Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

[quote name='GBAstar']Wow... that is perhaps the most neutral post you've made in this thread![/QUOTE]
That's because you haven't been paying attention and were fulling up this thread with racist bullshit. Not to mention that you weren't the only one to do so.

Anyways lots of sick shit going on in the news I haven't been following this lately. I did notice on one of the TV's at the gym yesterday morning that they were showing Zimmerman's taped (by the police) reenactment.

While I have supported Zimmerman on many accounts I still find it hard to believe that Martin reached for his (Zimmerman's) gun and said "You're going to die" or something along those lines.

Also as more and more information is getting released it does appear that the police that handled the case weren't as inept as they were made out to be as it does appear that at least one of the homicide detectives were skeptical of Zimmerman's account of the events and was really pushing to get manslaughter charges brought against him from the get go
Well, the police department, itself, had very little to do with handling the case. I know that the state AG and I think the chief told the detective on the case to drop it. As far as anyone knows, it was only the detective that supported Zimmerman's charge of manslaughter.
DD You "think" wrong as usual. But you know that.
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What is sad is bonaparte has a very checkered past as well as the temp chief.

If Lee is going then bonaparte needs to be right behind him and the temp chief. It's all politics and race and this point. Oh the games people play.
[quote name='depascal22']So Trayvon turned around and confronted his "stalker". So what? That makes murder justifiable?[/QUOTE]

It was wrong of him not to submit to the self-styled authority figure with a gun.
[quote name='depascal22']So Trayvon turned around and confronted his "stalker". So what? That makes murder justifiable?[/QUOTE]

So you believe that martin "turned around" and "confronted" zimmerman?

You forgot to mention how he's sorry that the parents had to bury their own son and that he wishes that he could've done something to avoid shooting Martin.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Hey it's cool folks. Zimmerman shooting Martin, in his own words, was all in God's plan:[/QUOTE]
Hahaha tons of people say that shit, including blacks.
I did. If you want to shit on Zimmerman for using God's plan, shit on everyone else who calls the existence of violent crime God's plan too.

Yeah, on this blog, it's always God's plan that your cousin was gangbanging and pissed off the wrong motherfucker. "God's plan" is mainstream and accepted.
Ah yes, using religion as a scapegoat. There was nothing I could do, it was god's plan! Is there anything that couldn't be used for?

Zimmerman is a shitbag who deserves whatever he gets. At the very least he could take responsibility for killing Martin, now he wants to attribute it to god. What's that shit about god granting man free will and all that...
Hopefully it's god's plan to have GZ testify because he'll absolutely crumble under cross examination. Hell, even with Hannity prompting him a few times, GZ contradicted himself.
[quote name='Spokker']I did. If you want to shit on Zimmerman for using God's plan, shit on everyone else who calls the existence of violent crime God's plan too.

Yeah, on this blog, it's always God's plan that your cousin was gangbanging and pissed off the wrong motherfucker. "God's plan" is mainstream and accepted.[/QUOTE]

Now Rick Ross is mainstream :roll:

Let's not forget about Childish Gambino

Let's give these two gentlemen an "attaboy" for keeping Trayvon's memory alive and relevenat for the next.... 15 minutes

BTW the Usher CD is actually really good
Yeah...that's just as bad as the Trayvon Martin target silhouettes.

No. It isn't.
And for you nudnicks, targets are worse
There's nothing like a larger then life (literally) former correctional officer rapping about how the george zimmerman's of the world would mistake him as Trayvon Martin because he's wearing a chanel hoodie....

I just was impressed that in a little more then three months those lyrics found there way onto an Usher CD that released in June.

And of course the Trayvon targets are disgusting I don't believe anyone has said otherwise.
Oh look, Spokker's bringing up a completely unrelated case where black people are committing a crime to reinforce some sort of point about how black youths are nothing but trouble.

Haven't seen that one in awhile :roll:
[quote name='GBAstar']There's nothing like a larger then life (literally) former correctional officer rapping about how the george zimmerman's of the world would mistake him as Trayvon Martin because he's wearing a chanel hoodie....

I just was impressed that in a little more then three months those lyrics found there way onto an Usher CD that released in June.

And of course the Trayvon targets are disgusting I don't believe anyone has said otherwise.[/QUOTE]
Of course no one said otherwise because none of you Zimmerman supporters said SHIT about it until pressed. But you all sure do act out with faux outrage when anyone else uses Martin's name in a shitty rhyme.

There are very few reasons why someone would want to defend someone that hunted down and killed an unarmed teen, has racist tendencies, aggression problems, lied in court, conspired to flee the country while bonded, and to top it off, a sexual predator.

...and Usher sucks. I'd rather listen to Puff Daddy and he sucks just as bad.
I'll be the first to admit that in Spokker's incident the old man and the patrons at the internet cafe got lucky that those weren't real "stick-up boys" otherwise I shoot out would have occurred. It's pretty obvious that the dude who came in carrying a gun had no intentions of using it.

Did the article even state if it was loaded?

That being said I don't see how anyone can cry foul; the way the laws are written if you try to rob someone while carry a gun you take the risk of getting shot but I suppose it works both ways... had the old man not been successful (i'm surprised he was) his actions could have gotten others killed
[quote name='dohdough']a sexual predator.[/QUOTE]

Dude is a trip and a half for sure, but let's not be jumping to conclusions based on one person's accusations which may or may not be true. Of all people you should believe in innocent until proven guilty with real evidence.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Oh look, Spokker's bringing up a completely unrelated case where black people are committing a crime to reinforce some sort of point about how black youths are nothing but trouble.[/QUOTE]

The latest:

[quote name='GBAstar']had the old man not been successful (i'm surprised he was) his actions could have gotten others killed[/QUOTE]The mistake the other patrons made was not dropping to the floor. If you have no intention of being a hero, get down so someone who is carrying, if they are available and willing, can handle it.

[quote name='dohdough']I don't speak racist, so I'd like to know what Obama or hoodies has to do with it.

It's not heroic to shoot someone running away.[/QUOTE]
You want to make sure they keep running.

[quote name='nasum']alleged.
Dude is a trip and a half for sure, but let's not be jumping to conclusions based on one person's accusations which may or may not be true. Of all people you should believe in innocent until proven guilty with real evidence.[/QUOTE]
For that shit to start at age 8, Zimmerman could have also been molested by someone else to know to do that at that young of an age.
[quote name='Spokker']The mistake the other patrons made was not dropping to the floor. If you have no intention of being a hero, get down so someone who is carrying, if they are available and willing, can handle it.

You want to make sure they keep running.[/QUOTE]
These are not the words of a responsible gun owner, but the fantasies of a child playing the adult.

Its hard enough for people to be accurate with stationary targets, much less moving ones.
[quote name='nasum']alleged.
Dude is a trip and a half for sure, but let's not be jumping to conclusions based on one person's accusations which may or may not be true. Of all people you should believe in innocent until proven guilty with real evidence.[/QUOTE]

I should, but at this point? Meh...
Would you rather he be interviewed by Lawrence O'Donnell? The spittle production would be amazing.

[quote name='dohdough']These are not the words of a responsible gun owner, but the fantasies of a child playing the adult.
[/QUOTE]No, the responsible thing to do is to lay down and possibly die.
[quote name='Spokker']For that shit to start at age 8, Zimmerman could have also been molested by someone else to know to do that at that young of an age.[/QUOTE]

Preciously, which is why it is sad that people are now calling the guy a sexual predator. The law enforcement community does not recognize anyone that young as a sexual deviant. If he had been caught, he would have gotten therapy...not punishment. That's a fact, not that those matter to some people in here.

Again, though, that all hedges on whether or not the cousin's claims are even true.
[quote name='dohdough']It's not heroic to shoot someone running away.[/QUOTE]

If someone is commiting a robbery, I dont care if they are running away or looking straight at you.... if you kill them, your a hero in my book. anyday
Sounds like you guys have never even touched a gun, much less ever fired one.

It's not like the fucking movies where the good guys never miss; most people are like the bad guys and can't hit shit. Hitting a 2x3 target at 25 feet under ideal conditions at a range is one thing, but hitting it with any kind of accuracy is another. Start adding variables like a different place, lighting, stress, etc and even most people that train regularly see their accuracy turn to shit.

This is real life; not cops and robbers with cap guns or Virtual Cop.
[quote name='dohdough']Sounds like you guys have never even touched a gun, much less ever fired one.

It's not like the fucking movies where the good guys never miss; most people are like the bad guys and can't hit shit. Hitting a 2x3 target at 25 feet under ideal conditions at a range is one thing, but hitting it with any kind of accuracy is another. Start adding variables like a different place, lighting, stress, etc and even most people that train regularly see their accuracy turn to shit.

This is real life; not cops and robbers with cap guns or Virtual Cop.[/QUOTE]

I cringe as I step back into this thread, but I'm with doh 100%. Cops and federal law enforcement (specifically the latter) have such an incredibly high level of training with firearms and even they aren't doing the shoot 5 times kill 5 baddies bit.

And also, anyone who says shooting an attempted criminal in the back while they're running away is a good thing is an idiot who should be prevented from owning firearms. In most states you could walk in into your house and see a guy get up from raping your wife and run out the door and it would be illegal to shoot. I personally disagree with that part of the law, but it does not permit me to break it.

People, for the love of God, if you own a gun, get proper training with it, and become familiar with your local laws. I know a lot of gunowners. A LOT. Out of the many owners, I'd wager 1-2 have ever drawn for the purpose of self defense, and they were in law enforcement.
[quote name='berzirk'] I personally disagree with that part of the law, but it does not permit me to break it.[/quote]The senior here is not going to face charges, so I guess you can shoot them in the back in Florida.

People, for the love of God, if you own a gun, get proper training with it, and become familiar with your local laws. I know a lot of gunowners. A LOT. Out of the many owners, I'd wager 1-2 have ever drawn for the purpose of self defense, and they were in law enforcement.
Are you implying that this guy has not had training?
[quote name='Spokker']Hahaha tons of people say that shit, including blacks.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Purple Flames']Who said anything about black people?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, who said anything about black people??? Of course, THIS is about black people to Spokker...

As far as the interview, Zimmerman says he doesn't regret ANYTHING about that incident, even being there. Just play that for the jury and we'll see how that turns out for him. And what made Trayvon suspicious was... it was raining... and he was skipping too! This guy can't get his story straight. Comes off as the delusional person with a hero complex that he is.

Here is an abbreviated video with the choice words and some commentary.
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[quote name='Spokker']The senior here is not going to face charges, so I guess you can shoot them in the back in Florida.

Are you implying that this guy has not had training?[/QUOTE]

No I'm speaking to a couple of whackos in general who are celebrating shooting someone in the back during a robbery attempt. That's not legally self defense (under most circumstances).

I didn't even read the story about an old man (I gather) who shot somebody in Florida (I presume?). Dumb assholes who celebrate shooting other people in non-life or death or legal self-defense matters give responsible gun owners and advocates a bad name.

(Just read the story and it sounds like the guy thought there was a life or death threat, he shot to eliminate the threat, and achieved that goal, I've got no problem with that situation, my problem is with people thinking every guy who pulls a gun to stop a crime is a superhero, because pulling guns in the middle of a non life or death event can escalate and endanger more people. I wonder what this shooters shot to hit ratio was.)
[quote name='berzirk']No I'm speaking to a couple of whackos in general who are celebrating shooting someone in the back during a robbery attempt.[/quote]When I first saw the video I was laughing my ass off. The way the robbers were tripping over each other to get out, oh my sides.

Dumb assholes who celebrate shooting other people in non-life or death or legal self-defense matters give responsible gun owners and advocates a bad name.
I love it. The guy is a hero. Hopefully the thugs have enough cognitive ability to remember the counter-attack. I'd like to think of it as people finally fighting back against criminals, but there's no way to accurately tell.

(Just read the story and it sounds like the guy thought there was a life or death threat, he shot to eliminate the threat, and achieved that goal, I've got no problem with that situation, my problem is with people thinking every guy who pulls a gun to stop a crime is a superhero, because pulling guns in the middle of a non life or death event can escalate and endanger more people
When does it become a life or death situation, when the shovel is in transit toward your skull? I mean, let's work with some scenarios here. You are a woman who has been kidnapped at gunpoint and taken to an ATM to withdraw cash. At that point can you open fire, or only when they are digging the hole to bury your corpse?

Here's a hot tip for the people who think they know guns. You don't point a gun at anyone you don't want to kill. Once a gun has been drawn on you, I believe that is the time to open fire if you are able or willing and eliminate the threat. One of the robbers went in and drew his weapon on everyone basically.
[quote name='Spokker'] Here's a hot tip for the people who think they know guns. You don't point a gun at anyone you don't want to kill.[/QUOTE]

I completely agree. That's why it's dangerous to praise people for shooting in non-lethal situations (a guy who fires a warning shot at the feet of a dude he thinks is probably robbing his neighbor's house, for example). I agree, that based on the article, the guy who shot at the robbers was very likely responding to a life or death situation. If the bad guy comes in with a baseball bat and is breaking monitors, and demands money but isn't attacking anybody, then I don't think you have a legal justification for opening fire, but I'm obviously no judge, and it would ultimately be up to a jury.
Self-defense is always a tricky thing, there's no doubt about that. We all have our perfectly consistent ideas about how it should always go down, but public perception is not shared.

What is considered self-defense revolves around location, time, race, sex, weapon, behavior, etc. If I carried any type of weapon, whether it be a firearm or a knife or even mace, I would carry a video camera that fits in my pocket at all times to record audio and video when I was carrying. That, I think, is what is going to save your ass or at the very least keep you on the right side of the law.

With people who claim self-defense so suspected by the general public, you have to protect yourself not just from criminals, but from the media as well. You can do that with video and it's easier than ever.

I mean, let's say a man knocked a woman out cold, but claims self-defense. Let's be honest, we would all look at his story skeptically. I would. But if there's video

it becomes so clear. Criminals don't always record their own crimes, so carry your own camera. I think that the prevalence of portable cameras, including cell phone cameras, have taught us a lot about how the world really is.
[quote name='joeboosauce']Yeah, who said anything about black people??? Of course, THIS is about black people to Spokker...

As far as the interview, Zimmerman says he doesn't regret ANYTHING about that incident, even being there. Just play that for the jury and we'll see how that turns out for him. And what made Trayvon suspicious was... it was raining... and he was skipping too! This guy can't get his story straight. Comes off as the delusional person with a hero complex that he is.

Here is an abbreviated video with the choice words and some commentary.[/QUOTE]

Let's me see if I got this straight...

Martin looked suspicious because he was skipping through the rain and wasn't a fitness enthusiast, was apparently a ninja with the way he just appeared behind Zimmerman, said a line straight out of an action movie, and after he was shot said "You got me" like they a kid playing Cops and Robbers.

I think Zimmerman forgot the part where Martin was transforming into a werewolf.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Let's me see if I got this straight...

Martin looked suspicious because he was skipping through the rain and wasn't a fitness enthusiast, was apparently a ninja with the way he just appeared behind Zimmerman, said a line straight out of an action movie, and after he was shot said "You got me" like they a kid playing Cops and Robbers.

I think Zimmerman forgot the part where Martin was transforming into a werewolf.[/QUOTE]

Well said! This guys account is so compelling! Said no one... except some right-wing fuck-tards.
I've been trying to keep up with the case for weeks but I this news completely went under my radar. Looks like Zimmerman is trying his hardest to find a judge who'll sympathize with him, or maybe just one who's friends with his dad.
bread's done