Bioware and LucasArts to team up once again...

[quote name='InuFaye']I hope its not a kotor 3, kotor 2 was bad enough[/quote]
KOTOR 2 was made by a different company. If Bioware were back at the helm I'd have no fears whatsoever.
[quote name='Puffa469']I think this is gonna be the rumoured Star Wars MMO.[/quote]Which will go great with the already failed SWs MMO..
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']KOTOR 2 was made by a different company. If Bioware were back at the helm I'd have no fears whatsoever.[/quote]And if EA takes control of this projected after the merger?
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'm sure Bioware will still make great games. All this changes is who publishes them.[/quote]

As long as the DR.s dont leave, but I have this thing in the back of my mind that they will. Mass Effect 2009 confirmed.
[quote name='Lupuri']Which will go great with the already failed SWs MMO..
And if EA takes control of this projected after the merger?[/QUOTE]

No worries. EA might be helmed by the ever-evil Satan himself, but they do make good games. Or rather, they own companies that make good games that have titles that don't end with a year.
[quote name='Apossum']the mmo?[/quote]

I hope not. KOTOR 3 needs to be a single player offline game w/ downloadable content(especially if it's supposed to rap up a KOTOR trilogy). If Star Wars Galaxies showed us anything, it's that MMOs don't work that well for Star Wars.
Man, I would love if this was going to be a fun Indiana Jones game. It's no doubt Star Wars, but a guy can dream, right?
[quote name='daroga']Man, I would love if this was going to be a fun Indiana Jones game. It's no doubt Star Wars, but a guy can dream, right?[/QUOTE]
I hate you. I was just going to post about Indiana Jones: Archaeologist of the Old Republic
[quote name='Lupuri']Which will go great with the already failed SWs MMO..
And if EA takes control of this projected after the merger?[/quote]

Well the failure of SW: Galaxies wasn't a failure of the license, but a failure of the game design. They further compounded that failure by abruptly changing the entire design focus of the game from RPG to Action, thus alienating the few people who were actually playing it.

If any license deserves another go at a MMO, its Star Wars.
I would love this to be KOTOR 3. the 2nd game wasn't a bad game at its core. I liked most of the improvements that were made and most of the characters were at least interesting. Its main problem was it was rushed out by LucasArts in less than a year to make it for the holiday season. Good chunks of the story were cut and several bugs were left in. The ending was painful as well.
[quote name='Puffa469']Well the failure of SW: Galaxies wasn't a failure of the license, but a failure of the game design. They further compounded that failure by abruptly changing the entire design focus of the game from RPG to Action, thus alienating the few people who were actually playing it.

If any license deserves another go at a MMO, its Star Wars.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. The game changed entirely three times, totally fucking over people who loved the game at it's core when it first came out. The game had game breaking bugs, and some Professions were entirely useless. But instead of fixing it, they completely changed it. Lame. Sony completed screwed this game over.

It's there's anyone I have faith in to make a good Star Wars MMO it's Bioware.

That said, I would MUCH rather see KOTOR 3.
[quote name='Lupuri']And if EA takes control of this projected after the merger?[/QUOTE]

You believe Lucas would allow someone to handle any aspect of Star Wars games that isn't him or his hand picked choice? Especially after he's finally repaired its laughing stock status of the late 90's?

If EA is involved in any way, it'll be signing out Bioware for the short term.
I think I just might die of anticipation if they announced KOTOR 3. I mean I spent at least 500+ hours playing the first KOTOR alone, prolly add another 100 hours or so for the second game. So yea I hope it is KOTOR 3.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Mass Indiana Jade Wars of the Old Republic[/quote]

Can I preorder the Collectors edition of that???
[quote name='terribledeli']You believe Lucas would allow someone to handle any aspect of Star Wars games that isn't him or his hand picked choice? Especially after he's finally repaired its laughing stock status of the late 90's?

If EA is involved in any way, it'll be signing out Bioware for the short term.[/quote]
Ok so like... what SOE did with SW Galaxies?
[quote name='Puffa469']Well the failure of SW: Galaxies wasn't a failure of the license, but a failure of the game design. They further compounded that failure by abruptly changing the entire design focus of the game from RPG to Action, thus alienating the few people who were actually playing it.

If any license deserves another go at a MMO, its Star Wars.[/quote]

Lucas wants to do one thing... make money. Did you see episode 1-3... I see them now, under my beer can as a coaster. Read the other article I posted on EA and how much they pay for liscensing fees. This isnt about making a crowl jewel product for Lucas anymore... its about the Dinero...
But gaming wise - KotR was great... but thats about where it stops with almost any SW game after the SNES versions.
[quote name='thespamofpower']I would love this to be KOTOR 3. the 2nd game wasn't a bad game at its core. I liked most of the improvements that were made and most of the characters were at least interesting. Its main problem was it was rushed out by LucasArts in less than a year to make it for the holiday season. Good chunks of the story were cut and several bugs were left in. The ending was painful as well.[/quote]

Very True, I would also love to see a KOTOR 3 for X360, the fan base is there I don't really see why they don't make another one.

I still remember the glitch in KOTOR 1
where I didn't get those bug alien things off my ship when I got to the last planet the game got stuck in a conversation
bread's done