Blue Ray OutSelling HD-DVD



Though the next-gen video format war is not yet over, it is becoming increasingly clear which way the tide of battle is turning. Today, analysts at Home Media Research (via Reuters) reported that Sony's Blu-ray Disc format is now outselling Microsoft-backed HD-DVD at a ratio of nearly two-to-one. Between January 1 and July 1, a total of 795,000 HD-DVDs were sold, versus 1.6 million BDs. As of the end of July, 2.2 million BDs and 1.5 million HD-DVDs have sold since they both hit the market last year.
Home Media Research cited sales of the popular film 300 to illustrate the differences between the two formats. After being released on home video on July 31, the film has sold 190,000 units on Blu-ray and 97,000 units on HD-DVD. The article also referenced the fact that Blockbuster is supporting Blu-ray exclusivelyas a factor behind the format's increasing sales momentum.
Curiously, the article did not mention the PlayStation 3, which plays Blu-ray discs without any additional hardware. The Xbox 360 supports HD-DVD playback via a $179 peripheral.

Thought you guys on this forum might appreciate this little snippet I found while being lazy at work :D.
1 year ago: Blu Ray was a huge mistake. There's no reason why it should be in the PS3. Sony is just using the PS3 as a trojan horse for their new format, which is totally going to fail. It's over Sony is finished.
[quote name='Apossum']1 year ago: Blu Ray was a huge mistake. There's no reason why it should be in the PS3. Sony is just using the PS3 as a trojan horse for their new format, which is totally going to fail. It's over Sony is finished.[/QUOTE]

Man, I don't have any respect for you anymore. Developers are coming out and saying that DVD is starting to limit their development capabilities. That sounds like great news for Sony. The PS3 is a great choice for gamers who want to get into HD video because they'll get the PS3 for the games eventually anyways (it might take some time, of course). You're pulling this thinly veiled fanboy bullshit and it pisses me off. You should approach this format war with logic and your wallet in mind, not your biased fucking bullshit.
I don't care who wins the war because I have a HD-DVD player and a PS3. But IMO they are both going to be around for a while and I don't see either one of them winning over DVD any time soon.
[quote name='Deadpool']I'd actually cite the fact that the HD-DVD version of 300 was at most places at least $5 more than the Blu version. Thus the inflated Blu #'s. People want to save a few bucks.[/QUOTE]

It was $5 more because it was a combo disc. Strange how the combo discs seem to be have a reverse effect on the format.
[quote name='lurknomore']Am I the only bothered when someone mistakenly write "Blue Ray"?[/QUOTE]

Well, the OP messed up HD DVD as well. There is no "-" between the HD and DVD.
I'd actually cite the fact that the HD-DVD version of 300 was at most places at least $5 more than the Blu version. Thus the inflated Blu #'s. People want to save a few bucks.
Are you serious? How does this inflate BR numbers? Not many people have both HD and BR, and are choosing between the two. I love how HD fanboys always have a reason why Toshiba is blowing this war. I know it's far from over, but BR is on a roll and HD is just watching them go. When is HD going to really do something to try and get back on top?
[quote name='pinoy530']Well, the OP messed up HD DVD as well. There is no "-" between the HD and DVD.[/QUOTE]

The OP misspelled Blu-ray, HD DVD, and created a separate topic for which there is only one. Triple fail! Rectify this situation immediately by killing yourself. It is the only way.
[quote name='redgopher']Man, I don't have any respect for you anymore. [/quote]

I don't even know who you are, so I guess that's not a problem! :lol:

Developers are coming out and saying that DVD is starting to limit their development capabilities. That sounds like great news for Sony. The PS3 is a great choice for gamers who want to get into HD video because they'll get the PS3 for the games eventually anyways (it might take some time, of course). You're pulling this thinly veiled fanboy bullshit and it pisses me off. You should approach this format war with logic and your wallet in mind, not your biased fucking bullshit.

I can't tell if you comprehended my post correctly...but you're right, I do like to troll these threads lately since I've been in a shitty mood. I don't actually care about the console warz, format warz, or fanboy warz, I pretty much just take jabs at all three when I post in threads like this.

the "one year ago" part was supposed to show how everyone's "hell in a handbasket" predictions about blu-ray have failed so far.
[quote name='dpatel']It was $5 more because it was a combo disc. Strange how the combo discs seem to be have a reverse effect on the format.[/quote]

yes it is weird. I listed to major nelsons podcast and he was poking fun at how blueray doesn't have the ability to be played in a normal dvd player as a dvd. If blueray added combo to there arsenal.....:applause:
[quote name='Deadpool']I'd actually cite the fact that the HD-DVD version of 300 was at most places at least $5 more than the Blu version. Thus the inflated Blu #'s. People want to save a few bucks.[/QUOTE]

The HD-DVD version did have some Hi Def extras that weren't included in the Blu ray version.
Yeah, fans got upset at that and now they said there'd be an updated bluray with all the extras and using the latest bluray features.
[quote name='ighosty']yes it is weird. I listed to major nelsons podcast and he was poking fun at how blueray doesn't have the ability to be played in a normal dvd player as a dvd. If blueray added combo to there arsenal.....:applause:[/QUOTE]

Screw that, I'm not going to pay anywhere between $5-10 for a double sided disc that I won't use as often.
[quote name='redgopher']Man, I don't have any respect for you anymore.[/quote]
Man, you TOTALLY got his post wrong. He was stating what the situation was ONE YEAR AGO, nothing to do with his apparent "biased fucking bullshit"
[quote name='Vanigan']Yeah, fans got upset at that and now they said there'd be an updated bluray with all the extras and using the latest bluray features.[/QUOTE]

Except all current BR players aren't capable of playing those features. Sony is modifying the BR spec as of Oct 31, 2007 in order to match HD DVDs current capabilities. All those cool web enabled features or PiP features that ALL HD DVD players can already do, BR players made after Oct. 31 will have to adhere to these new specs. What does that mean for all current BR players and accessing those features on discs that use them? You're SOL and need to buy a new BR player.

Bravo Sony for releasing an incomplete format and screwing over your early adopters.
[quote name='Apossum']1 year ago: Blu Ray was a huge mistake. There's no reason why it should be in the PS3. Sony is just using the PS3 as a trojan horse for their new format, which is totally going to fail. It's over Sony is finished.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Apossum']1 year ago: Blu Ray was a huge mistake. There's no reason why it should be in the PS3. Sony is just using the PS3 as a trojan horse for their new format, which is totally going to fail. It's over Sony is finished.[/QUOTE]

If PS3 sales don't pick up, BR will sink right along with the PS3 as people trade in their PS3s for other gaming systems (Wii and 360).
[quote name='dschroll']If PS3 sales don't pick up, BR will sink right along with the PS3 as people trade in their PS3s for other gaming systems (Wii and 360).[/QUOTE]

I doubt that the exodus you fear will come to pass. It's a respectable number for the console's first year... people are too quick to write off the console for whatever reason... but bear in mind that this is not the first rodeo for Sony... so counting them out or resting on one's lead is always a recipe for disaster.

Even if it doesn't overtake the 360's lead, it will do just fine and steady sales will keep things interesting... If we're at 1.4 million this time next year, maybe some predictions are right (but the death of the console would not be among them, even then..)

And no, I own both... I play both... I am platform agnostic... (I do not, however, own a Wii...) This is just my view from "10,000 feet", so to speak.
[quote name='Mechafenris']I doubt that the exodus you fear will come to pass. It's a respectable number for the console's first year... people are too quick to write off the console for whatever reason... but bear in mind that this is not the first rodeo for Sony... so counting them out or resting on one's lead is always a recipe for disaster.

Even if it doesn't overtake the 360's lead, it will do just fine and steady sales will keep things interesting... If we're at 1.4 million this time next year, maybe some predictions are right (but the death of the console would not be among them, even then..)

And no, I own both... I play both... I am platform agnostic... (I do not, however, own a Wii...) This is just my view from "10,000 feet", so to speak.[/QUOTE]

Problem is they really don't have many AAA titles this Christmas, especially considering some of the heavy hitters 360 and Wii are getting, so that pretty much means they've lost their second holiday season in a row before its even started.
[quote name='ighosty']yes it is weird. I listed to major nelsons podcast and he was poking fun at how blueray doesn't have the ability to be played in a normal dvd player as a dvd. If blueray added combo to there arsenal.....:applause:[/QUOTE]

Sales would likely decrease if HD-DVD is any indication. Its a nice feature, but given the choice between saving $5, or getting a combo disc, I'd opt for saving the $5.

[quote name='dschroll']If PS3 sales don't pick up, BR will sink right along with the PS3 as people trade in their PS3s for other gaming systems (Wii and 360).[/QUOTE]

As long as the Wii and 360 don't support HD-DVD, it doesn't really matter (when speaking of blu-ray) how the PS3 fares in the console race.
[quote name='Mechafenris']I doubt that the exodus you fear will come to pass. It's a respectable number for the console's first year... people are too quick to write off the console for whatever reason... but bear in mind that this is not the first rodeo for Sony... so counting them out or resting on one's lead is always a recipe for disaster.

Even if it doesn't overtake the 360's lead, it will do just fine and steady sales will keep things interesting... If we're at 1.4 million this time next year, maybe some predictions are right (but the death of the console would not be among them, even then..)

And no, I own both... I play both... I am platform agnostic... (I do not, however, own a Wii...) This is just my view from "10,000 feet", so to speak.[/QUOTE]

As someone else pointed out, the PS3 doesn't have many heavy hitters this holiday whereas Wii and 360 are pulling out the big guns. Not to mention the PS3 is losing exclusive after exclusive because of these low sales. The PS3 may not ever die, but its looking more and more like it won't ever accomplish what the PS2 has and what the Wii and 360 are right now.

I just want to point out the PSP as a prediction. When the PSP first came out, movie sales for it were through the roof. People really took to the feature and movie studios were releasing tons of movies for it. However, today, almost no movies are released for the PSP because the novelty wore off and PSP owners shifted their dollars from UMD movies to games when decent games finally arrived on the PSP.

I think its risky business when all these exclusive movie studios are backing a format thats primarily being driven by a game console. We've seen this type of thing turn south really quick once decent games came out. If the PS3 gets some decent games, we could see a decline in BR sales because people are more interested in playing games than watching movies on their PS3. If PS3 doesn't get any decent games, we'll see a decline in BR sales when people finally trade in their PS3 for a gaming system with decent games. Unless BR standalone players come down a lot more in price, I don't see this BR sales lead holding up for long.
[quote name='dpatel']Sales would likely decrease if HD-DVD is any indication. Its a nice feature, but given the choice between saving $5, or getting a combo disc, I'd opt for saving the $5.

As long as the Wii and 360 don't support HD-DVD, it doesn't really matter (when speaking of blu-ray) how the PS3 fares in the console race.[/QUOTE]

Actually, it matters a TON.
The primary reason people buy a PS3 is to play games. BR functionality is typically icing on the cake. If the PS3 sells poorly, game developers stop making games for it and shift their focus more on Wii and 360 (already happening in some cases). If games stop coming out for the PS3, you can bet many PS3 owners will be upset and looking to dump their PS3 in favor of a different game system where games are more abundant. Since its the PS3 owners that are driving BR sales, if those PS3 owners eventually ditch their PS3s, then bye bye BR sales.

So, how the PS3 does as a game system is very relevant to how well BR can maintain its lead. Right now there are 10 times as many BR players in the world as there are HD DVD players. However, last I checked, total disc sales for both formats have BR coming in at roughly 2.2 million and HD DVD at 1.5 million. Considering the gigantic ratio of BR to HD DVD players in the market, you would expect BR disc sales to be much bigger than what they actually are. HD DVD is able to stay fairly competitive with BR with a 10th of the players in the market. With HD DVD player prices continuing to go down in price and the 360 add on also dropping in price, this could really uplift HD DVDs sales in the coming months.
[quote name='dschroll']Actually, it matters a TON.
The primary reason people buy a PS3 is to play games. BR functionality is typically icing on the cake. If the PS3 sells poorly, game developers stop making games for it and shift their focus more on Wii and 360 (already happening in some cases). If games stop coming out for the PS3, you can bet many PS3 owners will be upset and looking to dump their PS3 in favor of a different game system where games are more abundant. Since its the PS3 owners that are driving BR sales, if those PS3 owners eventually ditch their PS3s, then bye bye BR sales. [/QUOTE]

Well yea, if it fails, then it would matter. I was merely pointing out that if the PS3 does in fact stay in third this whole gen, it can still act as a successful trojan horse for BD, seeing as how neither the Wii nor the 360 support HD-DVD.

[quote name='dschroll']So, how the PS3 does as a game system is very relevant to how well BR can maintain its lead.[/QUOTE]

Of course. I should've worded my post better.

[quote name='dschroll']Right now there are 10 times as many BR players in the world as there are HD DVD players. However, last I checked, total disc sales for both formats have BR coming in at roughly 2.2 million and HD DVD at 1.5 million. Considering the gigantic ratio of BR to HD DVD players in the market, you would expect BR disc sales to be much bigger than what they actually are. HD DVD is able to stay fairly competitive with BR with a 10th of the players in the market. With HD DVD player prices continuing to go down in price and the 360 add on also dropping in price, this could really uplift HD DVDs sales in the coming months.[/QUOTE]

Would would you expect BD sales to be much larger? PS3 is also a gaming machine, so its not surprising to see such a low BD movie attach rate. But, like a trojan horse, it is getting BD in people's homes so that, when they decide to jump to hi-def, BD will be the cheaper choice.
[quote name='dschroll'] The PS3 may not ever die, but its looking more and more like it won't ever accomplish what the PS2 has and what the Wii and 360 are right now. [/QUOTE]

If you look at VG charts (which you quoted) and set the charts to start at the same point you will see the PS3 is selling pretty much at the same rate as the 360. Considering the PS3 has a dozen exclusives coming up and actually has a few games I know of coming out for 2008 I am going to just go ahead and say your prediction sucks. This years 360 holiday will be better but I think PS3s looks twice as good as 360s last year.

Either way if Blu-ray sales go down I'm sure HD-DVD sales will also go down and they both will lose. I hope they don't though. Even next gen systems could still use blu-ray. They have an 8 layer 200gb version they could use, and if that's not enough, well then that is crazy.
[quote name='ryanbph']there is already a thread about hd vs blue ray thread that is talking about those numbers[/quote]

I agree. I'm only bumping this so a mod can close or merge.
It's actually pretty interesting how the bluray works, it's similar to a DVD, but the blue laser diode is so accurate that they can actually focus the beam through 8 layers, that's pretty trippy.

I wonder if older bluray players could be updated via firmware. It is certainly stupid to have all that extra space over HD-DVD, yet not utilize it by having extra functions available to bluray makers.

One issue I'm concerned about is load times. They're going to have to find a way to make disc based media load a lot faster. All these HD games means a lot more to be loaded off the drive and it'll only get worse later.

I was actually about to post that the PS3 has had half the time. So despite being priced higher, it having sold half as much as the competition to date isn't a bad thing. These days its clear that you get what you pay for in terms of hardware.

The 360 will get the lead again when Halo 3, Mass Effect, and I forget the other big name exclusives come out, but Sony has quite a few good game.

Both sides being equal, I'm looking forward to playing all the good games on any system, not to mention watching high def movies.
[quote name='DrFoo']If you look at VG charts (which you quoted) and set the charts to start at the same point you will see the PS3 is selling pretty much at the same rate as the 360. Considering the PS3 has a dozen exclusives coming up and actually has a few games I know of coming out for 2008 I am going to just go ahead and say your prediction sucks. This years 360 holiday will be better but I think PS3s looks twice as good as 360s last year. [/quote]

Can't really say my prediction sucks until after the fact. We both don't know what's going to happen, so how can you accuse me that I'm wrong? Seems a bit premature. My prediction is based on another gaming system that also played movies and games. Now the PSP has an install base of 22 million yet movies sales are nil on the system. Why is that? The main reason is that people buy gaming systems to play games. A few may use it as a movie player at first, but eventually people want games. If the system finally has good games, people will buy those, if it doesn't have good games, then people will eventually trade in for a system that does. Either way, I think its really gutsy for so many movie studios to support a format exclusively and 98% of the install base are coming from game console owners. As we have seen already, those sales are unreliable. They're great to have, but you can't count on them to drive your future business. The main hope of BR here is to hold onto these PS3 sales until standalone players get cheap enough to appeal to the mainstream consumer. However, we're still a year away from that happening as the cheapest BR players out there are $500.

All of HD DVD's sales come from devices whose sole purpose is to play movies. Its why HD DVD has a much higher attach rate that BR. These are sales you can more consistently count on since you know the consumer bought the device to watch movies and there's no other competing entertainment medium on that device.

I'm just saying people need to look at the bigger picture. There are too many people who see the increase in sales for BR and think the format war is over an HD DVD is dead in the water. Not true. You need to see what's driving these sales, if they will be able to maintain this lead, etc. From where I stand, I feel we'll see a repeat in history with the PS3 as we did with the PSP a couple years back.
[quote name='Vanigan']It's actually pretty interesting how the bluray works, it's similar to a DVD, but the blue laser diode is so accurate that they can actually focus the beam through 8 layers, that's pretty trippy.

I haven't read anything about BR being able to focus through 8 layers. Its my understanding that BR is maxed out at 2 layers right now, for a total of 50GB. HD DVD also uses a blue laser and has 2 layers maxed out at 30GB. However, the HD DVD group just came out with a triple layer version of their disc that now maxes out at 51GB. So, BR's space advantage, which isn't much of an advantage so far considering most studios aren't utilizing it, will be moot soon.

Also, keep in mind that HD DVD is the true successor of the DVD format. Hence, the DVD logo in its name. This format is officially backed by the DVD forum. However, Blu Ray is not backed and therefore, they cannot use the DVD logo in its name. If you ever see something that says, Blu Ray DVD, that is technically incorrect and a trademark infringement.
I wonder if older bluray players could be updated via firmware. It is certainly stupid to have all that extra space over HD-DVD, yet not utilize it by having extra functions available to bluray makers.

Some BR players can be updated via firmare. You have to burn a disc off your computer and pop it into the player itself. The BR group did not mandate that BR players need to have an ethernet port on the back in order to update firmware directly. The HD DVD group did so all HD DVD players (cheap or expensive) are required to have an ethernet port. This is why I said before that this new 1.1 spec that the BR group is coming out with later this year will make every BR player on the market obsolete. When 300 gets reissued with its PiP functionality on BR (already on HD DVD) all of the current BR players out there won't be able to access it. This is a functionality that cannot be updated by firmware and requires specific hardware for it. I know if I plunked down money on an expensive BR player and then later I wanted to access some special features but couldn't cause my player didn't support it, I would be extremely pissed.

This is why I feel HD DVD is an overall better format. They finalized everything before releasing it so that every player would adhere to certain requirements. BR is still changing the spec and alienating all of its current userbase by making their players obsolete a little over a year in.

The 360 will get the lead again when Halo 3, Mass Effect, and I forget the other big name exclusives come out, but Sony has quite a few good game.

Sony does have a few good exclusives, but many of them are for 2008. Its clear both MS and Nintendo have the big lineups this year. The problem is that Sony can't wait too long. As someone else posted, if Sony doesn't have much to offer this holiday, that will be 2 holidays it has failed to deliver compelling content. Developers want to make money now and don't want to wait for Sony to drop the price of the PS3 so that it will be affordable to consumers. If Sony doesn't do something soon, you can bet that many of those 3rd party exclusives won't be exclusives for long. We've already heard rumors that MGS4 could make its way to the 360 and I think that will strongly depend on what kind of sales the PS3 has this holiday. Development costs are too high for companies to release a game on a system with the smallest userbase.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Does one side have to win? Cant they both lose?[/QUOTE]

They both are losing and getting hammered by standard DVD.
Neither will truly win as HDTV penetration is far too small to make these next gen movie players see the adoption that DVD got.
why doesn't everyone see the bright side to this? healthy competition. Prices have been dropping 15% a month. we just had ps3 and xbox360 price cuts. eventually everyone will be forced to buy an HDTV cause they will stop analog signals in 2009 (nice one government!) then bluray and Hd DVD will win by default and then Bluray will devour HD DVD by then as soon as Universal turns over to the Bluray camp. DVD had a 11+ year shelf life with 5 more years left in it. Bluray and Hd Dvd are still in their infancy with a long way to go. I just bought Pirates of the carribean on bluray for 19 bucks yesterday. Now why would anyone pay 19 bucks for the Dvd when they can get the Bluray for the same price? speaking of which, I've noticed that new releases on prints are finally starting to reach the bluray potential. sony dropped the ball on those 25gb mpeg discs 8 months ago. If they had just came out with AVC 50 Gb then I'm sure HD DVD would have been buried under the ground by now. What the hell is sony Smoking? I actually want to know how Sony could have messed up so badly. To be a fly on the wall at sony corp.
[quote name='dschroll']They both are losing and getting hammered by standard DVD.
Neither will truly win as HDTV penetration is far too small to make these next gen movie players see the adoption that DVD got.[/QUOTE]
in the first year what was the ratio of DVD to VHS in 1996-97 compared to DVD to Bluray/HD DVD?
One exclusive studio isn't enough, HD DVD will be a niche product by 2009. I've said it before, and I'll say it again... one studio does not require an entire format. Universal goes neutral, the "war" is over. Blu-ray is already beating HD DVD, has the studio support, it has the CE support, and has more stores carrying it exclusively or more promenantly over HD DVD.
[quote name='dschroll']Can't really say my prediction sucks until after the fact. We both don't know what's going to happen, so how can you accuse me that I'm wrong?[/QUOTE]

It sounded to me like you were saying the PS3 is going to fail and with it blu-ray is going to die. If you weren't then what are the 360 and Wii doing that the PS3 won't be able to? I doubt everyone is going to start selling their PS3s AFTER all these great (I hope) titles come out.

And I have no idea what is going to happen to blu-ray. You could easily be right about it failing. It would be from a lack of general interest more than the PS3 not selling any, though.
I hope this "war" can be over so that we can all use one format, prefereably blue ray. Let's get this show on the road folks
[quote name='dschroll']I haven't read anything about BR being able to focus through 8 layers. Its my understanding that BR is maxed out at 2 layers right now, for a total of 50GB. HD DVD also uses a blue laser and has 2 layers maxed out at 30GB. However, the HD DVD group just came out with a triple layer version of their disc that now maxes out at 51GB. So, BR's space advantage, which isn't much of an advantage so far considering most studios aren't utilizing it, will be moot soon. [/quote]

Actually, a bluray representative confirmed about, I think 3-4 months ago in an interview that they had 4 layer discs working for about 100GB of storage. This was from an episode of the Geekspeak show on NPR, so you can look it up to confirm. The tech isn't out yet, but it's coming.

Also, keep in mind that HD DVD is the true successor of the DVD format. Hence, the DVD logo in its name. This format is officially backed by the DVD forum. However, Blu Ray is not backed and therefore, they cannot use the DVD logo in its name. If you ever see something that says, Blu Ray DVD, that is technically incorrect and a trademark infringement.

Eh, the whole true successor thing is all in name. Both techs are seperate technologies from DVD, although using a laser and being disc based. I mean, look at DVDs, you don't see them being called HD-CDs. ;) So long as the tech works it's good.
[quote name='VipFREAK']What's with all these blu ray dvd's being "updated" and we having to exchange them... getting irritating.[/quote]

1 = all? Ok.
[quote name='sparklecopy']why doesn't everyone see the bright side to this? healthy competition. Prices have been dropping 15% a month. we just had ps3 and xbox360 price cuts. eventually everyone will be forced to buy an HDTV cause they will stop analog signals in 2009 (nice one government!)

You realize that the only people this affects are people who use an over the air antenna, right? 90% of the country uses cable or satellite and the government killing off the analog signals won't affect most people.

I just bought Pirates of the carribean on bluray for 19 bucks yesterday. Now why would anyone pay 19 bucks for the Dvd when they can get the Bluray for the same price?

They're not the same price though. Pirates of the Carribean came out on DVD years ago. It can be had for $10. So, the question is, why would anyone buy a BR movie that is twice is expensive as its DVD counterpart. HD DVD has the same problem right now. If either media is going to take off, the price has to come down because consumers will gladly keep purchasing DVDs over BR or HD DVD as most can't tell the difference in quality.

speaking of which, I've noticed that new releases on prints are finally starting to reach the bluray potential. sony dropped the ball on those 25gb mpeg discs 8 months ago. If they had just came out with AVC 50 Gb then I'm sure HD DVD would have been buried under the ground by now. What the hell is sony Smoking? I actually want to know how Sony could have messed up so badly. To be a fly on the wall at sony corp.

Sony dropping the ball on single layer BR discs is the least of its problems. Its going to have to contend with all the early adopters once they find out their players are obsolete later this year once the new BR spec gets released.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']One exclusive studio isn't enough, HD DVD will be a niche product by 2009. I've said it before, and I'll say it again... one studio does not require an entire format. Universal goes neutral, the "war" is over. Blu-ray is already beating HD DVD, has the studio support, it has the CE support, and has more stores carrying it exclusively or more promenantly over HD DVD.[/QUOTE]

Considering Universal is on the head of the HD DVD forum and is one of the founding members of the format, I don't expect them to give up so quickly. Just as I don't expect Sony to all of a sudden release movies on HD DVD. If BR really surges ahead this holiday season, then maybe Universal will finally go neutral, but the numbers have to be a considerable amount for that to happen. As others have pointed out, the formats are in their infancy and amount to a drop in the bucket in terms of overall DVD sales.
[quote name='HERETOSTAY']1 = all? Ok.[/quote]

There's two different versions of The Fifth Element... who knows how many others will have a second version too. Lame...
[quote name='DrFoo']It sounded to me like you were saying the PS3 is going to fail and with it blu-ray is going to die. If you weren't then what are the 360 and Wii doing that the PS3 won't be able to? I doubt everyone is going to start selling their PS3s AFTER all these great (I hope) titles come out.

And I have no idea what is going to happen to blu-ray. You could easily be right about it failing. It would be from a lack of general interest more than the PS3 not selling any, though.[/QUOTE]

Its not about what the PS3 won't be able to do. Its a very powerful machine. However, its also very expensive. This price point is keeping many buyers from getting one. That in turn is keeping the install base rather low as opposed to Nintendo and MS where both install bases are already over 10 million strong.

The PS3 may eventually get some fantastic games, but it could be too little too late. The longer that MS and Nintendo grow their numbers and release quality titles, the more motivated developers are to work on those platforms. If Sony loses more and more developers, then there's less incentive for people to want to buy a PS3 over a 360 or Wii. There's also less incentive for people to ahng onto their PS3 if more and better games are available for competing platforms.

Sony is stuck in a difficult position. On one hand, they're already taking a bath on the PS3 hardware in terms of losses. Dropping the price lower just hurts their bottom line even more. On the other hand, if they don't do something soon, their install base will look smaller and smaller to developers and provide them less incentive to work on the platform. If that happens, gamers are going to go where the games are and Sony may not only lose its gamers but the bulk of its BR buyers along with it. This is why I'm saying the PS3 better pull out some big gun soon. This holiday is extremely important for Sony if the PS3 is going to survive through the onslaught of AAA games that Nintendo and MS are unleashing.
[quote name='sparklecopy']in the first year what was the ratio of DVD to VHS in 1996-97 compared to DVD to Bluray/HD DVD?[/QUOTE]

Big difference. When DVD came out, it was something that could immediately demonstrate the improvement over VHS on ANY TV. People could instantly see what DVD improved over VHS (better picture, better sound, no rewinding, no wear and tear, extras on each disc, etc.). With HD DVD and BR, you NEED an HDTV to truly see a difference over DVD. Since HDTV penetration is still on the small side, that will directly impact HD DVD and BR player sales. How many people in the world are looking to get an HD DVD or BR player if they don't even have an HDTV? Not many.

DVD will be the primary format for quite some time until HDTV penetration is much much higher. Heck, even though I'm an educated consumer, I only have one HDTV. Most people have 3-4 TVs in their household and also a DVD player connected to each TV. It will be a long time before HD DVD or BR truly replaces DVD.

In fact, I doubt they'll ever replace DVD. Most consumers are very happy with DVD. Heck, did you know many people that do have HDTVs automatically think that what they're watching is in HD? A lot of people don't even know the necessary equipment involved with watching something in HD. This poses a large problem for both formats Truth be told, I don't think either format will ever become mainstream because ON DEMAND and movie downloads will become the norm in the coming years. Just like iTunes is replacing the CD and DVD-Audio and SACD fall by the wayside, so will movie downloads eventually replace DVD while HD DVD and BR become niche items for consumers.
bread's done