Big Brother 8 - Who's in?

Oh and as for the fight with Dick and Jameka that was briefly shown after HOH last night...

It was because Dick was calling Dustin out for not voting Eric out and Jameka lashed out at him and told him to stop bullying people around.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Oh and as for the fight with Dick and Jameka that was briefly shown after HOH last night...

It was because Dick was calling Dustin out for not voting Eric out and Jameka lashed out at him and told him to stop bullying people around.[/quote]

A real Christian would have turned the other cheek.:D
I'm willing to bet that Jessica puts up Zach and Dick, that way if the anyone changes the nominations, Jessica can get either Dick or Daniele out this coming week. If Dick wins, Daniele is up. If Zach Wins, Daniele is up. It's a win/win situation.
[quote name='djbooba']
I'm willing to bet that Jessica puts up Zach and Dick, that way if the anyone changes the nominations, Jessica can get either Dick or Daniele out this coming week. If Dick wins, Daniele is up. If Zach Wins, Daniele is up. It's a win/win situation.

Unless Danielle wins POV and takes Dick off. Then both of them are safe. Best bet is to put both Dick & Danielle up and one will be guaranteed to go home. (as much of a guarantee as you get on BB)
Anyone see that fight between Eric and Amber where she screamed at him. It was on the show but there's longer clips on Youtube where Jen's on the couch pulling her bunny ears down over her face so nobody sees her trying not to laugh.

I hated her when she cried at how ugly her picture is, but I did a total turnaround and hope Jen makes final two and I'd say she's tied with Jessica as my favorite. Her, Jessica, and Zack as the wildcard third would be my ideal final three. Everyone else I want to see get shitcanned. I had no problem with crazy-ass Jameka until she busted out that creepy prayer ("Taste God, taste God!" The flesh is weak! I'm the Keymaster, are you the Gatekeeper?"). I'm cool with Danielle getting a free week as long as they go after Dustin and Adolph Amber.
[quote name='shieryda']A real Christian would have turned the other cheek.:D[/quote]
I have to agree, Jameka is a fucking hypocrite and Dick was right. She should have never outed her religion. Remember when she said that all the competitions were pre-determined by God and she was just carrying out his will? Well, if she wanted to win the POV to save Eric, why wasn't she willing to put $250,000 on that board to give up if she won the million dollars? Greedy bitch, I guess $750,000 isn't enough for her, God, and her family! I'm surprised Dick hasn't laid into her about that yet for the cameras.

Although I am no longer rooting for Dick, this is going to probably be the best week now that he knows he's going up. As already stated in the after dark spoilers, he is going to go apeshit on everybody. Shades of Hurricane Howie all over again - classic. It's sad that this will most likely be the last week of his meltdowns, it really makes the show interesting.
[quote name='galvatron2k1']million dollars[/quote]
Prize is $500,000.

Unrelated, and because I'm too lazy to PM you, I got your game today. Thanks. :)
[quote name='Rocko']Prize is $500,000.

Unrelated, and because I'm too lazy to PM you, I got your game today. Thanks. :)[/quote]

So many shows, so much money flying around on TV, I can't even get the final prizes straight. Who cares? It's for God right? Half shouldn't mean anything to Ms. All Holy Jameka.

Good to see you got it, awesome!
[quote name='galvatron2k1']
So many shows, so much money flying around on TV, I can't even get the final prizes straight. Who cares? It's for God right? Half shouldn't mean anything to Ms. All Holy Jameka.

Good to see you got it, awesome![/quote]

I hear you. Her inconsistancies (I can't spell) are laughable.
On last nights BB After Dark...Amber told Jameka that she wants to be a professional motivational speaker. She said she knows a lot about drugs, love, motherhood, family, and relationships...Jameka assured her that it will happen, she said that she saw her face on a cover of a magazine, just to wait for it to happen.

Amber also revealed in last nights episode that she had a dream that she won either the power of veto or HOH and that Dick was in her dream.
Dick won POV
so she's sure that she's going to win the next HOH.

So it looks that when youre super religious you gain a psychic ability :roll:
I still find myself rooting of D&D even though Dick has become so obnoxious, maybe it's because I want them to send that meth-faced-racist-heffer packing. Does Eric have a choice whether or not to do tasks because he was supposed to flatter Dick but he chose not to so they skipped it? Also there has been a lot of debate on how the votings have been rigged and I read somewhere that Amber was told in the Diary room session before last weeks eviction to keep Eric. Bullshit if CBS is stepping in cause I doubt they'll let Dick go this week since he's the main instigator.
[quote name='phatbunbao']I still find myself rooting of D&D even though Dick has become so obnoxious, maybe it's because I want them to send that meth-faced-racist-heffer packing. Does Eric have a choice whether or not to do tasks because he was supposed to flatter Dick but he chose not to so they skipped it? Also there has been a lot of debate on how the votings have been rigged and I read somewhere that Amber was told in the Diary room session before last weeks eviction to keep Eric. Bullshit if CBS is stepping in cause I doubt they'll let Dick go this week since he's the main instigator.[/quote]
This is freaking ridiculous. America is painting Eric into a damn corner. I hate this season, although the Jameka/Amber v. Dick blow-ups are great. Can anybody fill me in on the nominations? I tivoed the episode because I wasn't home and for some dumb ass reason, 60 minutes ran over. Terrific... Now, I'm missing the all important ending.

Also, is everybody in the house scared/running away from Dick with the exception of Jameka and Amber? I love the fact that pussy Dustin waits until Dick is almost closing the door before dropping the deadbeat dad blast on him. What a crock of shit. Everytime Dick confronts him, Dustin is the first to the door and then he drops that blast. Wonderful :roll:.
[quote name='galvatron2k1']This is freaking ridiculous. America is painting Eric into a damn corner. I hate this season, although the Jameka/Amber v. Dick blow-ups are great. Can anybody fill me in on the nominations? I tivoed the episode because I wasn't home and for some dumb ass reason, 60 minutes ran over. Terrific... Now, I'm missing the all important ending.

Also, is everybody in the house scared/running away from Dick with the exception of Jameka and Amber? I love the fact that pussy Dustin waits until Dick is almost closing the door before dropping the deadbeat dad blast on him. What a crock of shit. Everytime Dick confronts him, Dustin is the first to the door and then he drops that blast. Wonderful :roll:.

Yeah I believe it was the golf that ran over and caused 60 minutes to go long.

Eric had to get Dustin nominated. Jessica nominated Dick and Daniele, but Dustin was the last key pulled.
Still hasn't been on over here in Cali. I am sickly addicted to this show...first BB I've ever watched. The strange voting for Eric has me hooked.
I just watched the episode again - or what I had tivoed.
Looks like another Jameka rant for me. I know Dick can be an ass and wear on you, but did I really see her call his mom a bitch among other things? She is a devout Christian right? Looks to me that she is dangerously approaching this fool -

Seriously, I can't wait until this "cultist" is out of the house. I think I might be back on the Dick bandwagon since he is facing impossible odds. And also the fact that Eric is just going to get screwed. He is in a no win situation even after his plea to America in the diary room. I can see why he continues to throw HOH competitions. If he ever gets it and he's part of the LNC alliance, he is fucked.
I read the stuff you wrote on the spoiler what is wrong with Jameka nothing, She is a christian just like I am and a sinner, what she said wasn't the best use of language but this Dick guy is absolutely hideous with his comments towards women and nobody criticizing him. Now hes getting payback from all the shit that he's said it, about time he gets the taste of his own medicine.
[quote name='ttriber']I read the stuff you wrote on the spoiler what is wrong with Jameka nothing, She is a christian just like I am and a sinner, what she said wasn't the best use of language but this Dick guy is absolutely hideous with his comments towards women and nobody criticizing him. Now hes getting payback from all the shit that he's said it, about time he gets the taste of his own medicine.[/quote]

Look, the video and stuff was meant to be a joke, albeit a bad one. And you are correct, what Dick says about women is horrible but he is equal opportunity. He is on Eric and Dustin too. Does that make it right, no. And he is an asshole. He also does not believe in religion, that's his own problem.

As for Jameka, the things she does and says are very hypocritical. Take Kail for instance, she was Christian too. She hid her faith so she would not be a target for it and there may be some problems with that too. However, Dick was on her for weeks and being the Christian that she was, she took it or either avoided him.

Jameka on the other hand not only confronted him but also called his mom a bitch, a deadbeat father, etc. While all that may possibly be true, Jameka is supposed to be the bigger person. Her blowing up on Dick is just as bad as what Dick is saying to her. The mom being a bitch especially got me because his mom might be dead or ill, etc. What does she have to do with anything? She also sat down while Dick was making food almost asking for something confrontational.

Jameka outed herself with her religion so that is her burden to bear. She's also the one that said she is playing for a greater cause. Being raised in the Christian faith, I know what she is doing is very suspect in many ways. If it offends some people, fine... But should a "devout" Christian act like that?
I think CBS is doing its best to turn off Christians and atheists with this cast. What a fucking mess! Is there some reason we need to be privy to every word of Jameka's or Amber's unorthodox (at the very least) prayers?

I was hoping Jameka would belt Dick just one time. Just once.
Dick has said nothing negative towards women in general, just towards those 2 annoying people in the house.

I can't wait to see the rest of the LNC turn against each other in the coming weeks. There way too much yelling and arguing between Dick, Amber and Jameka last night. I love how Amber goes to the HoH room to cry and pray, even though right before that she totally walked into (and helped instigate) a confrontation with Dick in the kitchen.

Jameka is stooping to a new low by bringing Dick's mom into the equation. I guess that's what happens when a person can't think of anything else to say in response.
All I can tell from last night's episode is that you must not be allowed to punch anyone. I can't stand Jameka and her God rants. Seriously, if there is a God he, she or it doesn't give a flying fuck about Big Brother 8.

Dick is a giant asshole but he's at least a giant asshole to your face. I'd still get rid of him this week though because I just coudn't stand another 7 days of his shit. The only thing that bothers me about him is when he calls out people for being manipulative because he is the worst offender with his scare tactics. He doesn't lie though.

I think this season kind of sucks though and I'm disappointed... it might all be because of Eric and the America's Player thing. The whole point of the show is no outside influences, right?
I still don't know how I feel about America's Player. If Eric could choose whether or not to do each task (including the vote) I'd probably like it more, but it seems he has to do some, at least the vote.
[quote name='Rocko']I still don't know how I feel about America's Player. If Eric could choose whether or not to do each task (including the vote) I'd probably like it more, but it seems he has to do some, at least the vote.[/quote]

I think he has to make an attempt at all of them. He was seriously jeopardizing his alliance by suggesting to put Dustin up considering it's a no-brainer that D&D need to go. If he could pick and choose there is ZERO reason for him to even make a half-assed attempt at it.
Well, there's the moniez.

I dunno, it just does nothing but either has him do obvious choices, so it makes no difference, or makes him do really dumb moves, which is a half-assed attempt at a twist.

Meh. I guess it'd be more interesting in 2/3 of the enemies didn't leave in the beginning and the last one teamed up.
[quote name='Rocko']Well, there's the moniez.[/quote]

yeah but he has to do 5 tasks for $10,000 or something - winning the game has a much greater value financially than any one "America's Choice" or whatever.
I think Eric has a choose on what to do besides voting ( which is lame ). I mean if he doesn't do it then he doesn't get moniez. He prolly feels if he thinks it will hurt him, I doubt he will do it.
If he could ignore every single directive what we be the point of him being America's Player to begin with?

He seems like he would have been really fun to see work without the constraints of his vote being decided for him each week. Too bad.

This last one 'Who should Eric give the silent treatment?' If you want to really fuck with him you go with Jessica. His tightest ally and the current HOH. Not speaking to her would be ridiculous. Dick would also be a fun pick. Hopefully he'd come up to Eric (maybe just to calmly talk) and then get really pissed when Eric won't respond. He'd start ranting and raving and calling Eric a wimp for just sitting there, etc.

I felt like the new LNC should have hustled up to the HOH room shortly after the comp to talk about not letting Dick rile everyone up. But I guess the two more level headed ones (Dustin and Eric) maybe don't really mind Dick causing waves since it will just solidify him as an easy choice to send home? Oh and I guess they aren't allowed in the HOH room until the show swaps it out for the new winner anyway. He can really get Jameka going.

And I have to say Dick's plan to get Eric out probably would have worked last week if Amber hadn't sworn on her daughter's life to keep him in the house. Now it could also be there was more discussion than they showed and Amber did eventually come around to sticking with Dustin, and of course Dustin would have worked harder on convincing her if he didn't just decide to go with hoodwinking her due to the aforementioned promise. But it certainly seemed like she would have evicted Eric if not for that.
On some of the tasks, Eric seems like he's just going through the motions. He'd rather not complete a task if it's going to hurt his chances of winning the $500K.

When Dustin suggested that Jessica put him up as a pawn, the look on Eric's face was priceless. I'll bet he thought "Damn, this task is going to be easier then I thought!"

I freakin' forgot to vote again!

Amber is so lame. Now she's all of a sudden forgiven Eric for threatening to reveal her big secret? After she blew a gasket on screaming at him, she's friends with him again?!
I just think it's funny that everyone watching the show knows her deep dark secret, it's just the 7 or so other people in the house who don't know (until they get out and watch the tapes.) :rofl:
[quote name='wubb']I just think it's funny that everyone watching the show knows her deep dark secret, it's just the 7 or so other people in the house who don't know (until they get out and watch the tapes.) :rofl:[/quote]

Jameka now knows about the drug use, just not about the false pregnancies and her lying to her boyfriend.
Eric mentioning it vaguely to Dick as a hammer he could drop on Amber at any time is his biggest game fuck up (not related to being America's Player) that I can think of. No idea why he decided to tell that to Dick. I guess he figured he was in tight with the guy and that wasn't going to change.
[quote name='wubb']I just think it's funny that everyone watching the show knows her deep dark secret, it's just the 7 or so other people in the house who don't know (until they get out and watch the tapes.) :rofl:[/quote]

I agree 100%. Even though Eric was smart not to say anything during Amber's tirade it would have been hilarious for him to bring it up.

"Amber, I didn't tell Dick what your secret was because you told me not to and I respect that but, um... you do realize that we are on national television and everything we say and do is being broadcast to everyone all over the country? I mean, it's not really a secret if 300,000,000 people know about it, right?"
I kind of like the AP player, it's like the hand of big brother. It's a neat twist. But Eric has made a few mistakes and I'm not sure he's the best choice for AP. Still I have to say that I avidly watch this show, even when it makes me tear out my eyebrows.
[quote name='MrGranger']Still I have to say that I avidly watch this show, even when it makes me tear out my eyebrows.[/quote]

I prefer to punch myself in the groin, but I understand the frustration.
[quote name='wubb']If he could ignore every single directive what we be the point of him being America's Player to begin with?

He seems like he would have been really fun to see work without the constraints of his vote being decided for him each week. Too bad.

This last one 'Who should Eric give the silent treatment?' If you want to really fuck with him you go with Jessica. His tightest ally and the current HOH. Not speaking to her would be ridiculous. Dick would also be a fun pick. Hopefully he'd come up to Eric (maybe just to calmly talk) and then get really pissed when Eric won't respond. He'd start ranting and raving and calling Eric a wimp for just sitting there, etc.

I felt like the new LNC should have hustled up to the HOH room shortly after the comp to talk about not letting Dick rile everyone up. But I guess the two more level headed ones (Dustin and Eric) maybe don't really mind Dick causing waves since it will just solidify him as an easy choice to send home? Oh and I guess they aren't allowed in the HOH room until the show swaps it out for the new winner anyway. He can really get Jameka going.

And I have to say Dick's plan to get Eric out probably would have worked last week if Amber hadn't sworn on her daughter's life to keep him in the house. Now it could also be there was more discussion than they showed and Amber did eventually come around to sticking with Dustin, and of course Dustin would have worked harder on convincing her if he didn't just decide to go with hoodwinking her due to the aforementioned promise. But it certainly seemed like she would have evicted Eric if not for that.[/quote]

Looks like the people did pick Jessica to get the silent treatment. I've also read that she's invited Eric to spend the night in the HOH room on more than one occassion and he has refused. Pansy.
[quote name='Ricochet']
Looks like the people did pick Jessica to get the silent treatment. I've also read that she's invited Eric to spend the night in the HOH room on more than one occassion and he has refused. Pansy.

That because
he's gay.
[quote name='shieryda']Dick has said nothing negative towards women in general, just towards those 2 annoying people in the house.[/QUOTE]
Uh, Jen, Kail, Amber, Kameka. He's trashed every woman in there except for Jessica (who he thinks is cute) and his daughter. And Carol but she wasn't around long enough to meet the real Dick.
[quote name='MrGranger']I kind of like the AP player, it's like the hand of big brother. It's a neat twist. But Eric has made a few mistakes and I'm not sure he's the best choice for AP. Still I have to say that I avidly watch this show, even when it makes me tear out my eyebrows.[/QUOTE]

It's going to feel really cheap if Eric wins the whole game. On one of the feed recaps, Jen was talking about how she thought the producers were trying to pressure her in the Diary Room to keep Eric. Of course CBS cut the feed right there, but you have to wonder how far they would go to keep their last "twist" in the game.
[quote name='MrBadExample']Uh, Jen, Kail, Amber, Kameka. He's trashed every woman in there except for Jessica (who he thinks is cute) and his daughter. And Carol but she wasn't around long enough to meet the real Dick.[/quote]

I forgot about the other 2. But, like I said he's merely pointing out their individual flaws, and not being a misogynist.
[quote name='shieryda']I forgot about the other 2. But, like I said he's merely pointing out their individual flaws, and not being a misogynist.[/QUOTE]
If "pointing out their individual flaws" = "bullying weaker people around" then I agree.

Dick has only attacked the women and Dustin & Eric who are both smaller than him. He never berated Mike or Nick that way even when he wanted both of them gone.
[quote name='shieryda']That because
he's gay.

How can you tell if he's not wearing his full make-up? ;)

If he is single and Jessica has asked him to spend the night in the HOH room where they will be undisturbed and he refuses then there is something seriously wrong with him.
If America did pick Jessica as the silent treatment victim, they are clearly done with Eric. I think America has turned on him and is trying to get him out of the house. I can't for the life of me figure out who the new America's favorite to win it would be? Jessica? That's the only conclusion I could come to.

I still don't understand what Dick said that got Jameka all riled up like that. I mean, religion? I'm sure she has had to fend off attacks because of her religion before, I wonder why she flies off the handle now? No secret Dick is an atheist, so she could just say, you don't understand instead of the "You'll praise him on your death bed...":roll:

And another thing, after the fight was over and Dick walked in to talk to Jameka (just the 2 of them), maybe that was God's way of telling her to follow the Christian mission and bring God into his life??? LOL. Or at least she might have interpreted it that way. But she was just too damn pissed to care.

And I agree, I'm pretty sure that religion has no bearing on the Big Brother decision as much as Jameka thinks it does. If she is offended by Dick calling her out now, wait until she gets to see the tapes of her praying when Big Brother overlays the church music in the background. I'm sure she will love that!!!
[quote name='phatbunbao']POV results
Dick won POV, took Danielle off, Dustin nominated and probably getting backdoored

Why would they need to backdoor anyone this time...we all know that Dick is leaving.

Also, I doubt that Eric will give Jessica the silent treatment if America chose for him to ignore her, this is one of the few things that Eric does have control over and he would be stupid if he did.
[quote name='Amc5kidz']
Dustin could be gone. Dick has Danielle, Jen, Zack, and probably America's Vote (Eric) .

Oh crap...I forgot about that...I hope he doesn't get screwed but that seems like the likely scenario.
[quote name='Amc5kidz']
Dustin could be gone. Dick has Danielle, Jen, Zack, and probably America's Vote (Eric) .

Wow, that would be a surprising turn of events.
I wonder if Eric could spin himself out of that one. Maybe he could go back to Dick and say, I have been loyal the entire time even if I told you differently. This may make the game even more watchable.
Eric needs to be a man and realize that he shouldn't vote off Dustin. He was just supposed to get them nominated.
bread's done