Bloodborne or FF Type-0 HD?


48 (100%)
Hey everybody, if you had to choose one game between Final Fantasy Type-0 and Bloodborne for PS4, which would you choose? I am only able to afford one at this time.
Obviously you know by now Type-0 has the FFXV demo, which I know is just a demo but really entices me to want it because I have been waiting for that game since it was announced back in '06. I've also heard that Type-0's gameplay is very reminiscent of Kingdom Hearts, one of my favorite gaming series of all time.
I know this may be a silly question, but I'd like to hear what you guys think in terms of what the better choice is, value, etc. Thanks so much!
I'm not a fan of the DS series (Demon's or Dark), but Bloodborne simply looks badass. I will definitely be buying it... and likely getting my ass handed to me. 

Maybe not the most popular opinion but I lost pretty much all faith in SE when it comes to making a great FF game or an RPG in general. I know people are gonna piss on about "XXX" was great and I agree. There's been some great SE RPGs over the last decade... Crisis Core, TWEWY being my two personal faves (and pretty much the only ones, and yes, I've experienced the "2nd-half repetition fest" that is Bravely Default), but in general, I've been pretty disappointed with nearly all of their RPGs. I've seen so many people get hyped for Type-0 and I'll give it a go eventually but I'm keeping my hopes low. I've been through this song and dance before. I'm even less excited for XV. If you really wanna play XV, I would bet there'll be hundreds of codes available online and you can probably pick one up for a couple of bucks. 

Well, I've heard a lot of good things about the PSP version of the game, and if you like Kingdom Hearts or Ys, then it's right up your alley... but I can't say for certain myself as I have never played it. Twitch streams only do so much for me.
I'd probably go with FF Type-0 HD first.  Even after the huge disappointment that was FF XIII, I'm still staying hopeful.  It's weird to think I've been looking forward to Type-0 and FF XV for almost a decade now, since way back when they were announced as the other two thirds of what was supposed to be an FF XIII not-quite-a-trilogy-but-whatever thing.

That's not to say Bloodborne doesn't look great as well, though.  I plan on picking that up once it gets cheaper, too.

Based on what you described it sounds like you would really enjoy FF Type-O now. You can always pick up Bloodborne later during a sale.

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