the game - AI routines, physics engine, etc, that all has to be calculated while still maintaining a solid frame rate.

Meaning the final actual game product should look noticeably worse.

But then again, I look at Gears of War 2 and think it can't possibly be running in real time, even though I know that's fully the case.

I did like the trailer. Reminded me of Cowboy Bebop, and some of the FMVs from Starcraft, with a very expansive/space feel, but still something readily accessible like being stuck on the side of the road. So it kind of had a Full Throttle feeling too.

By the time this comes out I'll probably have a PS3 anyway, so no rush on it, Ubi.

@Neph: The problem I had with your Brawl talk was that I came into the thread to discuss the game, not see you whine on your soap box.[/quote]

Way to steal the two comparisons I was going to use (Cowboy Bebop and Full Throttle). Hehehe... ;)

For me, this is a Day 1 purchase. I have waited long enough. :cry:
[quote name='Strell']
@Neph: The problem I had with your Brawl talk was that I came into the thread to discuss the game, not see you whine on your soap box.[/quote]

If saying "I just hope that this doesn't become the next Smash Bros. Brawl. Overhyped and insanely blogged about in every minute detail until it's released."

is whining on a soap box, so be it.

Hoping that a game doesn't become so overhyped that it can't possibly live up to expectations doesn't seem that unreasonable to me. You seem particularly aggressive about this issue, and I can't understand why.
Meh. I hate trailers that aren't gameplay footage.

Only thing that will get me excited for this is gameplay footage showing a bunch of new items/weapons etc. to address the complaints I had with the original outlined earlier in the thread.
Considering the teaser was numbered, I would guess we'll get a series of numbered trailers, each featuring different characters or aspects of the game.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']Congratulations - you're doing your part to ensure this will be the final entry in the series.[/QUOTE]
It's true though, it's an Ubisoft game.
Yet another game in my backlog that I need to get around to finishing. For those who can't understand the love, I think it's mostly due to the fact that the game is original and not cookie-cutter like oh so many other games.

I personally like taking pictures and getting the rewards for it and think the gameplay, though linear, is quite enjoyable and mixes it up instead of keep giving the same shit over and over again.
that was awesome. day 1!

Not sure if it's the in-game engine or not. Kinda impossible to tell with a low res video.
For me, BG&E is one of my 5 or 6 favorite games of all time. I liked the story arc, I *loved* the stylized look, and the gameplay was 'good enough'. The real draw though, was the character development. I liked that Jade was pretty much an ordinary girl who relied on other for help. That she was caught up in something so much bigger than she was ready for. Granted, I had little use for the hovercraft races, but the photography aspect and the stealth-lite sequences, all seemed 'just-right'.

I have wanted to play a sequel from the moment I saw the ending with Pey'J. Though, if they do decide to go away from the cel-shading, I think they are doing themselves a disservice.

But what do I know, I actually *liked* Assassin's Creed ;)
[quote name='ananag112']Well, it was released during the holiday season when it had a lot of competition and was a new and under hyped franchise. The game bombed, and quickly fell in price, but this allowed many gamers to buy the game and try it out. Many loved it and the word spread that this was a great game. Hopefully this will allow Beyond Good and Evil 2 to do fairly well.[/QUOTE]

It didn't help as well considering what Ubisoft released the week before....Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time.

As everyone mentioned, I will also be buying this day one. It's definitely one of my favorite games ever and it's nice to finally see this trilogy played out.

Here's hoping they continue it from the ending of the first one.
I wish I finished the first... I still have it, thankfully.
[quote name='asianxcore']It didn't help as well considering what Ubisoft released the week before....Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time.

As everyone mentioned, I will also be buying this day one. It's definitely one of my favorite games ever and it's nice to finally see this trilogy played out.

Here's hoping they continue it from the ending of the first one.[/QUOTE]

Didn't Prince of Persia also not do so well?
[quote name='hostyl1']
I have wanted to play a sequel from the moment I saw the ending with Pey'J.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I was ready for a 2nd game, I wanted to see what was going to happen next!
the over all game is a good involving experience. the music is atmospheric and the feel of the game is great. if you enjoyed the classic point and click adventures then you will love this game. there is good humor and the universe is well developed. i got it for $10 and love it. i'm completely excited for this game and see myself picking it up for $60, as long as the experience isn't dumbed down too much for the mass public. Ubisoft gets props for putting this game out when the first one didn't do well for them.
[quote name='Apossum']Didn't Prince of Persia also not do so well?[/QUOTE]

Not sure

It couldn't have helped anything though.

Pey'j needs to return with fart boots in tact.
[quote name='Apossum']Didn't Prince of Persia also not do so well?[/QUOTE]

Sands of Time sold somewhere between 3 and 4 million, if I'm not mistaken.
[quote name='InuFaye']lol @ smash hate.

What did people expect.[/quote]

Well, I find it funny that a game like Halo actually changed from sequel to sequel and got bashed, while Brawl really didnt, and and got so much undue praise.
[quote name='help1'][quote name='InuFaye']lol @ smash hate.

What did people expect.[/QUOTE]Well, I find it funny that a game like Halo actually changed from sequel to sequel and got bashed, while Brawl really didnt, and and got so much undue praise.[/QUOTE]

For god's sake, a miracle has happened. THEY'RE MAKING BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL 2, and people are arguing about Smash Bros.

What a world, what a world.
I absolutely hate the look!

I loved the charming cartoony style the first one had going for it. And what is he reading, porn?! Looks like they're abandoning their roots!
[quote name='leveskikesko']I absolutely hate the look!

I loved the charming cartoony style the first one had going for it. And what is he reading, porn?! Looks like they're abandoning their roots![/QUOTE]

Um, so I take it you have access to a bunch of material of the game that Ubi hasn't released yet or something, because you're making some pretty broad judgements based on what is an extremely, extremely minimal trailer which reveals barely a scrap more than nothing about the game.
I've actually just purchased this game recently. I played a little of it previously and wanted get further and see what makes it so great, so I purchased it for 6 bucks (PS2 version, I heard the Xbox Version doesn't work =().

Well I am about 80% of the way through now and only have had it for a couple of days. It's a great game and I cant believe it was so under the radar. Some of the graphics are pretty ugly/outdated (boat sequences) but some even look next gen(close quarters on foot).

Can't wait for the next one! And I am surprised I am putting down so many other games to just play this!

the over all game is a good involving experience. the music is atmospheric and the feel of the game is great. if you enjoyed the classic point and click adventures then you will love this game. there is good humor and the universe is well developed. i got it for $10 and love it. i'm completely excited for this game and see myself picking it up for $60, as long as the experience isn't dumbed down too much for the mass public. Ubisoft gets props for putting this game out when the first one didn't do well for them.

Yea, heres hoping it doesn't try going the Banjo way by scrapping everything that makes banjo great...
It is official. Ubisoft has announced a sequel to the cult favorite "Beyond Good and Evil". "Beyond Good and Evil 2" is the official name. I saw a short trailer at the end of yesterdays airing of X-Play. Nothing special about the trailer. Just a custscene of the Pig and a back shot (huh-huh, he said back shot) of Jade. I can't wait until this one comes out!
O rly?

Yeesh. That's what people get from getting their videogame news from that horrible channel. A week behind the rest of us.
[quote name='VAD3R or Fro']Trailer looks good! Just please have an easier final boss. The final boss in the last game made me yell out fuck a hundred times in under 30 minutes.[/QUOTE]

lol what? That was my only complaint about the game (the boss being too easy). I can't wait for a new BG&E. I was one of my favorite games last gen and I will buy it ASAP!
i just have to say...i restarted BG&E and it looks amazing in progressive scan on the PS2

has anyone else tried this? it's a little glitchy to get working but it looks like a totally different game IMO
[quote name='whiptcracker']I hope the vehicle control, combat, stealth missions, and camera are all done better than in the original.

More people have raved about how stellar than original game is than have actually purchased the game. I remember buying it for $10 at Circuit City shortly after it's release.[/QUOTE]
I remember finding it behind another game in CC for $1.99 a few years back. Gamecube version.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I've actually just purchased this game recently. I played a little of it previously and wanted get further and see what makes it so great, so I purchased it for 6 bucks (PS2 version, I heard the Xbox Version doesn't work =().

Well I am about 80% of the way through now and only have had it for a couple of days. It's a great game and I cant believe it was so under the radar. Some of the graphics are pretty ugly/outdated (boat sequences) but some even look next gen(close quarters on foot).

Can't wait for the next one! And I am surprised I am putting down so many other games to just play this!

Yea, heres hoping it doesn't try going the Banjo way by scrapping everything that makes banjo great...[/QUOTE]
I have the Xbox version and it works perfectly fine.
What are you talking about? This game had a lot of variety. Now for the dungeons and the such, it wasn't suppose to have dungeons. This wasn't that type of RPG. It leaned more towards Action/Adventure with some RPG elements.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Hope it's longer and has more variety. I liked the first one, but the lack of dungeons, items, attack options etc. left me underwhelmed. Just felt like Zelda-lite to me.[/quote]
What are you talking about? This game had a ton of variety. Now as for the dungeons and the such, it wasn't that type of game. IMO, it was an Action/Adventure with RPG elements, not your typical RPG. I wouldn't even compare it to a Zelda game. And that is what made it such a good game, because it didn't try to be like anything other than what it was. A good game, with an awesome and original story, and great diversity in its gameplay.
[quote name='metaly']I finally played BG&E a few months ago and while it was decent fun, I don't understand all the gushing praise the game gets. I'll probably pass on the sequel if it does come out.[/QUOTE]
See that is just it, you said you just played it a few months ago. Had you played it when it came out I think you would have a different view about this game.

I feel the same way about a ton of games that I have for my GCN, XBOX, and PS2 that I have never opened. And because of the new gen games, it does effect the way I view a game, especially when the bar has been raised tremendously due to the new sfuff. That is why no amount of graphics can contend with the beauty of a great story.
[quote name='help1']Well, I find it funny that a game like Halo actually changed from sequel to sequel and got bashed, while Brawl really didnt, and and got so much undue praise.[/QUOTE]
It sucks when crappy games get praise.
Well, I am just about done playing it! I am proud I went back and bought this gem. It was so overlooked. And now I am happy that I can be pumped up for number 2!

Hope they don't screw it up!
[quote name='Deefuzz']People still watch G4?


I can sum it up in one word: Cops. However, they love to repeat the same 10 episodes so I've even stopped watching that.
[quote name='Deefuzz']People still watch G4?


I enjoy watching some of those Japanese shows (e.g. Ninja Warrior and Unbeatable Bansuke) sometimes.
bread's done