Blogs and Feeds: What are you reading


I am on Netvibes all day, every day, checking my feeds. Mine are too numerous to mention. Engadget and Joystiq are the old stand bys. Also, I keep a blog to catalog my events. I just gotta ask something to all the CAGs out there. What are your feeds or blogs of choice?

Update: Here is my blog address
Chronicles of a Black Wind Disciple
I mostly just have web design related stuff on my Netvibes. A List Apart, Vitamin, Signal vs. Noise, Authentic Boredom, 456 Berea Street, etc.

For gaming feeds I just scan what's on gmachina instead (duh).
engadget, joystiq, CAG, truehoop, blogmaverick, awfulannouncing,,, largeprimenumbers, consumerist, footballoutsiders, WWTDD, Dime, Garfield minus Garfield, questionable content, my facebook news feed
Can anyone recommend a good finance related blog? I recently discovered Dealbook on the New York Times site and I was wondering if there are any more good ones out there.

As for the OP: Slashdot, Digg, and a few forums and news sites.
I've never been one to use readers but I gave the Google one a shot. I like it but I've noticed sometimes there's a significant lag between when a site updates and when the reader gets the article. Is it a function of how the site providing the information is coded, the reader, both? Any insight would be appreciated.
[quote name='cletus']Can anyone recommend a good finance related blog? I recently discovered Dealbook on the New York Times site and I was wondering if there are any more good ones out there.

As for the OP: Slashdot, Digg, and a few forums and news sites.[/QUOTE]
Thanks I'll take a look at them when I have time. Sooo busy lately.

I don't know why but Reddit always gave me a headache whenever I tried to read it for more then a few minutes. Same with Fark. Maybe it's all the small text squashed so close together and mismatched colors.
digg, joystiq, penny arcade.
too afraid to read kotaku or endgadget at work. (the 'fleshbot' blog that's in the same group seems like it will send up a major red flag.)
TechCrunch, TechDirt, ReadWriteWeb, a ton of tech sites, though I usually just use Techmeme lately since it seems to do a good enough job of cutting through the noise...though I do consistently read TechCrunch anyway, and hit up RWW at least once a week. I use to love Digg, then it turned to shit. I used to love Reddit, but then the noise level went insane with anti-Israel crap, Ron Paul garbage (what a joke), etc. and then the redesign hasn't helped much either. Now I'm looking for a new one to replace those two. Anyone know of any?

One other question, I guess you guys like NetVibes? I just use Google Reader, but it's been acting kind of wonky and then Google has been pissing me off since I just received some bullshit 403 from them saying that they blocked me for a bit thinking I was a bot or something else because I was doing two searches that were similar. What the fuck?!? I guess Google's starting to get too big.

Also, I'll probably come back a bit later and post what else I have. Way too many to count since they're mostly work related, a single thing (a few Lakers feeds), etc.
[quote name='MP77']I've never been one to use readers but I gave the Google one a shot. I like it but I've noticed sometimes there's a significant lag between when a site updates and when the reader gets the article. Is it a function of how the site providing the information is coded, the reader, both? Any insight would be appreciated.[/quote]

It's Google being gay and not putting a solid team that will constantly update and improve a product of theirs. It's fucking ridiculous. Even Microsoft has a person on working on fine tuning their ajax, feeds, etc. and i can tell you that I've definitely seen an improvement in their products. Shit, probably nobody cares but even Live Search has gotten better, much much better, since the Rome updates.
[quote name='mrelusive']I mostly just have web design related stuff on my Netvibes. A List Apart, Vitamin, Signal vs. Noise, Authentic Boredom, 456 Berea Street, etc.

For gaming feeds I just scan what's on gmachina instead (duh).[/quote]

Thanks for gmachina. I like it. Any others like it, or maybe something similar to Techmem? I know of Hacker News (google it i forget the url myself), but I don't really like that one.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Thanks for gmachina. I like it.[/quote]
Glad to hear it. :D

[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Any others like it, or maybe something similar to Techmem? I know of Hacker News (google it i forget the url myself), but I don't really like that one.[/quote]
Other than mine there's only Crumbl and Alltop Gaming. I don't know of any that are like Techmeme, and there's a smattering of ones like Hacker News but they don't really have anyone posting content on them anyway.
I put all the standard gaming blogs (joystiq, evilavatar, kotaku, etc.) into my bookmarks on Firefox and open them all at once on a daily basis. It's like blog speed reading.
bread's done