blur - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='Corvin']fuck. This. Game. Ugh.

I've spent two hours playing and it is fun, but jesus h. christ, the bullshit that is dealt out isn't even in the same ballpark as Mario Kart's rubber band AI. I can't tell you how many times I lost races on the last leg because I was nailed by every fucking car racing. 1st to last so many damn times. On the flipside, if you are dead last, there seems to be little you can do to catch up at all.

The good:
- I like how they ripped off Modern Warfare's ranking system.
- Unlocking cars by levels is cool. Same for mods.
- Voting on tracks
- destruction derby

The bad:
- Having to unlock other play modes through the ranking system
- 99% of the cars in the beta don't control worth a shit
- 20 cars = clusterfuck
- minute long waits between races

The ugly:
See paragraph 1.[/QUOTE]

My thoughts on the "rubber band AI" is that with 9 or 19 other players all holding up to 3 powerups, you're bound to be unloaded on as the first place guy near the end.
anybody got an extra beta code, I could give you a month of xbox live for it, that is if you don't already have a gazillion years of it. lol

nevermind somebody hooked me up
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[quote name='Corvin']fuck. This. Game. Ugh.

I've spent two hours playing and it is fun, but jesus h. christ, the bullshit that is dealt out isn't even in the same ballpark as Mario Kart's rubber band AI. I can't tell you how many times I lost races on the last leg because I was nailed by every fucking car racing. 1st to last so many damn times. On the flipside, if you are dead last, there seems to be little you can do to catch up at all.
I was thinking how fair the game is the whole time I was playing. Nothing worse than playing a whole race perfectly, to get nailed with a blue shell 2 seconds from the finish. All the stuff in this game is avoidable, or just shield it.

Really liking it. Would like better cars, but it is the beta after all ... can't fault them for holding the good stuff back.
[quote name='icp_00_111']anybody got an extra beta code, I could give you a month of xbox live for it, that is if you don't already have a gazillion years of it. lol[/QUOTE]

I sent you my last key.
If anyone has a spare they aren't going to use, my brother would love one. You're welcome to have the 48-hour code they mailed me in exchange if you'd like.
Tried to show this off to a friend since it might have been his kind of game, but the servers kept kicking me off every time I tried to join a lobby. At least the ranking reset I saw when I got back on wasn't permanent this time.
[quote name='halfbent']If anyone has a spare they aren't going to use, my brother would love one. You're welcome to have the 48-hour code they mailed me in exchange if you'd like.[/QUOTE]

I know you already got a code, but FYI you could recover your account on his machine and re-download the demo on his X360...that's what I did on my sisters X360.
i notice the cheap shot people do at times. sometimes it just happens to be you.. but when you get hit by 4 black/orange balls in a span of a minute.. a controller must be thrown..

someone please read this: anyone experience a player just randomly catching up and taking first place and never leaving it. I started a race at the third spot, i quickly gained first place. for about a minute i watched as i speed past EVERYONE. the road split, as soon as the road merged back i saw a red jeep and my thing quickly went to second. the thing is the jeep like APPEARED in front of me didn't "pass" at all and i never recovered and finished in 13th. anyone else experience a guy just "taking first" i was ahead of everyone granted he may have gotten a boost thing but i was WAY to far in the lead for him to just appear in front of me.
Woohoo! I've finally got a beta code. I won't be able to join the party until Friday night, though. This game looks fun, so I'm really looking forward to it.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I know you already got a code, but FYI you could recover your account on his machine and re-download the demo on his X360...that's what I did on my sisters X360.[/QUOTE]

What does "recovering your account" mean? Does that mean I lose my account on my own Xbox? Presuming not, can I then remove my account from the other persons xbox, or perhaps can I leave it there, and if so, what does that mean? Do I have access to all my XBLA games then on their Xbox?
Would also like a code (and another for my wife if someone has a lot of extras) please. Can also have the 48hour trial codes from it as well if you want. Thanks.
[quote name='crunchewy']What does "recovering your account" mean? Does that mean I lose my account on my own Xbox? Presuming not, can I then remove my account from the other persons xbox, or perhaps can I leave it there, and if so, what does that mean? Do I have access to all my XBLA games then on their Xbox?[/QUOTE]

It would put your account on his xbox, and not yours. (you would have to re-recover it to get it back) Person A recovers Person B's account. Person B then downloads the beta on his console with person A's account. Giving access to person B's whole console. Person A then recovers his account back, giving access back to him, for the beta (only on his gamertag though)

Pretty sure that is how it works.
[quote name='timesplitt']i notice the cheap shot people do at times. sometimes it just happens to be you.. but when you get hit by 4 black/orange balls in a span of a minute.. a controller must be thrown..

someone please read this: anyone experience a player just randomly catching up and taking first place and never leaving it. I started a race at the third spot, i quickly gained first place. for about a minute i watched as i speed past EVERYONE. the road split, as soon as the road merged back i saw a red jeep and my thing quickly went to second. the thing is the jeep like APPEARED in front of me didn't "pass" at all and i never recovered and finished in 13th. anyone else experience a guy just "taking first" i was ahead of everyone granted he may have gotten a boost thing but i was WAY to far in the lead for him to just appear in front of me.[/QUOTE]

Yes, sometimes it's because the vehicle is insanely fast. Other times it's because of lag I would assume, I don't think anyone is able to cheat just yet.
[quote name='Kaoz']It would put your account on his xbox, and not yours. (you would have to re-recover it to get it back) Person A recovers Person B's account. Person B then downloads the beta on his console with person A's account. Giving access to person B's whole console. Person A then recovers his account back, giving access back to him, for the beta (only on his gamertag though)

Pretty sure that is how it works.[/QUOTE]

Sounds about right; easier way to do it if you're within reasonable distance. Bring your memory card over. Biggest reason I picked mine up (was like $15 clearance at Target a couple summers ago) was for the ease of transferring a gamertag.
It's fun, but the controls need work: Even when you slow down, it's difficult to turn, making everyone resort to just side-crashing into the rails. Also, if you're going to do like Mario Kart, if one gets item screwed into last place, they should be able to come back. Not ridiculously so like in Mario Kart these days where it's just rock-paper-scissors, but just enough so that you still have a chance to win. Mario Kart64 had it right. And sometimes, it's just confusing what's going on in the game.

It's fun though, I like it. So far from first impressions I'd give it like an 8/10, need to see the rest of the game though
Sippy: easiest way I've found to get around the side-crashing into rails is breaking early, just like you would in Forza/Gran Turismo. It's odd that they add an aspect of a more sim-based racer like that into an arcade racer, but whatever. It's still pretty fun. :)
[quote name='Mojo691']Would also like a code (and another for my wife if someone has a lot of extras) please. Can also have the 48hour trial codes from it as well if you want. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

Thanks a lot to Kaoz for pointing me in the direction of GameSPOT's Blur Beta code giveaway program, was able to sign up for 2 codes. :bouncy:
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This game looks like a lot of fun. I've entered a few contests to get a beta code, so hopefully one of those works for me.
Simply give one of the following tokens to your friends and have them go to to sign up and they’ll instantly get a Blur Beta Xbox Live marketplace token and a 48 hour free trial of Xbox Live Gold to join you in the action.

These are the tokens to give to your friends:

Here you guys go, have fun.

These are the tokens to give to your friends:
Three codes (please do everyone a favor and post when you use one):

I got my email in danish or something I think lol.

Beste Blur Community Leden,
We willen jullie graag bedanken voor alle positieve feedback op de Blur Xbox Live Multiplayer Beta. Als dank geven we je 3 extra registratiecodes zodat je je vrienden kan uitnodigen om ook de Blur Xbox Live Multiplayer Beta te gaan spelen.

Geef één van de onderstaande codes aan je vrienden, stuur ze naar en na het registreren krijgen ze meteen een Blur Beta Xbox Live marketplace token én een code voor 48 uur gratis toegang voor Xbox Live Gold.
Onderstaande codes kun je naar je vrienden sturen:

Valued Blur Community Members,
With such overwhelming positive feedback on the Blur Xbox Live Multiplayer Beta we’d like to extend our thanks by giving you three additional tokens to pass along to your friends.
Simply give one of the following tokens to your friends and have them go to to sign up and they’ll instantly get a Blur Beta Xbox Live marketplace token and a 48 hour free trial of Xbox Live Gold to join you in the action.
These are the tokens to give to your friends:


Send them to to sign up
And three more.


Also, with my computer on the fritz yesterday, decided to load this up (not that I could do much else) and I had a blast. It's hard to justify a day 1 for a racing game, but this one, depending on reviews, well, we'll just have to wait and see I suppose.
[quote name='JStryke']
Also, with my computer on the fritz yesterday, decided to load this up (not that I could do much else) and I had a blast. It's hard to justify a day 1 for a racing game, but this one, depending on reviews, well, we'll just have to wait and see I suppose.[/QUOTE]

Yeah the day one buy for me is going to be Split Second, changeable tracks and crazy explosive power ups ftw.
[quote name='halfbent']Sippy: easiest way I've found to get around the side-crashing into rails is breaking early, just like you would in Forza/Gran Turismo. It's odd that they add an aspect of a more sim-based racer like that into an arcade racer, but whatever. It's still pretty fun. :)[/QUOTE]
That sounds helpful. thanks, i'll try it next time
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']They should just drop that first "2-10 players" option so the hundreds move over to the "4-20 players" option, where the real fun is.[/QUOTE]

Meh, I like the smaller races better.
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']I get mad when a game begins with 9 racers.[/QUOTE]
different strokes and all that, I dislike when it is 5 or less. I like around 8-10 people.
The most fun I've had so far with the game has definitely been the Destruction Derby type game mode that you unlock at rank 8. We had a 10 person game going for a while last night and it was absolutely rediculous. May have changed the game from a wait and see to a buy for me..
I think I'll pick up split/second first and if it doesn't hold up to the blur beta I'll just sell it back to amazon and use the $10 promo credit towards blur, that should pay for most it.

It's a good time to be a racing fan but I know I won't have time for both at once. This decision is way to tough.
bread's done