Black Friday Predictions


CAG Veteran
Its that time of the year again to start thinking about the holiday season. came out with this years predictions and so far things look good. HDTVs and GPS seem to be the winners which is good since Im hoping to pick up a PS3 and a new 45" tv to play it on. :D

What are you guys looking to buy this year?
Looking for either Fallout New Vegas, Star Wars TFUII, or Dead Rising 2 to be $40. Maybe Metroid other M at $25-$30... Any of those would be a successful BF for me. Plus the usual assortment of cheapass DVDs and Blus.

I just got a job that pays really well, so I'll be able to indulge my deal-hunting addiction once again.

Great thread idea, btw.
I'm hoping for lots of great games go on sale for $19.99. Stuff like Resonance of Fate and Dante's Inferno Divine.
Hoping for a good deal on a new video card and power supply. Gonna need something involving a wii too, since the fiancee is dead set on owning one. And...and...and I wanna play Mario when cooling down from Fallout New Vegas...
I want these logitech computer speakers so a deal on that would be nice and maybe something for the iPod touch 4, but I will probably buy that before black friday to avoid the holiday rush because it might sell out and I REALLY REALLY want it.

Also an 8GB micro SD card

Games of course, hopefully some dirt cheap PS2 games (not that those aren't available on ebay every day)..
I'm hoping for a sub $400 desktop PC, a sub $600 1080p HDTV, :ps3: Resident Evil 5: Gold for $20, a sweet hat, some really cheap Blu-Ray movies and anime.

I'm also predicting that Walmart/Sams Club will do another Sony Bravia/PS3 bundle, that there will be a couple of DSi or DSi XL bundles, that retailers will get their own exclusive PS3 bundles and that Microsoft will do another holiday bundle packaged with 2 popular games.
Looking forward to see what Old Navy freebie is to be had. Yes, I was one of those that waited outside for 5 hours to get Lego RB. Will try to get my wife to go with me this time, actually had fun interacting with others in line...
Here is a prediction for you. I predict Americans will buy more useless shit they don't need, then complain about how they don't have any money.
[quote name='TiKi2']Here is a prediction for you. I predict Americans will buy more useless shit they don't need, then complain about how they don't have any money.[/QUOTE]
:applause: It has to be a really insane deal for me to even bother with trying to go out for Black Friday. Even then I'll usually just hope they have the same deal on their website and just keep hitting F5 till it shows up on there.

Only masochists actually go out on Black Friday and fight the crowds for these 'deals'.
I'm looking forward to another SUPER AWESOME STEAM SALE!

Honestly, I don't see myself buying too many games (if any) other than what I currently have preordered for the rest of the year, unless they're presents for someone. Oh, and I'm definitely not doing any brick and mortar shopping on Black Friday; the crowds are too crazy.
I haven't seen any really insane deals in retail B&M stores in at least the past 2 years that were worth fighting for, if you shop with sites like slickdeals and here you likely know how to find a better deal than on BF, plus you can get deals all year long.

I don't shop B&M stores on BF either, the potential risk of injury is too high and I wouldn't want that, since injuring myself could be very expensive (kind of negates any savings you get from the deals).
Went out on a black friday couple of years ago and it was the worst....since then i found out about slick deals, amazon and newegg. i just do my shopping there. However, i hope they have the simpsons sets or family guy for 12 like they usually do but, the cheapass in me just says to youtube and or other website and stream them to my tv lol
I'm hoping for some good video game deals. There were lots of 1-2 month old games selling for $35. I picked up Dragon Age Origins at that price. I also picked up Fallout 3 for $20 long before it became the standard price.
[quote name='blueshinra']I'm looking forward to another SUPER AWESOME STEAM SALE!

Honestly, I don't see myself buying too many games (if any) other than what I currently have preordered for the rest of the year, unless they're presents for someone. Oh, and I'm definitely not doing any brick and mortar shopping on Black Friday; the crowds are too crazy.[/QUOTE]

+1 Steam sale FTW!!!!

I typically just order online, rarely is there an in-store deal I attempt to get on Black Friday. The deal has to be "too amazing to pass up" for me to even step foot in any store on Black Friday.
Depending on budget:

Two new desktops (both my GF's and mine were built when FFXI came out, with the video cards upgraded and hdd space (mine has about 0.7TB), but not much beyond that). Thinking about i7s at least, and 2-8TB for my system, and at least 1-2TB on GF's, RAIDed (mine usually acts as a file server anyways, so no reason for both of us to have that much space).

A new TV. Our 37" 720p is still awesome, imo, and all, but I did originally buy that with the intention on getting a bigger one when we had much more money, and replacing our old CRT in the bedroom with the 37". And I wouldn't go for anything 42" or below, so this will likely be next year.

Some games. Depending on what, since I'm finding myself pretty satiated as far as current gen games go. I still haven't opened Dragon Age Origins I bought last year. So unless there's something that we really want and still don't have, probably not too much in this department (i.e. Alan Wake LE for under $40, Heavy Rain and Katamari Forever for $20, StarCraft 2 SE for $50 or less since I don't see any at Targets near me).

DVDs and Movies. Well, I'm pretty much caught up on my collections, but I do want Entourage, House S6 for under $35 (because it's the worst season so far, so I'm not paying a penny more), and I want to get Honey and Clover for the GF. If the Lucky Star SEs are on sale like Haruhi SEs were, I'd probably buy them. Not much other than those.

Last, but not least. A 32GB MicroSD card for under $100. I didn't buy one with my Droid X, so I'm really hoping to see a legit one for $100 or less. I lose connection in my office about 30-40% of the time, so I have to listen to music loaded on it. After a few weeks, I'm getting bored of the 5-6gigs I loaded on it, so I'd love a 32GB MicroSD, which can hold about 80% of my MP3s.
Damn, need to get a job again and start saving, last BF I got SCIV for $10 and Tales of Vesperia for $15, a 1.5TB HDD for $95, and some cool other stuff.
hopefully they got a very good 3d tv sale going. with the ps3 update for 3d blurays coming on the 21st I wanna see about getting a 3d tv
[quote name='elessar123']Last, but not least. A 32GB MicroSD card for under $100. I didn't buy one with my Droid X, so I'm really hoping to see a legit one for $100 or less. I lose connection in my office about 30-40% of the time, so I have to listen to music loaded on it. After a few weeks, I'm getting bored of the 5-6gigs I loaded on it, so I'd love a 32GB MicroSD, which can hold about 80% of my MP3s.[/QUOTE]

Personally I hope 32GB MicroSD cards drop soon regardless of Black Friday.
Video game deals FTW this (and every) year. I need to see Dead Rising 2, Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, StarCraft 2, and Force Unleashed 2 for $40 or less.
Specific deals I'm hoping for:

37" 1080p HDTV for $500 or less (hopefully less)
Married...with Children S1 - S11 for $10 to $15 each
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Season Five for $15 or less
Lost: The Complete Collection for $150 or less
Sons of Anarchy: Season Two for $25 or less
Supernatural S1 and S5 for $25 or less
Kick-Ass (BD/DVD + digital copy combo) - $15 or less

I'm also hoping for other cheap DVD's and BD's.
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Mostly blu ray shopping for me which means Ill be hitting it hard online or go a few hrs after opening to see whats left.
I'll be looking for a Blu-Ray player for under $100, as well... Might be wishful thinking but I could use one. Last year I remember the big deal was players for around $100, but I'm guessing they'll go cheaper this year.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']I am hoping for some $5 games online. amazons 2008 sale was awesome, I got a bunch of games for $5 to $10[/QUOTE]

Last year was pretty good too, I got Tales of Symphonia for the Wii for 9.99 and a few others within the $5-$15 price range. They were games that usually don't get discounted either, and games which command a high price used at Gamestop or more value on ebay than what amazon was charging.

Don't forget Amazon usually matches the prices of the Best Buy ad (for games at least) and similar ads, so you can get the games on amazon without having to go to the store. Though from last year's experience it looked like Amazon matched more prices from BB and other retailers than just games.
I hope for some awesome blu rays movies to go on sale, how were they last year? i wasnt into them then. oh i hope for some awesome sales on car speakers :)
Hopefully, I can get my shopping done this year.

What I'm hoping for:

  • ~19" TV, $100 or so (brand doesn't really matter)
  • ~27-32" TV, $250 or so (brand doesn't matter, but I don't want it to be pure crap
  • Blu-Ray player, $50 or so.
  • DS Lite for under the $98 last year at Walmart (or DSi under $130, hopefully a bundle or something)
  • DVDs for cheap
  • Wii games for cheap

I hope a lot of the things I want to see this year end up happening. I've seen the 19" LCD TV for $130 or so multiple times, and I've seen an Element Blu-Ray player for $50 at a couple Office Depots.
I'm hoping to see the 32" flatscreen at $200, like I've seen some places predicting. That's the one thing I'm most looking for. I'd even be really happy if it was $250.

Oh, and Amazon to match all of the good deals. Prime shipping + no sales tax + not having to fight the hordes of idiots in my area = instant win.
[quote name='drktrpr1']I'll be looking for a Blu-Ray player for under $100, as well... Might be wishful thinking but I could use one. Last year I remember the big deal was players for around $100, but I'm guessing they'll go cheaper this year.[/QUOTE]
Not sure if this is YMMV, but Wal-Mart has a Vizio Blu-Ray/Netflix player for $99.

I'm hoping that bad boy drops to $50 for Black Friday. Damn PS3 died, so I have about a dozen movies I can't watch at the moment.
[quote name='TiKi2']Here is a prediction for you. I predict Americans will buy more useless shit they don't need, then complain about how they don't have any money.[/QUOTE]

ill add to that, 3/4 of the useless shit they dont need will be broken or piled in the basement/garage by april.
[quote name='ritchardf']ill add to that, 3/4 of the useless shit they dont need will be broken or piled in the basement/garage by april.[/QUOTE]

Or ripe for the buying for me at yard sales the following summer!!! I absolutely love when the unwanted or slightly used then unwanted gifts get tossed out on the lawn for a fraction of what they cost in the summer.

This should also be a lesson for those that buy gifts this season... buy the person something they can actually use or want (not a random thing). If you buy randomly the items will be either sold, returned or tossed on the lawn for next summer's yard sale, or possibly even forgotten about in the basement. My family and I always follow this and our gifts are some of the most well received items by the recipient.

Yes that does mean I end up giving some pretty obscure gifts, like my friend last year who got a big box of old 5 inch floppy disks, he collects vintage computers. However he said it was the best gift he got all Xmas.
I predict I will start work at 6 am and my fiance will work until midnight. I will eat extra food from the company paid-for buffet/potluck in protest. I'll have to babysit a cashier or two who can't figure out the special BF coupons. And someone will get mad becuase we're sold out of a doorbuster item at 4 in the afternoon.

Despite that, people will compliment us on being quick and organized becuase no one goes to the bloody craft store on Black Friday! :lol:
I say this every year:
If you go out with the idea you're going to have fun with the folks you're with you will. If you go out with an "I HAVE TO GET X" mindset you'll be miserable.
With that in mind, I hope someone is running Supernatural seasons 3&4 $15 or less, and I wouldn't mind a 1080p LCD say 40" for cheap. But for me it's more about hanging out with my daughter and my sister (the 2 diehards that always go with me).
I've never camped out, and only went early once when I first got into House before season 4 started. It's funny, because we usually don't go for big ticket stuff like most other people, so we're able to get the deals still.
Every year I have had a blast. Last year the wal mart we went to didnt close and around 12am they started putting out the doorbusters. Needless to say by the time the store started actually selling stuff I already had everything I wanted in my cart and was just waiting in line to pick up a tv he he good time
Here's what i'm hoping for:
The new Castlevania game under $30
Dexter and Man Men blu's under $20
A really good Digital SLR camera bundle under $400

Yeah that last one prolly will not happen but damn it I can dream!
bread's done