blood in poop also a question about ulcer?


106 (100%)
is there major concern if you have blood in you poop. Maybe i strain myself too much over the weekend (it was clear before today)

should this be something i should freak out about or give it a day or two before it clears up. Its not like its pouring out when i go. i just notice there is some Red blood that is mixxed in with the poo.

now the question about the ulcer. I was told years ago that the only way to see if you have an ulcer is to run a tube down your thoart into your stomic. I call total BS and the doctor i saw that that time had no clue what they was talking about.

personally i think i give it a week and if it does it 100% of the time then i should start to worry
6/6/06... the day we get a new slidecage topic, with "blood in poop" in the title. Thank the heavens!

Ulcers can heal on their own. Just take it easy on the soft drinks, stress, anger and spicy foods. There are some medicines available, as well. They're over the counter, so go check your locak Kmart, or whatever.

I had a mean one, a few years back... went away without a tube being slid down my throat.
1. Just go se a doctor, unless you don't have medical insurance in which case start looking for a free clinic.

2. No, they did an ulcer test on me by drawing blood.
Today on sesemy street we learn some new words, can you say them with me?

"Blood in Poop"


yay! :)

well it could be a hemoroid rupture. I had my first one like 5 years ago, and yes I saw a bloody stool :O ... Preperation H and other stuff your doc gives you works wonders.
[quote name='Brak']6/6/06... the day we get a new slidecage topic, with "blood in poop" in the title. Thank the heavens!

Ulcers can heal on their own. Just take it easy on the soft drinks, stress, anger and spicy foods. There are some medicines available, as well. They're over the counter, so go check your locak Kmart, or whatever.

I had a mean one, a few years back... went away without a tube being slid down my throat.[/QUOTE]

i had a major one when i was back in middle school. (around 15 years ago) it was on the edge of becoming a bleeding one , but i really never had a problem with it over the past 10 years.

just noticed it today. I went early in the morning and saw it. then went around 2pm and it was clear BUT then went again around 30 mins ago and there was some in it again... so if i had to guess there might be a small rip or haemorrhoids (what i had when i was younger)
They did that tube test on me because of my acid reflux. They get this camera, look down your throat and stomach with the tube, and then check out your duodenum (when they told me that, I instantly thought of Earthworm Jim). I think it really depends on the situation. Believe it or not, it could be a number of things, including side effects of prescriptions. Hell, it could even be a colon related issue or something. Just be prepared, if it continues.. this may end in a colonoscopy.

Do you take alot of pain killers, like asprin and stuff? Believe it or not, they can increase the chances of the bacteria causing ulcer to increase.
[quote name='zionoverfire']1. Just go se a doctor, unless you don't have medical insurance in which case start looking for a free clinic.

2. No, they did an ulcer test on me by drawing blood.[/QUOTE]

yea i have medical insurance. so i probally end up going in a week or so if it dont clear up . (25 buck co pay isnt that bad )


thanks for the help

personally i think i might of just ripped something. Be my freaking luck its something major

Do you take alot of pain killers, like asprin and stuff? Believe it or not, they can increase the chances of the bacteria causing ulcer to increase

nope. i dont take any pain killers besides Advil maybe once or twice per month.

i just noticed that it started today or yesterday. it was clear on sunday.
[quote name='slidecage']
i just noticed that it started today or yesterday. it was clear on sunday.[/quote]

Well if it might be an ulcer they'll probably do some testing and put you on 300mg of Ranitadine a day, or at least that's what they did with me.
[quote name='zionoverfire']1. Just go se a doctor, unless you don't have medical insurance in which case start looking for a free clinic.

2. No, they did an ulcer test on me by drawing blood.[/quote]

Ding ding ding. What I would have said across three pages.


2. Ulcers are caused by a bacteria known as Helicobacter Pylori. It takes about .2ml of serum to run the test, so even if you don't like needles you're looking at a finger stick tube bare minimum. That's cake.
By straining too much do you mean straining to have a bowel movement? That's a major no-no. If it doesn't want to come out, just get up and wait until it does.

If you have pain with the poop, I'd say it's probably not from an ulcer but is from some sort of roid or what not.

Try Metamucil. Also good if you are straining due to constipation.

And seeing a doctor wouldn't be a terrible idea.
[quote name='zionoverfire']1. Just go se a doctor, unless you don't have medical insurance in which case start looking for a free clinic.[/QUOTE]

Going to a family physician can be expensive. Going to a free clinic can be time consuming and potentially filthy. And you could miss lunch!

Dr. Scobie says it's probably something that you just need to pass, like a small shard of glass. Happens all the time. Go to Taco Bell and order three of anything with the word "spicy" in it on the menu and be sure to soak it in fire sauce. Also, you'll want to wash it down with some Mickey's malt liquor. At least two bottles.

That should be sufficient to help you pass the glass shard and return you to full health.
I would wait a few days and see if i clears up. After you take a shower feel around back there and see if your feeling anything that shouldn't be their. It can be something as simple as you swallowed a small bone while eating and its working its way out.

After a week of bloody stool I would go to the doc. Could be the early signs of many things none of which are good.
I'm not a doctor and I assume no responsibility for the accuracy of anything in this post, so, go see your doctor. Period.

That being said...

If you're straining to push out a deuce, you need to read these - long but essential:

That prompted me to remove the GameBoy with Tetris from the bathroom, as well as any and all reading material.

Not that this could get any grosser, but is the blood bright red, or dark like tar or coffee grinds? If it's the former it's most likely hemorrhoids or an anal fissure, if it's the latter it's quite possibly a stomach ulcer.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I'm not a doctor and I assume no responsibility for the accuracy of anything in this post, so, go see your doctor. Period.

That being said...

If you're straining to push out a deuce, you need to read these - long but essential:

That prompted me to remove the GameBoy with Tetris from the bathroom, as well as any and all reading material.

Not that this could get any grosser, but is the blood bright red, or dark like tar or coffee grinds? If it's the former it's most likely hemorrhoids or an anal fissure, if it's the latter it's quite possibly a stomach ulcer.[/QUOTE]

Yikes sitting on the pot for 60 minutes! Parents really need to teach their kids the proper way to take a dump to avoid these kinds of problems.
Is there anyway we can get "blood in poop" to be some type of forum meme? I like the sound of it... I was saying it all day, yesterday.
Get some more fiber in your diet. Agree with Whipsmartbanky - it's probably a fissure. If it's not something ongoing you're probably fine, especially if you had to strain earlier. I've asked this exact same question to an extremely good Doctor friend of mine (He speaks at large conferences, has received lots of awards, etc) and he was extremely unconcerned.

He said it would have to have been going on for more than a month to be concerned. If it's bright red, you're probably fine and need more fiber and maybe should apply a little neosporin to help the fissure heal if it's on the outside.

Now, if the blood is extremely dark and tar-like, that's an indication that it's something going on in your digestive tract, which can be very bad.
[quote name='Blade']If I were you, I'd just ask my boyfriend to go easier and use more lube. ;)[/QUOTE]

Man, we're all gonna feel like real heels if the guy ends up dying from the blood in poop.
[quote name='Scobie']Man, we're all gonna feel like real heels if the guy ends up dying from the blood in poop.[/quote]

But if he doesn't... :booty:
If you have a stomach ulcer, you are not likely to have frank red blood in your stool. As the blood passes through your GI, it gets digested as well. What you will have is more likely "melena" or coffee ground looking stuff. The further south in the GI that you are bleeding, the more likely that blood will appear more red. Bright red blood indicates you are bleeding way south - sigmoid colon, rectum, or the ol' anus. Definitely get check for HR's (hemorrhoids), but other conditions from benign polyps to malignant tumors can cause blood in the poop.
Be sure to tell your doc if you have had pain associated with the blood, if you are straining, if you have the big D, etc.
I have had this problem on and off for years. Then, one day on my way to work, I sneezed and passed out. The doctor told me that I was severely anemic because of the bleeding. After a Colonoscopy, EDG (Camera down the throat), and several scans I am now having hem surgery in two weeks.

The doctor told me the recovery would take a couple of weeks and will be very painful.:cry:

But, if you figure that at one point, I could have died...I guess it's worth it to catch up on some games I've missed.

Man, don't mess with unknown bleeding!
Let me preface my statement by informing everyone that I havent read anything in this thread yet. I'm just commenting at the moment .. I can't wait to read the op and the following posts. This is sure to be internet gold!
You never did answer if it was Dark red or bright red...

It can be many other things besides ulcers. It could be celiac disease, Chrones etc.

Hopefully it clears up and is all good.
[quote name='Snake2715']You never did answer if it was Dark red or bright red...

It can be many other things besides ulcers. It could be celiac disease, Chrones etc.

Hopefully it clears up and is all good.[/QUOTE]

i would say more bright red. was worried there for a few days , my great uncle died of lung cancer and my grandmother died of liver cancer in the past month. was starting to worry that i might have colon cancer or start of it
On a serious note, I had this same problem (bright red blood) off and on for about 3 years before finally seeing a doctor about it. Turned out that it was a benign polyp in my colon. I had a flexible sigmoidoscopy (where they don't knock you out all the way and only go in about halfway) and eventually a colonoscopy (full anaesthesia, full entry) that discovered the polyp.

Needless to say, get it checked out--even if it quits for awhile. If they give you a choice between flexible sigmoidoscopy and a colonoscopy, TAKE THE COLONOSCOPY. I slept through the whole thing. As for the sigmoidoscopy, let's just say I've never been in more pain in my entire life.
[quote name='slidecage']i would say more bright red. was worried there for a few days , my great uncle died of lung cancer and my grandmother died of liver cancer in the past month. was starting to worry that i might have colon cancer or start of it[/QUOTE]

Well you could have always drank or ate something red?

But it sounds like you may be in the 30+ range or higher. If thats the case a quick call to the doctor for your $25 copay might be worth it. I bet if either of your relatives could have caught their cancer earlier for a mere $25 they would have opted to do so.

Dont kick yourself later.

A polyp can be benign (sp?) and eventaully turn cancerous or like I mentioned they are finding more and more out about say Chrones etc. Its hereditary and can cause all sorts of issues the longer you wait.
Try the checkup station in the mall if you have one of those. In my town they have mini doctors offices in larger malls, and you can see the doctor for $25. I have never used them because my employer provides good benefits but I hear good things. If your broke and lucky you can trade plasma for a checkuo ;) Good luck man or girl.
I'm sorry, but I don't want to see this thread pass like so much blood in poop, especially when there are still good laughs to be had... I guess I'm just a sentimentalist.
I don't care enough to read other posts... but blood from ulcers is black and almost like tar because its been digested. red blood means you either have colon cancer or you just tore your O ring on a big turd... or dildo.
[quote name='Scobie']Kayden, I guess it can be said that you "know your shit."[/QUOTE]


Makes me wonder who else looks at there shit when they dump it :p
[quote name='ITDEFX']LOL

Makes me wonder who else looks at there shit when they dump it :p[/quote]

Anyone that says they don't is a dirty lying whore.
[quote name='Brak']Is there anyway we can get "blood in poop" to be some type of forum meme? I like the sound of it... I was saying it all day, yesterday.[/QUOTE]

BiP(Blood in Poop) could be like a very satisfying thread that gets infested by slidecage/insert hated poster.
[quote name='slidecage']is there major concern if you have blood in you poop. Maybe i strain myself too much over the weekend (it was clear before today)

should this be something i should freak out about or give it a day or two before it clears up. Its not like its pouring out when i go. i just notice there is some Red blood that is mixxed in with the poo.

now the question about the ulcer. I was told years ago that the only way to see if you have an ulcer is to run a tube down your thoart into your stomic. I call total BS and the doctor i saw that that time had no clue what they was talking about.

personally i think i give it a week and if it does it 100% of the time then i should start to worry[/quote]

Yes, go to your doctor, I had it and then I had to get a colonoscopy and endoscopy (Camera down throat and up ass) and found out I have Crohn's. I'm lucky I only have Crohn's because it could've been cancer or something. Check it out right away.
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']Yes, go to your doctor, I had it and then I had to get a colonoscopy and endoscopy (Camera down throat and up ass) and found out I have Crohn's. I'm lucky I only have Crohn's because it could've been cancer or something. Check it out right away.[/QUOTE]

Thats a bitch of a disease in itself if you dont watch it.
[quote name='Snake2715']Thats a bitch of a disease in itself if you dont watch it.[/quote]

Yeah, last summer I was taking 15+ pills a day. Now I only take 9 a day. and soon to be 11 a day when they get me on the right dosage. But it sure beats colon cancer.
bread's done