BIOSHOCK 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info - Pushed to 2010

hrmm freezing the doors? I am going to have to try that. I have to admit I got the grenade launcher last night and just got as high as aI could and just unloaded to the bottom, ended up with 190 soo close to winning my first match
just beat the game and man did it rock. But I got a question for you all?
Is it me or did tenenbaum have absolutely no part in the game? After the one or two messages in the beginning I was really hoping to team back up with her but you hear nothing about her. Did I maybe miss some part in the game that explained what happened to her?
[quote name='bill123']just beat the game and man did it rock. But I got a question for you all?
Is it me or did tenenbaum have absolutely no part in the game? After the one or two messages in the beginning I was really hoping to team back up with her but you hear nothing about her. Did I maybe miss some part in the game that explained what happened to her?

No, you didn't miss anything. Or else I missed it, too, because she just disappears from the game.
[quote name='bill123']just beat the game and man did it rock. But I got a question for you all?
Is it me or did tenenbaum have absolutely no part in the game? After the one or two messages in the beginning I was really hoping to team back up with her but you hear nothing about her. Did I maybe miss some part in the game that explained what happened to her?

I absolutely agree.
Tenenbaum is one of the most important characters in the history of Rapture and she is utterly shit on in this game. Tenenbaum is the catalyst that led to the ultimate destruction of Rapture. She discovered ADAM and its wondrous effects and further developed the twisted procedure for producing large amounts of ADAM, which we know involves the Little Sisters.

In Bioshock 2 we find out that, after the events of the original Bioshock, Tenenbaum left Rapture with Jack and the Little Sisters he saved and watched her Little Sisters grow older, become successful, fall in love, etc. About 10 years later, Tenenbaum learns of young girls being kidnapped along the Atlantic Coast, Tenenbaum returns to Rapture to find out what is going on.

When we meet up with her early on in the game, we find out that Dr. Sofia Lamb has picked up Tenenbaum's work where she left off and has continued her sick procedures. Tenenbaum asks for Delta's assistance in saving the Little Sisters and advises the player to take the Atlantic Express and meet up with Sinclair, an ally. At this point we have to fend off a rush of Splicers long enough for Tenenbaum to escape to safety... and we never hear from her again. Not in person, not over the radio, not even in the form of an audio log, nothing.
[quote name='Swift900']I absolutely agree.
Tenenbaum is one of the most important characters in the history of Rapture and she is utterly shit on in this game. Tenenbaum is the catalyst that led to the ultimate destruction of Rapture. She discovered ADAM and its wondrous effects and further developed the twisted procedure for producing large amounts of ADAM, which we know involves the Little Sisters.

In Bioshock 2 we find out that, after the events of the original Bioshock, Tenenbaum left Rapture with Jack and the Little Sisters he saved and watched her Little Sisters grow older, become successful, fall in love, etc. About 10 years later, Tenenbaum learns of young girls being kidnapped along the Atlantic Coast, Tenenbaum returns to Rapture to find out what is going on.

When we meet up with her early on in the game, we find out that Dr. Sofia Lamb has picked up Tenenbaum's work where she left off and has continued her sick procedures. Tenenbaum asks for Delta's assistance in saving the Little Sisters and advises the player to take the Atlantic Express and meet up with Sinclair, an ally. At this point we have to fend off a rush of Splicers long enough for Tenenbaum to escape to safety... and we never hear from her again. Not in person, not over the radio, not even in the form of an audio log, nothing.

Yeah, it's a fairly common complaint I've heard more than once on assorted forums. Either one of two things will happen - that storyline thread will go unresolved, which sucks,or that thread will be the subject of upcoming DLC, which still sucks (shouldn't have to pay for DLC to resolve lingering aspects of the game).
I'm glad you guys experienced the same thing. I was worried that I might have missed some audio logs or something that alluded to what happened with her. Hopefully a DLC wraps up what happened with her during the game.
[quote name='bill123']I'm glad you guys experienced the same thing. I was worried that I might have missed some audio logs or something that alluded to what happened with her. Hopefully a DLC wraps up what happened with her during the game.[/QUOTE]

Or maybe in Bioshock 3 we see what happened to her...
I can't seem to get myself into the multiplayer. Maybe I just haven't tried hard enough.

Really enjoyed the SP though.
Took me awhile to get into. At first, I felt like I was just grinding to get the achievements, but it grew on me. The thing I like about it is that it reminds a bit of Metal Gear Online, in that the game isn't ALL about twitch reflexes. Yeah, guys who good at shooters are still going to play well and probably beat you, but you still have a chance, because there is an element of strategy to the game, as well.
DO NOT BUY this DLC for Bioshock 2!

It's 108KB which means it's already on the disk. These crooks are charging $5 for something you should have received in the first place. Avoid this pack.
Of course it's an unlock code. Any multiplayer DLC of this nature will make it in the game on the disc or in an update. They need everyone on multiplayer to have it so that anyone with it can actually appear as a convict/playboy to anyone else.
According to another CAG who made another thread instead of just bumping this one, the DLC that came out today is just a 108kb unlock file. That stuff is already on the disc.
[quote name='Salamando3000']Of course it's an unlock code. Any multiplayer DLC of this nature will make it in the game on the disc or in an update. They need everyone on multiplayer to have it so that anyone with it can actually appear as a convict/playboy to anyone else.[/QUOTE]

This is the truth. The multiplayer skins need to be on there, or else everyone would have to download a patch to put them in the game.

It still sucks though. Not worth the money for what they're offering, but that's par for the course with most DLC.
Honestly, I couldn't possibly care less about this "issue." We all know that companies develop DLC alongside games. This is not some kind of breaking news. If it comes out a month or so after the game, it didn't just pop up out of nowhere. As long as the main game is worth my initial investment, I'm not worried about what's on the disc. If it's worth $5, I'll pay for it. If it isn't, I won't.
[quote name='Salamando3000']Of course it's an unlock code. Any multiplayer DLC of this nature will make it in the game on the disc or in an update. They need everyone on multiplayer to have it so that anyone with it can actually appear as a convict/playboy to anyone else.[/QUOTE]

2K released a statement about the uproar over the DLC and said this was indeed the reason why the content is "on the disc."

For this content, creating the DLC package the way we did allowed for us to not split the player base – so whether you purchase the new content or not, you can still play with your friends.
What's funny is that I see people trying to spin this and saying that 2K still won't admit to it being "on the disc." But simply reading the statement makes it quite clear what they are saying. And frankly, if I had to choose, I'll go with this. I have seen many MP games get all splintered and fractured due to people having various amounts of the DLC or none of it at all.
If they release DLC that actually has to be downloaded, then, or if they every update the game on the whole, their excuse is ruined.

Of course, there are so many games that do exactly that that 2K's justification is weak as hell.
[quote name='Magus8472']It'll be the last little sister in every level if you deal with all of them. If not, every third (except the one you have to fight after the first sister).

[/QUOTE] ???

I just got a Big Sister after saving the 2nd of 3 Little Sisters in Sirens Alley. I've saved every little sis thusfar & I'm playing on Hard with Vitachambers off.
I beat the game today, although it was very enjoyable it felt a bit short. The multiplayer is actually way more fun than what I expected but its still a bit laggy. I ended up not getting 100 audio logs and I also missed the weapon upgrades because I assumed at first it would be like the first Bioshock in that I would be able to freely travel around at some point, not the case. Still need to go back and beat the game on hard any way, which I won't mind at all cause the game is awesome.
So, I just beat the game and was hoping someone could clarify the ending.
When I beat the game and got the good ending, my first thought was that you (big daddy) were already dying from your injuries. So, her gathering adam from your body was a last effort to preserve you in her mind.But after I watched the alternate endings on youtube, one of the bad endings seems to imply that she kills you on purpose:
(2nd ending)

If that's the case, does it apply to the good ending? Did she purposely kill you in the good ending as well? If so, that just makes the ending even more interesting imo. It proves that she's still fucking insane in the head. :shock:

Also, I found this for $18.63 on Amazon and thought I'd share. It's pretty damn cool in my opinion:
[quote name='TheShepherdSauce']So, I just beat the game and was hoping someone could clarify the ending.
When I beat the game and got the good ending, my first thought was that you (big daddy) were already dying from your injuries. So, her gathering adam from your body was a last effort to preserve you in her mind.But after I watched the alternate endings on youtube, one of the bad endings seems to imply that she kills you on purpose:
(2nd ending)

If that's the case, does it apply to the good ending? Did she purposely kill you in the good ending as well? If so, that just makes the ending even more interesting imo. It proves that she's still fucking insane in the head. :shock:

Also, I found this for $18.63 on Amazon and thought I'd share. It's pretty damn cool in my opinion:

I cant really remember the ending that well as I played it quite awhile ago, but I thought she does it because you are dying already. Now depending on how you played during the game (Good or Evil) when she extracts your consciousness she ends up being the type of person you were during the game. If you were good during the game, she becomes good as well because of your conscience. If you were evil during the game (You were saving yourself instead of the little sisters), she would become an evil doer as well because of your conscience.

Or something like that.
I have really gotten into the Multiplayer for this game. I really didn't think I would as I never liked the COD style where you unlock weapons and such. At the beginning it was annoying due to having nothing, but I have been playing a ton (and gotten my friends into it) and level 42 now.

I bought the Metro Pack DLC and have yet to play on any of the maps in matchmaking, but 2K games say they have a patch coming that will make DLC playlists. 2K also said the next DLC will finally be single player DLC.

I highly suggest the multiplayer as it really does add to the experience of the game. All the characters have their own personality, with audio dairies to unlock - and a nice cutscene when you hit level 40.
[quote name='Nico0020']
I highly suggest the multiplayer as it really does add to the experience of the game. All the characters have their own personality, with audio dairies to unlock - and a nice cutscene when you hit level 40.[/QUOTE]

I have to agree on this point. It was very unexpected and a nice little bonus.
Is the online community for this still doing at least decent? I just got this a week ago and I wanna test the multiplayer waters when I'm done with the story.
There are still a very good amount of people playing online. Make sure to download the "free" version of the Metro Pack - The kill em kindly pack. I still play daily and almost always get full games. The only problem with online is if you bought the metro pack, you can never find the new maps. A DLC only playlist is on its way according to 2K games, it's just taking forever.
Did anyone else have problems with corrupted saves on this game? I saw on some other sites that people had problems with the game freezing while they were saving, but I was having problems with the xbox freezing when trying to load certain saves. Fortuantely I cascade my saves so I didn't have to repeat the whole game, but somehow all of my saves from the second half of Fontaine Futuristics level were corrupted. Even after I restarted from earlier in that level, any new save I made in that second half would not load. I managed to get through the rest of that section without dying, and then had no problems with corrupted saves the rest of the game (just finished it this weekend). Weird stuff.
So I finally started this over the weekend. I know I'm way late to the party but so far so good. Bioshock is one of my all time favorite games and so far this one seems to pick up right where the first one left off.

What is the best way to play through the game in order to maximize achievements? Are there any ones that you can miss and never get back too (like some of the audio diaries in the first game)?
Bioshock 2 is a lot less friendly with allowing backtracking. As a general rule of thumb, once you leave an area, do not plan on going back. This means making sure you take care of all Little Sisters, Audio Diaries, and Weapon Stations. You have some leeway on the Diaries, as you need 100, but there are around 130 iirc. Everything else though, make sure you find them.

There's a secret achievement in the Amusement Park level that involves
telekenetically throwing a golf club at a Andrew Ryan robot
. Just like the first one, there's an achievement for taking the "good" path throughout the game, but none for the "evil" path.
[quote name='javeryh']
What is the best way to play through the game in order to maximize achievements? Are there any ones that you can miss and never get back too (like some of the audio diaries in the first game)?[/QUOTE]

I just finished it this weekend and got all but 1 achievement (9-Irony) on my first play through (no guide used either).

First you have to play on hard, turn off Vita Chambers and save every little sister (there are a couple other people you have to save as well that count toward an achievement. Advice, just don't kill anyone that isn't a Big Daddy, Big Sister or Splicer and you should be good. *it should be noted* that playing on hard, w/o vita chambers and saving the little sisters is brutally hard early on. Some Big Daddy/Big Sister battles took many restarts and sometimes 30-45 minutes to win, BUT it's very satisfying when you do finish a battle. You will also run out of money often.

As Salamando said, there is a nice buffer zone on audio diaries, but I'd still recommend being vigilant about finding them. I don't think there are quite 30 extra, I'd say closer to a dozen extra. Enough that allows you to miss a few but not so many as to be lazy about searching for them. Be sure and incinerate all ice "blocks" as well as a few are hidden under ice. Weapon Upgrade stations are fairly easy to find, so finding all of them shouldn't be too difficult.

Basically, just focus on the map and saving. Make sure you visit every room, and every nook and cranny of each room. Places you haven't been to are shaded a different color tan than the rest of the map. Once you hop onto the train to get to the next "chapter" you can't go back, so make sure you have covered the entire map before moving on.

As for saving, save A LOT and keep multiple saves so you can backtrack if need be. I had probably 5 saves per area. When starting a section, I'd make 2 saves. Then as you progress through the level just save over top of one of them and if you fuck anything up as a last case scenario you can go back to that fresh save before you started doing anything. I would also start a new save each day in case something went wrong I could only go back a day's worth of work. I would also save on the train PRIOR to activating it so I could go back through the level if need be. Yeah, I probably have too many saves, but better safe than sorry, especially early on in the game.

If you are going to try the hard route, good luck. You'll need it.
Has anyone gotten Protector Trials? It's kind of an off the radar DLC, and it looks like a lot of fun, but I haven't bought it yet because I haven't heard ANYBODY talk about it.
[quote name='matto1233']Has anyone gotten Protector Trials? It's kind of an off the radar DLC, and it looks like a lot of fun, but I haven't bought it yet because I haven't heard ANYBODY talk about it.[/QUOTE]

They waited to long to release SP DLC, nobody is interested in this game anymore.

Personally, I'm waiting on all of this DLC to be one of the "Deals of the Week".
[quote name='life.exe']They waited to long to release SP DLC, nobody is interested in this game anymore.

Personally, I'm waiting on all of this DLC to be one of the "Deals of the Week".[/QUOTE]

Not to mention the DLC is centered around the worst game mechanic in Bioshock 2. Protecting wasn't awful, but it definitely doesn't need to be explored further in DLC (at full price anyway).
[quote name='Corvin']Not to mention the DLC is centered around the worst game mechanic in Bioshock 2. Protecting wasn't awful, but it definitely doesn't need to be explored further in DLC (at full price anyway).[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that was my least favorite part of the game for sure. I probably wouldn't bother with this DLC even if it was free.
[quote name='Corvin']Not to mention the DLC is centered around the worst game mechanic in Bioshock 2. Protecting wasn't awful, but it definitely doesn't need to be explored further in DLC (at full price anyway).[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I hated protecting the lil ones.
[quote name='Corvin']Not to mention the DLC is centered around the worst game mechanic in Bioshock 2. Protecting wasn't awful, but it definitely doesn't need to be explored further in DLC (at full price anyway).[/QUOTE]

Tell that to the many people at The Cult of Rapture site. This new DLC has unlockables that show you a preview of the next single player DLC which is story based. I so far am enjoying the new dlc as it is quite challenging. Plus it fixed the rebirth glitch, and the southpaw controls glitch that plagued my gaming.
i enjoyed the game for what its worth, but im not too fond of the multiplayer. sure its a fun experience, but something seemed to be missing..wouldnt mind picking up one or two dlcs though
So next DLC will bring a "conclusive ending to Bioshock 2." I Don't know about that, I liked the super good ending I got in Bioshock 2. Gave me a feeling I actually accomplished something in the end.
I just started the third level (Pauper's Drop?). So far it has been GREAT. I tried getting a MP match going but I sat in the lobby for 10 minutes and gave up.
[quote name='javeryh']I just started the third level (Pauper's Drop?). So far it has been GREAT. I tried getting a MP match going but I sat in the lobby for 10 minutes and gave up.[/QUOTE]

Try getting a MP match at night, more people are generally playing. It has a CoD style lobby system so once you're in a game, you don't have to worry about finding another group of people.
[quote name='Nico0020']Plus it fixed the rebirth glitch, and the southpaw controls glitch that plagued my gaming.[/QUOTE]
Did it really? Was this a universal title update, or do you need to buy Protector Trials for Rebirth to not wipe your stats?
[quote name='jonathanp']So... the Minerva's Den DLC is hitting sooner then I thought on August 31st at $10. IGN has a preview here. Anyone else picking it up?[/QUOTE]
I Think I'm gonna wait on reviews or word of mouth before buying it.
[quote name='jonathanp']So... the Minerva's Den DLC is hitting sooner then I thought on August 31st at $10. IGN has a preview here. Anyone else picking it up?[/QUOTE]

I'll wait for them to eventually make Minerva's Den and Protector Trials a DotW together before I pick it up. At least it is 800, instead of the steadily increasing normalcy of 1200.
I got Bioshock 2 yesterday from Gamefly for like $11 after $5 coupon. I already played the game on PC, but will play it again on 360. I'll probably pick up this new DLC. I think existing DLC is supposed to be on sale next week. I'll probably get some of that as well.
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