Big Brother 8 - Who's in?

I just watched the episode and missed 3 parts of the show due to "breaking weather announcements" - fuck. More importantly, I missed the
argument between Dick and Eric right at the point when Eric told Dick don't raise your voice at me again. Then it came back on when the HOH was announcing the nominees. What was Dick's response?

Can anybody fill in the gap?
[quote name='galvatron2k1']I just watched the episode and missed 3 parts of the show due to "breaking weather announcements" - fuck. More importantly, I missed the
argument between Dick and Eric right at the point when Eric told Dick don't raise your voice at me again. Then it came back on when the HOH was announcing the nominees. What was Dick's response?

Can anybody fill in the gap?[/QUOTE]

Eric did really well on standing ground against Dick. It pretty much shut Dick right up since he ( dick ) knew he was in the wrong. I think that whole part where Eric and Dick exchanged words helped Eric out a bit since he called out Dick for Shining the light on all the houseguests making everyone seem liek they were a suspect to who was the mystery vote.

I hope Eric doesn't get backdoored. Like I said earlier, Eric shoudl have the option to change his vote to help his cause. He pretty much knew the 2nd time America Voted for Kail he was in a bit fo trouble.

Also did anyone get that whole thing where Danielle explained aboutt he 99.9% trust in Nick thing? Did Nick know somethign about Eric? She kinda worded it like if Nick stayed in the house, Eric's lies woul dhave all come out. I didn't get this at all.

All in Spoiler Tags just in case. Don't want to ruin Sundays Show for those who didn't watch. :D
Click to fill the gap.

Dick just went on about how Eric is a liar and Dick never told a single lie in the house, challenging Eric to name one. Dick continued his tired verbal attack and Eric told him to never talk to him like that again. Dick says "Why, are you going to send me home?" and Eric says "No, I'm actually LOYAL to my alliance." But there's no real alliance anymore. Dick and Danielle shouldn't have taken it upon themselves to out the rat by keeping info from everyone else despite being 100% sure it was Eric.

The argument with Dick and Eric tonight was nothing. Wait until Tuesday to see the worst yet. Basically, take the worst argument Dick ever had with Jen and swap in Eric, then multiply it by 10.

For the most part, Eric has not been disloyal. His rogue actions are because the legion of morons living in America think the show's a popularity contest and can't for a second imagine the repercusions of their actions. Combine that with the stupid banner that CBS had 7 prior summers to figure out a way to prevent and trend of wasting votes get people nominated before an HoH is even determined. The only lies Eric really tells are ones protect his America's Player secret (probably something he's legally bound to do in order to even get any money for the tasks). CBS really has him painted into a corner. If I were Eric, I'd go into the Diary Room next vote and say "Sorry, America, you people are too ignorant to even understand the point of America's Player. I'm playing for myself from now on."
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Click to fill the gap.

Dick just went on about how Eric is a liar and Dick never told a single lie in the house, challenging Eric to name one. Dick continued his tired verbal attack and Eric told him to never talk to him like that again. Dick says "Why, are you going to send me home?" and Eric says "No, I'm actually LOYAL to my alliance." But there's no real alliance anymore. Dick and Danielle shouldn't have taken it upon themselves to out the rat by keeping info from everyone else despite being 100% sure it was Eric.

The argument with Dick and Eric tonight was nothing. Wait until Tuesday to see the worst yet. Basically, take the worst argument Dick ever had with Jen and swap in Eric, then multiply it by 10.

For the most part, Eric has not been disloyal. His rogue actions are because the legion of morons living in America think the show's a popularity contest and can't for a second imagine the repercusions of their actions. Combine that with the stupid banner that CBS had 7 prior summers to figure out a way to prevent and trend of wasting votes get people nominated before an HoH is even determined. The only lies Eric really tells are ones protect his America's Player secret (probably something he's legally bound to do in order to even get any money for the tasks). CBS really has him painted into a corner. If I were Eric, I'd go into the Diary Room next vote and say "Sorry, America, you people are too ignorant to even understand the point of America's Player. I'm playing for myself from now on."[/quote]

I wish he would vote for himself too but I hav heard that even if he wants to Vote, he is not allowed to. America's Vote is set in stone. Thats what I hve heard. It is a shame.
The Banner really messed things up
Thanks guys for filling me in. fucking CBS in Cleveland was just all over the tornado warnings in some cornfield in Shelby, Ohio. It ruined my viewing.

It's too bad that Dick and Eric are against each other right now. I like E.D. because his tactics with Jen and Kail are hilarious. It's funny that they actually work too. Jen has to go, she has been bugging me since the crying episode in week 1. If Eric can survive this week and happens to win HOH, it will be funny to see if America is playing for Eric to win or if America just wants to win it for their favorite character (like Dick or Danielle).

Also, I have to agree with everybody else. This season is seriously tainted with the airplane fly-by. It fucked Eric big time along with the other house guests later on down the line because of impulse decisions based on what they saw in the sky (especially if Kail and Jen keep escaping to bite somebody in the ass later). I would like to know who sent the plane though. I hope that comes out but I doubt it!

I also agree with Eric being able to change his vote to further his status in the game.

[quote name='crunchb3rry']Click to fill the gap.

Dick just went on about how Eric is a liar and Dick never told a single lie in the house, challenging Eric to name one. Dick continued his tired verbal attack and Eric told him to never talk to him like that again. Dick says "Why, are you going to send me home?" and Eric says "No, I'm actually LOYAL to my alliance." But there's no real alliance anymore. Dick and Danielle shouldn't have taken it upon themselves to out the rat by keeping info from everyone else despite being 100% sure it was Eric.

The argument with Dick and Eric tonight was nothing. Wait until Tuesday to see the worst yet. Basically, take the worst argument Dick ever had with Jen and swap in Eric, then multiply it by 10.

For the most part, Eric has not been disloyal. His rogue actions are because the legion of morons living in America think the show's a popularity contest and can't for a second imagine the repercusions of their actions. Combine that with the stupid banner that CBS had 7 prior summers to figure out a way to prevent and trend of wasting votes get people nominated before an HoH is even determined. The only lies Eric really tells are ones protect his America's Player secret (probably something he's legally bound to do in order to even get any money for the tasks). CBS really has him painted into a corner. If I were Eric, I'd go into the Diary Room next vote and say "Sorry, America, you people are too ignorant to even understand the point of America's Player. I'm playing for myself from now on."[/quote]
Wow, Eric is totally fucked...and on top of that, the "America's Player" vote today, will just end up doing more damage if he goes for it. His best chance would be to throw Amber under the bus and blame her for it. If he leaves wonder if they'll make someone else "America's Player"
[quote name='Rocko']I'm surprised no one else is pissed about the banner.[/quote]
It most definately sucks, it potentially ruined the season as you put it. Eric is freaked because of the banner and he's not playing as his usual calm, smart self. I'm at the point where I start to wonder if CBS did this on purpose to try to stir up the house...if not, maybe Nick somehow was able to pull it off, he did tell Daniele, "you will trust me 100% the minute I leave this house" and then, the banner appears hours after he got evicted :whistle2:k
[quote name='Rocko']I'm surprised no one else is pissed about the banner.[/QUOTE]
Are you talking about the viewers or the houseguests? There's no reason for the houseguests other than Amber and Eric to be pissed. Now they think they have information to squelch someone else's game and advance theirs.

As far as I'm concerned, it didn't ruin it for me...I'm surprised it hasn't been done earlier. This was big in the first season, and Big Brother kept chasing people inside the house each time there was a banner alert.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']It most definately sucks, it potentially ruined the season as you put it. Eric is freaked because of the banner and he's not playing as his usual calm, smart self. I'm at the point where I start to wonder if CBS did this on purpose to try to stir up the house...if not, maybe Nick somehow was able to pull it off, he did tell Daniele, "you will trust me 100% the minute I leave this house" and then, the banner appears hours after he got evicted :whistle2:k[/QUOTE]
Bingo. I thought the same thing. It's too convenient. What are the logistics of ordering a flown banner and getting to to appear right in the middle of an HOH competition?
Really though has Eric or Amber really even lied? I guess you can say Eric has lied a tiny bit to protect his America's Player status but I don't recall Amber lying at all.

I wonder if it had to do wit the whole Nick Vote thing. Where behind Nick's Back Eric and Amber we gunning for him and in front of Nick's Face they were nice and kind and said they didn't know it was him going up.
Really though has Eric or Amber really even lied? I guess you can say Eric has lied a tiny bit to protect his America's Player status but I don't recall Amber lying at all.

I wonder if it had to do wit the whole Nick Vote thing. Where behind Nick's Back Eric and Amber we gunning for him and in front of Nick's Face they were nice and kind and said they didn't know it was him going up.
Given that Eric doesn't even formally cast his vote with Julie each week I'm also pretty sure he's not allowed to go against America's Choice for his vote. If you think about it there wouldn't be much point to him being America's Player if he didn't have to vote along with the online vote. The 'twist' would be absolutely meaningless.

I expect the current challenge is going to further screw him. He'll probably have to promise the final 2 to someone that just doesn't make any sense. But he's good at making up stories to work things out. Who knows.

[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']

As far as I'm concerned, it didn't ruin it for me...I'm surprised it hasn't been done earlier. This was big in the first season, and Big Brother kept chasing people inside the house each time there was a banner alert.[/QUOTE]

Yep. I figured whoever did the banner timed it so it would occur during a live HOH comp in the hopes it would be something happening outside and BB wouldn't be able to chase everyone in. Worked out exactly as planned. As far as the logistics. The eviction happens live at a known time on TV followed by a HOH comp, so it wouldn't be hard to get it ready to fly over for that specific time.

I wonder why they didn't just put something like "ERIC IS TWIST - VOTING VIA .COM POLL"

Personally I think that banner really mucks up the season.

I think D+D's logic for coming up with Eric as the rogue vote is flawed, but they did come to the right conclusion. Why would he convince everyone Nick was the off vote the 1st time and then do a wrong-way vote again the next week when Nick was on the block and couldn't vote? Just wouldn't make sense to do that. Daniele's explanation even sounded hokey. "He [Eric] was going after Nick because he knew if he didn't go he'd be found out [as the rogue voter]. And now Nick's gone and he is found out!" What?

I thought Dick would end up convincing himself Jen was the rogue voter, but that banner, coupled with Daniele's theory pushed him to Eric. Dick is pretty easily led.

[quote name='crunchb3rry']Lol...the "Santa Monica Van Boys"[/QUOTE]

That's it! Also agree that they should have come up with some sort of retractable cover for the backyard by now.
[quote name='shieryda']I seriously thought that Eric and Dick were going to throw down last night.[/QUOTE]
It's awesome how Eric hung in there though, stood up to Dick, and eventually brought the situation back down to a simmer. He did what he absolutely had to do in that circumstance.
After the dumb move by Dick and Daniele to get Nick out, I have kinda stopped caring about the game anymore. I'll still watch it, but so many mistakes have been made by people that it just seems silly now.

Is Zach alligned with anyone, or is he just kinda floating around?

I fucking knew that
Jessica was going to spill her guts to Eric. Daniele is so stupid for trusting her.
[quote name='shieryda']After the dumb move by Dick and Daniele to get Nick out, I have kinda stopped caring about the game anymore. I'll still watch it, but so many mistakes have been made by people that it just seems silly now.

Is Zach alligned with anyone, or is he just kinda floating around?

I fucking knew that
Jessica was going to spill her guts to Eric. Daniele is so stupid for trusting her.

I'm Glad Jessica Told Eric. That gave enough time for Eric to think of shit to help him out in the situation with Dick.

Zach is aligned with no one. He was the man target for sometime but then they decided to go after other peopel instead. I really wouldn't be suprised to see Zach be in the final 2 since no one likes him. It would be an easy win for whom ever is sitting next to him in the finale.
Banky, I meant the viewers, not the houseguests.

I also thought it was funny how they came to thinking Eric was the extra vote both times. Pretty elaborate reasoning if you ask me.
Amber lied because it was her suggestion to Dustin to backdoor Nick. Dustin was floundering on his choice until Amber suggested it to him. She then told him flat out that she had no idea he was going to be nominated.

Dick is so stupid - he can't see anything other than what is directly in front of him. He is so worried about getting rid of people he perceives as liars that it is going to kill him in the end. Doesn't he realize that at some point everyone has to lie and everyone has to go home? He has a semi-tight alliance of the LNC but the in-fighting has started at least 3 weeks early because of Dick's stupidity. Who gives a shit who the rogue vote was? Seriously. They have enough votes to get Kail, Jen and Zach out but they won't and before you know it those three will have the strongest alliance in the house - and the numbers.

Oh, and Zach = Chicken George (minus the likability).
More good points. D+D would be smarter to use their belief that Eric is the rogue vote to crowbar him into the odd man out once it gets down to just the LNC.

That's basically just an alliance by default. Everyone hated Jen so she was out then Kail's 4 person alliance were stupid from the beginning and apparently everyone knew about them. (And then she just flat told everyone about them once she was on the block.) So pretty much everyone else formed a group. But yeah, once you have that dynamic ride it out while it lasts.
Here's what happened on BB After Dark...

Jen won the power of veto. Jen, Dick and Daniele have called a truce, and it seems that she joined their alliance. Kail is freaking out because she suspects she's gone this week. Dick had a big argument with Eric in front of the houseguests calling Eric out on his lies. Eric is freaking out, but Jessica keeps telling him not to worry as he is staying. Daniele and Dustin had an argument afterwards, then Dick and Dustin had an argument. Dick wants to get rid of Dustin or Amber next week. Eric was speaking with Jessica and he revealed that he thinks less of Amber because she's admitted to him that she's had 2 abortions within 6 monhts, told her boyfriend that she's had 4 abortions to piss him off, all while she's been dealing with her speed addiction...he says that she portrays herself as a religious person, but she's being a hypocrite, he said he will not use this knowledge against her, but he feels different about her. I have a feeling that Daniele is not putting Eric up but will end up putting Dustin or Amber to backdoor. Either way they still need one more vote to backdoor someone. Tension is high and even the group of Jessica, Eric, Jameka, Amber, and Dustin seem to have doubts within them and they will be splitting up into smaller groups soon.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Here's what happened on BB After Dark...

Jen won the power of veto. Jen, Dick and Daniele have called a truce, and it seems that she joined their alliance. Kail is freaking out because she suspects she's gone this week. Dick had a big argument with Eric in front of the houseguests calling Eric out on his lies. Eric is freaking out, but Jessica keeps telling him not to worry as he is staying. Daniele and Dustin had an argument afterwards, then Dick and Dustin had an argument. Dick wants to get rid of Dustin or Amber next week. Eric was speaking with Jessica and he revealed that he thinks less of Amber because she's admitted to him that she's had 2 abortions within 6 monhts, told her boyfriend that she's had 4 abortions to piss him off, all while she's been dealing with her speed addiction...he says that she portrays herself as a religious person, but she's being a hypocrite, he said he will not use this knowledge against her, but he feels different about her. I have a feeling that Daniele is not putting Eric up but will end up putting Dustin or Amber to backdoor. Either way they still need one more vote to backdoor someone. Tension is high and even the group of Jessica, Eric, Jameka, Amber, and Dustin seem to have doubts within them and they will be splitting up into smaller groups soon.

That's good stuff. Once the LNC splinters then Kail, Jen and Zach (and whoever is left between Amber and Dustin) can take over because the LNC are morons.
[quote name='JDUB X']
Eric has been Nominated and Jen is off the block. I really hope Eric stays

If Eric leaves I won't give two shits about the rest of the season. CBS are dumbfucks for doing nothing about banners. That really pisses me off.
I'm kinda thinking it might be best if Eric left. He's pretty much screwed once American's split everything down the middle either trying to help him blend back in or be troublemakers and hang him out to dry. The houseguests are going to figure out somebody's playing for America. This is the week America's Choice should have happened (week 5 every time, from what I remember) and houseguests are starting to wonder why it hasn't yet.

Once enough houseguests start crying about how there hasn't been an AC yet, one of them in there is going to get hit with a revelation. And it'll make absolute perfect sense to everyone...and ultimately result in Eric getting pushed out the door. Like I said, he's screwed.
I don't think anyone in this house is smart enough to figure out Eric is playing according to viewer's votes. They may definitely peg him for the stray votes cast, but neither individually nor collectively, they won't puzzle out why he's doing it.

I love how the banner stirred up the house and I'm happy it's blowing CBS' stupid twist. They must have borrowed The Family Guy's manitee writers to come up with the mind-numbingly dumb twists each season. Two-thirds of the "enemies" are gone and Dick & Danielle teamed up almost from the start. Now AmERICa's player might get outed. Boo-hoo. Eric could have been an interesting player on his own, but being America's player just makes him boring. They should have picked one of the dullards in the house like Amber or Zach. I'd love to see Amber cry each show when she found out what she had to do.

There's a very funny interview with my all-time favorite houseguest Evil Dr. Will Kirby. And he makes a great point that CBS should try to get more intelligent people in the game and not just lunkheads who can't play the psychological part of the game.
[quote name='javeryh']Amber lied because it was her suggestion to Dustin to backdoor Nick. Dustin was floundering on his choice until Amber suggested it to him. She then told him flat out that she had no idea he was going to be nominated.[/quote]

Just watched the ep. It was definitely Nick's family or friends who put that banner up; they were probably royally pissed their son/friend was getting ousted for no reason of his own. That's why the banner wasn't a simple outing of Eric; it was more of a justification for Nick.

That said, I'm surprised to see the banner again. I've been watching BB since Season 1, and I remember banners being flown over almost every week. Since then, nothing, which made me think that somehow CBS managed to stop all banners flying over. Seeing the banner again made me smile a bit - the first season's players had to account for them eventually, and I wouldn't be surprised to see more banners down the line this season.

Sucks for Eric being a target, though. He definitely could've made it to the final four if he was allowed to play on his own. The first episode of this season showed that he was an avid BB watcher, and he definitely knows how to play the game.
I don't really like the America's Player aspect either, and I wouldn't mind Eric leaving, but I think the banner ruined the whole point of the show.
I want Amber out...If she wins I'm going to quit BB for good. That crying, whinny, heroine addict, religious hypocrite annoys the shit out of me.

How fucked up can a chick be to do 2 abortions and fake 2 others within a year to piss off their boyfriend!?
Well, one thing they could do IMHO if Eric gets booted, is to let America vote on who should be the next America's Player. Bring them into the BB room, let them in on the gig, give them their new orders, and continue on.
[quote name='shieryda']More religious bullshit tonight. "I am your slave, God." Also, "Taste God. Taste God." What the fuck does that even mean?![/QUOTE]
At one point did she actually say, "You are my intimate lover?"
I thought she said "I am your intimate lover."

This show really pisses me off. The outside influence is just so goddamn rediculous.
Ouch! Looks like another banner made it through.

The majority of houseguests saw it and are claiming it said Kail owns her town and is filthy stinking rich. Dick's going to jump on that one, since he probably now knows why Kail was overly careful of giving up personal information in casual conversations.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Ouch! Looks like another banner made it through.

The majority of houseguests saw it and are claiming it said Kail owns her town and is filthy stinking rich. Dick's going to jump on that one, since he probably now knows why Kail was overly careful of giving up personal information in casual conversations.



CBS needs to step the fuck up and put a stop to this shit. The point of the show is that there is no outside influence, they live with only each other and can never truly confirm anything anyone is saying. What the fuck.
[quote name='phatbunbao']Did they rig Eric's final 2 promise, who the fuck would vote Jessica? I would've voted for Kail just for shits and giggles[/quote]

Some people aren't assholes, and consider Eric's game when voting for America's Player. Clearly you are not one of these people.
It's time the house turned on E.D. and Danielle. Not saying I think Eric should win it, but E.D.'s comments in the diary room after Eric was put up there show how cocky these fools have become. At first, I loved it. Now, it's time they had the tables turned on them. I just hope the rest of the house, especially Jessica, starts thinking with their head instead of he said, she said (Jessica believing Jen's comments is the dumbest thing I have seen).

I second the motion on whoever posted Evil Will's comments. The people in this house are very stupid. And Jameka's christianity, :roll:. Notice she didn't give all $250,000 in the veto competition. I thought she wasn't greedy and working for God... :roll:
Wow...I thought Jameka was religious, but I didn't think she was psycho religious...she sounded like one of those people in the middle east who blow themeselves up.

[quote name='crunchb3rry']Ouch! Looks like another banner made it through.

The majority of houseguests saw it and are claiming it said Kail owns her town and is filthy stinking rich. Dick's going to jump on that one, since he probably now knows why Kail was overly careful of giving up personal information in casual conversations.
Was that on Showtime? Who saw it?
No not on Showtime, it's usually too dark for any banners to even be read by then. I read it off a live feed update site. I think all but Eric, Kail, and one other person didn't see it.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']No not on Showtime, it's usually too dark for any banners to even be read by then. I read it off a live feed update site. I think all but Eric, Kail, and one other person didn't see it.[/quote]

Is it the pay site or something else...if its something else, mind posting a link?
[quote name='Rocko']...


CBS needs to step the fuck up and put a stop to this shit. The point of the show is that there is no outside influence, they live with only each other and can never truly confirm anything anyone is saying. What the fuck.[/QUOTE]

That hasn't been the point now for a long time. Ever since they started America's Choice questions that let the houseguest know who the popular kids were, there has been outside influence initiated by the show. And with America's Player this year, it's hard to criticize "outside influence" being a factor.

I love the randomness that the banners provide. They always stir the pot. CBS tried to get a no-fly zone instituted over the house for the second season I believe, but the FAA wouldn't go for it. All they can do is tell everyone to go inside when they see one coming.

I was surprised CBS actually showed one on TV.

There is some debate now that Eric actually "completed" his latest stunt of pledging "me and you to the end" to Jessica some 2 hours before the voting was even done. I love BB but it's far from reality. The editors do whatever they want. For weeks Dick was shown to be the guy "telling it like it is" and now (on the show) we see just what a dick he is and has been.

[quote name='Rocko']Some people aren't assholes, and consider Eric's game when voting for America's Player. Clearly you are not one of these people.[/QUOTE]

But if you don't like Eric and want to see him evicted, why not sabotage his game? Otherwise he has an extremely unfair advantage in that people watching the feeds can advise him who to target.

And have they ever clarified if he HAS to vote for who America tells him? Julie never gives him a chance to contradict the viewers wishes. I still think he was supposed to have a choice but Julie ficked up on the first vote by not asking him, and now they keep doing it to cover up the boss' wife's idiocy.
I cannot believe what went down on the POV competition. I am 1000% against ANY contestant having to give up prize money or the ability to compete in HOH competitions. That goes to the essence of the game and is completely off-base. I have no problem with the bunny suits, the funk or the slop, etc. because those are things that suck but don't put anyone at a significant disadvantage compared to the rest of the house. It's just awful. This is my second season of BB and I'm starting to get down on it already - All-Stars was WAY better so far...
I was surprised D+D really went through with the plan to backdoor Eric. Assuming the 5 (Eric, Jameka, Amber, Dustin, Jessica) stick together D+D is in some trouble. I'm not super impressed by Dick's game.

[quote name='javeryh']I cannot believe what went down on the POV competition. I am 1000% against ANY contestant having to give up prize money or the ability to compete in HOH competitions. That goes to the essence of the game and is completely off-base. I have no problem with the bunny suits, the funk or the slop, etc. because those are things that suck but don't put anyone at a significant disadvantage compared to the rest of the house. It's just awful. This is my second season of BB and I'm starting to get down on it already - All-Stars was WAY better so far...[/QUOTE]

I don't have a problem with giving up HOH comps but giving up prize money is dumb. I wonder if they are really going to stick to that should Jen win. I guess they will. But OTOH you have to have them give up something with teeth or everyone is pretty much just going to do the max. (Which might just mean those type of comps are are dumb to begin with.)
Well according to what I saw last night on Showtime...

Dick and Daniele tried to get Amber into their group, supposedly Dick had some personal information that he was going to threaten to release if she didn't vote Eric out. Well it seems like it backfired, now Jen and Amber seemed to have gotten pretty close, Jen told Amber whats up and she was telling her that she can't stand Kail any longer, that she's like a lost puppy and she can't take it anymore. Amber said that she made a promise "on her daughters life" to keep Eric, so she won't vote otherwise, and it seems that Jen thinks that Eric will stay true with Jen and Jessica, she see's herself in the finals with Eric. Meanwhile Daniele and Dick start thinking back and realizing that maybe they should have put up Amber, and that if they get HOH next week, it will be Amber and Dustin that they will be putting up. The rest of the house will want to put up Dick and Daniele...their time is coming...they screwed themselves.
[quote name='wubb']I was surprised D+D really went through with the plan to backdoor Eric. Assuming the 5 (Eric, Jameka, Amber, Dustin, Jessica) stick together D+D is in some trouble. I'm not super impressed by Dick's game.[/quote]

I agree. I think that Dick and Daniele are in serious trouble. Because of Dick's temper and Daniele not being able to let go of Nick they compromised their alliance way too early. Once Kail goes home, Eric, Jameka, Amber, Dustin and Jessica are likely going to be able to pick off Dick, Daniele, Jen and Zach. it was especially encouraging to hear both Dustin and Jameka flat out not believe what Jen told Jessica (and it really goes to show how easily Jessica can be led). In the end, I think Jessica will stick with Eric and voter Kail out. What's funny is that Jen has always been a loner and on the outside and she finally makes a move to join an alliance (definitely the wrong one) and she's still in the minority. I really like her now - she has a positive attitude and didn't seem to have any problems giving up the money.

[quote name='wubb']I don't have a problem with giving up HOH comps but giving up prize money is dumb. I wonder if they are really going to stick to that should Jen win. I guess they will. But OTOH you have to have them give up something with teeth or everyone is pretty much just going to do the max. (Which might just mean those type of comps are are dumb to begin with.)[/quote]

There has to be something else of value to give up other than prize money and HOH competitions (sleep?) - if not, then the competition is flawed from the start. Another solution might be to have everything only apply to the winner of the POV (Jen) and everyone else gets off the hook (of course you don't tell them this from the start).
Jameka was an idiot for giving up any HOH comps let alone the max of 5 but I think that goes without saying.

And yeah Daniele really wanted the veto to screw Eric but there's no way I would have given up any HOH comps or prize money in her position. I mean you're the HOH either your original picks stay or you pick somebody else, it's not the end of the world. Oh but wait you went around telling everyone your plan to screw Eric so now if you can't follow through with that you are hosed. Woops. And the only other person in the comp after the first couple rounds that wasn't on the block themself (and anyone on the block is obviously using the veto so no worries there) is Jameka. So Daniele felt she had to win it over Jameka who just a few days before was part of her LNC alliance. Doesn't that tell you you've royally fucked up?

Daniele was smart with her system of trying to not be the bottom, but also not be the top - even though it didn't fully work out. Kail seemed to be going with that on the final question as well, but that was the final one so only #1 mattered. I'd love to see Dick go before Daniele and watch what she does to stay in.

It does seem like Eric et al will be a tight 5 man alliance, but next week Eric could easily be forced to vote against them again and then the doubts will pop right back up.
[quote name='MrBadExample']That hasn't been the point now for a long time. Ever since they started America's Choice questions that let the houseguest know who the popular kids were, there has been outside influence initiated by the show. And with America's Player this year, it's hard to criticize "outside influence" being a factor.

I love the randomness that the banners provide. They always stir the pot. CBS tried to get a no-fly zone instituted over the house for the second season I believe, but the FAA wouldn't go for it. All they can do is tell everyone to go inside when they see one coming.

I was surprised CBS actually showed one on TV.

There is some debate now that Eric actually "completed" his latest stunt of pledging "me and you to the end" to Jessica some 2 hours before the voting was even done. I love BB but it's far from reality. The editors do whatever they want. For weeks Dick was shown to be the guy "telling it like it is" and now (on the show) we see just what a dick he is and has been.[/quote]

But you can't say knowing who America loves and having America tell Eric what to do to telling the houseguests "Eric is lyring, Kail is rich." They're definitely two different things, and the latter really puts a damper on the show for me. I don't want to watch Real World.

But if you don't like Eric and want to see him evicted, why not sabotage his game? Otherwise he has an extremely unfair advantage in that people watching the feeds can advise him who to target.

And if you do like Eric, why not vote for the smartest move according to his game plan? Otherwise he's making extremely idiotic decisions that will get him evicted.
[quote name='Rocko']But you can't say knowing who America loves and having America tell Eric what to do to telling the houseguests "Eric is lyring, Kail is rich." They're definitely two different things, and the latter really puts a damper on the show for me. I don't want to watch Real World.[/QUOTE]

I'm not saying they are excatly the same but they both are incidents of outside influence on the show. In BB6 when Janelle kept winning all the AC comps, that just stoked the hatred the Nerd Herd had for her because they thought she was getting favorable editing and they weren't. She was never able to even semi-get along with them until it got down to the final three.
bread's done