Blu-ray surpasses HD-DVDs in sales

Hd-DVD should just throw in the towel now. There is no way they are winning when the Rock and Con-Air come out for Blu-Ray. :)

BTW, what movies on blu-ray that came out last month drove sales that much?
[quote name='dpatel']...and it begins.[/quote]
well it is a ps3 thread..i take the OP has trying to say that since blu ray sales are higher the ps3 0wnz all
No where did he state that. No one brought up the PS3 as a gaming machine in this thread. Only you. Maybe you WANTED OP to say that, so you could have a reason to get a quick PS3 jab in there, but he didn't.

Next time...try a little harder.
[quote name='dpatel']No where did he state that. No one brought up the PS3 as a gaming machine in this thread. Only you. Maybe you WANTED OP to say that, so you could have a reason to get a quick PS3 jab in there, but he didn't.

Next time...try a little harder.[/quote]

it is a ps3 thread..therefore he is obviously trying to make a connection between the blu ray sales and the ps3.
w\e though lets not bicker about this nonsense and start cyber fighting
Blu-ray discussion has always taken place in the PS3 thread, and it usually has little bearing on the state of the PS3. Same with HD-DVD and the 360 thread.

Why you chose to bring up the fact that the PS3 is in last in a thread about blu-ray is beyond me. But go ahead and keep trying to justify it. Maybe you'll find a connection somewhere.. just maybe.
[quote name='omgu8myrice']lol..
well it is a ps3 thread..i take the OP has trying to say that since blu ray sales are higher the ps3 0wnz all[/QUOTE]
Just go away.
when people are saying 'awesome' over blu ray sales, they are only happy because they will have something to boast about with the ps3. its not like the sales will all of a sudden change anything about the system, so there is no other reason to get hyped over this.
whatever though, lets just drop it, i dont wanna hijack this thread.
[quote name='omgu8myrice']it is a ps3 thread..therefore he is obviously trying to make a connection between the blu ray sales and the ps3.
w\e though lets not bicker about this nonsense and start cyber fighting[/quote]

Thats funny because nowhere in my post did I say Sony or PS3. Please do not assume that I am trying to say things when I gave no indication that I was. I was just simply commenting on the blu-ray the reason it is in the PS3 forums is because most blu-ray discussion goes here like others have stated
[quote name='m0dem']Thats funny because nowhere in my post did I say Sony or PS3. Please do not assume that I am trying to say things when I gave no indication that I was. I was just simply commenting on the blu-ray the reason it is in the PS3 forums is because most blu-ray discussion goes here like others have stated[/quote]

okay, well then sorry for the misunderstanding.
[quote name='omgu8myrice']when people are saying 'awesome' over blu ray sales, they are only happy because they will have something to boast about with the ps3. its not like the sales will all of a sudden change anything about the system, so there is no other reason to get hyped over this.
whatever though, lets just drop it, i dont wanna hijack this thread.[/quote]

you just did hijack the thread with that comment
[quote name='omgu8myrice']when people are saying 'awesome' over blu ray sales, they are only happy because they will have something to boast about with the ps3. its not like the sales will all of a sudden change anything about the system, so there is no other reason to get hyped over this.
whatever though, lets just drop it, i dont wanna hijack this thread.[/QUOTE]

Or maybe they are saying 'awesome' because the like blu-ray? I know its a crazy thought, but I think it JUST might be true. Seeing as how no one has mentioned PS3 here.
[quote name='omgu8myrice']okay, well then sorry for the misunderstanding.[/QUOTE]

And for misunderstanding everyone else's post, apparently. But you are forgiven.
Wow 19 posts of crap..

I for one would prefer HD-DVD as I don't like the idea of Sony controlling the format. So this is not good news for me. However I have decided long ago to play the waiting game and see which wins out as I would be doubly pissed if I invested in a losing side.

Good for Sony though. I think the HD-DVD needs to get up and advertise their end heavily. I rarely see HD-DVD ads and I think that is not something they can afford to wait on right now.
not really great news for either hd or blue ray...between the 2 of them they have barely broken 1.2 million in total movies sales. They have been selling these discs for at least 4 months maybe longer. Rather weak total sales. Also it is tough to claim much of a victory when there were very few HD DVD new releases. I would imagine blue ray will win march as far as I know, there hasn't even been an hd dvd disc released in the past 2 wks
[quote name='Snake2715']Wow 19 posts of crap..

I for one would prefer HD-DVD as I don't like the idea of Sony controlling the format. So this is not good news for me. However I have decided long ago to play the waiting game and see which wins out as I would be doubly pissed if I invested in a losing side.

Good for Sony though. I think the HD-DVD needs to get up and advertise their end heavily. I rarely see HD-DVD ads and I think that is not something they can afford to wait on right now.[/QUOTE]

Nothing against you, but that is sort of a bad reason for hating a format. Besides, it is not just Sony, its several companies that make up the BDA. By this logic, both the CD and DVD shouldn't be good either since Sony is involved.
Who cares who makes the discs? Like someone else said, the sooner the format war is over the better, then we can all just get one player and be happy. I think it would be better if whatever format that is technically superior and therefore more useful wins, and from what I've read that would be the BluRay disc.
[quote name='Snake2715']Wow 19 posts of crap..

I for one would prefer HD-DVD as I don't like the idea of Sony controlling the format. So this is not good news for me. [/QUOTE]

By that logic you wouldn't want HD-DVD to win either. That is like saying you don't want Toshiba to control the format. Neither of them are alone and are part of a group of companies that created the technology.

With Casino Royale this month I bet we see Blu-ray sell even more than 2:1.
I just want this format war to end.... it's ridiculous. I personally prefer HD-DVD, but if Blu-Ray's pulling ahead then so be it, just get it over with so we can have a single high-def medium with support from all studios.
[quote name='ryanbph']not really great news for either hd or blue ray...between the 2 of them they have barely broken 1.2 million in total movies sales. They have been selling these discs for at least 4 months maybe longer. Rather weak total sales. Also it is tough to claim much of a victory when there were very few HD DVD new releases. I would imagine blue ray will win march as far as I know, there hasn't even been an hd dvd disc released in the past 2 wks[/quote]

Thats the big problem with HD-DVD though there are not many studios supporting it compared to Blu-ray
Bluray is superior in every way to HD-DVD, the ad campaigns are superior, and there are more releases. HD-DVD needs much more advertising (haven't seen a single commercial) if they want to compete.

Plus, I would really like to see PS3 not die... winning the format war would be a nice stepping stone and one more reason to buy a PS3 (for me anyway, as I refuse to spend 600$ on it right now).
[quote name='kingsoby1']Bluray is superior in every way to HD-DVD, the ad campaigns are superior, and there are more releases. HD-DVD needs much more advertising (haven't seen a single commercial) if they want to compete.

Plus, I would really like to see PS3 not die... winning the format war would be a nice stepping stone and one more reason to buy a PS3 (for me anyway, as I refuse to spend 600$ on it right now).[/quote]

please dont pull things out of your ass. it may damage the prostate or cause prolapse.
[quote name='orntar']please dont pull things out of your ass. it may damage the prostate or cause prolapse.[/QUOTE]

If you are talking about his 'blu-ray is superior' comment, I believe he is pretty much right. The only thing that HD-DVD beats it in currently is manufacturing costs. But, that only affects the manufacturers, and seeing that blu-ray has more support, it seems the it doesn't seem to be that much of an issue.
Blu Ray sold more discs mostly because almost no new titles have been released this past month for HD-DVD, for one thing.

Two, the world is a better place with competing formats, at least initially.....otherwise Sony would still be selling only $1000 BD players and charging $40 for movies...

Three, once the thrill wears off, people are gonna be tired of paying $25+ bucks for movies thaey already own.

Four, those 25% off sales help dont they :p

PS: The Rock? That movie sucked ballz in so many ways its not even funny....
[quote name='HeadRusch']PS: The Rock? That movie sucked ballz in so many ways its not even funny....[/QUOTE]

you take that back!
[quote name='HeadRusch']Blu Ray sold more discs mostly because almost no new titles have been released this past month for HD-DVD, for one thing.

Two, the world is a better place with competing formats, at least initially.....otherwise Sony would still be selling only $1000 BD players and charging $40 for movies...

Three, once the thrill wears off, people are gonna be tired of paying $25+ bucks for movies thaey already own.

Four, those 25% off sales help dont they :p

PS: The Rock? That movie sucked ballz in so many ways its not even funny....[/quote]

Like I said before it will probably be this way from now on because HD-DVD does not have as much support from movie companies as blu-ray. You will not see many big HD-DVD titles
This is not gaming related. It should either be in the off topic forum or simply deleted for being filled with some bullshit arguments by the usual suspects.
Awesome news. :D Blu-ray is definitely the better format and I'm glad to see sales show it. If only Universal supported blu-ray, HD-DVD would be completely dead.

In Japan though, blu-ray is own HD-DVD on a 19:1 ratio. :D

Blu-ray FTW!!!!
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Wow it had approximately 3.8% higher sales than HDDVD according to the OP, that definitely means it's in the lead

They're clearly kicking HDDVDs ass[/quote]

Even if it had 0.1% higher sales it would still mean its in the lead.
Owning both, I'd buy a title on HD-DVD before I bought it on Blu Ray.

HD-DVD, you're pretty much guaranteed it'll work and look great. On Blu Ray, its anyones frickin guess since they're still turning out shitty MPEG-2 conversions.

In fact, that holds true for both HD formats.....they're starting to release some shitty transfers on both formats, which is like absurd at this point......I've really backed off buying more HD titles lately.
[quote name='dpatel']Or maybe they are saying 'awesome' because the like blu-ray? I know its a crazy thought, but I think it JUST might be true. Seeing as how no one has mentioned PS3 here.[/QUOTE]
I think most people (those reading this forum anyway) would say "awesome" because they have a PS3 and therefore want to see Blu-ray win, simply because they've already made an investment in a Blu-ray player (the PS3 itself). It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the PS3's success.
How can you say a movie with Sean Connery sucks? The Rock was an awesome movie and Michael Bay's best. I want Blu-ray to win because IT Is superior. It holds 10 more gb, which is awesome when I get a blu-ray burner in the future when I back up stuff as 10 more gb to back up stuff is incredible, and is far more resistant to scratching.

Plus, Blu-ray movies are starting to use mpeg-4 which is a better encoding and a lot of blu-ray players support vc1 and ac.24 which are also better.
I heard from one of my friends that the porn industry isn't' backing bluray... could spell trouble, but I doubt the porn industry sticks to it's guns if bluray gets a big enough lead.
[quote name='kingsoby1']I heard from one of my friends that the porn industry isn't' backing bluray... could spell trouble, but I doubt the porn industry sticks to it's guns if bluray gets a big enough lead.[/quote]

yeah, but like some guy said I don't think the Porn industry will have as big of impact this time because of the internet and DVD's.
bread's done