Blossoming Gameplay - Flower Reviewed


3 (100%)
While we indisputably love gaming, there are moments when we wish developers offered more innovation and diversity in their endeavors. Although today’s games featured high-def graphics that border of photorealism, many titles are built around the antiquated concept of lives, continues, and boss encounters. Occasionally, we’ll hear of a game that purportedly transcends the paradigm; a recent example being PixelJunk Eden. While the title was unquestionably compelling, is was still steeped in the trappings of time limits and pesky enemies.

So we approached Flower with a healthy dose of journalistic skepticism. Sure, developer ThatGameCompany created FlOw, a surreal diversion that shunned many of the trappings of electronic entertainment. While the title was interesting, it lacked a certain spark to warrant long-term play. As the opening cinematic of Flower began to play, our cynicism gently waned.

Flower focuses on juxtapositions- as the game begins, a drab and noisy city gives way to the colorful serenity of nature. Inside a small urban apartment, a single wilted flower rests on a windowsill, desperately clinging to life. Selecting the plant transports it to an open field, where the plant drops a single petal. By manipulating the Sixaxis, players control the trajectory of the petal. Pressing any of the buttons on the controller sends the flora forward, as if guided by some unseen breeze. As players pass near other flowers, the plants spring to life, adding additional petals. Before long, the player will be controlling a stream of multicolored cascade of petals, all moving dynamically in a wind current. Controlling the flight of the florets is nothing less than exhilarating; player can speed through waves of grass that react realistically to the breeze, or ascend up to picturesque heights that display the entire landscape.

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