Blockbuster Movie + Games New Rental Policy


Blockbuster has finally done something right. Now if you have a monthly plan on their movies you can now rent games with it. Here is the breakdown

By Mail 1 Disc 2 Disc 3 Disc
Movie + Games 8.99 13.99 16.99

Total Access 11.99 16.99 19.99
Movies + Games
5 + instore exchanges

Here are the links:
50% off first month
2 week free trial

This deal is a lot better than what Gamefly is offering in which
1 game for 15.99
2 game for 22.95
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[quote name='gage006']Your envelope would say where it shipped from. According to everything I've read it looks like Seattle is the closest. Any chance you can check your envelope to see if it says PDX? That'd be amazing.[/QUOTE]

The return envelope is addressed to Portland. I didn't see anything on the mailing label to me about origin.
[quote name='gage006']Your envelope would say where it shipped from. According to everything I've read it looks like Seattle is the closest. Any chance you can check your envelope to see if it says PDX? That'd be amazing.[/QUOTE]

I live in Portland also and yes, there is a distribution center here. I've seen job listings for blockbuster online on craigslist before, but thought those advertised for a Hillsboro location. Either way, I get almost all my shipments in one day, two at the most. I love it. And I love this games rental addition, even if the newer games take some time to become available... I'm just wondering if they will raise the price again before too long. I'm grandfathered in on the 3-at-a-time, unlimited exchange plan - with one game/movie coupon per month - for $20/mo.
[quote name='radioactivez0r']This was the "best" I found, from their own FAQ:
"BLOCKBUSTER has several distribution centers spread through the US."

This first batch of games might ship a little more slowly than the ones later - Just a guess, but I'd guess that games are not stocked at all of the current distribution centers - esp this early into the process. So games might be shipping from other states even if you have a local distribution center...Time will tell if the games get spread out and/or if shipping times improve.
[quote name='BinaryTB']Yeah, signed up yesterday, got a notification today saying my game was shipped, will get it Tuesday. That's a long ways away. Anybody have a current list of their distribution centers? Tried real quick via Google, nothing current.[/QUOTE]

This first batch of games might ship a little more slowly than the ones later - Just a guess, but I'd guess that games are not stocked at all of the current distribution centers - esp this early into the process. So games might be shipping from other states even if you have a local distribution center...Time will tell if the games get spread out and/or if shipping times improve.
the wait time for 105 days for new releases and the fact that you can't exchange for instore games should be noted in the first post
I just came back from a store and I was told that you need an account with each store in order to do the in-store exchange. This is my first time using BB, that was a surprise.
[quote name='yruluis']I just came back from a store and I was told that you need an account with each store in order to do the in-store exchange. This is my first time using BB, that was a surprise.[/QUOTE]

You don't need to sign up for a separate account at each store, you just need to bring your membership card from one store and they activate it in the other store(s)
[quote name='Bezerker']You don't need to sign up for a separate account at each store, you just need to bring your membership card from one store and they activate it in the other store(s)[/QUOTE]

Yes, that's what I meant. I thought it was pretty obvious.

I'm liking the speed of their shipping. Already got my fourth disc this week. I will try to make an account to use those in-store exchanges.
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[quote name='$hady']WARNING GAME SELECTION IS A JOKE RIGHT NOW. Don't waste your 2 weeks trial just yet unless you are doing it for movies. Newest releases available are Just Cause 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, God Of War 3 range.... Red Dead Redemption available 8/31, Madden 11 available 11/23 this is obviously a work in progress as far as games rentals go...[/QUOTE]

what are you talking about? Madden is available right now, assuming its not checked out.
[quote name='Astro7x']100 days for new releases? That's about how long it took to get them with Gamefly anyway!

I'm willing to give this a try again w/ Blockbuster, though it looks like hey dropped their 2 discs a month plan. There a bunch of older games I have always wanted to play, but never wanted to drop $9 on them.

How long until Redbox adds game rentals? I'd gladly pay $1 per night to just try a game to see if I like it.[/QUOTE]

My redbox has Red Dead and Alan Wake, but they are $2 per night.

And I just signed up for the free trial. If I like it, I'll subscribe.
[quote name='FArgus']what are you talking about? Madden is available right now, assuming its not checked out.[/QUOTE]

Its says release on 11/23/10, and Split Second still isn't available even though its been out for months. I like the speed in which the disc's arrived, but I won't be renewing after the trial period if I have to wait months after a game release for BB to finally put it up for rent by mail.
Personally I'm going with the $4.99 BB and the $11.99 Netflix for now. Once I get to see how the new neflix streaming flick's are come September 1 I'll decide to either keep Netflix or dump and switch over to BB. Lets be real here Netflix streaming is good if you like T.V., but if you prefer movies like I do the quality overall sucks.
Thanks for the heads up. The $4.99 plan is perfect for me. I go through games pretty slowly and I won't feel that guilt that I normally have from not playing a game for a month if it doesn't cost a lot.
I used to have their service until the 6 closest blockbusters to me all closed in the last year. Now the closest one is over 30 minutes away. I got Netlfix since then, and I have to say it's a lot better than blockbuster's total access.
For one thing, blockbuster takes forever to mail you things once you send yours back in, sometimes it was a week between when I mailed my old one and got a new one. Another thing is that it seemed when I did store turn in, it would take a long time for them to mail me a new movie, usually even longer than if I had just mailed it back to blockbuster myself. The worst thing was though that they rarely had the movies I wanted to watch in stock, I had a number of movies on the top of my list that just sat there for months without ever being mailed to me. Unless it is a really popular movie, chances are you won't be able to get it quickly from online.
[quote name='actripxl']Personally I'm going with the $4.99 BB and the $11.99 Netflix for now. Once I get to see how the new neflix streaming flick's are come September 1 I'll decide to either keep Netflix or dump and switch over to BB. Lets be real here Netflix streaming is good if you like T.V., but if you prefer movies like I do the quality overall sucks.[/QUOTE]

"Let's be real here". The amount of movies, and quality of many, is excellent - unless the only things you want to stream are the most recent DVD releases. Then yeah, you're SOL. I like finding independent, foreign, and classic films I'd have never seen without it. And hey, last night I watched Men Who Stare At Goats.
[quote name='radioactivez0r']"Let's be real here". The amount of movies, and quality of many, is excellent - unless the only things you want to stream are the most recent DVD releases. Then yeah, you're SOL. I like finding independent, foreign, and classic films I'd have never seen without it. And hey, last night I watched Men Who Stare At Goats.[/QUOTE]

Yes because we all know most people love to watch independent, foreign, and classic films.:roll:

That's like saying Hulu has an awesome movie selection since they mostly have the same thing. I like watching certain foreign, independent, and classic's but not enough that nexflix should have those and a mess of crappy B-movies.

Hopefully starting September 1st things will change, if in fact that is when they start streaming movies most people want to watch.
[quote name='Jerajdai']About damn time....been waiting forever for this.[/QUOTE]

Ditto...didn't they first announce this a few years ago?
[quote name='imacjenn']I live in Portland also and yes, there is a distribution center here. I've seen job listings for blockbuster online on craigslist before, but thought those advertised for a Hillsboro location. Either way, I get almost all my shipments in one day, two at the most. I love it. And I love this games rental addition, even if the newer games take some time to become available... I'm just wondering if they will raise the price again before too long. I'm grandfathered in on the 3-at-a-time, unlimited exchange plan - with one game/movie coupon per month - for $20/mo.[/QUOTE]
Sweet. I didn't get my game the very nice day like the other Portlander in this thread but hopefully Monday. I'm sure they just don't have every game at every distribution center right now.
seemed like it was a good deal until i saw the new releases delay and no in store exchanges for games.

Will stick with netflix, can't give up my streaming for TV shows.
I've never been a member, so the $4.99 option doesn't appear for me on the new member sign-up page. If I start a new trial membership, will the $4.99 limited plan be available for me to switch to? Has anyone tried that?

[quote name='ragingst0rm6']Sorry if this is a repeat question, but is the 4.99/month a grandfather plan? That'd be perfect for me, but I don't see it anywhere...[/QUOTE]

It's not a grandfather plan, but it is only offered to returning members.
This is a pretty good deal. Since I'm considered a returning customer, I got 2 at a time per month for $4.99. Great for game rental. Have one FPS game at most time and the second game will be some other game like Batman, Heavy Rain, or something else I haven't played yet and can beat in a month or two. Well, that's how I think it's going to work for me anyways.

I hope they can eventually get the new games available online on release day by the end of the year, but I don't mind waiting since I have old games to catch up on. Btw, according to their faq anyways(if I read it right); if you have total access, supposedly you can bring in the game to a store and rent another game at a discounted price. Which isn't bad if you're on a fence for a new game and want to try before buy.
So help me clarify... The Total Access pass just adds on the 5 in-store exchanges to the "By Mail" plan? But those exchanges can't be for games...
[quote name='BmBoWnZ']So help me clarify... The Total Access pass just adds on the 5 in-store exchanges to the "By Mail" plan? But those exchanges can't be for games...[/QUOTE]

You are correct, they explained this to me when trying to exchange the games. Any game you bring into the store can be exchanged for a movie or a discount on a game. What that means is that you will pay $5 to take out a game instore instead of the original $9. I still don't see it as a bad deal if your intent is to play games that you otherwise would pass up on.
[quote name='DJP519']I've never been a member, so the $4.99 option doesn't appear for me on the new member sign-up page. If I start a new trial membership, will the $4.99 limited plan be available for me to switch to? Has anyone tried that?


Yes ... just sign up for the trial and then when you click on "My Account" it gives you the option to switch to the $4.99 plan ... but wait til just before your trial ends to do it because once you switch plans then your trial is over and they start charging you for whatever plan you choose
[quote name='bagwelljeff']Yes ... just sign up for the trial and then when you click on "My Account" it gives you the option to switch to the $4.99 plan ... but wait til just before your trial ends to do it because once you switch plans then your trial is over and they start charging you for whatever plan you choose[/QUOTE]

Gotcha, thanks. I signed up for the trial at the $8.99 price earlier today. I figure, on the 13th day, I'll switch it to the $4.99 plan. I do see that as an option now.
[quote name='DKYang']This is a pretty good deal. Since I'm considered a returning customer, I got 2 at a time per month for $4.99. Great for game rental. Have one FPS game at most time and the second game will be some other game like Batman, Heavy Rain, or something else I haven't played yet and can beat in a month or two. Well, that's how I think it's going to work for me anyways.


I'm pretty sure you misread it - the 4.99/mo is literally for 2 discs for the entire month total, 1 at a time. Once you've been sent 2 during the billing period, you won't get any more until it resets.
[quote name='DJP519']I've never been a member, so the $4.99 option doesn't appear for me on the new member sign-up page. If I start a new trial membership, will the $4.99 limited plan be available for me to switch to? Has anyone tried that?


Hmm I don't know, I subscribed a couple of years and I have a option for $4.99 for 1 disc out max 2 a month.
I signed up for my trial too. Signed up for Star Wars TFU, Army of Two TFD and Shadow of the Colossus in my queue. AoT and SotC are available but there's a long wait for TFU? Really? I may stick with Netflix unless I'm just floored by the service here within 2 weeks.
I signed up for the trial I don't mind waiting since I need to catch up on alot of games. I still haven't played Uncharted...
[quote name='killthemall4444']I signed up for the free trial. This service is idiotic. I have to wait months before I'm allowed to rent new's just laughable.[/QUOTE]

It's not idiotic at all when doing it this way allows plan prices to not change at all. They are LITERALLY just adding game rental to all existing plans at no extra cost. If you want new releases, sign up for Gamefly, and enjoy paying more. Honestly, if there's a game you "need" to have in the first 3 months, shouldn't you be buying it anyway? If you "need" to have every game in the first 3 months...try going outside sometime.
[quote name='killthemall4444']I signed up for the free trial. This service is idiotic. I have to wait months before I'm allowed to rent new's just laughable.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='n8rockerasu']It's not idiotic at all when doing it this way allows plan prices to not change at all. They are LITERALLY just adding game rental to all existing plans at no extra cost. If you want new releases, sign up for Gamefly, and enjoy paying more. Honestly, if there's a game you "need" to have in the first 3 months, shouldn't you be buying it anyway? If you "need" to have every game in the first 3 months...try going outside sometime.[/QUOTE]

this. /\

noone ever complains about the MANY movies on netflix that aren't available for a month or two after they're for sale in the stores. (and there's no reason to).

the RENTAL industry exists as an option for people who don't mind not having complete control over their selections in exchange for being able to make the most of their money. Even in a brick and mortar blockbuster that carries new releases.. how often are they really even available? (i havent rented there in years but unless something drastic has changed, the answer is almost never)
[quote name='smoger']
the RENTAL industry exists as an option for people who don't mind not having complete control over their selections in exchange for being able to make the most of their money. Even in a brick and mortar blockbuster that carries new releases.. how often are they really even available? (i havent rented there in years but unless something drastic has changed, the answer is almost never)[/QUOTE]

It depends. When I was on the in-store Game Pass, for the most part I could get most titles (granted certain ones you would have to get on launch date i.e. Tues). I just recently cancelled my pass and these were a few titles that were hard to get after launch as they barely came back in: Red Dead Redemption, Alan Wake, NCAA Football 2010... just to name a few. Also, note you compete against alot of people for the chance at one of 3 copies for majority of titles (not named Halo or Madden).

As for my experience with the total access... so far not impressed. I have yet to receive any of the three titles in my queue (signed up Friday morning); 2 of the 3 are available. In comparison, I also re-signed up for Netflix (after cancelling my in-store game pass). They were able to get me a brand new release that week (Runaways on Blu-Ray) and it was 2 days past release (i.e. Thursday) and it was shipped the day I re-signed up.
So if understand this right, I get games a 120 days after they have been on the self, and there might be a high wait for games. I have Heavy Rain in my Queue and my a wait for it.And I cant use my in store exchange from a movie to game. To top it all off the movies that Blockbuster gets before Nextflix like Date Night [Blu-ray] have long waits for them so by the time I get the movie netflix would have it and my disk get here slow as hell. So I play 12 bucks a month for nothing just like I played $16 for gamefly and dident get a game for a full month. It safe to say unless game work for the 5 dollar plan that I wont be keeping my Blockbuster plan.
[quote name='lordopus99']As for my experience with the total access... so far not impressed. I have yet to receive any of the three titles in my queue (signed up Friday morning); 2 of the 3 are available. In comparison, I also re-signed up for Netflix (after cancelling my in-store game pass). They were able to get me a brand new release that week (Runaways on Blu-Ray) and it was 2 days past release (i.e. Thursday) and it was shipped the day I re-signed up.[/QUOTE]

So, you're essentially upset that they didn't ship out your first order the very same day that you signed up. (If it shipped Saturday, obviously it can't arrive Sunday, and I'm sure you haven't received monday's mail yet)

Again, I reiterate.. if you CAN'T wait an extra DAY, then renting is probably not for you. You can go to gamestop, put down your $30-$60 depending on what game it is, and have it NOW.

For some people, that may absolutely be the way to go.

(Also,.. you're comparing one service's stock of $20 movies with another service's stock of $60 games(that they only began offering a week ago, no less.)
Real good first experience

Signed up mid-day thursday for 3 disc out trial
Received 1 game and 1 movie on Saturday
Received 1 game on monday
This deal is awesome in my opinion. They are charging the same rates as Netflix, then throw in game rentals for no extra cost. And if I understand correctly, you can also return your disc to your local BB store rather than mailing it back, speeding up your queue by a full day or two.

For the person who must have the newest fresh off the line game, pay $7 extra for GameFly (then wait a month for it to be available). For the person who just wants to catch up on non-totally-brand-new titles, this is an amazing deal that crushes GameFly with an iron butt stomp. Especially if you're lucky enough to have a Blockbuster store near you.

I gotta hand it to Blockbuster, just when you think their ship has sunken, they stay afloat. For how long, who knows, only time will tell, but with this move, they've definitely let loose their cannons on GameFly. Personally I'd love to see Blockbuster bounce back. I do NOT like the idea of everything turning into 100% digital distribution. It's turning everyone into shut-ins.
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I looked at my queue today and 75% of the games in my queue went from available to short/long wait in 2 days. Anyone know if they ship out only from your closest distribution center cause if so, they probably not stocking enough copies for rent by mail per center.
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Very interested in this. Tried out the $4.99 option. I had good success with Gamefly, but it was just too expensive and turn-around times were too long here in Nashville, but availability was there if you managed your queue correctly. Also, access to blu-rays at retail launch will be nice if there is something I don't want to wait the 28 days for it to come to Netflix. It was interesting to see that the availability on the games in my queue changed once I subscribed for the worst, but this has some promise.
Games are on their way. We'll see how long the turnaround time is. Netflix is next day 9 times out of 10. If I'm impressed I'll join :) I figure this is a cheaper alternative in trying out older games that would normally take a spot in the backlog.
[quote name='smoger']So, you're essentially upset that they didn't ship out your first order the very same day that you signed up. (If it shipped Saturday, obviously it can't arrive Sunday, and I'm sure you haven't received monday's mail yet)

They finally decided to ship 2 titles today i.e. getting here what tomorrow or wednesday (i hope). That means 2 days to start shipment.
[quote name='BinaryTB']Just got my first game in today, ETA was tomorrow (Tuesday), so bonus for Blockbuster.[/QUOTE]

I got my movie the next day and my game in two days, so i'm happy too.
I got an email saying to expect my first two games on Wensday and Thursday...I signed up on Sunday. So we'll see how it goes.
[quote name='lordopus99']They finally decided to ship 2 titles today i.e. getting here what tomorrow or wednesday (i hope). That means 2 days to start shipment.[/QUOTE]

What the fuck is wrong with people? Dude, you signed up on FRIDAY. When I signed up, my games didn't ship until the next day. Your next day would be Saturday. It's not horribly unusual for a business to not be open on Saturday. Maybe disappointing, sure. But not that unusual. Can you not comprehend why it may have taken until Monday for your games to ship out? You act like this is unheard of.
Signed up for the free trial. Added a bunch of old games to my Q. Three shipped today, but they weren't the first three listed as "Available" in my Q. Not sure why that is; maybe because I re-ordered it a lot, and it went with the original order?

At any rate, we'll see how quickly they get here. The only snag I can see for this is sports games. I usually jones for those pretty soon after release. Of course, with EA's Project Ten Dollar nowadays, renting an EA Sports game is getting less and less useful.
bread's done