BoF: Dragon Quarter, yay or nay?

I really like this game. The style, the graphics, the music, the story are all top-notch in my book. But be prepared - this is probably the hardest RPG in recent history.

This game is awesome! I never played the other BoF's before but that doesn't matter cause I heard this game plays a lot different than it's precessors, but the change is great. The game practically plays out like a strategic turn based RPG. It's friggin awesome. If you want a RPG that doesn't force you into hours of cutscenes and has ACTUAL gameplay, get this game. It's only $15 at ebgames!
Well, I already ordered this game from there for $5 yesterday, but I'm just curious, as I thought Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete was pretty damn hard (ARRRRGHHHHH ZOPHAR IS A PAIN IN THE ASS).
its a Nay for me. I just cant get into this game for some reason... I love all BOF but not this one..

hm.. but if its like King Bahamut said for $5, I wont mind picking it up
I got one coming too. Although with all the horror stories I hear about Unlimited Saga, I should play Unlimited first and BoF will seem like the GREATEST RPG EVER in comparison
Isn't Breath of Fire selling for under $10 Target or Circuit City? I don't think I want to get involved with the $10 coupon thing from ebgames to get for five bucks.
Big time Nay. Nay Nay Nay. I Cant believe I paid $50...Shit what a waste. Thankfully it was a giftcard but still...This game is blech. BUT at $5-15 I'd gladly pick it up for the collection.
[quote name='Bunnz']Best Japanese RPG this generation. Buy it now.[/quote]

Best Japanese RPG this generation is reserved for the upcoming Tales of Symphonia.
Huge Nay. What a horrible game. Returned it the same day it came out for Dark Cloud 2. Probably the worst RPG I've played since SaGa Frontier 2 (I skipped Unlimited SaGa for obvious reasons).
It's a great game. It's not as hard as everyone says though. I finished the game my first time through without even dying once. I really don't understand why people have so much trouble with it.

A warning though, do not buy it new from EB. That's where I got it (and at that price was $15 too) and they sent me a used copy. It's a good price, but you just won't get a new one.
I am currently playing through the game now. (Building up XP using a Zeno run.) For me, the game has been hard, but rewarding. IGN said that the game only takes 8 hours to play, but I am 20+ and still not near the end.
It is enjoyable though.

Take Care,
I got it for $5 at Circuit City back during the heyday of that deal and am not really impressed. I find it somewhat boring and lacking in pizazz but then again the only RPG's I've enjoyed for years are the Baldur's Gate games on the PC. Even for $5 it's not enjoyable enough for me to keep.
[quote name='King Bahamut']Harder than Lunar 2: Eternal Blue?[/quote]

I just completed Lunar 2 (well, I have yet to play through the epilog) and it really wasn't that hard at all. The strange thing about it is that bosses level up when you do, so there's not that much point in leveling up (it only helps you against non-bosses). If you have a solid strategy, keep your characters apart so that zone spells can't multi-target more than 2 of them, and reach level 50 before facing Zophar, you're good.
bread's done