Blacksite: Area 51 XBOX 360 $28.00 shipped

Rented it and couldn't get past the first hour. Awful, just awful. Felt like I wasted my $8 bucks. There is no price this could hit and me buy it.
[quote name='mrg']Rented it and couldn't get past the first hour. Awful, just awful. Felt like I wasted my $8 bucks. There is no price this could hit and me buy it.[/QUOTE]

had you played and enjoyed the demo?
i can borrow this from a friend, though i really liked the demo.
[quote name='mrg']Rented it and couldn't get past the first hour. Awful, just awful. Felt like I wasted my $8 bucks. There is no price this could hit and me buy it.[/QUOTE]

It's hard to take these really strong views seriously, especially when they lack any sort of evidence.
I really liked the teaser demo, but it sounds like the final game falls short. Maybe if this hits $10 for me...
[quote name='eastx']It's hard to take these really strong views seriously, especially when they lack any sort of evidence.[/QUOTE]

Now I am really nonplussed. What evidence, I ask you, is even remotely necessary when someone is giving his opinion of what he thought of the game after a rental. I rented it when it first hit the streets with high expectations, having enjoyed the demo, only to find it was mediocre, derivative, with stand-there-in-the-open-til-killed A.I.. I was quite bored to tears within an hour or so. Could not push myself to continue and retured it to Blockbuster.

Your 'evidence' comment is mind-numbingly implicative of someone who feels an urge to defend a mediocre game either because they bought it and desperately need to defend the waste of money, or someone who so wants to hear nothing but good reports while knowing the game is most likely what all the scores indicate it to be. But this is all my opinion based on your nonsensical retort to my post.

Either way, I am not sure what evidence you are expecting me to produce; a scanned copy of my rental receipt perhaps!?

Oh, I see now, you think I didn't play it long enough to have an opinion. I did not REVIEW the game, I merely stated my gut opinion based on a rental experience. Enough said I think.
Apparently a patch for the 360 version was released in the past couple of weeks. Anyone know what it fixes?
i get what youre saying and agree though i didnt weigh your first post too heavily. I appreciate you expanding on your thoughts, that gives somethign with substance to consider.

[quote name='mrg']Now I am really nonplussed. What evidence, I ask you, is even remotely necessary when someone is giving his opinion of what he thought of the game after a rental. I rented it when it first hit the streets with high expectations, having enjoyed the demo, only to find it was mediocre, derivative, with stand-there in-the-open-til-killed A.I.. I was quite bored to tears within an hour or so. Could not push myself to continue and retured it to Blockbuster.

Your 'evidence' comment is mind-numbingly implicative of someone who feels an urge to defend a mediocre game either because they bought it and desperately need to defend the waste of money, or someone who so wants to hear nothing but good reports while knowing the game is most likely what all the scores indicate it to be. But this is all my opinion based on your nonsensical retort to my post.

Either way, I am not sure what evidence you are expecting me to produce; a scanned copy of my rental receipt perhaps!?

Oh, I see now, you think I didn't play it long enough to have an opinion. I did not REVIEW the game, I merely stated my gut opinion based on a rental experience. Enough said I think.[/QUOTE]
A really horrible game and to pay anything for this should be a crime. If I was offered a free copy I might even hesitate to take it. lol
Now at least you are trying. But for someone to say that he doesn't like something without explaining why is just useless. It does me no good unless maybe I know you and respect your opinion so much that just knowing you dislike something can then influence my opinion. The evidence I referred to is what you disliked about the game, which you've now provided. If you don't provide these sort of examples and just say "This game suxxors!" or whatever, that can easily be trolling.

I'm not sure why you took my questioning to mean that I was defending the game. I've never even played it. Nor was my "retort" (which was not actually a retort, so clearly there's been a misunderstanding) nonsensical in the least. I simply stated that I can't take that kind of statement seriously. No one should. Hopefully now I've elaborated enough that you can see why.

[quote name='mrg']Now I am really nonplussed. What evidence, I ask you, is even remotely necessary when someone is giving his opinion of what he thought of the game after a rental.

Your 'evidence' comment is mind-numbingly implicative of someone who feels an urge to defend a mediocre game either because they bought it and desperately need to defend the waste of money, or someone who so wants to hear nothing but good reports while knowing the game is most likely what all the scores indicate it to be.

Either way, I am not sure what evidence you are expecting me to produce; a scanned copy of my rental receipt perhaps!?

Oh, I see now, you think I didn't play it long enough to have an opinion. I did not REVIEW the game, I merely stated my gut opinion based on a rental experience. Enough said I think.[/QUOTE]
Lets be honest I mean at one point 60 dollars for this game is just not worth it but we are talking about the game cost less than half of what it was with that in mind I think the game is not that bad not saying it is great either. The game came from Midway so they arent really rolling out the A+ games. I think that if anyone isnt sure about getting this game they should first play the demo first and make your decision from there. But if you had bought the game before even playing a demo and it turns out that you didnt like it that much then it isnt the games fault or the price but yourself for not at least looking into it before making the purchase.
Lets be honest I mean at one point 60 dollars for this game is just not worth it but we are talking about the game cost less than half of what it was with that in mind I think the game is not that bad not saying it is great either.

Agreed 100%. It has a Metacritic rating of 65 on the 360, so it obviously can't be the completely awful game some are trying to portray it as. I really never understand why people come into threads like this and exaggerate about how bad a game is. I realize you might not like a game, but there is a difference between not liking a game and saying it is one of the worst games ever. Want to play a truly bad game? Go play Big Rigs. That, my friends, is an awful game. This is just an average title.
The number of glitches and gameplay flaws Blacksite has makes it very deserving of being labeled a truly bad game. You can sugar coat it all you want, but that doesn't make all that is bad and wrong with this game go away.
[quote name='paz9x']had you played and enjoyed the demo?
i can borrow this from a friend, though i really liked the demo.[/QUOTE]

half way through and most of the game is no where near as competent as the demo level. Lots of glitches and amateurish design reminiscent of most free community MODs.
bread's done