Big Brother 8 - Who's in?

[quote name='MrGranger']Eric needs to be a man and realize that he shouldn't vote off Dustin. He was just supposed to get them nominated.[/quote]

How is Eric supposed to vote when he goes into the diary room and Julie says - "We already know your vote Eric, do you have anything to say to America?" If he was allowed to change his vote, I'm sure he would have done it multiple times by now.

For the record, HE is not voting - period!
Ap Vote
it's probably Jessica, I don't know how long the silent treament supposed to last but he could just sleep through or tell people he lost his voice or has a sore throat and doesn't feel like talking to anyone.
[quote name='Amc5kidz']
Dustin could be gone. Dick has Danielle, Jen, Zack, and probably America's Vote (Eric) .

I'm crossing my fingers for this. My only worry is Jen's vote. They need to mix things up because the show in it's entirety is failing IMHO. This is my first season to get into this only because of the BBAD on SHO2 and if this is what the first 7 were like CBS has some issues. They need to rattle more cages, whether it be more "America" involvement or something because 75% of the show is full of boring shit. These past few weeks have had there moments, but like Dick says "No one should feel safe". Hopefully "America" votes to evict one of the "Good People":puke:
[quote name='neudog']I'm crossing my fingers for this. My only worry is Jen's vote. They need to mix things up because the show in it's entirety is failing IMHO. This is my first season to get into this only because of the BBAD on SHO2 and if this is what the first 7 were like CBS has some issues. They need to rattle more cages, whether it be more "America" involvement or something because 75% of the show is full of boring shit. These past few weeks have had there moments, but like Dick says "No one should feel safe". Hopefully "America" votes to evict one of the "Good People":puke:[/quote]

Erm, if this is your first season, how exactly would you know the show is failing?

That aside, yes, this season is weak compared to the past IMO.
[quote name='Rocko']Erm, if this is your first season, how exactly would you know the show is failing?

That aside, yes, this season is weak compared to the past IMO.[/QUOTE]

I saw a good majority of Seasons 1 and 2, but not every episode. I was deployed for Seasons 3 and 4 and I just didn't even try to get into 5-7. Don't get me wrong BB8 isn't all that bad there is some enjoyment watching it, but it seems that CBS feels safe due to the ratings are probably high because of no competition for BB. This show would not last in the Fall line up and that is why CBS keeps it at the end of the summer line up. They should throw some curve balls into the house to rattle these alliances that aren't sturdy. Danielle started something sweet last week, but now everyone places it on the back burner. It blows my mind how the "Good People" remember things like Eric's lies and various other things, but they never use them at the right time or just blow them off for a later date. The "Good People" are so out there with there reads from the game it is hilarious. These people don't have a Clue.
Have HoHs from previous seasons allowed other house guests to just go and chill in the HoH room when they're not there? That's just weird. I wouldn't want those assholes laying on my bed and getting their greasy hair and tears all over my pillow!
[quote name='shieryda']Have HoHs from previous seasons allowed other house guests to just go and chill in the HoH room when they're not there? That's just weird. I wouldn't want those assholes laying on my bed and getting their greasy hair and tears all over my pillow![/quote]

QFT!!! People just laying around in your bed doing who knows what while you are not there, that would piss me off. Good catch on that!
In prior seasons HoH's let others sleep in there if they had the crappy beds in the house, back when there were no evictions yet to free up the good beds. I think it began a season way back where a houseguest had to sleep on the floor.
If what I've read on here is true, I am very pleased with this new turn in the game. If it turns out this way, next week should be very interesting.
[quote name='galvatron2k1']How is Eric supposed to vote when he goes into the diary room and Julie says - "We already know your vote Eric, do you have anything to say to America?" If he was allowed to change his vote, I'm sure he would have done it multiple times by now.

For the record, HE is not voting - period![/quote] bad.
From what I saw on tonights BB After Dark...
Dick is planning to start an alliance with Eric and Jessica, an agreement where they wouldn't put each other up till the end of the game...In return, they would save Dick, get rid of Dustin, then Jameka, Amber & Jen, and then its all up for grabs...Daniele is reluctant to do this since she seems to hate Eric pretty bad still but it seems that she will go along with it if Dick can pull it off

On a funny note...Jessica walked into the HOH bathroom to brush her teeth and saw Eric naked...Eric is embarassed around her, this is probobly why some people thought Jessica was the choosen one for Eric to ignore, which was not the case, he's still very friendly with her and he's telling her "I showed you mine, now you show me yours". Jessica is easily the hottest chick on the season. Everytime I see her in a bathing suit I wish I had control over the cameras :drool:
[quote name='LinkinPrime']From what I saw on tonights BB After Dark...
Dick is planning to start an alliance with Eric and Jessica, an agreement where they wouldn't put each other up till the end of the game...In return, they would save Dick, get rid of Dustin, then Jameka, Amber & Jen, and then its all up for grabs...Daniele is reluctant to do this since she seems to hate Eric pretty bad still but it seems that she will go along with it if Dick can pull it off

On a funny note...Jessica walked into the HOH bathroom to brush her teeth and saw Eric naked...Eric is embarassed around her, this is probobly why some people thought Jessica was the choosen one for Eric to ignore, which was not the case, he's still very friendly with her and he's telling her "I showed you mine, now you show me yours". Jessica is easily the hottest chick on the season. Everytime I see her in a bathing suit I wish I had control over the cameras :drool:[/quote]

If Dick ends up staying, this will be the most twisted Season of Big Brother ever.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Jessica is easily the hottest chick on the season. Everytime I see her in a bathing suit I wish I had control over the cameras :drool:[/quote]

[quote name='LinkinPrime']From what I saw on tonights BB After Dark...
Dick is planning to start an alliance with Eric and Jessica, an agreement where they wouldn't put each other up till the end of the game...In return, they would save Dick, get rid of Dustin, then Jameka, Amber & Jen, and then its all up for grabs...Daniele is reluctant to do this since she seems to hate Eric pretty bad still but it seems that she will go along with it if Dick can pull it off

On a funny note...Jessica walked into the HOH bathroom to brush her teeth and saw Eric naked...Eric is embarassed around her, this is probobly why some people thought Jessica was the choosen one for Eric to ignore, which was not the case, he's still very friendly with her and he's telling her "I showed you mine, now you show me yours". Jessica is easily the hottest chick on the season. Everytime I see her in a bathing suit I wish I had control over the cameras :drool:[/quote]
Yeah she seemed really reluctant at first. I can see this working however. If it doesn't Dick is still most likely safe this week. If he takes Danielle off the block and Eric talks Jessica into putting Dustin up then Eric has to vote for Dustin via AP. Then add Dick, Jen, and Zach and Dustin is out. So Dick really needs to work on making sure he has Jen and Zach's vote, IMO.

Has anyone else noticed that when Amber sees she is on camera she plays with her necklace. I know it's probably just telling her kid or boyfriend she loves them, but I couldn't help but notice it.
[quote name='SIUfan']
Yeah she seemed really reluctant at first. I can see this working however. If it doesn't Dick is still most likely safe this week. If he takes Danielle off the block and Eric talks Jessica into putting Dustin up then Eric has to vote for Dustin via AP. Then add Dick, Jen, and Zach and Dustin is out. So Dick really needs to work on making sure he has Jen and Zach's vote, IMO.

Has anyone else noticed that when Amber sees she is on camera she plays with her necklace. I know it's probably just telling her kid or boyfriend she loves them, but I couldn't help but notice it.[/quote]

That's only when she's voting during the evictions, though, right? It's symbolic, because I think she's verifying with Jesus that she made the right decision.
[quote name='Rocko']Wow, wow, and did I mention wow?

Jessica is so easily swayed, it's ridiculous.[/quote]

yeah, she must be fun to date.
Jen fed her a pile of crap and she ate it. I gotta wonder if Jen was working her. Maybe not, since both sides of the house seem to be leaving Jen out of the loop.
Dustin going out this week would be the best thing to happen to this show for this season if they follow through! The look on his face is going to be priceless!

And Dick officially makes this show for me. "Hallelujah, thank you Jesus" from an atheist was hilarious.
[quote name='javeryh']yeah, she must be fun to date.[/QUOTE]
Now I kinda feel bad for her. I really didn't like her at first, but I dunno, the fact she was so easily swayed and's actually rather sad.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Now I kinda feel bad for her. I really didn't like her at first, but I dunno, the fact she was so easily swayed and's actually rather sad.[/quote]

Jessica and Jen are my favorite contestants and I couldn't stand either of them at first. Oh, and I was serious when I said she must be fun to date - she'd just do whatever you told her to do. :drool:
We're still voting so maybe enough people will vote to get Eric to vote Dick off? I think it's been Dick's friends voting lately so there isn't much of a chance that's going to happen...but it could.
For those watching After Dark:

So is Zach just filling Jessica with shit or do you think he's going to vote Dick out. I thought Zach was with D & D. Since Eric has to vote for Dustin if Danielle and Jen and Zach vote, Dustin is gone! What is he thinking? I really hope he's just bs'ing her. Dustin needs to go, IMO.
Zack probably doesn't care who goes. If Dustin goes, he gets a stronger alliance with Dick, Danielle, maybe Jen. If Dick goes, he gets another couple free weeks after the other side decides it's time to put up Dustin and Eric in order to remove a loose canon.

Zack may be just convincing her that he hates Dick. So that when Dick approaches her and Eric to join Zack in teaming up with D&D, it looks like Zack wasn't aware of that plan ahead of time. Last night he said he's going to play dumb, let Dick pitch his idea to Eric and Jessica, then let her come to him and tell him to change his vote. Zack's issue is that he promised to vote out who she told him to. So him and Dick have to set it up so that Jessica tells him to switch his vote from Dick to Dustin. Jessica might go for that deal. Amber and Jameka make for pisspoor comrades. Better for her and Eric to go to Team Asshole than get backstabbed on Team Jesus.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']
Zack probably doesn't care who goes. If Dustin goes, he gets a stronger alliance with Dick, Danielle, maybe Jen. If Dick goes, he gets another couple free weeks after the other side decides it's time to put up Dustin and Eric in order to remove a loose canon.

Zack may be just convincing her that he hates Dick. So that when Dick approaches her and Eric to join Zack in teaming up with D&D, it looks like Zack wasn't aware of that plan ahead of time. Last night he said he's going to play dumb, let Dick pitch his idea to Eric and Jessica, then let her come to him and tell him to change his vote. Zack's issue is that he promised to vote out who she told him to. So him and Dick have to set it up so that Jessica tells him to switch his vote from Dick to Dustin. Jessica might go for that deal. Amber and Jameka make for pisspoor comrades. Better for her and Eric to go to Team Asshole than get backstabbed on Team Jesus.

I certainly hope so. My problem is I don'tget to see the aired shows due to work. All I mainly see is the After Dark shows, so I kind of have to fill in the blanks.
[quote name='Will']Id say I wanna bone Jen so bad it not even funny but id prob drop my load before getting down to it.....[/quote]

Well that's lovely.
The America's Vote could really mix things up this week. Out of everyone in the house the vote went for Eric to get Dustin nominated so it could very well go for him to vote Dustin out this week. That would be 4-2 and Dustin leaves if Zach and Jen both vote with Daniele as a block. Dick's reaction will be insane if that happens.
Very true. And I think most people will be convinced Eric was the off vote this time. You already have Daniele who thought it was him before and now this time you'd know it was either Jameka, Amber, or Eric. Jameka is adamant that she doesn't lie and votes how she says she will and has the whole religious thing. Amber also says she never lies and voted to keep Eric even when she probably didn't want to because she promised to do it. (Plus Dustin is her biggest ally.) Out of those three I think you'd have to pick Eric as the rogue vote.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Jen fed her a pile of crap and she ate it. I gotta wonder if Jen was working her. Maybe not, since both sides of the house seem to be leaving Jen out of the loop.[/quote]

I'm curious about that, as well. I wonder how she came up with the idea all by herself?
Dustin is definitely going home. He needs 4 votes and Zach, Daniele and Jen are definitely going to vote for Dustin. Eric will have to vote him out based on America's Choice. The only way Dustin can be saved is if America votes for Dick to go and Jessica breaks the tie. You know CBS isn't going to allow that to happen, right? The votes could be 10-1 in Dustin's favor and CBS will just say America voted to keep Dick - I mean who's going to really challenge it? It's a cheap way for CBS to manipulate the game for the sake of ratings.
Oh, and it's too bad Dick didn't pull the 'magic pingpong ball' last night. He was truly living up to his name, but damn that would have been funny.
Some supposedly shitcanned 2nd shift Big Brother crew member leaked all over the CBS boards what is going to happen tonight on the show, and it's HUGE! Spoiler below but DO NOT click it if you want to be surprised. It spoils EVERYTHING...assuming this is true. This all might be a hoax, but it makes a lot of sense for multiple reasons.

This is your second warning, do not click if you hate gargantuan spoilers
Whoever is leaking this claims 3 people will be on the block tomorrow and 2 will leave. Eric will be released from his duties but will be outed as America's Player and given a week of immunity and no attempt at HoH (but America continues to vote from here on out). Then there's a double eviction. The person Eric has to vote for goes home with no other houseguests voting (the leaker claims the polls ended with Dustin in the lead), there's a HoH competition, winner of HoH nominates two people immediately, houseguests vote live and each is asked by Julie to answer a question related to some clues they all got today by costumed visitors to the house the day before. Whoever answers with the correct phrase picks a former houseguest to return. Dick is the only one who has said the phrase repeatedly, since the clues point toward the phrase and he found something on the floor the other day that CBS planted in the house that has the answer on it. He shared the answer with Danielle. Which means Nick might come back. Unless both him and Danielle are placed on the block, since Eric will be immune. And in that case the other houseguests probably won't know the answer.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Some supposedly shitcanned 2nd shift Big Brother crew member leaked all over the CBS boards what is going to happen tonight on the show, and it's HUGE! Spoiler below but DO NOT click it if you want to be surprised. It spoils EVERYTHING...assuming this is true. This all might be a hoax, but it makes a lot of sense for multiple reasons.

This is your second warning, do not click if you hate gargantuan spoilers
Whoever is leaking this claims 3 people will be on the block tomorrow and 2 will leave. Eric will be released from his duties but will be outed as America's Player and given a week of immunity and no attempt at HoH (but America continues to vote from here on out). Then there's a double eviction. The person Eric has to vote for goes home with no other houseguests voting (the leaker claims the polls ended with Dustin in the lead), there's a HoH competition, winner of HoH nominates two people immediately, houseguests vote live and each is asked by Julie to answer a question related to some clues they all got today by costumed visitors to the house the day before. Whoever answers with the correct phrase picks a former houseguest to return. Dick is the only one who has said the phrase repeatedly, since the clues point toward the phrase and he found something on the floor the other day that CBS planted in the house that has the answer on it. He shared the answer with Danielle. Which means Nick might come back. Unless both him and Danielle are placed on the block, since Eric will be immune. And in that case the other houseguests probably won't know the answer.

Holy. Shit.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Some supposedly shitcanned 2nd shift Big Brother crew member leaked all over the CBS boards what is going to happen tonight on the show, and it's HUGE! Spoiler below but DO NOT click it if you want to be surprised. It spoils EVERYTHING...assuming this is true. This all might be a hoax, but it makes a lot of sense for multiple reasons.

This is your second warning, do not click if you hate gargantuan spoilers
Whoever is leaking this claims 3 people will be on the block tomorrow and 2 will leave. Eric will be released from his duties but will be outed as America's Player and given a week of immunity and no attempt at HoH (but America continues to vote from here on out). Then there's a double eviction. The person Eric has to vote for goes home with no other houseguests voting (the leaker claims the polls ended with Dustin in the lead), there's a HoH competition, winner of HoH nominates two people immediately, houseguests vote live and each is asked by Julie to answer a question related to some clues they all got today by costumed visitors to the house the day before. Whoever answers with the correct phrase picks a former houseguest to return. Dick is the only one who has said the phrase repeatedly, since the clues point toward the phrase and he found something on the floor the other day that CBS planted in the house that has the answer on it. He shared the answer with Danielle. Which means Nick might come back. Unless both him and Danielle are placed on the block, since Eric will be immune. And in that case the other houseguests probably won't know the answer.

I'll admit that this is semi-interesting but it goes against one of my biggest gripes about reality shows -
once you are voted out by the people in the game you should NEVER be allowed back. Never. It goes against the fundamental principles of a reality show where people get voted out. It's inherently not fair that someone who wasn't good at the game can have a second chance and possibly win despite getting voted out early on. It's just weak.

If Nick comes back he gets the benefit of not having to interact with everyone for a few weeks (since the more time they spend together the more they hate each other). Plus, the house collectively thought it was a good idea to break up his alliance with Daniele and if he comes back so will the alliance and it will be even stronger since there are less people in the house. I'm getting angry just typing this. It's fucking weak.
[quote name='javeryh']I'll admit that this is semi-interesting but it goes against one of my biggest gripes about reality shows -
once you are voted out by the people in the game you should NEVER be allowed back. Never. It goes against the fundamental principles of a reality show where people get voted out. It's inherently not fair that someone who wasn't good at the game can have a second chance and possibly win despite getting voted out early on. It's just weak.

If Nick comes back he gets the benefit of not having to interact with everyone for a few weeks (since the more time they spend together the more they hate each other). Plus, the house collectively thought it was a good idea to break up his alliance with Daniele and if he comes back so will the alliance and it will be even stronger since there are less people in the house. I'm getting angry just typing this. It's fucking weak.

Agreed. Once you're gone, you should stay gone. They've never done anything like this before in BB, have they? Not sure why they'd start now.
[quote name='shieryda']Agreed. Once you're gone, you should stay gone. They've never done anything like this before in BB, have they? Not sure why they'd start now.[/QUOTE]

Yeah... they've done it before.

Kaysar from season 6 was voted back in (By popular viewer vote). I think they had houseguests return in earlier seasons, too.

Edit: In season 3, as 1 of the first 4 evicted players, Amy was voted back in by the other houseguests.
The houseguests have a habit of putting aside all differences and go right after any players that return. So if anyone comes back, their days are numbered.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Some supposedly shitcanned 2nd shift Big Brother crew member leaked all over the CBS boards what is going to happen tonight on the show, and it's HUGE! Spoiler below but DO NOT click it if you want to be surprised. It spoils EVERYTHING...assuming this is true. This all might be a hoax, but it makes a lot of sense for multiple reasons.

This is your second warning, do not click if you hate gargantuan spoilers
Whoever is leaking this claims 3 people will be on the block tomorrow and 2 will leave. Eric will be released from his duties but will be outed as America's Player and given a week of immunity and no attempt at HoH (but America continues to vote from here on out). Then there's a double eviction. The person Eric has to vote for goes home with no other houseguests voting (the leaker claims the polls ended with Dustin in the lead), there's a HoH competition, winner of HoH nominates two people immediately, houseguests vote live and each is asked by Julie to answer a question related to some clues they all got today by costumed visitors to the house the day before. Whoever answers with the correct phrase picks a former houseguest to return. Dick is the only one who has said the phrase repeatedly, since the clues point toward the phrase and he found something on the floor the other day that CBS planted in the house that has the answer on it. He shared the answer with Danielle. Which means Nick might come back. Unless both him and Danielle are placed on the block, since Eric will be immune. And in that case the other houseguests probably won't know the answer.

WTF, this is definately going to make things, can we say, interesting. I thought it was going to be a big enough turn of events with Dustin getting voted out, little alone all this.
Keep in mind, this could all very well be an elaborate hoax. So if none of the above happens, I give you all permission to point and laugh at me.

Even without this supposed twist, Eric and Jessica have decided to bail and team up with Dick and Danielle. The leaker said Eric knows his America's Player status will end, although he probably doesn't know about Dustin having the highest votes or that he will be the solitary vote for the first eviction. Eric will probably need Dick's help anyway once the truth is revealed about AP. Surprisingly, I imagine Dick will be the most understanding once they all find out why Eric has been voting funny.
bread's done