Biggest CAG Shopping News 2010

Kmart, because the threads got so massive they were crashing the site. Josh came out of no where, I think he should also win the "Come Back Player of the Year" presented by Viagra.
I'm going to vote Game Crazy/HWV shutting down, obviously.

I had heard rumors that they were upset about me posting the ads online, but dang, they didn't have to shut the whole company down because of it..
Kinect pricing is a close second, but SHC-Gamer simply appealed to me much more, gotta love that coupon train.
Watching Game Crazy die. I work directly behind a former Game Crazy and it was great to walk over there and pick up reserves on my break. Or even just talk to employees and play shit that they brought in to play.
Going with KMart, even if I haven't really partaken in their deals. Why? Because there was actually DEALS at KMart for the first time in ages. Other than clearance, there was no reason to go there for games. Now it's become a viable player in the new game deal wars. Especially with the rolling credits from buying a new game.
[quote name='dafunkk12']I only started visiting Kmart for their gaming deals last year, so I don't know if they started their new efforts in 2009. Otherwise, I'd say nobody expected Kmart to cater directly to video game deal hunters, and none of us expected to ever step into one in the new millennium. They've definitely stolen my business from many of the usual online/b&m retailers.

I fully expect them to get nominated in the Best B&M Retailer category, but I also think they deserve recognition for busting things up and becoming a real player.[/QUOTE]

Word! I agree!
bread's done