BF3 Codes on FB

Avatar stuff, looks like the dropped a TON of code (I didn't get any) then later dropped more. More to come they say.
I never win these code drops much as i hit F5 30 codes will be gone before your brain can even send a synapse to snap your fingers

[quote name='dotCody']Does anyone remember when Faceshit didn't rule the world?[/QUOTE]

sorry to jump off-topic..but get over it..its not like facebook invented social networking..they just streamlined stop being a hipster and hating it to be cool cause every other hipster dumps on facebook just so they have something to hate.before that it was myspace, and before that it was networking isn't going away..just jump off your high chair and stop being a child and come up with a better pun than
"faceshit"..cause believe it or not, vulgarity doesn't always mean funny..i myself dont care for facebook either.if i have something to tell my friend.i'll call them and tell them i use it simply for info on upcoming games and contests..but its life and me complaining about it wont make it go away..

..makes me wonder if there were hipsters in the past..."Man fuck Edison and his stupid electricigay, candles are way better cause they are retro"

Edit:let me put this here for you. since you were to afraid to do it yourself and had to PM me. Afraid others agree with me much..Racist too.ouch.FYI I'm as white as white can be buddy
[quote name='dotCody']You're a complete fucking moron. YOU'RE the hipster, go out and get some friends in real life. I hope you know that Facecrap shares your personal info with companies. And learn some punctuation, you handicapped wetback.[/QUOTE]

also.they can share my info all they want.if you had read my post.I use facebook for free digital download they can share my info all they want cause the only part of it thats real is my email..which raises questions to your point..if they are indeed sharing my info..why is my spambox empty?
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[quote name='pepce']I never win these code drops much as i hit F5 30 codes will be gone before your brain can even send a synapse to snap your fingers

sorry to jump off-topic..but get over it..its not like facebook invented social networking..they just streamlined stop being a hipster and hating it to be cool cause every other hipster dumps on facebook just so they have something to hate.before that it was myspace, and before that it was networking isn't going away..just jump off your high chair and stop being a child and come up with a better pun than
"faceshit"..cause believe it or not, vulgarity doesn't always mean funny..i myself dont care for facebook either.if i have something to tell my friend.i'll call them and tell them i use it simply for info on upcoming games and contests..but its life and me complaining about it wont make it go away..

..makes me wonder if there were hipsters in the past..."Man fuck Edison and his stupid electricigay, candles are way better cause they are retro"

Edit:let me put this here for you. since you were to afraid to do it yourself and had to PM me. Afraid others agree with me much..Racist too.ouch.FYI I'm as white as white can be buddy

also.they can share my info all they want.if you had read my post.I use facebook for free digital download they can share my info all they want cause the only part of it thats real is my email..which raises questions to your point..if they are indeed sharing my info..why is my spambox empty?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='pepce']I never win these code drops much as i hit F5 30 codes will be gone before your brain can even send a synapse to snap your fingers

sorry to jump off-topic..but get over it..its not like facebook invented social networking..they just streamlined stop being a hipster and hating it to be cool cause every other hipster dumps on facebook just so they have something to hate.before that it was myspace, and before that it was networking isn't going away..just jump off your high chair and stop being a child and come up with a better pun than
"faceshit"..cause believe it or not, vulgarity doesn't always mean funny..i myself dont care for facebook either.if i have something to tell my friend.i'll call them and tell them i use it simply for info on upcoming games and contests..but its life and me complaining about it wont make it go away..

..makes me wonder if there were hipsters in the past..."Man fuck Edison and his stupid electricigay, candles are way better cause they are retro"

Edit:let me put this here for you. since you were to afraid to do it yourself and had to PM me. Afraid others agree with me much..Racist too.ouch.FYI I'm as white as white can be buddy

also.they can share my info all they want.if you had read my post.I use facebook for free digital download they can share my info all they want cause the only part of it thats real is my email..which raises questions to your point..if they are indeed sharing my info..why is my spambox empty?[/QUOTE]

Wow, this sure is interesting. First of all, Facebook doesn't sell your personal info to outside companies, that would cause quite a scandal for them and would be front page headlines in virtually all global media. Second of all, Facebook has 800 million active users, that sure is quite a lot of "hipsters" in the world. And third of all, Facebook is used by "real friends", practically everyone I know uses Facebook, and that is quite a list. You sure could learn some manners there dotCody, and you sound like an 80 year old ignorant ass-hat too. I hate it when this kind of ignorance exists in the internet. It just like the people who say things like Halo Sucks, or Call of Duty sucks, or Battlefield sucks, just because you dislike something doesn't mean it "sucks", and when it's pretty highly rated, the problem is probably somewhere on your end.
[quote name='dotCody']Does anyone remember when Faceshit didn't rule the world?[/QUOTE]

You mean when you were getting the news from a newspaper...geez, grow up grandpa.
You kids must be new to the internet. High ratings aren't earned, they're bought. So yes it is quite possible for things to be both popular AND crappy. Of course FB sells your info, why do you think they ask for more than a name and PW? That's why I refuse the site and all foolish contests for games that require 'likes' (again, purchased popularity). And it's well known CoD sucks too but we can save that for its own topic. Finally for the one person who said this - since when has staying quiet changed anything? You alone may not affect a lot but if you believe something is wrong then you have to convince people why and create a big enough commotion that things change for the better. Too bad ignorance is what keeps things like FB and CoD popular.
[quote name='dotCody']Does anyone remember when Faceshit didn't rule the world?[/QUOTE]

Yup. Myspace took its place back then. Unless you were socially inept you probably just lived under a rock and didnt go outside.

If you dont like the service dont use it, and if you dont use the service the code drop doesnt apply to you, and save your bitching for something relevant.
[quote name='pepce']I never win these code drops much as i hit F5 30 codes will be gone before your brain can even send a synapse to snap your fingers

sorry to jump off-topic..but get over it..its not like facebook invented social networking..they just streamlined stop being a hipster and hating it to be cool cause every other hipster dumps on facebook just so they have something to hate.before that it was myspace, and before that it was networking isn't going away..just jump off your high chair and stop being a child and come up with a better pun than
"faceshit"..cause believe it or not, vulgarity doesn't always mean funny..i myself dont care for facebook either.if i have something to tell my friend.i'll call them and tell them i use it simply for info on upcoming games and contests..but its life and me complaining about it wont make it go away..

..makes me wonder if there were hipsters in the past..."Man fuck Edison and his stupid electricigay, candles are way better cause they are retro"

Edit:let me put this here for you. since you were to afraid to do it yourself and had to PM me. Afraid others agree with me much..Racist too.ouch.FYI I'm as white as white can be buddy

also.they can share my info all they want.if you had read my post.I use facebook for free digital download they can share my info all they want cause the only part of it thats real is my email..which raises questions to your point..if they are indeed sharing my info..why is my spambox empty?[/QUOTE]

Ever thought that maybe he just doesnt like FB? Why dont YOU step off your high horse and come down from the clouds. You are entitled to an opinion just like he is. Why is your opinion more important, or valid, than his? Why be a dick to people who dont share your viewpoint?

Congrats on making yourself look like an asshole. ;)

Oh yeah, BTW, the only reason businesses promote through FB is because (A) many people use it, and (B) it is very easy to quantify your exposure (ex: "I have 50,000 likes"). I personally dislike FB because they sell our information to other companies and make millions doing it. That is why my FB profile has NO real personal info about me whatsoever. I dont like FB, but it has its purpose. For all I care Mark Zuckerberg (or however you spell his last name -> the person behind FB) can go impale himself on a rubber dildo and doesnt matter to me...but FB isnt going anywhere unfortunately, so you gotta roll with it. ;)

EDIT: I am still confused as to why disliking FB makes him a "hipster douchebag"? If you think he is hating on things to make him seem cool, then that could be true...but it does not seem that way. It just seems that he dislikes FB, where you find it useful. It is just a difference of opinion. No need to call people names just because they dont share your opinion. Are we in middle-school here?
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[quote name='r3dreck']Anyhow....

been waiting for more codes but as soon as I step away from the computer is when they will post em ha[/QUOTE]

Yeah, good luck. I never get codes off FB because they are always gone too quick.
Indeed. codes need to be dropped, so I can attempt to redeem

off-topic: I agree that he is entitled to his opinion..but he gives no clear defination as to why other than they sell your info..which, honestly if your afraid of that kind of thing. You shouldn't be on the internet at all..he is just being crass to be crass and that's what makes him a hipster. hating something without any clear ideals other than to jump on the bandwagon of hating things on the internet that have popularity such as FB,Twitter,IGN..other than that, I'm going to let this drop..because we all know there is no winning an dispute on the internet and it makes us all look like children
bread's done