Biggest Gaming Pet Peeve


That's Vagtastic!
13 (100%)
I'm playing Assassins Creed right now and falling deeper and deeper in love, however I discovered that Altair (the main character) cannot swim. I can scale gigantic buildings, leap five foot gaps then stab someone in the throat, and even take on ten enemies at once...but I can't swim?

Why do developers do things like this? I mean so far that's the only problem I've found in the game...and maybe the fact that you can blend into a group of monks with a sword on your hip and arrows at your back.

What little things make you guys cringe in your favorite Xbox games? From invisible walls to lack of a mini-map, don't pull any punches.
Well from what I read, the developers of the game had swimming in this game at one point but took it out because they thought it wasn't as stealthy as climbing a 3 story building.
[quote name='Ragekod']Well from what I read, the developers of the game had swimming in this game at one point but took it out because they thought it wasn't as stealthy as climbing a 3 story building.[/quote]

I guess I can understand that. Maybe if Altair could grab onto the boat so you don't get a insta-death. I dunno. Not a big deal, still an awesome game.

[quote name='Malik112099']my pet peeve:

When you take a tri-burst to the face there is no such thing as last stand.[/quote]

Idiots that play online. Someone told me when I was playing COD4 that I should go play Metal Gear because I was being all stealthy. I was the last one alive too on Search and Destroy.
LAG... It ruins all online shooters.

Hosts have a 100-400ms advantage over everyone... people who live closer to the host have an advantage over you.

Dedicated servers would help. In this case, whoever lives closest to the server still has an advantage over you though.

Other then that, games with tiny ass font and ALL the announcers in Burnout games. I don't care what alleged witty insight you have or want to share, I just want you to SHUT UP AND LET ME PLAY HOW I WANT OR BETTER YET TELL ME SOMETHING OF USE LIKE HOW TO ACTUALLY DO A GODDAMN USEFUL TRICK WHEN I NEED IT.
[quote name='Nealocus123']I can scale gigantic buildings, leap five foot gaps then stab someone in the throat, and even take on ten enemies at once...but I can't swim? [/QUOTE]

I have a similar pet peeve. The other day I was playing the Turok demo and I was trying to find my way through the jungle. For some reason I couldn't find the path forward and I kept getting blocked by these lame bushes. So I can kill a dinosaur with my knife, but I can't make my way through a friggin' bush?
Games that make you go ridiculously far back if you die (I'm looking at you Mass Effect)

I fixed this by manually saving, but still. STUPID DESIGN.
[quote name='Malik112099']my pet peeve:

When you take a tri-burst to the face there is no such thing as last stand.[/QUOTE]
Follow up your shots.
Games that you have to dive underwater are bad and the fact that you have gills or something since you don't need to surface.
I use southpaw legacy (inverted) control scheme for 1st and 3rd person shooters, but it seems half of these games don't even include the option to change the analog stick layout. Seriously, what the hell developers. How much time could it possibly take to add support for something so mundane as that? I've made the decision in the past to skip a game purchase after playing the demo because for the lack of this control option.
Games that expect you to replay them over and over , spoon feeding you the content .
Timed games .
Games that grade you .
Games that rely on combo's and their memorization of them .
About Assassin's Creed: In that time only a few people knew how to swim. It makes some sense, while it got me pretty mad at one time in the game.

My pet peeve is aliens. We have plenty of possible scenarios on earth, no need to ruin a game's realism with freakin' outsiders. It's not much but I hate it!

There's also invisible walls and highly scripted events à la Call of Duty 1/2/3. I remember crossing the whole demo level in CoD3 simply by running from a checkpoint to another without shooting. It totally f'd up the thing and germans disappeared behind me, heh. Same thing happened quite often in the first CoD.:roll:

OH! And the retarded survivors from Dead Rising... that could've been a GoTY... GAH!

Oh and also the quitters... those sons of a... AND shotgun-to-face shots that doesn't kill.

Something funny is that you can often kill people by repeatedly shooting them in non-lethal places such as toes. Heh.

Great thread BTW
Timed missions.

Grading systems that keep me from getting content that I paid for.

MISSABLE Content. "Oh, gee, guy, you should have traded that Geo Napkin with the Cat Girl back on the first island for the Portable Hickey /before/ the first dawn. Now you can't get all these weapons!"

ESCORT MISSIONS. The AI and the stupid and hurting... GRRAAhhhah... I'm looking at you Second Sight.
hosts ending multiplayer matches either right at the start or like 2 minutes in. whats the fucking point? why wold you even start a game if your gunna leave after 30 fucking seconds?
The cover system in Gears. It's a pain in the ass to get stuck to the wall. I remember being on a wall and diving out about 5 times without getting off of the damn wall.

Assassin's Creed- After you beat it, there's no free roam feature. You just go back to a level and whatch a 50 hour cut seen(?).
Timed missions/parts of a game. I absolutely hate anything with a timer counting down. IDC if I have an hour to complete it. This gets me stressed out to sit there watching the timer slowly go down.

Escort missions, where the person your escorting has super crappy AI or doesn't have any weapons.
[quote name='DougCL']hosts ending multiplayer matches either right at the start or like 2 minutes in. whats the fucking point? why wold you even start a game if your gunna leave after 30 fucking seconds?[/quote]

Yeah, and they generally have you waiting for ages before starting it. Instant negative feedback with the appropriate voice message:bomb:
I hate invisible walls/ceilings/etc. Developers should put at least a solid object...which is still better than an invisible wall.
Timed missions can suck the fun out of a game pretty fast, but so can escort missions with brainless NPCs. *shiver*

Also hate JRPGs and their incessant re-coloring and power-upping of creatures again and again. It's bad enough to have to fight an evil flower that throws petal daggers at you, no need to have it change colors and gain stronger attacks and hit points two hours later in a different part of the map.
Point systems for leveling up in some RPGS (FF,Phantasy Star ect ect). I HATE spending hours to just go up a level or two, just to find out the next boss needs me to be a lot higher then current stats.

I also hate bad camera angles. That can kill a game real fast for me if i can't see what I'm doing.

Games based off movies-wtf
Crappy AIs
Sequels that are released 1 year or so after the first games release and the developer doesnt change anything about the game (I'm looking at you UbiSoft and EA)
Mandatory Tutorials. Really A makes me jump, B makes me shoot, fascinating I never would have figured it out. Seriously I've played upwards of a thousand games in my lifetime, I beat every Tomb Raider game, I can figure out your shitty video game and what each button does. Make them optional so kids or other useless people can play them.

Also games I die it, they make me doubt my skills, seriously I hate that. And jumps that you only land if that back inch of your heel is on the edge before you jump, have mercy floating platforms.
This is a pretty specific one, but the interface in Mass Effect is driving me insane. I had to go to gamefaqs to find out how to throw grenades (the damn select -- er, "back" -- button). Another one that really seems counter-intuitive is how "zoom out" is mapped to X on the galaxy map when everything else is "B" to back out of a menu. Instead, B exits the entire map. I'm sure that seemed perfectly consistent when they created it, but instead, I'm constantly leaving the map when I just wanted to zoom out a level.
I can agree with alot of what you all have said. I hate timed sections just to have timed sections. If you're running from something I can understand it, but just to have timers is annoying. I enjoy exploring around games, and if I've only got 45 seconds to make it to my destination thats no fun.

That, and I hate having to play games on insane difficulties in order to unlock things. I play videogames to relax and have fun, not to curse at my television. Not to mention, after I've beat your game at the highest possible difficulty, there isn't much incentive to play it again now is there?
I am peeved at the Interfaces for all of the consoles...i think everyone of them is cumbersome to flow through. I think PS3's is the smoothest compared to the blades on the dashboard, but i don't love anyone in particular.
Boss Battles, they're just cheap and frustrating. Still, they happen to be in almost every game!! Even Guitar Hero!!! We lost our precious encores to fucking boss battles!

Also, I hate Tom Clancy games! Rainbow Six Vegas might just be the most overrated game of all time. I don't get whats so special about it.

Another thing, respawing enemies. I'm thinking about CoD4 veteran, which was a pain in the ass because every time you killed an enemy, a new one would magically spawn in place.

One last thing, Xbox Live for 360. Without a doubt, its better than Nintendo or Sony online, but for some reason, I always have trouble connecting to an online match in almost every game. This never happened to me on the original xbox and my connection hasn't changed. So some idiot at microsoft has added something that ruins my fun. I hope he dies.
Since this is in the Xbox 360 forum I'll say when the game asks where you want to save/load every time you play it, especially when you just have a hard drive and no memory cards in your 360.

To go with something more general, the fact that fewer and fewer games are including bots in multiplayer. Sometimes you just don't want to play with other people.
I hated the boss battles in GH3 as well.

My biggest peeve is when the final boss of a game considerably more difficult than anything that came before it. Seriously, I didn't spend 20-30 hours (or more) playing a game just to get my ass kicked several times on a battle by a boss who is twice as strong as you are.

[quote name='BackInBlack']I am peeved at the Interfaces for all of the consoles...i think everyone of them is cumbersome to flow through. I think PS3's is the smoothest compared to the blades on the dashboard, but i don't love anyone in particular.[/quote]

What exactly do you want out of them? Theres nothing wrong with them and they get the job done
[quote name='slickkill77']What exactly do you want out of them? Theres nothing wrong with them and they get the job done[/quote]

Yes they get the job done.

Sorry that this is my peeve?
Forced stealth missions. I HATE these things. It made sure I'll never finish Phantom Hourglass. Unless you're making a stealth game, there's no need for these annoying missions where if you get seen you have to start all over.
Kids playing stuff like Call of Duty or Gears of War online. The sound of shrill, incessant whining haunts me long after I've dispatched them with a shotgun and have moved on to another game.
[quote name='Reverenddave']I have a similar pet peeve. The other day I was playing the Turok demo and I was trying to find my way through the jungle. For some reason I couldn't find the path forward and I kept getting blocked by these lame bushes. So I can kill a dinosaur with my knife, but I can't make my way through a friggin' bush?[/quote]

I hate that. That is a huge problem in a ton of games. This happens a lot in Dementium.

A pet peeve I have is in weapon based fighting games. This started with Samurai Shodown where Haomaru slices some bamboo trees in the opening cut scene but he could slash a 100lbs chick wearing nothing but a gi and she doesn't bleed or lose a limb. And for somethign more current, Soul Calibur 4 has Darth Vader with his light saber and tha could cut through space ships but not a sword from the middle ages. Stuff like that where they pretty much negate the power of any weapon they try to build up.

And escort misisons. I have never once in my life said "Oh cool an escort mission".
I'm going to say any game with a really fun multiplayer, but a terrible multiplayer interface. What I mean by this is like how in Halo, if you want to play with a friend, they simply join your party and you're good to go, whereas in like Gears or TF2, you have to join a game and get your friend to "join session in progress." Seriously people, just copy Bungie, that shit works.
Watching a cut-scene, dying from an enemy or boss after said cut-scene, being forced to watch the cut-scene again. Seriously, why the fuck can I not skip it if I have already seen it. Come on people, this is 2008, Skip Cut-Scene options should have been a standard years ago.
Escort/defense missions. NO ONE ENJOYS THESE. STOP IT.

I couldn't believe when the entire second half of Silent Hill 4 turned into one of these. Decent game, otherwise.
I'll add unnecessary escort missions to my list as well.

Pointless 'collections' also piss me off, for example:

A good collection game IMO is Lego Star Wars because after collecting the mini-kits you get money and a cool ship, red bricks you get a cool extra option to turn on, etc.

A bad collection game is Assassin's Creed. I don't wanna spend and hour running around looking for stupid flags that do nothing for me. I haven't collected them all yet so I may be ahead of myself but I'm willing to bet I won't get shit.

Oh and lack of check points. Every game should walk in Half-Life 2's steps and create EASY ACCESS CHECKPOINTS.
[quote name='Nealocus123']
Oh and lack of check points. Every game should walk in Half-Life 2's steps and create EASY ACCESS CHECKPOINTS.[/quote]
Agreed, lack of check points piss me the hell off.

Oh look, I just died after playing the game for an hour and have to start over from when I last saved.
*turns off game, puts it on shelf forever*
[quote name='metaly']Escort/defense missions. NO ONE ENJOYS THESE. STOP IT.

I couldn't believe when the entire second half of Silent Hill 4 turned into one of these. Decent game, otherwise.[/quote]

Resident Evil 4 was, sorta, but that wasn't nearly as annoying.. hell, Soldier of Fortune: Payback was a bit fun until the escort crap.
bread's done